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need advice, mysterious asteroid


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I'm a lvl 24 , fighting the guy on the asteroid (Valis, I think). This guy is just unreal! I went back to Nar Shaddaa just to buy some gear and he still owns me.... bad. I can get thru like half of his health bar and then he just beats the brakes off me. Is there any winning strategy at 24 or should I skip ahead and level up a little more on Tattooine then come back to him?
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You mentioned you ducked out to get some better gear for this fight. Is it safe to assume that your hilts are at least level 22 greens or 21 blues? Obviously level 24 blues would be ideal, but the former should be sufficient. The rest of your gear shouldn't matter as much as your hilts, but it all helps significantly.


At level 24 (without access to Force Camo) I would recommend taking in T7 as your companion for this fight, assuming he too is up to snuff on gear. If lacking, Kira should do just fine... but you might want to hit a Biochem up for a blue healing pot or two, preferably one that heals both you and your companion.




My memory is a bit fuzzy on this encounter, but I believe he was a caster, no?

As with all casters, use of Force Kick is almost mandatory. Additionally, your new skill Force Stasis is also good for breaking casts and just generally buying you some time. Your prime targets for interrupt will be anything with 'lightning' in the name, as a general rule of thumb.


If the boss has a knockback, you might even consider staying out at range afterwards and waiting for his next spellcast, then enter the fight again with Force Leap... again, to cancel his cast.




If he is melee and giving you a hard time... then things get a bit more tricky. Melee don't typically have things to interrupt and just generally pack a punch. Your best bet in this instance might actually be to use Kira and try to let her keep agro until she starts getting low, then pick up the DPS to steal it and hope for a quick kill.




If none of this helps, reply with just what it is that this boss is doing that is giving you trouble. Spell names, gimmicks, etc...

Edited by Fascion
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DON'T Leap in. Send your companion in first, then go in after. Position yourself so your back is to a nearby obstacle(there are a few around), that way when he knocks you back you can Leap in quickly.


The key to the fight is simple: interupt interupt interupt. I think the name of his hard hitting ability is Thunder something(Thundering Blast maybe?). Either way it hits hard as hell and will destroy you if you keep letting it get through. Interupt it though and it's a cake fight.


Once your companion dies, pop Rebuke. Pop Saber Ward after Rebuke expires. By then you should be close to killing him if he isn't already dead.

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DON'T Leap in. Send your companion in first, then go in after. Position yourself so your back is to a nearby obstacle(there are a few around), that way when he knocks you back you can Leap in quickly.


The key to the fight is simple: interupt interupt interupt. I think the name of his hard hitting ability is Thunder something(Thundering Blast maybe?). Either way it hits hard as hell and will destroy you if you keep letting it get through. Interupt it though and it's a cake fight.


Once your companion dies, pop Rebuke. Pop Saber Ward after Rebuke expires. By then you should be close to killing him if he isn't already dead.


This guy has it right.


The key to this fight is interrupts. Time them right and this fight will go a lot smoother. Also, ensure your companion is geared well!

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I'm a lvl 24 , fighting the guy on the asteroid (Valis, I think). This guy is just unreal! I went back to Nar Shaddaa just to buy some gear and he still owns me.... bad. I can get thru like half of his health bar and then he just beats the brakes off me. Is there any winning strategy at 24 or should I skip ahead and level up a little more on Tattooine then come back to him?


best answer is L2P... the guy is a joke compared to everything else you do in class quests, if you do not play your class even half right he will stop you. You have an interrupt for a reason.

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I had a problem with this guy myself. getting knocked back then pummeled as I ran in. I found an easy way to beat him. Send T7 in first and wait for first force pulse, or w/e that ability is then force leap in. The key is POSITION! Get between him and his ship! Then even if you miss a disrupt you only get knocked back a tiny bit! I got to level 25 then went back and by accident positioned myself there worked like a charm, after his initial flurry the guy goes down easy!
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Beating a dead horse time: interrupt. That's seriously all it is. Almost all the "bosses" in the class quest are pretty simple once you learn the two basic keys of all dungeon running in MMOs - interrupt casts, kill adds.


This one doesn't have any adds, so just make sure you kick those casts. Save force stasis for your panic button when he goes to cast and your kick is still on cooldown. It will stop the cast, build focus, do damage, AND give Kira a few few seconds to pound on the jerk.

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