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Who is your favourite LI and what makes him/her stand out from the rest?


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I take it you also like the Consular and Nadia Grell romance because of those reasons? :D

Yes it's appealing as well,although Nadia's fall in love with the Consular happens very fast that I didnt feel it so passionate. Nadia is very cute tho.


I forgot about Kira - her romance was through the entire story,which is even more appealing to me.

I like dragged out and long romances. Always to be on toes.

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Yes it's appealing as well,although Nadia's fall in love with the Consular happens very fast that I didnt feel it so passionate. Nadia is very cute tho.


I forgot about Kira - her romance was through the entire story,which is even more appealing to me.

I like dragged out and long romances. Always to be on toes.

I agree.

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My two favorite love interests are my favorite because they so perfectly complement my two mains.


Kira - She's feisty, compassionate, and eager to destroy bad guys. The perfect fit for my LS Knight with a vigilante streak. She is devoted enough to the Jedi way to be a good Jedi, but rebellious to be willing to occasionally break tradition sometimes. Plus she contrasts just enough with him to make their romance more interesting. He was slightly more of a stickler for the rules than her, so she was the one who pursued him.


Jaesa - She's loyal, obedient and insanely passionate about embracing the power of the Dark Side. She had a lust for domination and zeal for destroying Jedi (and any other enemies) that even matched his own. She even shared his respect for authority, and (sort of) sense of integrity. What was even better was that she was a Jedi prodigy that he personally corrupted to becoming a powerful and dedicated Sith. She was truly his greatest work.

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Malavai Quinn. Adorable, always polite, shy, socially awkward, dutiful, and stunning with the customisation I applied on him.


Once he started stuttering and -- if game allowed, but clearly -- blushing when I started flirting with him on Balmorra, he won my heart. I laughed, thinking he was the sweetest thing I ever saw.


Then from resisting, to shyly allowing my warrior woo him, to becoming bold and not taking "no" for an answer from her, his development is incredible, compared to other LIs. None of that is present if you don't romance him, so that a bit downer if you're a male warrior or choose not to romance him.

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Honestly? Felix Iresso.

Completely agree, for all the reasons you state. Felix is sweet, considerate, and drama-free. (And yes, here's hoping that unresolved mystery might be part of his plot when we find out where he's been all these years.)


My other fave is Jorgan, but few people trash him as "boring" like they do Iresso. The more common reason for dislike seems to be how strict he is, but I love the way he softens up to the female trooper as the storyline carries on. And his Deadeyes plot really underlines how much he cares for those he serves with.

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Torian Cadera! I like warriors and am not so much into (what I consider) beta males like Doc, Tharan, Vector, etc. Aric and Felix are okay too. I like many of the classic female companions much better than the classic male companions. Kira is my favorite by far (as a 'best friend').


I just can't stand both Lana and Theron. :)

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Completely agree, for all the reasons you state. Felix is sweet, considerate, and drama-free. (And yes, here's hoping that unresolved mystery might be part of his plot when we find out where he's been all these years.)


My other fave is Jorgan, but few people trash him as "boring" like they do Iresso. The more common reason for dislike seems to be how strict he is, but I love the way he softens up to the female trooper as the storyline carries on. And his Deadeyes plot really underlines how much he cares for those he serves with.


Aric has some of the best flirts in the game! I mean come on, who else do we get to talk about our underwear drawers with?! ;)

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Aric has some of the best flirts in the game! I mean come on, who else do we get to talk about our underwear drawers with?! ;)

OMG yes! I like to think of the FemTrooper buying extra nice things just hoping that he might do that wardrobe inspection. ;)

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Malavai Quinn. Adorable, always polite, shy, socially awkward, dutiful, and stunning with the customisation I applied on him.


Once he started stuttering and -- if game allowed, but clearly -- blushing when I started flirting with him on Balmorra, he won my heart. I laughed, thinking he was the sweetest thing I ever saw.


Then from resisting, to shyly allowing my warrior woo him, to becoming bold and not taking "no" for an answer from her, his development is incredible, compared to other LIs. None of that is present if you don't romance him, so that a bit downer if you're a male warrior or choose not to romance him.


The difference between female warriors (who romance Quinn) and male warriors is that the male warriors never much get to see Quinn's personality, while female warriors get a pretty good sense of Vette and Jaesa's. I've got two male warrior's right now and they're fun, but I miss getting the full experience. Too much Quinn is missed playing a man.

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Kira. She an example of how a Jedi can have Sith style values (strong on passion and attachment, loves using her powers, fierce in combat), yet still follow the Light and use her powers for the benefit of others over herself.

She's funny, she's loyal, and she's very attractive.


Doesn't hurt that her voice actress is Laura Bailey, who isn't bad looking herself. Unfortunately, Laura Bailey is going to be busy with Dragon Ball Super for the foreseeable future, but in this case, absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Kira ^^^ this guy summed up why.

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Very hard to narrow it down to one, so I won't :p Tied in first place for me are Aric Jorgan, Malavai Quinn and Theron Shan.


Aric Jorgan for this:

Aric -- There is just something about guys who are gruff on the outside and total mush when you crack those defenses. I like that you have to gain his trust to see a softer side to him, and his love to see an even more softer side to him. Also his VA is amazing.


Malavai Quinn for: VOICE, looks and loyalty after the "incident" (he can't help that Baras mind-frelled him into a betrayal)


Theron Shan - originally on my main I completely messed up any chance of romance with Andronikos by stealing his revenge kill, so I had to wait many, many levels for the only other semi-LI option at that time which was Theron. It seemed like a nice twist for a Dark V sith to be attracted to a republic spy. And now she is hooked.


Just behind my equal top 3 are Vector, Iresso and Torian.

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Jaesa, first off its Rachael Leigh Cook.


But from a story point of view it is about as good a plot arc as you are going to get. The player is the protagonist, he is actively looking to hunt down and turn a jedi and unlike future story arc's (i.e. Kotet) it works and choices made previously play a role in how it plays out.


Then of course there is having your own apprentice who is your love interest (if DS) who is utterly devoted to you and doesn't care if you cheat. Now as far as nerd relationships go, super hot, ****ty love interest who is happy for you to flirt with other women so she can show her love by killing them. Is it a super healthy or romantic relationship hell no, but its a a star wars fantasy game so in the nature of the game it works.

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The difference between female warriors (who romance Quinn) and male warriors is that the male warriors never much get to see Quinn's personality, while female warriors get a pretty good sense of Vette and Jaesa's. I've got two male warrior's right now and they're fun, but I miss getting the full experience. Too much Quinn is missed playing a man.


My point exactly. If you don't romance him, he never comes out of his "officer shell", and stays dutiful and stiff guy in your team.


If you romance him, you get to actually know him, and see that there's much more to him than just uniform.


I think he and Jorgan are like that: unless you romance him, there's not much to them, although in a different way. So many other companions can become your friends; you don't need to romance them to get to know them well.

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Kaliyo.. she's the best comp over all.

the others feel too boring like they're some kind of 50's housewife fantasy or something..

Does she still betray you if you romance her? I have never bothered with any of the female romances as they don't appeal to me (love the male ones though), however I have always wondered whether you get betrayed by Kaliyo if she's your LI.

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I'll answer this question with a simple math equation...my Female Cathar Commando + Aric Jorgan = Cute Kittens!!


It does pique my curiosity, Cathar are cat like species. I wonder if their reproduction anatomy is the same as that of cats. Particularly male cats.

🤔Any Devs wanna she'd some light on this for science?



:rak_03: I'm an awful person


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Corso! Out of the ones I've played (about half), he was the one I fell in love with along with my smuggler. None of the other romances seem to be quite as sweet. If only he'd come back....


I did enjoy Aric, though, and on the other side, found the one with Vette charming. (She's why I created a male SW.) It seems like Mako of is kind of similar, but I haven't gotten far enough to get past her defensiveness.

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Vette - only companion whose romance isn't a flirtationship, but real, and built from the most unlikely of places. You also can't get her into bed before you marry her - only one in any BioWare game so far that I know of. She's also a main companion, which makes you active in her character arc, and she also wears her heart on her sleeve. If there is a full blown sweetheart in this game, it's Vette.


I also feel a little vindicated that she was the SW comp to come back prior to Valkorian's final death. No one will ever be able to convince me that the last few expansions weren't meant to be played on a LS SW w/ Vette romance.

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