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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Spoiler tag is a great idea. We aren't in the habit of using it because for the most part, we haven't needed to, but for the new story content, I agree that it is a great idea. 

It's going to take me forever to get to the story too if I don't just focus on my getting there on my BH.

For my agent, I first need to grind that FP repeatedly for the armour sets (is that a spoiler? 🤔 We all knew there was going to be a new FP, right?) so I can put it on Theron for the Eternal Throne Chapter 1, defence of Voss scene. I saw there was going to be armour in this update and I thought YES! He can be all spy-like and blend in with the Voss forces! 😍 The only other Voss armor armor in game are three sets that are just recolors and they don't work for a spy-soldier. Plus, one of them is a set for social rep rank five. 5!!! 😱 I'm not even rank one! Hopefully it's cheap and/or easy to get. If it costs tech fragments then it is going to take forever!!!! 😭 Once I get one of those sets then I can proceed with the Eternal Throne story. Six months from now. 😅

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3 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

All I gotta say is, shut up Lana!😡

Oh so i'm not the only one


who gets irritated that she constantly interrupts the romance scenes ? Especially with Theron... which happens quite a lot.

On another note, a little questions for the people who already played throught this or watched the cutscenes :


is it my imagination or did Lana sound a bit different ? Like her voice seemed deeper than usual.


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5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Sure, I have it. Here you go😉

Which makes me think again of Satele in Dreamland. She claims that she would like to spend more time with Theron if the second option is picked. And we know from Theron's mail afterwards that they do start spending more time together. However, from her tone of voice, I always hear a "But that is not going to happen," from her. Which makes me think that Theron is the one having to do all the work in that relationship. 🤔 From personal experience, if a person is the one doing all the work in a relationship, then not only is that not healthy, but it also never works out. 

That gif of him shooting that mech really works!!! Love it! Thank you! 😍 Also, the second gif with him and the others is fantastic. 💖 Such great pics! Thank you for your continued scientific contribution. 😉

The video link says it is private and won't let me seeeee 😥

I don't feel like Satele was adding a silent "but" personally, though I only heard it in the one clip, I never chose it myself.  The two of them definitely do start seeing each other more like you said though, which honestly is why I keep always choosing option 1 and promise Satele to make Theron happy forever, because I think she doesn't need to be told to be in Theron's life more, I think she and Theron have already started making strides toward that on their own.  I definitely don't think Theron is making all the effort, she clearly wants to be in his life more so I think they are both doing reaching out.  But that's my take.

yw for the continued scientific research 😉

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

yay thanky! 🤗  I actually like that line a lot!  I did not actually realize that Yavin is literally the most time they'd ever spent together, for some reason I assumed they must have worked together at SOME point before.  It is nice to hear too that he is more happy with her on imp side after Yavin than he was at the end of Rishi.  Now I'm a bit sad I didn't record the alt lines, but at least now I know them ❤️

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Ok, I just finished playing through the update (and then up to Voss on second character).


Am I imagining things or is that the first Theron flirt we've gotten since EoO?????  It wasn't much but gdi I will take it!! 😍  Like, the lean in and grin, and the little "aw yeah, you know it" nod?  ❤️  (the little nod cracked me up actually haha) 

And, like, pretty sure that was the longest Theron and Lana scene since Onslaught as well!!!  Definitely the most Theron's had to say in absolutely ages (which is.... not saying much, unfortunately, but still!).  Honestly this whole update felt VERY Alliance-centric (FINALLY!) too which was really nice.  Like, between Theron and Lana, and then the Arcann and Sana-Rae stuff (loved that too!), and then even Tau came to Odessen instead of us meeting her somewhere else.... other than that one scene with the mandos, it was all Very Alliance ❤️

It was a smol update, but, some seriously painfully janky animation aside (I honestly suspect they had to rush this update out due to the upcoming dev change, loads of the animations really felt unfinished af, it honestly took me out of it a lot), there was like 3 cutscenes and one was a huge Theron and Lana one, I am happy with that, yes. 😍  I was expecting so much less talking from our boy based on the last, ya know, 3 or 4 updates haha  very pleasantly surprised

(The less said about having more cheap lazy "our character doesn't talk" planetary missions the better, tho 😣  soooo immersion breaking, ugh.)

So I will focus on the positive.  We got a Theron flirt, and he actually said stuff, calling that a win. 😅


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4 minutes ago, AlainaFlute said:

I love hearing Theron's theme play whenever we get some decent dialogue with him. It feels like its got a bit of a celtic type feel to it.  One of my faves!!


Theron has a theme????  I play with music turned really low so I had no idea!  How can I hear this?  😍

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11 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

On another note, a little questions for the people who already played throught this or watched the cutscenes :

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is it my imagination or did Lana sound a bit different ? Like her voice seemed deeper than usual.


Yes! I was like "did her VA catch a cold or something"?

I only went through the story with my JK now to make sure there's no weird bug and to preview my dialogue options.

So... no "vacation" quest from datamining? don't give me hope ><

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3 hours ago, eabevella said:

Yes! I was like "did her VA catch a cold or something"?

I only went through the story with my JK now to make sure there's no weird bug and to preview my dialogue options.

tbh a lot of the VAs sounded a bit weird to me, Lana definitely sounded different, my JC sounded a bit off, and even Theron sounded a little weird a few times, dunno if it was rushed audio recording/post production work or if everyone had colds or what, but given the janky animation (Theron especially was super glitchy for me) the rushed thing seems likely.

I ran it through on my two mains but I am gonna keep my backup JK in reserve in case they fix some of that jank so that I can rerun it later and record it cleaner.

also, unrelated to VAs (and only vaguely related to Theron) but:


...................I wish I had any hope that I could also fix the Theron and Lana scene so that my Jedi could actually tell Shae to f*** right off with her angry mando bs and NOT interfere with the super important Malgus interrogation that they can obviously handle by themselves because they did it before and that she will clearly only get in the way of since her she already screwed up their best chance of getting Sa'har back on Ruhnuk....🫠 

Like seriously I took every single "actually no" option and it still forced me to have her on comms for no logical reason whatsoever (and whadya know, it screwed it up!  almost like I was right lol)...  ugh the writing forcing me to have her "make suggestions" over comms when it made 0 sense for my Jedi to let her do that annoyed me so much........ If anyone should have been helping feed questions, it's Theron or Lana, they are actually calm, know about what's going on, have the same goals from the interrogation, and are partners in the alliance and on the "allowed to talk to Malgus" list.

Her being there meant the scene was longer so we got more Theron (including salty Theron calling her out, which was awesome), and obviously I always love more Theron, but it should have ended there.  If we could have turned her down completely and not let her in on comms I would have been totally fine with it, but because there was no option not to have her it felt like a really forced plot point to keep the mando stuff involved when my Jedi would seriously not care about that rn and would already not be happy her angry trigger-happy revenge got in the way with Sa'har when they were starting to get through to her (like Sa'har will probably never trust them again after Shae, seemingly their close ally, shot at her!!!!) so would not trust her with this now either. 

I can see a mando BH absolutely welcoming her to help with open arms, maybe even a smuggler, maaaybe a trooper, but made nooo sense for my Jedi.  Honestly I don't think it makes sense for any force user who can definitely read Malgus perfectly fine on their own and absolutely handle him, unless they are just throwing her a bone to keep her loyal.  But they would have to know he could sense her and that it might screw things up, the way it ended up doing, so, back to "no sense."

.....sorry that turned into a vent sesh lol  but the more I thought about the scene after, the more I was like "yeah, actually wtf, writers??" lol 

When it was playing out I was just so happy to have Theron (still am!!!!) that it was a little annoying but I didn't think about it much, but like, the last time our characters interrogated Malgus they made THERON AND LANA go away, why would they allow a super angry revenge-motivated sort-of-ally to be involved in an extremely delicate interrogation if they won't even involve Theron?!!!!!  If someone was going to listen in I would have much rather had Theron on comms, it would have made more sense (especially after his letter after the last interrogation where he said how worried he was about them going in alone!!), and he was right there!


3 hours ago, eabevella said:

So... no "vacation" quest from datamining? don't give me hope ><

yeaaah unfortunately I called that one as bogus right away, was definitely way too good to be true 🥲

Edited by cannibithobbal
realized I formatted and worded stuff REALLY badly when I was tired, fixed it lol
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15 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:
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tbh a lot of the VAs sounded a bit weird to me, Lana definitely sounded different, my JC sounded a bit off, and even Theron sounded a little weird a few times, dunno if it was rushed audio recording/post production work or if everyone had colds or what, but given the janky animation (Theron especially was super glitchy for me) the rushed thing seems likely.

I ran it through on my two mains but I am gonna keep my backup JK in reserve in case they fix some of that jank so that I can rerun it later and record it cleaner.

...................now, if only they could also fix the writing so that my Jedi could tell Shae to actually f*** right off with her angry mando bs and NOT interfere with this super important Malgus interrogation (like seriously, this is Jedi business not mando business) that they can obviously handle by themselves because they did it before and that she will clearly only get in the way of since she already screwed up their best chance of getting Sa'har back....🫠

like seriously I took every single "actually no" option and it still forced me to have her on comms for no logical reason whatsoever (and whadya know, it screwed it up!  almost like I was right lol)...  ugh the writing forcing me to have her "make suggestions" over comms when it made 0 sense for my Jedi to let her do that annoyed me so much........ 

Her being there meant the scene was longer so we got more Theron (including salty Theron calling her out, which was awesome), which was great, but it should have ended there.  If we could have turned her down completely and not let her in on comms I would have been fine with it, but because it forced me to have her it felt like a really forced plot point to keep the mando stuff involved when my Jedi would seriously not care about that rn and would not be happy she got in the way with Sa'har when they were starting to get through to her (like she will probably never trust them again after Shae shot at her!!!!) so would not trust her with this now either.  I can see a mando BH absolutely welcoming her to help with open arms, but made nooo sense for my Jedi.

.....sorry that turned into a vent sesh lol  but the more I thought about the scene after, the more I was like "yeah, actually wtf, writers??" lol  when it was playing out I was just so happy to have Theron (still am!!!!) that I didn't think about it much, but like, the last time we interrogated Malgus we made THERON go away, why would we trust a super angry revenge-motivated sort-of-ally to be involved in an extremely delicate interrogation if we won't even involve Theron?!!!!!  I would have rather had Theron on comms (especially after his letter after the last interrogation where he said how worried he was about them going in alone!!), he was right there!


yeaaah unfortunately I called that one as bogus right away, was definitely way too good to be true 🥲

*insert NOOOOOOOOOOO Anakin gif*

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No Lana didn't sound different it's still the same VA she's just all pissy. Why? IDK. My JC sounded divine maybe it's wonky in other Languages. Some of the camera angles were weird though. I couldn't be happier with this update my gals both got treats. Vector next I hope.

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Lana didn't sound "pissy" until she had a reason to


when Shae was being ridiculous, and then later being a bit salty about the Voss lol

but her voice sounded weirdly lower the whole time, from the very beginning of the scene.  iirc she sounded a bit strange a few other times previously during Legacy of the Sith too, but it was more noticeable this time.

My JC sounded normal MOST of the time but there were definitely some lines that sounded weird, which is no shade on the VA, I love her, like I said I highly suspect poor post-production and possibly rushed recording sessions.  and it's not other languages, I only play in English.  If you never heard any weirdness it is possible it was specific lines I chose that you didn't choose.

I had some issues with the update but ultimately I am still just happy we got Theron, and even moreso a full big scene with the golden trio of Theron and Lana and our character, the first time we've had that in honestly ages.  me = very happy about that.  And the Arcann scene was really good too, as was the Sana-Rae stuff (love her ❤️)

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I'm sorry, 


Shae was not ridiculous, She is the leader of a galactic POWER! 

She had every right to demand a seat at the table. And Lana has no right to be salty about Voss whatsoever. I'm sorry we will never agree about her. 

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I'm sorry, 

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Shae was not ridiculous, She is the leader of a galactic POWER! 

She had every right to demand a seat at the table. And Lana has no right to be salty about Voss whatsoever. I'm sorry we will never agree about her. 

Perhaps we will never agree on either of them, but I do have this to say to explain myself (includes a bunch of spoilers so just spoiler tagging everything for easier formatting):


First off, we already know my feelings on Lana, I love her, I loved her here, I loved having her and Theron together, end of story.  And I know you don't.  This is fine, agree to disagree, I'm not here to start a Lana debate.  But I have to counter this one point to defend my previous comment because, like, sorry, but we went and did a bunch of tedious work for the Voss with the promise of valuable intel and all we got for our trouble were some super vague doomsday predictions that told us NOTHING we didn't already know (honestly just nothing of value at all, period lol), and this was hardly the first time their vagueries have been 0 help, so frankly Lana was proven to be absolutely right to be salty about them lmao  I have never hated the Voss like some people (I actually like a lot of Voss stuff), but even I am salty about them over this 🤣

As for Shae, while I have liked her fine in the past (and if they fix the writing I might like her fine again in the future), imo in this scene she came off as nothing but pushy, selfish, and excessively angry to the point of being ridiculous. (bad writing, imo)  Leader of her people or not, she had no right to be there and had already proven she couldn't be trusted with any kind of delicate interpersonal matter (which interrogating Malgus definitely is) after her trigger-happy revenge antics ruined their best chance to talk Sa'har down and get her to bring the holocron back, yet I was forced to accept working with her when it made no sense and it predictably ruined the entire interrogation right as Malgus was actually starting to talk.

And to top it all off (and perhaps most egregious of all, and the most on topic!) she rammed right into Theron on her way out during her little rage tantrum at the end (and he looked suitably mad about it, AS HE SHOULD).

Seriously, don't shove the spy boyfriend, that is how you get on my bad side. 😠

Now, I'm not gonna say any more about Shae either that does not pertain to Theron, but, that's me explaining why I called her ridiculous, I stand by it.  If you disagree, that's fine, but that's how I feel about it.


(btw I rewrote this post like a dozen times to try and make it sound as reasonable and non-argumentative and "me just explainy my previous comments" as possible, so hopefully I succeeded, I am running on very little sleep lol  I am not trying to argue anything or convince anyone they have to agree with me, just explain why I completely agree with Lana being salty at the Voss and why I called Shae ridiculous and think Lana was entirely justified getting testy with her as well -- I mean, Theron got a bit testy with her too, it wasn't just Lana, he was like "seriously, she's not on the approved list for good reason" and straight up called her out for being involved in the attack on Coruscant and sounded super salty about it, which I also agreed with entirely)

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lol I rewrote it that many times and still managed to leave a typo in
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All I have access to right now is the Voss Shrine FP. I need to finish Ruhnuk. NEED! Anyway! I did the FP and the quest was SWKotOR black bar style where my character didn't talk. I love my character's voice. Is the entire new story silent like that? 😨 Please tell me it isn't so! 😱

Also, the FP


itself had no cutscenes even though I did it in story mode. It was like I was doing Nathema or something. All dry combat with no content. I really hope this is not going to be a norm. 😔 I love FPs like the Esseles that have story and cutscenes.

Just running around and killing things isn't much fun. 

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6 minutes ago, yenzin said:

All I have access to right now is the Voss Shrine FP. I need to finish Ruhnuk. NEED! Anyway! I did the FP and the quest was SWKotOR black bar style where my character didn't talk. I love my character's voice. Is the entire new story silent like that? 😨 Please tell me it isn't so! 😱

Also, the FP

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itself had no cutscenes even though I did it in story mode. It was like I was doing Nathema or something. All dry combat with no content. I really hope this is not going to be a norm. 😔 I love FPs like the Esseles that have story and cutscenes.

Just running around and killing things isn't much fun. 

Unfortunately, the devs said in the announcement stream for 7.3 that their feedback about what players want says they want FPs that have nothing to do with story, so that's what they gave us (clearly, those of us who play for the story were not considered on this at all lol), so doesn't surprise me there were no cutscenes 😑  (I haven't bothered with the FP yet as it is not part of the story).

The cutscenes prior to Voss are all normal, the first and last cutscenes on Voss are normal (which is all the scenes with returning characters, btw), but everything else on Voss is the horrible black bar no-talking-protag stuff, which is, ugh.  Yeah, I hate those so much, so immersion breaking and it doesn't even feel like I'm playing my character if I can't hear them.  Like, I know the devs are broke (and literally giving the game away to other devs) but are they seriously so broke they can't get the 16 PC VAs to do those few scenes?  I mean, clearly they must be 😖

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I need to finish Ruhnuk. NEED!

Hey, you're closer than me at least.

I just started Manaan on my most advanced JK (and between my PC and the game itself being uncooperative, it took me over 2 hours just to get started...), so i have some work to do before i can get to the latest story.

56 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

the horrible black bar no-talking-protag stuff, which is, ugh.  Yeah, I hate those so much, so immersion breaking and it doesn't even feel like I'm playing my character if I can't hear them.  Like, I know the devs are broke (and literally giving the game away to other devs) but are they seriously so broke they can't get the 16 PC VAs to do those few scenes?  I mean, clearly they must be 😖

I hate these so much too. It makes me feel like the NPCs are just monologuing and that my character is completely unengaged in whats happening. It's just awful (i'd take no voice acting at all over that awful talking NPCs but silent protag, though yeah everybody talking is the best).

A slight correction though, it's 48 PC VAs total (16 for each of the 3 languages), which may make things a bit more difficult.

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Just now, Goreshaga said:

A slight correction though, it's 48 PC VAs total (16 for each of the 3 languages), which may make things a bit more difficult.

Oh yeah, good point, that does make it more work.  But like, they got them in the studio (or maybe they all do it at their home studios, who knows, I'm not in the biz, but they were recording, in any case!) already, clearly, to do the OTHER lines.  So why not just have them do a few more 😑  I mean, maybe they would have to shorten the scenes to afford it, but that's fine!  I'd rather we just had super short scenes with really short dialogue exchanges that are voiced over the long black bar ones. 🥺

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1 minute ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh yeah, good point, that does make it more work.  But like, they got them in the studio (or maybe they all do it at their home studios, who knows, I'm not in the biz, but they were recording, in any case!) already, clearly, to do the OTHER lines.  So why not just have them do a few more 😑  I mean, maybe they would have to shorten the scenes to afford it, but that's fine!  I'd rather we just had super short scenes with really short dialogue exchanges that are voiced over the long black bar ones. 🥺

Yeah idk. From what i know of french VA (which i may be completely off, as my infos may be a bit dated and maybe things have changed a lot since covid), they usually work in studios, but if they have them to record the rest of their lines, yeah they can give a few more instead of having that awfully absent protag (Viva La Dirt League has made some really good skits about that, which reflect exactly how i feel about that). Not to mention how static and fairly boring these scenes usually are.

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