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InGame mail is down


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Since Tuesday's maintenance several of my characters have gotten a return of the old blank mailbox bug. Changing zones and ctrl+u+u did nothing, but logging to character select and back brought back the mail.


Often these characters would open 6 or 7 mails, detaching credits or expired sales, open a cargo or GTN and do something for a minute then click the mailbox and find it blank.

I'd snark about lack of QA and version control and whatnot, but that's such low hanging fruit now.

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I've been having the same problem (on EH). While logging off won't fix the issue, logging an alt and sending a "test" email from that alt will kick your email back online... until it goes out again. I turned in a ticket and received a response 48 hrs or so later... said it was a known issue and that they'd fixed it, but the issue happened again last night, so I don't know. At least they know about.
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