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Anyone else find some of the Light/Dark choices kind of stupid?


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What I mean is, there are a lot of "Grey" choices in the game, yet instead of being choices, they're dictated as either Good or Evil.


Case in point, the option between whether to turn in the Senator, or let her go. That's clearly a very heavy decision, yet you're immediately hit with a ton of Dark points if you choose to let her go, as well as giving the whole thing a creepy sort of vibe.


Then, you have the Padawan on Tython. He tries to blame you for screwing up his Trial, but if you tell the truth then he gets kicked out of the order. Or the budding romance, which is forbidden by the Masters but doesn't necessarily lead them down the Dark side.


I know full-well I'm in the minority here, as I suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder so these things bother me more than most, but I can't wrap my head how certain decisions are given distinct Good or Evil dispositions. Is it *just* me, or do some of these seem really annoying to you, too?




What sad is that, because I choose several of these "Light" choices, I'm now tempted to just delete my character, because I'm not really feeling them. Yet at the same time, staying "Grey" would prevent me from using certain gear. Bah, the burden of being OCD! :(

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Honestly, I'm actually enjoying the way these choices are playing out, (I don't know much about the gear, and I haven't run into the senator) because I feel like they're seperating light and dark sides of the force from nice and mean.


If your character is swayed by feelings, it's quite probable that they'll wrack up a bunch of dark points, even if what they're doing is nice. It's made pretty clear throughout that light philosophy isn't compatible with falling in love with fellow padawans (and it's also clear that at least one of the couple is willing to let her passions get the best of her). It's not nice to out them. But it's very light philosophy to try to prevent their relationship to grow.


With the other padawan, he was set a test, and failed rather terribly. The point was that if he couldn't succeed at failing, he wasn't going to make a good jedi. It's not nice to get him kicked out of the order, but it's not at all contrary to the Light teachings.

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You can click however you feel in the quest.


You will have to choose the diplomacy crew skill and then make your companion do darkside or light side quest. That way you can feel right doing the quest and have your companion go out on missions to help you generate enough points to not be in the neutral zone.

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What I mean is, there are a lot of "Grey" choices in the game, yet instead of being choices, they're dictated as either Good or Evil.


Case in point, the option between whether to turn in the Senator, or let her go. That's clearly a very heavy decision, yet you're immediately hit with a ton of Dark points if you choose to let her go, as well as giving the whole thing a creepy sort of vibe.


Letting her go means that you're allowing corruption to continue. That's a very dark side thing to do. Outing her is the right thing to do, hence the Light side points.


Then, you have the Padawan on Tython. He tries to blame you for screwing up his Trial, but if you tell the truth then he gets kicked out of the order. Or the budding romance, which is forbidden by the Masters but doesn't necessarily lead them down the Dark side.


The Padawan was supposed to fail. His shortcomings were well known. That is what his Master says. He should not have allowed you to intervene/disrupt his trial. Telling the truth is the Light side choice because you shouldn't be deceptive to a Jedi Master, nor shield a Padawan from their fair consequences. The budding romance is a very easy Light or Dark side choice to make - the Jedi forbid attachment. Their romance has no place in the Jedi Order. One with Dark side tendencies would allow it to continue and lie to the Masters that sent you on the mission.


I know full-well I'm in the minority here, as I suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder so these things bother me more than most, but I can't wrap my head how certain decisions are given distinct Good or Evil dispositions. Is it *just* me, or do some of these seem really annoying to you, too?



What sad is that, because I choose several of these "Light" choices, I'm now tempted to just delete my character, because I'm not really feeling them. Yet at the same time, staying "Grey" would prevent me from using certain gear. Bah, the burden of being OCD! :(


If your goal is to amass enough Light/Dark points for gear, then follow those choices and the path they lead you down. You can certainly make up the difference using Diplomacy or something.


I think many of the Light/Dark choices are squarely due to Light or Dark side of the Force philosophy, NOT necessarily "good or bad."

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Would it kill people to choose what option they really wanted instead of picking all light or all dark?


I think it would be much more interesting if you didn't see the icons indicating which side the choice will align to. You just make the choice based on your gut and see what happens.


Early on in the game, before I learned about the icons, I made a few decisions that I thought were the honorable choices only to find out they're considered the dark choice. Since then I predominently choose light, although I did make a few dark choices that again I felt were the more honorable choice.



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I think it would be much more interesting if you didn't see the icons indicating which side the choice will align to. You just make the choice based on your gut and see what happens.


Early on in the game, before I learned about the icons, I made a few decisions that I thought were the honorable choices only to find out they're considered the dark choice. Since then I predominently choose light, although I did make a few dark choices that again I felt were the more honorable choice.




I agree about the icons. I think there should be an option to turn them off so people don't have to choose just based off the icons, but instead on what they think their character would choose.

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You can sort of turn them off in the sense that you can have them set up where you have to hover your mouse over the option to see the alignment and then just use the number keys to choose instead of your mouse. That way you don't know if they're light or dark.



To answer the OP, I thought some of the DS options were kind of bull. Some of them are really petty, I thought, and not really the kind of thing a Sith would actually do. I don't think that Sith really go out of their way to be jerks just to be jerks if there's no other benefit in it. I haven't started a Republic character yet, but I have heard from a friend of mine that some of the LS Sith options are weird.

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