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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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12 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Hmm... Well, that I can agree with but to tell the truth I think any of Pub Side's LI's should have been able to go.

I agree to some extent, but it would have made even more sense for Theron to go as he personally knows Gnost-Dural and is even friend with him, while the other pub LIs don't necessarily have any personal stakes there, outside of being with the romanced PC.

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In principle I agree, it would be nice if all LIs had more to do, but the issue with Theron not going is that he is already there in the scene, and the writers went out of their way to make him specifically say he wishes he could come and see Gnost-Dural and then the PC straight up ask him to come with, and then despite all that super logical setup for why it makes all the sense in the world for Theron to come and 0 reasons given by other parties why he would be banned from going (other than some vague "you should go in with as small a team as possible"s), the writers pulled out the laziest reason ever to not make him go.

Honestly the whole thing would have been just fine and I at least would not be complaining if Theron had made no comment about wanting to go and the PC didn't ask him to and the romantic exchange at the end of that scene was just some "good luck, see you soon"s.  But instead they set it up with 2 really good reasons for Theron to go and then made the lamest excuse ever to have him not.

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

True, but I have to play devil's advocate here because while Theron is important all the other LI's are equally so. 

Oh i fully agree that all LIs should get something, even if it's just a mail from times to times, at least the romance would still feel alive, i've not played the story with a lot of my characters because of the lack of romance for them, and i already consider myself lucky that my 3 favorite characters are in a relationship with Theron, Arcann and Torian, who are among the luckiest LIs.

Honestly even just getting a sweet mail from my characters LIs after every mission would already be a big improvement over nothing for most of them, especially since it would be failry low cost if they don't have to animate and voice anything for them when they can't be directly involved with the story.

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21 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

THERON'S EYES LINK BROKEDED, for me anyway.  I want to seeeeeeeee.

Okay, Theron's eyes. Still could not get it to work through Imgur so I uploaded it to my Google Drive. Google Overlords to the rescue! It's just a simple picture. Nothing special but now you should be able to open it 🤩

16 hours ago, eabevella said:

Reaction limit? I'll give everyone a heart reaction. Unlimited powah!

I vote party with Theron in Malgus' little fleet basement. It's quiet, it's private, it has good lighting. Maybe he'll tell us everything after the 3rd dance. I call it multitasking.

And my agent is a dialogue option 1 and 2 guy. It made him difficult to read, and if you get a reaction from him, there's no tell whether it's real or just a way to make you think you finally get his attention, which is, I guess, part of the reason why Theron is intrigued while knowing it's probably not a good idea (well, at the time at least). I also like to think my agent and Darth Marr get along really well between the end of Yavin-4 and KOTFE Ch1 due to their mastery in sarcasm. They can both throwing shades at the idiots in the Dark Council with a straight face (Marr has a mask but you know what I meant lol).

Mine was snarky and sarcastic too. Watcher 2: "I can do without the Sarcasim." Keeper: "For once, try to sound professional." Agent: "I'll say a kind word in your memory." Lana's response: "Cute." Theron: "Wow. Good thing you're no stage performer." And a pragmatic liar. "I don't want to hurt you. Corporate and it'll be okay." (Shoots to kill.) Theron: "Was that really necessary?" Lana: "He wasn't armed. Hardly seems your style." My agent doesn't leave loose ends. 🔫 ... I may have memorized all those lines. 😅

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

If you remember it, I will absolutely gif, as long as it's something I've got (or you can send me haha) 😍

Hmm.. this is one I was thinking of. Watching it again though, there have definitely been more impressive moments. Especially as we don't even see the pistol fire. 😄

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

On mine, Raina tried to come onto my agent SO HARD and he actually had to reject HER, because he did not want to be with an actual crewmate who he literally met under false pretenses (the fake double agent thing at that point.... and he doesn't ever tell her about the real double agent because she's too loyal to the empire and stuff), and honestly didn't want to be with a crewmate at all (that's why he cut Kaliyo off when she tried to make it more serious, he was fine with casually hooking up with her but not an actual relationship, certainly not with her track record of putting out death marks on her exes lol)


 Oh, she and Kaylio both came on to my agent. I had to reject them both. I think companions only come on strong if the PC doesn't flirt with them at all. 🤔 I had to turn Nadia down too. So far, none of my characters have had relationships with crewmates. As MaleBH says: "It's a small ship. If things go bad, life could get ugly." My JC also won't start a romance with his Padawan. The power dynamics there are very unbalanced and my JC takes his responsibility as Jedi Master very seriously.

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg Theron's reaction to that 😢  he's sitting there going "oh......" 😥


 Right?! Watching that romance rejection scene is so ooff! 💘 Right through the heart. His sad faces always get to me.

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I think my agent is not good about starting an actual serious relationship any more than yours, and if he wasn't sure that Theron was gonna disappear again as soon as Revan was dealt with he actually might not have gone for it, but he was not going to miss the opportunity for a lovely fling with a super cute SIS boy who was clearly into him too.  Then of course obviously once he meets Theron again on Odessen everything is different, neither he nor Theron work officially as spies anymore, they're not with the republic OR empire anymore, and it is very "ok yeah clearly this was meant to be more than a fling, and we are both still into each other, maybe we see what happens?"

  I think after Yavin, my agent got to thinking about agents he has known. Which causes him to think of Sanju. Who reminds him of Theron and he starts having regrets. So by the time they meet again on Odeseen, he is determined not to waste a second chance. The slow burn was definitely worth it.

15 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I 100% took the kiss (yes I gif'd it, for science!*  and the video is not uploaded yet lol), especially after the precedent set by Cytharat with the "of course I saved you, I didn't want to miss the chance to kiss you" there was no way doing anything other than kissing Theron was in character! 😉  (That may be one of my new favorite kisses in the game too, so, very happy about that haha) He is a boy who knows who/what he wants and as long as the other person is clearly down, he will go for it.  And Theron was clearly down 😉

(*I swear it was really for science, I wanted to compare side to side easily how different the republic and imperial boy kisses were lol  very important science.   my conclusion: the imperial one definitely feels more lusty (I swear Theron looks like he's going "oh, this is happening?  ok!"), and the republic one is way more "these are two boys falling in love" (like Theron literally smiles with teeth when he's about to be kissed, he's so happy, it's adorable).  Maybe I am projecting because that analysis fits my characters' different relationships with Theron perfectly but even if I am that's ok, science accomplished 😅)  *ahem* yes, anyway.  I swear, science.  Not obsession.  SCIENCE.

 Ah, definitely agreed there! The Republic one is very sweet. The two scenes are very different. That is so interesting! I'm sure I am not the only one that enjoys seeing the results of your science experiments. 👩‍🔬⚗️🧪🔬Especially as I have never seen Theron's face clearly in either version (especially the Imperial one). He moves in too quickly. Watching the scenes in slow, gify motion is very helpful. 🧐

12 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah I definitely think that's by far the most likely.  I really love that they have those variants in a couple places (in addition to the various class different ones) and tbh when I get to Rishi on my second JC I might record just to get that alt flirt line, then back out and redo since I don't actually want her to flirt with him during SoR 😅  Might honestly do that for every possible flirt so that I can hear any and all flirt lines that pop up as a "first flirt" haha

edit: on the topic of flirt variants, I did a thing.  (still haven't gotten to uploading SoR yet, just barely started forged alliances and trying to do it all in order to not get confused... but I figured an edited video can go out of order 😆)

Ohhh, shinny! This was nice to watch as I was unable to hear most of the lines on my agent. Thanks for making that. 💖

11 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

I always took this as Theron not being cleared by medical yet - still on light duties and not allowed to exert himself too much (after all, he took a lightsaber to the gut - you don't get away with just putting a bandaid on that injury and be back in full force the next day...)

Would be a nice explanation if he actually followed that advice. 🤣 Our man is very bad about taking care of himself. After Rishi he never took time time off to heal. Same with Yavin, Of course, now I can't find the source I read that in. He also doesn't take time off to heal from injuries obtained in Annihilation. And he is very bad at listening to advice from others in regards to taking time off to heal. PC: "Shouldn't you be in a Kolto tank?" Theron: "Dr. Oggurobb is already 'concerned' about my stress levels."

I have a feeling that if he was told to stay behind to heal, PC would land and find Theron already there."😅

9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm not as familiar with the M/M kisses as i am with the F/M ones, so i can't really point to a scene in particular, especially since it's not in every kissing scenes It's usually super fast and honestly barely noticeable when you don't pay attention to it, but since first seeing it, i've been unable to unsee it. It mostly happens with M BT2, and even more so with M BT3, where it kinda looks like the PC is going to break Theron's back. But for some reason i've only seen it with Theron, and never with Koth or Arcann.

That being said the F/F kissing animations between a female LI and a female PC other than BT3 are even worse with the PC randomly changing size during the kisses.

And F BT3 with any M BT2 looks super weird as well with the girl shrinking for the kiss, but once again, oddly enough that never happened between my BT3 F SW and Arcann.

So i guess these oddities mostly happen when the PC and the LI are roughly the same size, except for M BT3 with Theron, where i have no idea why it looks so weird, in case of the M/M kisses it may also be due to some of the angles used for the kisses, idk.

I only remember one glitch on my maleBh who is BT2. It happens in the proposal scene. BH skips back and starts to walk forward again and a split second later, Theron skips back too. I think there is another I saw but I cannot remember which scene it was. 🤔My JC is also BT2 and I just got to KotFE Chap 10 so not many scenes yet to analyze. With my agent, who is BT1, and a full foot shorter than Theron 😂, I have noticed that he will grow taller to kiss Theron. There's no way Theron is stooping that much in those scenes. 

10 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, they're usually quite vague, you can tell sometimes that things happen one after the other rather quickly and that sometimes it's longer. In most case, if it's not more or less clearly stated otherwise, i'll usually go with the RL time = IG time, but with the recent updates being so far appart from one another it doesn't work as well as it used to.

Speaking of passage of time, I really need to know when Theron learns that Lana is putting together a team to rescue the PC. Or, when he learns that the PC is not in fact, dead. SWTRO, and Star Wars in general, are terrible about dating events. I am thinking Theron initially learns the PC is 'dead' a month after PC's carbonite imprisonment because he is on administrative leave and, if Surro is alive, involved in helping her get better. Then, he learns at 4 years 6 months from Lana or some other source - maybe a confirmed rumor - that the PC is not dead. Then Lana contacts him and tells him she is putting a team together for a rescue. Then, the PC is found at 4 years 9 months. Theron works with Lana and the team but something happens at 4 years 11 months 25 days that prevents him from going along. 

I know this time frame really doesn't work that well because Theron is an accomplished spy and works directly for the SIS. There is no way he would know less than some of the other class companions that made an attempt to find the PC and failed. One of them even tried to storm the fortress.

Any of you know for certain, or have an idea about events during those five years? 

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Yes, that scene when Theron says he wants to go is hard on Pub characters who romance him I agree, but again very realistic when people have jobs that require people to be in different locations. I still appreciate that less than perfect RL situation. That said, Vette should have gone with Male SW and Quinn could have gone with Female SW. Jorgun could have gone with Fem Trooper, or Elara with Male Trooper. Corso, Risha, or Akaavi with Smuggler, or Mako and Torian with BH. Iresso could have gone with Fem JC or Arcann, the bottom line is all of the LI's could go except Nadia, Kira, Jeasa and Scourge. Even Lana could have gone pub or imp side. The whole thing stung all LI's not only Theron. Theron just had a novel tie-in. 

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6 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Forgive me for being contrary but I think it's more realistic that he didn't go to Ossus, especially with an "Imperial" character. I appreciate that you have to do your individual jobs. This is important to detailed worldbuilding and a relatable life. Naturally, being parted from your loved ones is difficult but it is more real.

Yup! As others have said, him not going on Imp side is perfectly fine. I personally would not want him there at all while the Imperials attack all the Jedi. If he had asked to come, my character would have said, "Ha. Nope!" 😂

I played Jedi Under Seige on an Imperial character who was romancing Theron and I never once minded Theron not being there because he had a very valid reason not to be. I didn't know at the time that the Republic side's reason was non-existent and downright 💩🤨

On Pup side though? Theron is always worried about the Jedi. And Gnost-Dural is a friend of his from the novel and other media. Him going would have been very in character. He would have only needed to stay for a short time too before spitting off from the group to help Gnost-Dural and the others. It would have been fine for him to go on the Republic side but stay behind on Imperial. I would like to think no one would have complained at that, but players are sometimes rabid soooo....

As far as other LIs going? In general, they should be in content a lot more. There are plenty of spots where an original companion would have worked better for the story. Mako, for instance, is one of the best slicers in the universe. Her going on the rescue mission for BH would have been perfect. 🌟

I keep thinking that I want to start a redo, fix-it, wish thread. A thread people can post ideas into that would fix certain areas of the plot should the Devs ever decide to go back and adjust the game. Like, certain companions and LIs in certain scenes, Theron going to Ossus on Republic side. Lana getting her romantic proposal at the waterfall after a lovely woodland stroll. Characters getting that business talk with Lana in the hanger or somewhere else on base instead of during a lovely stroll through the woods. (Would make her proposal scene more special.) Giving sabatour characters and double agents the choice to tell Lana about their loyalties, the same way they have the choice to tell Theron or not. Things like that. 



Bwahahaha! I don't know if any of you have discovered that it is possible to do the KotFE Chapter 9 cantina romance scene with Theron in a different outfit. 🤯 My BH can't. I don't know when the cut-off is, but I tried long ago to do the scene over and it played out with only friendship talks. I was testing things on my JC recently after I got to Chapter 10 and acquired Theron as a companion. I figured I would re-record all of chapter 9 with a new outfit, except for the cantina scene, wherein I would use my original video. But then the romance option popped up! 😲 Here's the entire scene. And the option is there too for my agent who just finished KotFE Chapter 15. Now I have to go back through all those chapters and re-record everything with a new outfit. I'm thinking this one😏

The only difference between the initial Chapter 9 and redoing it, is that Theron does not say an extra line. I have spiced the original line into the video where it would have originally been. It's pretty noticeable because he is back in his default outfit.

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2 hours ago, yenzin said:

I only remember one glitch on my maleBh who is BT2. It happens in the proposal scene. BH skips back and starts to walk forward again and a split second later, Theron skips back too. I think there is another I saw but I cannot remember which scene it was. 🤔My JC is also BT2 and I just got to KotFE Chap 10 so not many scenes yet to analyze. With my agent, who is BT1, and a full foot shorter than Theron 😂, I have noticed that he will grow taller to kiss Theron. There's no way Theron is stooping that much in those scenes. 

So M BT1 can grow taller, i guess the weird backward movement i've noticed is probably similar to that, something that should technically not happen but does sometimes.

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Speaking of passage of time, I really need to know when Theron learns that Lana is putting together a team to rescue the PC. Or, when he learns that the PC is not in fact, dead. SWTRO, and Star Wars in general, are terrible about dating events. I am thinking Theron initially learns the PC is 'dead' a month after PC's carbonite imprisonment because he is on administrative leave and, if Surro is alive, involved in helping her get better. Then, he learns at 4 years 6 months from Lana or some other source - maybe a confirmed rumor - that the PC is not dead. Then Lana contacts him and tells him she is putting a team together for a rescue. Then, the PC is found at 4 years 9 months. Theron works with Lana and the team but something happens at 4 years 11 months 25 days that prevents him from going along. 

I know this time frame really doesn't work that well because Theron is an accomplished spy and works directly for the SIS. There is no way he would know less than some of the other class companions that made an attempt to find the PC and failed. One of them even tried to storm the fortress.

Any of you know for certain, or have an idea about events during those five years? 

There are not many mentions of what happen during the 5 years, except Lana recruited Koth and Senya at some point, started building the Alliance with Theron after he left the Republic at some point, and so on, Kaliyo arriving on Zakuul is probably the only event where there is an actual mention of time (at least that's the only one i can remember).

37 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I keep thinking that I want to start a redo, fix-it, wish thread. A thread people can post ideas into that would fix certain areas of the plot should the Devs ever decide to go back and adjust the game. Like, certain companions and LIs in certain scenes, Theron going to Ossus on Republic side. Lana getting her romantic proposal at the waterfall after a lovely woodland stroll. Characters getting that talk with Lana in the hanger or somewhere else on base instead of on a lovely stroll through the woods. Things like that. 

Could be interesting.

I really wish i didn't have to go out in that romantic walk with Lana, and could talk to her in the hangar instead (would be even better to have that walk with my character's actual LI too)

37 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Bwahahaha! I don't know if any of you have discovered that it is possible to do the KotFE Chapter 9 cantina romance scene with Theron in a different outfit. 🤯 My BH can't. I don't know when the cut-off is, but I tried long ago to do the scene over and it played out with only friendship talks. I was testing things on my JC recently after I got to Chapter 10 and acquired Theron as a companion. I figured I would re-record all of chapter 9 with a new outfit, except for the cantina scene, wherein I would use my original video. But then the romance option popped up! 😲 Here's the entire scene. And the option is there too for my agent who just finished KotFE Chapter 15. Now I have to go back through all those chapters and re-record everything with a new outfit. I'm thinking this one😏

The only difference between the initial Chapter 9 and redoing it, is that Theron does not say an extra line. I have spiced the original line into the video where it would have originally been. It's pretty noticeable because he is back in his default outfit.

From what i've seen, if you only replay KOTFE 9, you don't have the romance lock-in pop-up, but if you replay at least KOTFE 1, and then KOTFE 9, the romance lock-in is back and you can see it again.

Also, if you have Nico available as a companion, he'll replace Hylo in that scene.

I prefer the Frontline Slicer set he wears on the JC vid, but i'm very partial to this one as i think it's the one that looks the best on him, especially with his post Nathema hairstyle, and the default color matches his eye color, which is imo a nice bonus.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

So M BT1 can grow taller, i guess the weird backward movement i've noticed is probably similar to that, something that should technically not happen but does sometimes.

There are not many mentions of what happen during the 5 years, except Lana recruited Koth and Senya at some point, started building the Alliance with Theron after he left the Republic at some point, and so on, Kaliyo arriving on Zakuul is probably the only event where there is an actual mention of time (at least that's the only one i can remember).

Could be interesting.

I really wish i didn't have to go out in that romantic walk with Lana, and could talk to her in the hangar instead (would be even better to have that walk with my character's actual LI too)

From what i've seen, if you only replay KOTFE 9, you don't have the romance lock-in pop-up, but if you replay at least KOTFE 1, and then KOTFE 9, the romance lock-in is back and you can see it again.

Also, if you have Nico available as a companion, he'll replace Hylo in that scene.

I prefer the Frontline Slicer set he wears on the JC vid, but i'm very partial to this one as i think it's the one that looks the best on him, especially with his post Nathema hairstyle, and the default color matches his eye color, which is imo a nice bonus.

Going on a romantic stroll through a different area of the woods with equally nice lighting and shading with Theron would be amazing. I would also love to go on a walk through the woods, or around the area, with some of my character's close friends as well. I never did get to take Mako on a vacation to Alderaan as she wished. A walk with her as friends would be wonderful. 🌟 And Torian could be there too. Maybe they'll get back together if I leave them alone to chat together next to a charming, bubbling brook or something.

Would be easy enough to do too. In the Flashpoint section of the base, make a new one that can be activated and, upon startup, the player can choose companions to go through the area with. It could be a cutscene with dialogue and players could catch up with their longtime friends and companions that way. Would be an especially nice way to see characters like Quinn again, as from what I have gathered from various sources, he also disappears after Iocath and is never seen again. 

I am going to try replaying KotFE Chapter 1 tonight then. Being able to see Chapter 9 again on my BH, would be amazing! Thanks for that tidbit! 🎉

I really want Nico! I didn't play during Galactic Seasons 2 and now that I am playing Seasons 3, I am getting the tokens, but he has not shown up in the vendor yet. It's cool that he has bonus scenes like that. 😲

I seriously love Theron in the Frontline Slicer set. Theron looks amazing in most anything, but that slicer set? Extra nice! 🤤 I'm trying not to dress him the same on all my characters though. (He's also rocking Frontline in black and red on my BH right now.) I spent over an hour before deciding on that Speedsuit/Vintage Brawler outfit 😅


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7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Oh i fully agree that all LIs should get something, even if it's just a mail from times to times, at least the romance would still feel alive, i've not played the story with a lot of my characters because of the lack of romance for them, and i already consider myself lucky that my 3 favorite characters are in a relationship with Theron, Arcann and Torian, who are among the luckiest LIs.

Honestly even just getting a sweet mail from my characters LIs after every mission would already be a big improvement over nothing for most of them, especially since it would be failry low cost if they don't have to animate and voice anything for them when they can't be directly involved with the story.

I would love so much to get even more mails.  I know we are already pretty spoiled with Theron letters, but I would still like more.  And people with other LIs deserve to be spoiled as well.  Like you said, they are such an inexpensive way to give us romantic content and also great character development.

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

Okay, Theron's eyes. Still could not get it to work through Imgur so I uploaded it to my Google Drive. Google Overlords to the rescue! It's just a simple picture. Nothing special but now you should be able to open it 🤩

All hail the google overlords.  I was able to open it indeed and I love it, worth the wait 😍  that gorgeous green-yellow-brown color, I love it.  Very good science you are performing, very valuable research.  Keep up the good work. 😉

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

Hmm.. this is one I was thinking of. Watching it again though, there have definitely been more impressive moments. Especially as we don't even see the pistol fire. 😄

Ya know, I actually did think about doing that one then didn't because of like you said not actually seeing much.  But I shall try again!  I will probably have to use my footage though so that I can have the raw file to work with.  I can try to download yours off youtube though, will see if it works. 

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

I think after Yavin, my agent got to thinking about agents he has known. Which causes him to think of Sanju. Who reminds him of Theron and he starts having regrets. So by the time they meet again on Odeseen, he is determined not to waste a second chance. The slow burn was definitely worth it.

Your agent totally did the slow burn. ❤️  Mine did... the burn fast and bright version 😅  And I literally just got the romance locked in on Odessen (well, just got to Kaliyo in chapter 10), my agent is now committed.  Not that he probably sees hooking back up with Theron as definitely a long term thing yet but, he will.  He'll get there.

I chuckled at the thought during the romance scene though that my poor non-force-wielding agent is probably really tired of hearing about force nonsense and destiny by that point but that somehow when Theron says it, it's the first time all week that someone mentioned "destiny" and it actually made any sense 😉

also, on the topic of agents, I totally love that there's a decent amount of dialogue special to the agent so far in KotFE, like some stuff might be for tech character vs force character, but then there's the SCORPIO stuff and Kaliyo stuff (which are both super good, especially Kaliyo, that entire mission talking with her and them having actual feelings, it was so good ❤️), and then this line which might be my favorite because I wondered if that was going to be addressed and then it was 😅  and there was one at the beginning of chapter 10 to tell Theron that he nearly died stopping terrorists so he is not a fan.  obviously there are a lot of things specific to the other characters I've played through as well (especially JK stuff with him vs the emperor, and SW with being former wrath) but I feel like so far there might be even more agent ones ❤️

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

 Ah, definitely agreed there! The Republic one is very sweet. The two scenes are very different. That is so interesting! I'm sure I am not the only one that enjoys seeing the results of your science experiments. 👩‍🔬⚗️🧪🔬Especially as I have never seen Theron's face clearly in either version (especially the Imperial one). He moves in too quickly. Watching the scenes in slow, gify motion is very helpful. 🧐


Ohhh, shinny! This was nice to watch as I was unable to hear most of the lines on my agent. Thanks for making that. 💖

You are most welcome 🥰

And, yeah, same, other than freeze-framing through the whole kiss scenes (which, I mean, I have also done lmao), making gifs that are slightly slowed down, very useful.  For science!  ⚗️🧪🔬 (I also did the cute Cytharat one, btw, that one goes so fast in game, it deserved to be slowed down to appreciate its full adorableness, dat smiiiile ❤️ he so presh.)

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

Would be a nice explanation if he actually followed that advice. 🤣 Our man is very bad about taking care of himself. After Rishi he never took time time off to heal. Same with Yavin, Of course, now I can't find the source I read that in. He also doesn't take time off to heal from injuries obtained in Annihilation. And he is very bad at listening to advice from others in regards to taking time off to heal. PC: "Shouldn't you be in a Kolto tank?" Theron: "Dr. Oggurobb is already 'concerned' about my stress levels."

I have a feeling that if he was told to stay behind to heal, PC would land and find Theron already there."😅

ffs Theron, start taking better care of your beautiful body pls.  😢

I also think of how on Ziost he mentions that "my bruises still have bruises" after his torture by the Revanites.  Someone make this boy rest 😢

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

I only remember one glitch on my maleBh who is BT2. It happens in the proposal scene. BH skips back and starts to walk forward again and a split second later, Theron skips back too.

whoa, weird, yeah, I definitely have never had that glitch, thank god!  I hope I never do, yiiiikes.  The worst ones I have are borked weapons in cutscenes and the occasional naked companion lmao

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Bwahahaha! I don't know if any of you have discovered that it is possible to do the KotFE Chapter 9 cantina romance scene with Theron in a different outfit. 🤯 My BH can't. I don't know when the cut-off is, but I tried long ago to do the scene over and it played out with only friendship talks. I was testing things on my JC recently after I got to Chapter 10 and acquired Theron as a companion. I figured I would re-record all of chapter 9 with a new outfit, except for the cantina scene, wherein I would use my original video. But then the romance option popped up! 😲 Here's the entire scene. And the option is there too for my agent who just finished KotFE Chapter 15. Now I have to go back through all those chapters and re-record everything with a new outfit. I'm thinking this one😏

The only difference between the initial Chapter 9 and redoing it, is that Theron does not say an extra line. I have spiced the original line into the video where it would have originally been. It's pretty noticeable because he is back in his default outfit.

Ya know, I have actually NEVER encountered the lack of romance option glitch at the cantina on any character, whether on a first run or a rerun (both my Jedi have rerun it multiple times, haven't rerun it on either imperial character yet).  I count myself lucky on that one haha  I have definitely just rerun chapter 9 and only chapter 9 also, never had a problem.  I have had it not SAY that the dialogue chain will be for romance, but then it still is and I still get the romance popup.  But never had it lock me out, thankfully.

Damn, you got your Theron lookin slinky there in the purple 😉  Seconded that I love the frontline slicer on him too, it suits him very well ❤️

Speaking of Theron outfits, since I gave Theron the exact same jacket I always give him, he and my agent are both in black leather duster jackets (slightly different ones, but, close enough), matching black and red leather spy boyfriends 😍


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Just burned through a few more chapters, and I think I may have found my new favorite non-romantic Agent-Theron interaction.  I was laughing out loud, way too hard tbh 🤣  idk if other characters have this option and I just never got it but the deadpan delivery from agent is so perfect 😂

edit (adding to this post to not spam too badly lol): Just finished Visions in the Dark chapter and OMG for some reason the "explaining what happened when PC disappeared" scene is way different on agent compared to both Jedi versions that I have done before.  I don't know if this is a force user vs not, republic vs imperial, or just specific to agent vs jedi, but in agent version Theron actually reacts to the bombshell that Satele is on Odessen.  I always thought it was super weird that Theron could hear that news from the Jedi characters and just stay totally silent. 

I actually really love the whole agent version of that scene overall, it fits really well with how confused poor non-force-using spy boy is over everything that just happened, compared to JK who isn't confused at all and is just kinda pissed at Valkorian and newly motivated by Satele and Marr's lessons.  But seriously, why do we not get that reaction from Theron on every version of the scene???  It's so good, he sounds so emotional about it too 🥺

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I always feel bad about Sanju. The "let's sabotage this mission in a reeeeeeeeal subtle way" is just so amateurishly bad that I can't say yes even though I know there will be no real consequences. He always end up dead.

Tbh Theron will probably be way more subtle about it when it's not just his life but his colleague's life is involved.

PS: I promised my guild to make another heal spec toon for raids so I was leveling a male SW in the last few days (yeah, after the double XP lmao). I just finished Makeb and I can't wait to do the Forged Alliance!

News flash. Jobless Former Wrath Kill Boss, Defected for Love.

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 This took me three hours to make. 😱 How do you all manage to post so quickly?

17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

All hail the google overlords.  I was able to open it indeed and I love it, worth the wait 😍  that gorgeous green-yellow-brown color, I love it.  Very good science you are performing, very valuable research.  Keep up the good work. 😉


17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ya know, I actually did think about doing that one then didn't because of like you said not actually seeing much.  But I shall try again!  I will probably have to use my footage though so that I can have the raw file to work with.  I can try to download yours off youtube though, will see if it works. 

It does provide this great screenshot though. 🤩

17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

whoa, weird, yeah, I definitely have never had that glitch, thank god!  I hope I never do, yiiiikes.  The worst ones I have are borked weapons in cutscenes and the occasional naked companion lmao

Ya know, I have actually NEVER encountered the lack of romance option glitch at the cantina on any character, whether on a first run or a rerun (both my Jedi have rerun it multiple times, haven't rerun it on either imperial character yet).  I count myself lucky on that one haha  I have definitely just rerun chapter 9 and only chapter 9 also, never had a problem.  I have had it not SAY that the dialogue chain will be for romance, but then it still is and I still get the romance popup.  But never had it lock me out, thankfully.

I've always thought that that destiny line was adorable and sweet. 💖 It definitely adds different weight to the scene with different characters. Not bad for a line that is the same for all classes. 

🤣 I loved that "commander" line. I spoiled the meaning behind it somehow a while ago. Otherwise, I would have been slightly confused when I saw it in my game because my agent hasn't done RotHC yet. I think that's where the promotion happens. Definitely had to laugh at that line when I took it.

17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I chuckled at the thought during the romance scene though that my poor non-force-wielding agent is probably really tired of hearing about force nonsense and destiny by that point but that somehow when Theron says it, it's the first time all week that someone mentioned "destiny" and it actually made any sense 😉

also, on the topic of agents, I totally love that there's a decent amount of dialogue special to the agent so far in KotFE, like some stuff might be for tech character vs force character, but then there's the SCORPIO stuff and Kaliyo stuff (which are both super good, especially Kaliyo, that entire mission talking with her and them having actual feelings, it was so good ❤️), and then this line which might be my favorite because I wondered if that was going to be addressed and then it was 😅  and there was one at the beginning of chapter 10 to tell Theron that he nearly died stopping terrorists so he is not a fan.  obviously there are a lot of things specific to the other characters I've played through as well (especially JK stuff with him vs the emperor, and SW with being former wrath) but I feel like so far there might be even more agent ones ❤️

I've always thought that that destiny line was adorable and sweet. 💖 It definitely adds different weight to the scene with different characters. Not bad for a line that is the same for all classes. 

🤣 I loved that "commander" line. I spoiled the meaning behind it somehow a while ago. Otherwise, I would have been slightly confused when I saw it in my game because my agent hasn't done RotHC yet. I think that's where the promotion happens. Definitely had to laugh at that line when I took it.

17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

whoa, weird, yeah, I definitely have never had that glitch, thank god!  I hope I never do, yiiiikes.  The worst ones I have are borked weapons in cutscenes and the occasional naked companion lmao

Ya know, I have actually NEVER encountered the lack of romance option glitch at the cantina on any character, whether on a first run or a rerun (both my Jedi have rerun it multiple times, haven't rerun it on either imperial character yet).  I count myself lucky on that one haha  I have definitely just rerun chapter 9 and only chapter 9 also, never had a problem.  I have had it not SAY that the dialogue chain will be for romance, but then it still is and I still get the romance popup.  But never had it lock me out, thankfully.

Know what I'm hearing? That my game is broken! I got that skip-back glitch on every retry of that proposal scene. I finally thought, 'Eh, I'm sure everyone has that weird jump.' 🤣 And I thought the lack of a romance scene on repeats was intentional. Why tell Theron again that we're interested in dating him, right? 😘

Never did get a chance to redo Chapter 1 last night. Have to do that soon. But hey, I got to use dialogue options I never take, so there is that. 😏

I constantly get weapon glitches on Theron. I have the GT-11 Blaster equipped on him most of the time. The stubborn man refuses to use them though. He's constantly sporting his original blasters. Or the two of them are melded together on his hip. He'll even take the GT-11 blaster, his other blaster will stay on his hip, shoot, and then put the GT-11 and his other blaster back together. Course, now I can't find a good video of it. I'll try to remember to do that later. 

And speaking of the naked glitch, I did start the very beginning of Chapter 1 last night and Mako is still naked! I swear I dress her! (Love the way BH's title gets shortened to 'Champion' sometimes. Makes me feel special. Clips ends before it is said.)

17 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Damn, you got your Theron lookin slinky there in the purple 😉  Seconded that I love the frontline slicer on him too, it suits him very well ❤️

Speaking of Theron outfits, since I gave Theron the exact same jacket I always give him, he and my agent are both in black leather duster jackets (slightly different ones, but, close enough), matching black and red leather spy boyfriends 😍

Loving that black and red look there 🤩

That's the budget, secondary deep-purple dye. Helps that the speedsuit is already black. 😉 Course, now that I have slept on the decision, I'll likely change his outfit again. That suit is a little toooo skintight.... I was thinking, 'Oh! This will be great. It's formfitting and dark. Great for sneaking into places without worrying about his clothing snaging on something and weighing him down. And the knee and elbow pads will help him when he's crawling through airducts.' But now I'm thinking, 'Wow, that suit is very tight. All of his assets are fully on display. Does he feel self-conscious in that? He's probably feeling self-conscious in that.'

Theron: Jonas, I need help. 

Jonas: Well, if it isn't my ol' pal, Theron. What can I do for you?

Theron: I have a date. Well, not a date. It's more of a group night. But he'll be there and I need to look good and he's seen me in this SIS outfit before and I don't have anything else to wear and -

Jonas: Hey now, you called the right person. I have just the thing. (holds up slinky purple and black outfit)

Theron: You expect me to wear... that? 😳

Jonas: You're the one that wanted to look good. No woman can resist this outfit. 😁

Theron: Not a woman. 🙄

Jonas: Doesn't matter. Look, you'll look great. Trust me. 😏

Theron: The last time I trusted you I got punched in the face and nearly abducted. 😒

Jonas: Why do you keep bringing that up? Anyway, try it on. It'll fit you. 😉

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Just burned through a few more chapters, and I think I may have found my new favorite non-romantic Agent-Theron interaction.  I was laughing out loud, way too hard tbh 🤣  idk if other characters have this option and I just never got it but the deadpan delivery from agent is so perfect 😂

edit (adding to this post to not spam too badly lol): Just finished Visions in the Dark chapter and OMG for some reason the "explaining what happened when PC disappeared" scene is way different on agent compared to both Jedi versions that I have done before.  I don't know if this is a force user vs not, republic vs imperial, or just specific to agent vs jedi, but in agent version Theron actually reacts to the bombshell that Satele is on Odessen.  I always thought it was super weird that Theron could hear that news from the Jedi characters and just stay totally silent. 

I actually really love the whole agent version of that scene overall, it fits really well with how confused poor non-force-using spy boy is over everything that just happened, compared to JK who isn't confused at all and is just kinda pissed at Valkorian and newly motivated by Satele and Marr's lessons.  But seriously, why do we not get that reaction from Theron on every version of the scene???  It's so good, he sounds so emotional about it too 🥺

I remember hearing that line. Now I can't find it though. I think I failed to record it. I always choose the third line, it seems. 😅 Makes it easy to hear the VA differences for that line though.  

Wow! He doesn't say a word at all! 😲 What the heck, Devs?! That seems like it is definitely a difference between Imperial and Republic. We would need someone to chime in about that on a Trooper or Smuggler but I don't think we have anyone playing either of those here.  Have not done that chapter on my JC yet. I'll do that soon for the voice comparison 😉, but here is my Agent's and BH's. Theron talks in both of them. 

When I get their clones through KotFE, I'm going to have to switch Jorgan and Kalyio on the missions. Having Agent say that Kaliyo is his homocidal maniac would fit better. 🤣 (Tough that line is great either way.)

14 hours ago, eabevella said:

I always feel bad about Sanju. The "let's sabotage this mission in a reeeeeeeeal subtle way" is just so amateurishly bad that I can't say yes even though I know there will be no real consequences. He always end up dead.

Tbh Theron will probably be way more subtle about it when it's not just his life but his colleague's life is involved.

PS: I promised my guild to make another heal spec toon for raids so I was leveling a male SW in the last few days (yeah, after the double XP lmao). I just finished Makeb and I can't wait to do the Forged Alliance!

News flash. Jobless Former Wrath Kill Boss, Defected for Love.

He's alive on mine. 💖 I tell him no to the first sabotage and then sabotage the other options. He survives that way and I think it works out well. 

And for sure! Sanju seems to be almost new to the job. Like a novice. He's good but he lacks experience. He's such an idealist, softy too. Would be nice to recruit him for the Alliance. He and Theron can go on missions and meet contacts together. 😁

I too should have started the SW during the bonus week. Worked on my BH clone and only got him up to 46. The struggle is real. 😅

"Defected for love." 🤣 Let us know how it turns out!

Edited by yenzin
added a sentence. spelling.
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15 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I constantly get weapon glitches on Theron. I have the GT-11 Blaster equipped on him most of the time. The stubborn man refuses to use them though. He's constantly sporting his original blasters. Or the two of them are melded together on his hip. He'll even take the GT-11 blaster, his other blaster will stay on his hip, shoot, and then put the GT-11 and his other blaster back together. Course, now I can't find a good video of it. I'll try to remember to do that later. 

This irritates me so so much.

I gave him the same blasters because they look good on him and his default blasters are absolutely ugly and not even assorted, and i like my dual-wielders to use a pair of the same weapon, but those ugly blasters keep coming back (i think it's mainly during KOTFE but it's so annoying). And it's definitely a bug with his default blasters as i had the same problem when he was using a pair of Rascal's Way.

23 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Wow! He doesn't say a word at all! 😲 What the heck, Devs?! That seems like it is definitely a difference between Imperial and Republic. We would need someone to chime in about that on a Trooper or Smuggler but I don't think we have anyone playing either of those here.  Have not done that chapter on my JC yet. I'll do that soon for the voice comparison 😉, but here is my Agent's and BH's. Theron talks in both of them. 

It may also be a difference between Force Users and NFU. Oddly i don't remember him talking, but i mostly played KOTFE with my JK so that may be why.

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20 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

This irritates me so so much.

I gave him the same blasters because they look good on him and his default blasters are absolutely ugly and not even assorted, and i like my dual-wielders to use a pair of the same weapon, but those ugly blasters keep coming back (i think it's mainly during KOTFE but it's so annoying). And it's definitely a bug with his default blasters as i had the same problem when he was using a pair of Rascal's Way.

It may also be a difference between Force Users and NFU. Oddly i don't remember him talking, but i mostly played KOTFE with my JK so that may be why.

Same! I like to match weapons too on my duel-wielders too. 😄 I also get that bug when he is wearing the GR-4 ST Blaster. Nice blaster with a silencer on it. Perfect for him and assassinating people if need be. The Artful Trickster blasters also look great on him. Sliming, sleek and sexy. And does he use either of them? NO! He uses his bulky, ugly things. 🤣

Theron, work with us here! 

Now I'm wondering it he talks in that scene with a SW or SI. 🤔

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

 This took me three hours to make. 😱 How do you all manage to post so quickly?

I mean, it usually takes me an hour and then I still make 85 mistakes I have to edit to fix hours later, so 🤣

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I've always thought that that destiny line was adorable and sweet. 💖 It definitely adds different weight to the scene with different characters. Not bad for a line that is the same for all classes. 

🤣 I loved that "commander" line. I spoiled the meaning behind it somehow a while ago. Otherwise, I would have been slightly confused when I saw it in my game because my agent hasn't done RotHC yet. I think that's where the promotion happens. Definitely had to laugh at that line when I took it.

Yes, I also love the destiny line ❤️  It works very well for basically everyone since it can be interpreted with different connotations for different characters.

And yeah, Makeb is where the Commander promotion happens, I was actually wondering if agent would still be called Commander through SoR and KotFE if they did not do Makeb, but sounds like yours did?

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Know what I'm hearing? That my game is broken! I got that skip-back glitch on every retry of that proposal scene. I finally thought, 'Eh, I'm sure everyone has that weird jump.' 🤣 And I thought the lack of a romance scene on repeats was intentional. Why tell Theron again that we're interested in dating him, right? 😘

Never did get a chance to redo Chapter 1 last night. Have to do that soon. But hey, I got to use dialogue options I never take, so there is that. 😏

I constantly get weapon glitches on Theron. I have the GT-11 Blaster equipped on him most of the time. The stubborn man refuses to use them though. He's constantly sporting his original blasters. Or the two of them are melded together on his hip. He'll even take the GT-11 blaster, his other blaster will stay on his hip, shoot, and then put the GT-11 and his other blaster back together. Course, now I can't find a good video of it. I'll try to remember to do that later. 

And speaking of the naked glitch, I did start the very beginning of Chapter 1 last night and Mako is still naked! I swear I dress her! (Love the way BH's title gets shortened to 'Champion' sometimes. Makes me feel special. Clips ends before it is said.)

Yeah that weapon bug with Theron's blasters is all through KotFE, and it isn't just him, Lana constantly has default saber and saber color despite me changing it. 😔 Every now and then Theron will have the right guns on but erg it is frustratingly common, and his default guns are so ugly.  This gif I made has the melding guns issue too.  It is something they will probably never fix either, loads of posts about it in bug reports forum with no fixes, it's visual only so probably super low priority.  Sooooooo annoying though.  I just want Theron to look good gdi.

I also have one character that is slightly broken!  It can definitely happen!  My first JC has a lot of companion glitches that NONE of my other characters have.  Like, she gets the naked thing every time.  And characters are naked as holos in strongholds too.  And when I put masks on her companions, they are consistently inconsistent with voice modulations from the mask and it's so jarring that I gave up on masks lol

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

That's the budget, secondary deep-purple dye. Helps that the speedsuit is already black. 😉 Course, now that I have slept on the decision, I'll likely change his outfit again. That suit is a little toooo skintight.... I was thinking, 'Oh! This will be great. It's formfitting and dark. Great for sneaking into places without worrying about his clothing snaging on something and weighing him down. And the knee and elbow pads will help him when he's crawling through airducts.' But now I'm thinking, 'Wow, that suit is very tight. All of his assets are fully on display. Does he feel self-conscious in that? He's probably feeling self-conscious in that.'

Theron: Jonas, I need help. 

Jonas: Well, if it isn't my ol' pal, Theron. What can I do for you?

Theron: I have a date. Well, not a date. It's more of a group night. But he'll be there and I need to look good and he's seen me in this SIS outfit before and I don't have anything else to wear and -

Jonas: Hey now, you called the right person. I have just the thing. (holds up slinky purple and black outfit)

Theron: You expect me to wear... that? 😳

Jonas: You're the one that wanted to look good. No woman can resist this outfit. 😁

Theron: Not a woman. 🙄

Jonas: Doesn't matter. Look, you'll look great. Trust me. 😏

Theron: The last time I trusted you I got punched in the face and nearly abducted. 😒

Jonas: Why do you keep bringing that up? Anyway, try it on. It'll fit you. 😉I


I do agree though, I feel like Theron would be the type to be at least a bit self-conscious in a skin-tight outfit.  Maybe not if it's for a mission, but for himself on the daily, I think he might.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I remember hearing that line. Now I can't find it though. I think I failed to record it. I always choose the third line, it seems. 😅 Makes it easy to hear the VA differences for that line though.  

Wow! He doesn't say a word at all! 😲 What the heck, Devs?! That seems like it is definitely a difference between Imperial and Republic. We would need someone to chime in about that on a Trooper or Smuggler but I don't think we have anyone playing either of those here.  Have not done that chapter on my JC yet. I'll do that soon for the voice comparison 😉, but here is my Agent's and BH's. Theron talks in both of them. 

When I get their clones through KotFE, I'm going to have to switch Jorgan and Kalyio on the missions. Having Agent say that Kaliyo is his homocidal maniac would fit better. 🤣 (Tough that line is great either way.)

OMG that homicidal maniac line is great 🤣  I have chosen the first and second dialogues on that scene before but never the third one.

I have done about half and half on characters choosing Kaliyo vs Aric for that mission, my agent chose Kaliyo, JK chose Aric, JC chose Kaliyo I think on her original run but I reran the mission and did the opposite to see it.  I love it either way honestly, I love the Kaliyo-Aric bickering, cracks me up haha

56 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

It may also be a difference between Force Users and NFU. Oddly i don't remember him talking, but i mostly played KOTFE with my JK so that may be why.

Yeah, given BH and agent clearly have identical dialogue and Jedi mentions building a lightsaber, I do wonder if it is FU vs not. 

.........clearly I need at the very least to play SW to this point and see what version she gets, that will confirm!

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28 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Same! I like to match weapons too on my duel-wielders too. 😄 I also get that bug when he is wearing the GR-4 ST Blaster. Nice blaster with a silencer on it. Perfect for him and assassinating people if need be. The Artful Trickster blasters also look great on him. Sliming, sleek and sexy. And does he use either of them? NO! He uses his bulky, ugly things. 🤣

Theron, work with us here!

Does ANYONE mix and match guns on dual-wielders?  haha  I mean, other than the devs with Theron apparently. lol  sometimes with the glitch he at least gets 2 of the same gun, but when it gives him 2 totally different ones it's just.............. why????????

All my Therons get the Firestorm HZ-76 blasters, it's my favorite blaster in the game, and they look fabulous holstered on him (and wielded by him - lookie, a make gif of no glitch lol) if I do say so myself 😉

(and no, idk why I am physically incapable of dressing Theron in different outfits when every other companion gets a totally different look on every character, but, welp.  😅)

Edited by cannibithobbal
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43 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

And yeah, Makeb is where the Commander promotion happens, I was actually wondering if agent would still be called Commander through SoR and KotFE if they did not do Makeb, but sounds like yours did?

Yeah that weapon bug with Theron's blasters is all through KotFE, and it isn't just him, Lana constantly has default saber and saber color despite me changing it. 😔 Every now and then Theron will have the right guns on but erg it is frustratingly common, and his default guns are so ugly.  This gif I made has the melding guns issue too.  It is something they will probably never fix either, loads of posts about it in bug reports forum with no fixes, it's visual only so probably super low priority.  Sooooooo annoying though.  I just want Theron to look good gdi.

Yup, definitely made the Commander line. I'm going to have to go play Makeb on him so I can officially get that promotion. 😅

It's such a nice gif. 😍 Even with Theron equipped with three or four blasters. 🤣

34 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Does ANYONE mix and match guns on dual-wielders?  haha  I mean, other than the devs with Theron apparently. lol  sometimes with the glitch he at least gets 2 of the same gun, but when it gives him 2 totally different ones it's just.............. why????????

All my Therons get the Firestorm HZ-76 blasters, it's my favorite blaster in the game, and they look fabulous holstered on him (and wielded by him - lookie, a make gif of no glitch lol) if I do say so myself 😉

(and no, idk why I am physically incapable of dressing Theron in different outfits when every other companion gets a totally different look on every character, but, welp.  😅)

One of these days I will buy Mischief and Anarchy. Then the mismatched weapons will make sense, 😆 Theron mismatches his guns on my game all the time too. I mostly don't even notice anymore. 😅

Where is that scene from? I don't recall a scene where Theron and Satele are together like that. Not even on Yavin did they do something like that. 😲 That is a nice gif too! 💖

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16 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Yup, definitely made the Commander line. I'm going to have to go play Makeb on him so I can officially get that promotion. 😅

Dew it.  Just make sure to say hi to a certain adorable sith lord while you're there 😉

17 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Where is that scene from? I don't recall a scene where Theron and Satele are together like that. Not even on Yavin did they do something like that. 😲 That is a nice gif too! 💖

tbh if you don't know the scene I should not say so as not to spoil!   it is republic story though which is why you may not recognize it.

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2 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I like Theron's Guns I just pop a matching black-red crystal to match the couples black/red outfits. 

They do have their own... charm. 😂😆 I should try that crystal trick. Why don't I use crystals more? 🤔 Oh, I can add the gravity tuning to them too! 🌟

Just now, cannibithobbal said:

Dew it.  Just make sure to say hi to a certain adorable sith lord while you're there 😉

tbh if you don't know the scene I should not say so as not to spoil!   it is republic story though which is why you may not recognize it.

Okay, yup, that would explain it! Trying not to spoil too many things for myself. I'll get there on my own one day and then coo at the screen when I do. 🤩

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3 hours ago, yenzin said:

They do have their own... charm. 😂😆 I should try that crystal trick. Why don't I use crystals more? 🤔 Oh, I can add the gravity tuning to them too! 🌟

yesssss crystals and tunings.  do iiit.

ngl, I have purchased way too many crystals from GTN, I have an entire legacy vault page just full of different crystals, plus I have a bunch of colors unlocked for all characters in collections 🤣  

As for my Therons, I have a slight obsession with matching couples so he always gets a crystal (not to mention an outfit lol) that match the ones that my characters have, so my JC Theron has pink magenta to match her saber (oh and they have black-pink variants as well), JK Theron has white to match his saber, and agent's Theron has blood red to match his gun

I also own 4 tunings, I have the laser tuning on Theron for my 2 jedis and I have the lightning tuning on my agent's Theron to match agent's own pistol 😉   I have been tempted to put the gravity tuning on someone's gun but I currently use it only for my JC's saber and it doesn't look very good on the HZ-76 so haven't used it for Theron yet......

Edited by cannibithobbal
added some piccies, because I could
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My BH wears black and red armor to honor justice and her great-grandmother who was like a mom to her for a very short period of time. She has a Black Red crystal for her guns that I HC my SW giving to her for helping at Grathan's. She gave Theron two pieces of it on Odessen as a commitment thing, and he just looks good in black and red. I like to keep it simple.

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