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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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7 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Is this a bad time to admit that I have put Theron in way saucier outfits than just Jedi robes during my non-story time? 😉

Oh my, i could never dress him like that without feeling bad for him 🤣

Looks kinda good to look at though.

That being said, my characters and their companions don't show that much skin in general, except my female Twi'lek Smuggler who wears the Bold Hellion jacket, and my JK with her first look who was wearing the Ambitious Warrior top (though i'd have liked it better if it looked like the male version).

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I make "tunic" dresses for my JC using the Jarel Chest piece and ladies shorts and the Dreadguard Consular's chest piece and Shorts. I also use Jolee's Top and shorts too. I don't mind showing leg it's everything else. I can't stand it when Theron wears Mira's outfit (no I didn't click the link) just throwing it out there, that's my Hunter's outfit. It was never meant to be Unisex.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Oh my, i could never dress him like that without feeling bad for him 🤣

Looks kinda good to look at though.

That being said, my characters and their companions don't show that much skin in general, except my female Twi'lek Smuggler who wears the Bold Hellion jacket, and my JK with her first look who was wearing the Ambitious Warrior top (though i'd have liked it better if it looked like the male version).

good to look at is definitely my primary goal 😏 

that said I genuinely find myself going "....I hate how good this looks on him" half the time 🤣  because it's definitely stuff I would never in a million years put him in for the actual story/playthrough recordings.  (bonus recordings of replayed scenes just for fun, though, I make no promises 😏)

I actually usually don't show off much male skin other than, like, hands and head (unless it's because of a glitch lmao), in anything they wear in main story (not for any particular reason, but I've just never found a revealing outfit, even just short sleeved or something, that I wanted as a main outfit for any of my boys - most of the nice looking ones in game are designed for female body and look silly on the male model imo... or they look good on, say, Theron, but short of being undercover or something I know he'd never wear it out in public haha), but several of my twi'lek ladies have skin show-y outfits.  my BH wears the bold hellion, and my JC has quite a few different outfits with various skin-showy-ness (casual connoisseur jacket - which I realized I have 0 screenshots of, I should fix that - and xoxaan top are her two main ones)

edit: I am a FILTHY LIAR.  I completely forgot, that's my main Rusk outfit on JK.  So one male companion shows skin.

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5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

good to look at is definitely my primary goal 😏 


5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

that said I genuinely find myself going "....I hate how good this looks on him" half the time 🤣  because it's definitely stuff I would never in a million years put him in for the actual story/playthrough recordings.  (bonus recordings of replayed scenes just for fun, though, I make no promises 😏)

I do try things sometimes, but mostly in the preview window.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I actually usually don't show off much male skin other than, like, hands and head (unless it's because of a glitch lmao), in anything they wear in main story (not for any particular reason, but I've just never found a revealing outfit, even just short sleeved or something, that I wanted as a main outfit for any of my boys - most of the nice looking ones in game are designed for female body and look silly on the male model imo... or they look good on, say, Theron, but short of being undercover or something I know he'd never wear it out in public haha), but several of my twi'lek ladies have skin show-y outfits.  my BH wears the bold hellion, and my JC has quite a few different outfits with various skin-showy-ness (casual connoisseur jacket - which I realized I have 0 screenshots of, I should fix that - and xoxaan top are her two main ones)

Nice looks.

Here's my Twi'lek Smuggler (and the full outfit), and here's my JK's first look (chestpiece is one of the first craftable ones, then Ambitious Warrior is part of her second main outfit, and after the Emperor's Fortress, she starts covering herself more). These are the only skin-showy outfits i have, everything else is pretty much fully covered.


On another note, i finished Ruins of Nul, i quite liked the FP except for the part on the narrow stairs, and Elom is a pretty beautiful place, the Malgus fight was a mess though, had no idea what was going on on my screen most of the time and why Malgus was invisible pretty much the whole time, but it was still doable. And i really like that shot at the end, it's nice seeing them side by side, and while it was absolutely not intentional, i quite like that mother and son are color coordinated.

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3 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I do try things sometimes, but mostly in the preview window.


tbh, SAME.  I rarely get to the actual "putting it on him" stage 😅

3 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Here's my Twi'lek Smuggler (and the full outfit), and here's my JK's first look (chestpiece is one of the first craftable ones, then Ambitious Warrior is part of her second main outfit, and after the Emperor's Fortress, she starts covering herself more). These are the only skin-showy outfits i have, everything else is pretty much fully covered.

ooh, I love those looks!  can I ask what boots are on your smuggler?  those look awesome with that jacket!

3 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

On another note, i finished Ruins of Nul, i quite liked the FP except for the part on the narrow stairs, and Elom is a pretty beautiful place, the Malgus fight was a mess though, had no idea what was going on on my screen most of the time and why Malgus was invisible pretty much the whole time, but it was still doable. And i really like that shot at the end, it's nice seeing them side by side, and while it was absolutely not intentional, i quite like that mother and son are color coordinated.

I quite liked Ruins of Nul too!  just gonna spoiler tag the rest of my comments on it just in case:


yessss that shot of them is so good, I love it sooo much (like, genuinely I thought Theron wasn't anywhere in the entire Legacy of the Sith update because I had read so online, so when he showed up I sh*t you not, I SCREAMED with excitement, and my bf thought something had gone horribly wrong and then could not understand why I was so excited 🤣🤣 )  I genuinely love that ENTIRE epic finale cutscene too though, it got me HYPE.  both times I ran it, I loved it.  Very glad I got it recorded on both characters.

and OMG they totally are color coordinated, that is amazing!! ❤️❤️  they are not on mine, but just them showing up together and walking in side by side as the galaxy's badassest mother-son duo made me so happy ❤️


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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ooh, I love those looks!  can I ask what boots are on your smuggler?  those look awesome with that jacket!


They're from the Remote Outcast set, and yeah i love these with that jacket. Honestly i'm quite pleased with how her look turned out, especially since i didn't need to add any dye or to color match anything. Had to change her headband though the one i originally put on her didn't match as well with the outfit than this one.


8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I quite liked Ruins of Nul too!  just gonna spoiler tag the rest of my comments on it just in case:

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yessss that shot of them is so good, I love it sooo much (like, genuinely I thought Theron wasn't anywhere in the entire Legacy of the Sith update because I had read so online, so when he showed up I sh*t you not, I SCREAMED with excitement, and my bf thought something had gone horribly wrong and then could not understand why I was so excited 🤣🤣 )  I genuinely love that ENTIRE epic finale cutscene too though, it got me HYPE.  both times I ran it, I loved it.  Very glad I got it recorded on both characters.

and OMG they totally are color coordinated, that is amazing!! ❤️❤️  they are not on mine, but just them showing up together and walking in side by side as the galaxy's badassest mother-son duo made me so happy ❤️

Yeah that was a pretty good FP, with some nice dialogues between Tau and Lana like the one in the shuttle at the beginning (spoilers too, just in case),


especially the "and yet i've never seen you without it", and Tau's response "You never will" i like how her VA delivered that line. Though i found the imp version with Rivix a bit more interesting (only saw this one on YT though). I liked that shot too, even though my JK's boots look kinda massive here, the moment the big beast arrived it felt really like a Monster Hunter cutscene, i quite liked that.

Now back to Theron, yeah it was a nice surprise that he was even there for a few seconds, considering it wasn't shown anywhere that he'd even be there.

Hey they look good on your gif too. I really liked seeing then together here, seems like they were effectively spending some time together before they were called there. I love how Theron looks so determined while pointing his blaster at Malgus, even though he's the only NFU present.

And i loved Theron's "No way. I'm staying put until i see you walk out of here safe" when we're asking to talk to Malgus in private during Digging Deeper. That's a really nice romance exclusive variation in the dialogue, wonder how it goes when the character doesn't romance either Theron or Lana though, do they say nothing ? And it was so nice to see Talos on Elom being so excited to work with Gnost-Dural, i really liked that too.


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 Because I haven't posted much recently (been focusing on getting my character to SoR so I can get those alt flirt lines), I'm going to jump onto the silly train with you all for a moment.

I found a Thronmancer online and we quickly became fast friends in-game. He dresses his Theron is the most amazing outfits! In helping me more about the game, and teaching me how to tank, he suggested the Sacred Band of Thebes and my mind immediately jumped to the Jori set and he suggested red, orange, and purple. Thus, this set was born🌠

It was completely premeditated.

First, I had to wait for months for that set to drop in price. Then it just sat there in my bank collecting dust because I could never think of a time any of my characters would actually wear it. I just really wanted the set. 😏 Then I met that Theronmancer! 🎉 I needed to get the red and white dye for it, but that colour is a lot on the GTN too! Thus, he invited me to his guild so I could farm Underworld rep with a slot machine so I could buy the primary red dye modual from the vendor. 

I... may have had too much fun watching scenes with Theron in that outfit.

Shooting. Holding the Line on Voss. Running. In a beautiful orange field 😍. On the Gravestone. While Voss burns. Equal opportunityRainbow brigade! (Gotta love the inconsistent modesty filter there. 😂)

And for your viewing pleasure: Oh Yeah! (I just couldn't resist!🤣)

That video and the entire team in the outfit took a lot of time to set up this morning just for a joke post! 😅

Would he stay in that outfit for my official canon-recorded playthroughs though? NO! 🤣 It's just a lot of fun to run him through cutscenes on the outfit I spent way too much time putting together. 🤣

Also, that is my BH there. Meaning, he wears nothing but full suits of heavily protective armour. He and I felt so uncomfortably naked as I ran him through those scenes. 😅 Sorry, Skold, I love you, honey!

21 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I make "tunic" dresses for my JC using the Jarel Chest piece and ladies shorts and the Dreadguard Consular's chest piece and Shorts. I also use Jolee's Top and shorts too. I don't mind showing leg it's everything else. I can't stand it when Theron wears Mira's outfit (no I didn't click the link) just throwing it out there, that's my Hunter's outfit. It was never meant to be Unisex.

Oh, that outfit was so not adjusted properly! Not only is the colour of the chest all wrong, but the chocker clips through the neck often. That set really only looks good on BT1 due to that. Even then, I'm not sure if the tinted skin tone problem would still happen on a male player or not. 

I got the outfit long ago and I really want to use it at some point (maybe for a cantina or undercover scene), but currently, there are too many problems with it. 

I find that Theron looks amazing in many outfits. But not even he can make that Mira set look good.


And on a more serious outfit note, I got to thinking of the Chapter 9 reunion and the player's ship. What if my BH had redyed his armour after SoR and Ziost, but then decided not to wear it when confronting the Emperor? What if that set was still on his ship when Theron tracked the ship down and Theron wore that Mando armour to the reunion scene? Then, he gave it back to my BH before the cantina event and that is how Theron knew what outfit to wear to colour match? 😏

I love the idea - and find it to be very sweet1 - but it is a HC only I would understand the full context of. Still, it is almost criminal how amazing Theron looks in Mandalorian armour😲

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Ooh I'm shivering because Theron should not wear Beskar! It's so against creed. Of course, depending on clan rules he might be Mando if marrying one makes him one. I have no clue about what Clan Lok's rules are but in my HC he's not. He doesn't want to be, and Kali-Sati doesn't mind at all. The Cadera Clan doesn't have that rule either.

That said, he doesn't seem to like heavy plating. Based on his two "Canon" choices he favors maneuverability and blending in. So, weighing him down feels wrong to me.

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17 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Ooh I'm shivering because Theron should not wear Beskar! It's so against creed. Of course, depending on clan rules he might be Mando if marrying one makes him one. I have no clue about what Clan Lok's rules are but in my HC he's not. He doesn't want to be, and Kali-Sati doesn't mind at all. The Cadera Clan doesn't have that rule either.

That said, he doesn't seem to like heavy plating. Based on his two "Canon" choices he favors maneuverability and blending in. So, weighing him down feels wrong to me.

Yeah, I don't for certain know about the Mandaorian rules during that time. Are they explicitly laid out anywhere? Because I would love to learn more! 🤔 I know a lot has changed over the years. Mostly due to cultural suicide due to Sabine, and of course the various purges. Did you read my post from long ago about how I think Theron may be willing to swear the creed based on who the current Mand'alor is? Right now though, I don't think he would ever swear the Resol'nare. 

I also don't think he knows a lot about the culture. He had a fling with my BH, and missed him a lot, but that does not mean he knows enough about the religion or the culture to not wear the armour if he himself is not Mandalorian. I just really liked the idea of him showing up in a set to show his support for my character. I thought it would be something he may do. Like, for example, wearing Sith robes to that reunion for a romanced SW/SI. He's sweet like that. 💖

He definitely doesn't keep the set though. 

BH: Is that... my armour? 😲

Theron: (looks down at self) I found it on your ship. Don't worry, you can have it back. I have a sick set of threads I just bought on the fleet that I need to break in. 😉

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24 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Shooting. Holding the Line on Voss. Running. In a beautiful orange field 😍. On the Gravestone. While Voss burns. Equal opportunityRainbow brigade! (Gotta love the inconsistent modesty filter there. 😂)

And for your viewing pleasure: Oh Yeah! (I just couldn't resist!🤣)

I know you already showed me the one very first picture before, but, this is even better.  I love everything.  This is incredible.  I'm dying.

The "equal opportunity" is the best thing ever, and the whole crew looking like they just walked out of a Greek themed pride party?  in.credible.

Bless you for this glorious addition to my morning 😅🤣❤️

30 minutes ago, yenzin said:

And on a more serious outfit note, I got to thinking of the Chapter 9 reunion and the player's ship. What if my BH had redyed his armour after SoR and Ziost, but then decided not to wear it when confronting the Emperor? What if that set was still on his ship when Theron tracked the ship down and Theron wore that Mando armour to the reunion scene? Then, he gave it back to my BH before the cantina event and that is how Theron knew what outfit to wear to colour match? 😏

I love the idea - and find it to be very sweet1 - but it is a HC only I would understand the full context of. Still, it is almost criminal how amazing Theron looks in Mandalorian armour😲


he has no right to make mando armor look that sexy. 🤤

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5 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Yeah, I don't for certain know about the Mandaorian rules during that time. Are they explicitly laid out anywhere? Because I would love to learn more! 🤔 I know a lot has changed over the years. Mostly due to cultural suicide due to Sabine, and of course the various purges. Did you read my post from long ago about how I think Theron may be willing to swear the creed based on who the current Mand'alor is? Right now though, I don't think he would ever swear the Resol'nare. 

I also don't think he knows a lot about the culture. He had a fling with my BH, and missed him a lot, but that does not mean he knows enough about the religion or the culture to not wear the armour if he himself is not Mandalorian. I just really liked the idea of him showing up in a set to show his support for my character. I thought it would be something he may do. Like, for example, wearing Sith robes to that reunion for a romanced SW/SI. He's sweet like that. 💖

He definitely doesn't keep the set though. 

BH: Is that... my armour? 😲

Theron: (looks down at self) I found it on your ship. Don't worry, you can have it back. I have a sick set of threads I just bought on the fleet that I need to break in. 😉

I think he knows a lot more than that. He knows how to find Shea and convinces them to meet with PC on Darvanis. He wouldn't be able to do that without understanding the intricacies of the etiquette of dealing with Mandalore and the clans. He's also, meant to quickly understand the environments and people he's thrust into. He has immense understanding of the Chiss in his short story here. Why would that not apply to Mandos?

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17 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I think he knows a lot more than that. He knows how to find Shea and convinces them to meet with PC on Darvanis. He wouldn't be able to do that without understanding the intricacies of the etiquette of dealing with Mandalore and the clans. He's also, meant to quickly understand the environments and people he's thrust into. He has immense understanding of the Chiss in his short story here. Why would that not apply to Mandos?

Hmm... good points there. It was just a random thought worm that would not leave me alone. I'm going to have to think more on it and analyze it. 🤔 That said, one can contact a group of people, or interact with them, without knowing everything about their culture or people. I do really like the idea of Theron knowing all the ins and out of various cultures and people though. Makes him even more competent. 🥰

29 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I know you already showed me the one very first picture before, but, this is even better.  I love everything.  This is incredible.  I'm dying.

The "equal opportunity" is the best thing ever, and the whole crew looking like they just walked out of a Greek themed pride party?  in.credible.

Bless you for this glorious addition to my morning 😅🤣❤️


he has no right to make mando armor look that sexy. 🤤

You are very welcome! 😁

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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

You know, metal bikini is a SW thing...

Ventilated Triumvirate set is such a troll set.

omg 🤣

I....  have no words except that I regret nothing about starting the "Theron in revealing outfits" train 🤣

edit: what boots do you have on him, btw? those look good

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg 🤣

I....  have no words except that I regret nothing about starting the "Theron in revealing outfits" train 🤣

edit: what boots do you have on him, btw? those look good

Freelance Hunter's boots

I think the Sith Recluse on is the same with slightly color difference.

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27 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Freelance Hunter's boots

I think the Sith Recluse on is the same with slightly color difference.

ohh ok, I have my eye on those two sets already (they SPENDY tho, so haven't got them), will note that down to test with his outfit when I get on game later.... still not 100% satisfied with his boots on my outfit, it's the last thing I'm trying to nail down 😅

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19 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ohh ok, I have my eye on those two sets already (they SPENDY tho, so haven't got them), will note that down to test with his outfit when I get on game later.... still not 100% satisfied with his boots on my outfit, it's the last thing I'm trying to nail down 😅

That boots go really well with many look so it's a worthy buy for many purpose.

1 minute ago, Sarova said:

What in the mankini is this!? 😂

The ultimate beach look (metal mankini = boiled *cough* eggs lol)

Wearing this in serious cutscene is hilarious.

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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Wearing this in serious cutscene is hilarious.

PLEASE tell me you got clips and/or screenshots 🤣  I need to see this so bad hahaha

25 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Love how the holster is glued to his leg though.

same, that cracked me up instantly 🤣🤣

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41 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

PLEASE tell me you got clips and/or screenshots 🤣  I need to see this so bad hahaha

same, that cracked me up instantly 🤣🤣

It's on my Din Djaring cameo toon.

Wearing this and Jori's loincloth on Taris is teh best lmao


1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

That must be so unconfortable 🤣

Love how the holster is glued to his leg though.

The holster stays on lol

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