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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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4 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I put Kalyio  down and it came out malcolm I have no idea. Back to Theron.

ohhhhh yes, that makes so much more sense 😂

and yes, Kaliyo is first flirt option for agent (and I took that too), I was referring to taking the first flirt available for Watcher 2.  But no matter.  my boy is not going to fully romance anyone til Theron anyway 😉

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Well that's why Watcher wants nothing to do with your Agent. If you ever want to see how she plays out, you have to take her as the very first flirt, not flirt with anyone else on DK and don't take any flirts with others until after Jadus's ship. She has high standards. I don't think Theron is much different. I can't imagine he'd be attracted to someone who is promiscuous to the point of where do they have time to work. 

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How bout: you play your agent how you want, I play mine how I want.  And you play Theron romances how you want and I play them how I want.  And neither of us judge each others' choices or judge each others' characters, especially based on a few random comments made about them in forum posts that don't even fully represent their full character or the character arc planned for them and are mostly just me being silly anyway.  Deal?  Perfect.

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You mentioned you wanted to see how Watcher played out I told you how. That's all. I tried to tie it into a conversation about Theron because this is his thread. Jeeze play how you want, but you do miss some portions of the game. And when did I judge anyone. Theron is not written as promiscuous neither is Lana they dump you if you try to have another LI! I didn't put that in the game. I'm only talking about it.

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I would never play a character trying to be promiscuous with Theron for that very reason, I could never dump him or cheat on him or anything of the sort, and neither would any character of mine who romances him. 

And for the record my agent is not promiscuous, he is just very flirtatious (with it almost never going anywhere lol).  There is a big difference.  (to clarify: I know I have made jokes about him getting around or being non-monogamous but that was me being silly, not actually how I've played him lol)

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I didn't say your PC's wouldn't be faithful to Theron or that your Agent would sleep with every option they get. (Although not as many as Smugglers) I was talking about how Theron isn't written like a person to be attracted to people who habitually "get around" I was not talking about you or how you play.

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7 hours ago, yenzin said:

What?! That line is awesome!!! 😍 I want that line! :: give me grabby hands emote:: That must be a regional language thing because my JC definitely got the same line as JK in English. Would have been nice for them to be different like they are on the Imperial side and in French. Actually, maybe both SW and SI have the same line as each other too? 🤔 Lazy English version 😂 I wonder what other lines are different.

Did you previously flirt with Theron on that JC ?

I know i did on my JK who got the "i started to think you didn't care" line and didn't on my JC who got the "mysterious spies" line (well i did look at the [flirts] in the previous convos, but escaped out before the end and then picked the non [flirt] options, so that one on Rishi was technically the first time my JC flirted with him, so that may be why the line was different other than language (i'd actually love if it was the reason, as i'd be able to record that line on a clone of my JK both in english and french as i really think that line would suit my JK more than "i started to think you didn't care")

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10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, she turned him down so hard.  A few other women rejected him too (don't remember her line, but Mia on Tatooine was just like "did you seriously just flirt with me?" and got annoyed lol), but Watcher 2 was the most brutal.  The funny thing is, it keeps giving me the flirt option, but I haven't taken any others because my boy can take a hint and wouldn't date a woman racist against him anyway lol

Agreed, we can't make people like us and pursuing someone that is not interested is what creepy stalkers do. 😏

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am so sad that Kira and Scourge especially are class locked for romance since you can HAVE them as companions on all classes.  Zenith and Jaesa are just class locked as companions.  And even though it's super in character for him and makes all the sense in the world, the Zenith one makes me so sad 😭  I just want my twi'lek boys to hang out together okaaaaay 😭  (dumb tangent, but I was playing my 3rd JK on Balmorra yesterday and I got to the weapons factory place where all classes converge, and a JC was running around with Zenith and I was like ZENIIIIITH!!!! and chased them down and helped them fight some enemies instead of just stealthing through because I could pretend my JK was fighting with Zenith just for a minute haha.... I don't have a problem, don't judge me. 🥲

More tangent (Zenith was mentioned, I can't help myself!), but I really really really hope Zenith comes back again in story for all republic characters.  Like, they completely 100% set it up (JK says "until next time, Zenith" as he's leaving and then Zenith sends a letter saying that he will not work for them but will work with them and that if he ever needs their help he will call -- not to mention JC gets a flirt but no follow through to an actual romance... slowest burn romance in the game istg, which is super in character but still), but whether the devs actually have plans to follow up on that or just left it open to give themselves options, lord knows.  My dream scenario would be a FP on Balmorra where for JCs, Zenith got intel from his people there and for other classes, Zenith calls them remotely to help, and then because Zenith will never trust anyone imperial, Theron volunteers to be the companion for the mission 😍  and Zenith and Theron both roll with you.  C'MON DEVS, GIMME MY BOYS, LET TROY BAKER HAVE A FIELD DAY, IT WOULD BE PERF

Oh, I don't judge you at all! 😄 I have a lot of characters I like in the game. Zenith is one of them mostly because of his voice actor. I love running around on JC and hearing Baker talk. It's awesome! 😍

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh man, I would love to see JC pretending to be pirate 🤣  neither of my Jedi did it because they're both too pure and honest and were just like "I'M NOT A CANNIBAL GUYS, WTF" lol  (I love them constantly trying to tell people they're not a cannibal, too, it's hilarious)

My smuggler and SW both played pirate though, and it was super fun. 😆

Theron tells Imperial characters that the deception idea was his. What made him think my JC could pull that off? Every time the subject of cannibalism came up, he verbally panicked. 🤣🤣 Here is a video of it, complete with a non-flirt line with Theron at the end. 😉

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

You mean in the republic Rishi reunion?  If so, agreed, I would have hugged him, 100% 😆  and also on Ziost!!

I meant the video scene you posted. It was so heartfelt and he sound so pained and I just wanted to hug him. Thus, I headcanon that hugs do happen. Especially on Ziost. 🤗

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I don't actually think there is any power imbalance between PC and Arn that would make a romance weird, definitely not when the actual flirting is available.  (you will see though, no spoilies)  and yeah, also no specific spoilies but he does have trauma, you get to learn all about it.  (that's where that line to him from Jedi that I love comes from, about the pull to the dark side being there for all of them ❤️ Here's a link to that line, it won't spoil anything if you stop after the line is over... man, it's such a good line, it genuinely might be one of my favorite quotes in the whole game)

Aww! That is a great line. JK really emphasizes it too. Thanks for posting that. ❤️

8 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Okay I gotta put a word in for my Watcher! Watcher 2 is hands down the best female romance option in the IA story. She's tragic, strong, loving, and trapped in her own mind. My Male Agent is completely in love with her and I'm patiently waiting for her Aliance Alert (I have to believe it will happen) I think she'd get a kick out of Theron and make a great fit with his team.

Oh, no argument there! I loved her character. She and my agent had a fun time sassing each other.

I  didn't romance her as my agent didn't romance any of the class romances. The closest he got was Hunter and we all know how that ended. 😥 

I did test the flirt lines at the end of Chapter 2  just to hear them. Even though they were literally the only flirts I had done, I was still able to ask her out on a date. I escaped out of the conversation instead and proceeded to be all business. I've read she would be open to a relationship only if another class romance was not active. She is like Temple in that regard. Single-planet romances or flirting with a lot of random people does not affect being able to romance her. If I was going to do a class romance, she is on my limited list of characters I would woe with flowers and romantic walks on the beach. 🥀

2 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Did you previously flirt with Theron on that JC ?

I know i did on my JK who got the "i started to think you didn't care" line and didn't on my JC who got the "mysterious spies" line (well i did look at the [flirts] in the previous convos, but escaped out before the end and then picked the non [flirt] options, so that one on Rishi was technically the first time my JC flirted with him, so that may be why the line was different other than language (i'd actually love if it was the reason, as i'd be able to record that line on a clone of my JK both in english and french as i really think that line would suit my JK more than "i started to think you didn't care")

I did. 🤔 I did not take all the flirt options, but I took at least two previously. That is really cool that the line is different if Theron was not previously flirted with and it makes a lot of sense to have a more generic line there if that is the case. That line is super cool though and I agree. It would be great on my JK too. When I get my JK and JC clones to Manaan, I am going to have to resist the flirt lines until Rishi just to get the alternate lines for both of them. I am also going to have to resist on my BH and agent clone just in case they get different lines too. That is such a cool thing to learn. Thank you! 🌟



Since I like hearing the different classes in various scenes, here is another scene I am interested in hearing. Regarding Chapter 12 Visions in the Dark, here is male agent flirting with Satele. (It's an alternate scene as I escaped out right after.) I love the delivery. ❤️ I never tried that line on my BH. Also, my BH and IA both call Theron for help. They wake up, look around, and the first person they think of is Theron. 🥰 Do all characters attempt to call him? Or is that something special only to those that romance him?

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6 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I mean, I agree just because I think he's smart enough to realize he'd risk dying if he DID bed Kaliyo lmao  (I love her but she crazy, ex-lovers of hers don't fare well 😅

Oh, that got me thinking. What class romance companion do you all think would fit Theron the best as a romance option? 😏

I put forth Temple from IA's class story. 

Not only is she Force-sensitive, she is also dedicated to her job, polite, committed to the Cause, and honest. Theron is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the Republic, the Alliance, and those he cares about. Temple is also willing to go to extreme lengths for those she cares about to protect Imperial interests.


Just like Theron is seemingly willing to kill his own father (I think he misses on purpose), Temple willingly, and without hesitation, kills her own father in order to save him from being captured and tortured by the Sith for being a traitor by protecting her and hiding her from them.

I feel, depending on the type of coaching she gets from IA, as if she could be flexible enough in her beliefs and would also make for a great Jedi if given the opportunity.

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Agreed, we can't make people like us and pursuing someone that is not interested is what creepy stalkers do. 😏

yis, my boy = not a creepy stalker.  😲  For the record (if you will pardon/indulge me another lil tangent since I think I misrepresented my presh lil agent to everyone lol), to me him flirting with everyone is his agent coping mechanism/agent mask.  It hides his deeper feelings.  Not that he is opposed to genuinely having a meaningful one night stand or casual hook up, of course 😉, but for the most part the constant flirting is not him ever intended to go anywhere with it (he mainly flirts with the most unatainable women actually lol), it's more of a reflex when he is uncomfortable (to deflect it) or to keep people off their guard when he is on a mission.  He is more willing to show his inner kindness and actual feelings around people he trusts, so like, when he has Kaliyo as companion he does not trust her as much and she is a biiit of a bad influence (again, love you, Kaliyo! haha) so he flirts with more people, shoots more people, is colder to everyone.  But when Vector's with him, Vector is so pure and nice that he brings out the agent's better side.  He has flirted a bit less since hanging out with Vector, and done more light side actions (still mostly neutral though).

*ahem* anyway, thank you for coming to my Agent Explained TED Talk.  lol

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Oh, I don't judge you at all! 😄 I have a lot of characters I like in the game. Zenith is one of them mostly because of his voice actor. I love running around on JC and hearing Baker talk. It's awesome! 😍

yis 😍  btw, I, uh, I did a thing a while ago.  If you enjoy Zenith talking, you might enjoy.  (he's such a dry sass machine, I love him)

I was so happy I brought him around as my only companion for the rest of the class story after getting him this time, I had Nadia the first time (and I still love her so much), but Zenith is so great, he doesn't chime in much but when he does, half the time it cracked me up lmao.  He was like my third favorite JC companion before, now he's my favorite haha

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Theron tells Imperial characters that the deception idea was his. What made him think my JC could pull that off? Every time the subject of cannibalism came up, he verbally panicked. 🤣🤣 Here is a video of it, complete with a non-flirt line with Theron at the end. 😉

🤣 that is great, I kinda wish I had made one of my Jedi do it now.  I should do the alt "I'M NOT A CANNIBAL WTF" montage for JK tbh.

Seriously, Theron, you should have given your poor Jedi pals something to work with 😅  I love this line to Theron at the end of the first meeting, basically reflects that haha

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I meant the video scene you posted. It was so heartfelt and he sound so pained and I just wanted to hug him. Thus, I headcanon that hugs do happen. Especially on Ziost. 🤗

OH!  I stupid 🥺  of course that scene, yes, 10000000x yes, when he says that it gets me in the heart every time, I (not even my character, ME) want to just reach through the screen and hug him there.  He just.... the feeeeeeeels  There and on Ziost are really the two key times I think, when he needs hugs.... him feeling bad about the two times he messed up and got people hurt (bb😥)

Just, the fact he is never more upset or hurt than when he thinks he messed up or hurt other people, I empathize with that so much because that's honestly me, so I just always want to give him All The Hugs in those moments

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Did you previously flirt with Theron on that JC ?

I know i did on my JK who got the "i started to think you didn't care" line and didn't on my JC who got the "mysterious spies" line (well i did look at the [flirts] in the previous convos, but escaped out before the end and then picked the non [flirt] options, so that one on Rishi was technically the first time my JC flirted with him, so that may be why the line was different other than language (i'd actually love if it was the reason, as i'd be able to record that line on a clone of my JK both in english and french as i really think that line would suit my JK more than "i started to think you didn't care")

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I did. 🤔 I did not take all the flirt options, but I took at least two previously. That is really cool that the line is different if Theron was not previously flirted with and it makes a lot of sense to have a more generic line there if that is the case. That line is super cool though and I agree. It would be great on my JK too. When I get my JK and JC clones to Manaan, I am going to have to resist the flirt lines until Rishi just to get the alternate lines for both of them. I am also going to have to resist on my BH and agent clone just in case they get different lines too. That is such a cool thing to learn. Thank you! 🌟

If that is prompted by not flirting with him before, then that's cool! I love that there is a different line depending, it totally makes sense.  I would love to hear a video of that alt line if anyone manages to get it!

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Since I like hearing the different classes in various scenes, here is another scene I am interested in hearing. Regarding Chapter 12 Visions in the Dark, here is male agent flirting with Satele. (It's an alternate scene as I escaped out right after.) I love the delivery. ❤️ I never tried that line on my BH. Also, my BH and IA both call Theron for help. They wake up, look around, and the first person they think of is Theron. 🥰 Do all characters attempt to call him? Or is that something special only to those that romance him?

My Jedi both also immediately try to call Theron ❤️, and I have also always wondered if it is because of the romance or not!!  I tell myself that it is regardless though, because like you say, they wake up and immediately just want to talk to Theron, which is adorable ❤️

Oh man, the agent flirt.... I seriously can't decide if I will take that for real or just an alt take like that 😅, like you said, the delivery is great, and her reaction is hilarious haha   As in character as it would be for my boy to flirt with the most unatainable woman possible in a stressful situation, I will probably ultimately make it an alt (maybe... ugh, can't decide, but I'm so far away, I have plenty of time lol), but I will have to at least record it 😅

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Oh, that got me thinking. What class romance companion do you all think would fit Theron the best as a romance option? 😏

I have never thought about class story companions, but genuinely, since my very first playthrough I have thought that if I could not romance him myself I would ship Theron with Lana (but like, since I do romance Theron on every full playthrough I just love them as friends instead).  And to this day I wish I could have at least one character in a poly relationship with both of them (my SW specifically I would for sure), but, alas, sigh.  stoooopid game and its one romance limit and no polyamory option. 🥲

I would have to think on what class story companions I could see shipping him with. 

I mean, I can tell you 100000% for sure it would not be Zenith lmao.

.....you got me wanting to think about this now, I will report back if I come up with anything decent lol

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I did. 🤔 I did not take all the flirt options, but I took at least two previously. That is really cool that the line is different if Theron was not previously flirted with and it makes a lot of sense to have a more generic line there if that is the case. That line is super cool though and I agree. It would be great on my JK too. When I get my JK and JC clones to Manaan, I am going to have to resist the flirt lines until Rishi just to get the alternate lines for both of them. I am also going to have to resist on my BH and agent clone just in case they get different lines too. That is such a cool thing to learn. Thank you! 🌟

Too bad i don't have a clone anywhere near SoR, i'd have loved to test that theory to see if it is indeed the flirt/no flirt who prompted the different lines, but i so wish it is, because i have enough clones to record the previous flirts on one and this one on another one in both languages.

19 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

My Jedi both also immediately try to call Theron ❤️, and I have also always wondered if it is because of the romance or not!!  I tell myself that it is regardless though, because like you say, they wake up and immediately just want to talk to Theron, which is adorable ❤️

I once did that chapter with a character who was romancing Lana and she's the one my toon called, so i guess it does depend on the romance at least for Lana, can't remember who they call if they don't romance any of them though.

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5 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I once did that chapter with a character who was romancing Lana and she's the one my toon called, so i guess it does depend on the romance at least for Lana, can't remember who they call if they don't romance any of them though.

😍  well I'm happy settling that as being a romantic thing then.  That makes me very happy. 😍

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58 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

yis, my boy = not a creepy stalker.  😲  For the record (if you will pardon/indulge me another lil tangent since I think I misrepresented my presh lil agent to everyone lol), to me him flirting with everyone is his agent coping mechanism/agent mask.  It hides his deeper feelings.  Not that he is opposed to genuinely having a meaningful one night stand or casual hook up, of course 😉, but for the most part the constant flirting is not him ever intended to go anywhere with it (he mainly flirts with the most unatainable women actually lol), it's more of a reflex when he is uncomfortable or to keep people off their guard when he is on a mission.  He is more willing to show his inner kindness and actual feelings around people he trusts, so like, when he has Kaliyo as companion he does not trust her as much and she is a biiit of a bad influence (again, love you, Kaliyo! haha) so he flirts with more people, shoots more people, is colder to everyone.  But when Vector's with him, Vector is so pure and nice that he brings out the agent's better side.  He has flirted a bit less since hanging out with Vector, and done more light side actions (still mostly neutral though).

*ahem* anyway, thank you for coming to my Agent Explained TED Talk.  lol

I understood ^.^ I was saying that I completely agree with your agent not continuing to flirt if he gets rejected because otherwise, he would come off as a creepy stalker. Which he is not. I like your agent so far. Mine did flirts if they were amusing but he was never serious until Hunter and later, Theron. So, I completely understand your agent and find him to be great. 😉

And I have to respond to everything else later. 🤗

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4 hours ago, yenzin said:

I understood ^.^ I was saying that I completely agree with your agent not continuing to flirt if he gets rejected because otherwise, he would come off as a creepy stalker. Which he is not. I like your agent so far. Mine did flirts if they were amusing but he was never serious until Hunter and later, Theron. So, I completely understand your agent and find him to be great. 😉

And I have to respond to everything else later. 🤗

ty for appreciating my lil agent boy 😄 (and don't worry, I didn't think you were calling him a creepy stalker!  I knew what you meant!  just wanted to clarify all around, just... because lol)  I have the same idea for mine as you had with yours, that Theron is one of the first serious relationships (if not the first one - we'll see if another comes up before then) that he has and he only gets to the point where he could be in a serious relationship through the story. 

I think for mine it helps also (maybe you did the same?) that I have played him as pretty actively turning against the Empire when he finds out what they did, he is very angry with them and even says "this is my last mission for you".  Like, my fem agent just felt betrayed and wanted freedom from everything, but I have played my male agent as actively wanting to turn against the Empire specifically, where the lies he told the SIS about his defection became true, basically.  So, long story short, the fact Theron is SIS is much less of a barrier.  By the time he meets Theron he has fully committed to the double agent thing.  Like, it's not just his way out, it's a true choice.

I have been thinking since making my agent though, and (if you'll indulge my blabbing and a little silly self-pity/regrets for a minute lol) I have realized I really wish I had decided to give in and make him specifically to date Theron much sooner, because I would definitely have made a very different choice for my sith warrior.  Like, I decided to take SW through KotXX because I wanted to see what the imperial saboteur story was like, and I think it fits her character really well (LS SW)... but I only ever put her with Theron because I wanted to see what romancing him the whole story on imperial was like and at the time 0 of my other imperial characters were in a position where I could/would do that (SI not remotely the right personality, femIA with Vector, and BH I don't want to take past class story for other reasons) and no other ones were ever going to go through the story because I can't see any of them as Alliance Commander tbh.

I stand by my feeling that I would love SW to be able to be with Lana and Theron at the same time (but obv that isn't available), and I actually really loved her flirtation/fling with him during SoR/Ziost, but the more I think about it, her being in a lifelong passionate monogamous romantic relationship with just Theron (or honestly anyone, tbh? because I think the reason I didn't like her with Lana like I thought I would was that it was too mushy and romantic 🤔) doesn't feel right for her character, at all.  I think I knew before I even did it, but I let my own feelings about Theron/the Theron romance story override what was right for the actual character for the first time... which is probably why I got through locking in the romance and getting him as companion then stopped and haven't played her again since 🥺 

I really don't want to break his heart now and break it off (me the player would feel sooo bad) but I know I made the wrong choice, which means I almost think I do need to make the equally horrible choice to get the breakup scene with Theron by starting another romance (I mean, she is a sith, so that might soften the blow a little, maybe 😥🥺), but I honestly don't even know who that could be, Lana is totally locked out now (but like I said, think that would be too romantic anyway), I never wanted her with her class story companions... and if I don't even know if I really want her in any serious relationship then maybe it would have to be with a character who never shows up again....... siiiiiigh.  🥴

Ok, enough of my blubbering, back to agent it is.  😅  (and my 3rd JK.... and my 2nd JC.... and trying to finish trooper and BH........... I have a lot of stories going at once lol)

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6 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

NPC Theron romance, hmmm, a lot of people put him with Lana but I don't think so... Mako is too young. IDK I'm coming up with Elara... But IDK...

I briefly considered Mako. She is so sweet and I adore her but it didn't feel like she was the correct fit. I also considered Nadia at first but that didn't feel right either. 🤔 I looked up who Elara is. I need to find her companion video on YouTube as it is going to be a while before I play Trooper. I'm curious about her personality and how she could fit with Theron now. 😏

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

yis 😍  btw, I, uh, I did a thing a while ago.  If you enjoy Zenith talking, you might enjoy.  (he's such a dry sass machine, I love him)

I was so happy I brought him around as my only companion for the rest of the class story after getting him this time, I had Nadia the first time (and I still love her so much), but Zenith is so great, he doesn't chime in much but when he does, half the time it cracked me up lmao.  He was like my third favorite JC companion before, now he's my favorite haha

🤣 that is great, I kinda wish I had made one of my Jedi do it now.  I should do the alt "I'M NOT A CANNIBAL WTF" montage for JK tbh.

Seriously, Theron, you should have given your poor Jedi pals something to work with 😅  I love this line to Theron at the end of the first meeting, basically reflects that haha

That was awesome! I adore Baker's voice and that completion was a delight to listen to. I could easily imagine Theron saying many of those lines. 💖 On my JC clone, I am going to bring Zenith out more. I primarily ran around with Nadia on my JC because she is his Padawan and my JC may not have expected to get a Padawan of his own so soon, but he was determined to do right by her.

I like that line a lot too. Especially after all those rumours of eating people. 🤣 

Lana: Hmm... should we say he/she tortures people too? 🗡️

Theron: No, better stop at slaughter and cannibalism. Don't want to make things sound too unbelievable. 

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I mean, I can tell you 100000% for sure it would not be Zenith lmao.

I am way too amused by this idea. Now I really want to somehow create real voiced dialogue lines and put them together in a scene. 😅

Theron: I'm home!

Zenith: (calls out) Hey, welcome home. I'm in the kitchen.

Theron: (puts his scooter key down and removes his boots before wandering into the kitchen. Kisses Zenith's cheek in greeting. 😘) Hmmm... Smells great. What are you making?

Zenith: Spiced aric tongue. Got the recipe from a jawa vendor on the Fleet. He said it was a delicacy.

Theron: A delicacy... like the roast gorak we had last month? 😋

Zenith: Hey! That turned out great. 😏

Theron: Heh. You're right. Our pet vulptilla definitely liked it. 😆

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

ty for appreciating my lil agent boy 😄 (and don't worry, I didn't think you were calling him a creepy stalker!  I knew what you meant!  just wanted to clarify all around, just... because lol)  I have the same idea for mine as you had with yours, that Theron is one of the first serious relationships (if not the first one - we'll see if another comes up before then) that he has and he only gets to the point where he could be in a serious relationship through the story. 

I think for mine it helps also (maybe you did the same?) that I have played him as pretty actively turning against the Empire when he finds out what they did, he is very angry with them and even says "this is my last mission for you".  Like, my fem agent just felt betrayed and wanted freedom from everything, but I have played my male agent as actively wanting to turn against the Empire specifically, where the lies he told the SIS about his defection became true, basically.  So, long story short, the fact Theron is SIS is much less of a barrier.  By the time he meets Theron he has fully committed to the double agent thing.  Like, it's not just his way out, it's a true choice.

Hmm...🤔 I played my agent as the type to give everyone a chance until they prove they should not be trusted. For example, Kaliyo tells Agent she is great friends with her friend whom she wants to turn in for a bounty. Agent talked with the lady and she said Kaliyo was not to be trusted. Agent gave Kaliyo the benefit of the doubt because he knew her for longer and the other lady was a stranger. Thus, he lets Kaliyo collect the bounty on her friend. Then later, he spoke to Kaliyo and she asked what her "friend" and Agent had discussed and he lied to her as a test, and Kaliyo lied back, and my agent knew then that while she was useful, he could not trust her at all - ever.

Then my agent gets brainwashed by Ardun Kothe and he is initially very angry at both sides. Especially at Keeper. However, he is still willing to give people chances and he listens to what Keeper says and lets his anger go. Keeper was put in a tough position and had to do what he did to save the agent's life. Both sides are at fault for the brainwashing, Imperial perhaps even more so, but Keeper never tried to brainwash him. Three agents in the SIS, however, did. Yet, my agent is still willing to work with Kothe because he has seen the lengths the Imperials will go to in various situations, and he wants to make a difference

However, that betrayal from being brainwashed by the SIS lingered. Thus, he doesn't trust Theron when he first meets him, despite Theron saving his life, because he has worked with SIS before and they cannot be fully trusted. What's to say Theron won't pull a Hunter or something, which will then lead to torture down the line like it did once before in another situation? Thus, it takes a while to warm up to Theron. When he finally does and starts flirting with him, he cannot find it in himself to commit to a relationship because of that lingering fear of betrayal. Thus, the slow burn started. 🥰 By the time Iocath happens though, Agent is going to be fulling in Theron's camp and there will be nothing stopping him from ensuring that Theron gets home safely! 💪🔫

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have been thinking since making my agent though, and (if you'll indulge my blabbing and a little silly self-pity/regrets for a minute lol) I have realized I really wish I had decided to give in and make him specifically to date Theron much sooner, because I would definitely have made a very different choice for my sith warrior.  Like, I decided to take SW through KotXX because I wanted to see what the imperial saboteur story was like, and I think it fits her character really well (LS SW)... but I only ever put her with Theron because I wanted to see what romancing him the whole story on imperial was like and at the time 0 of my other imperial characters were in a position where I could/would do that (SI not remotely the right personality, femIA with Vector, and BH I don't want to take past class story for other reasons) and no other ones were ever going to go through the story because I can't see any of them as Alliance Commander tbh.

I stand by my feeling that I would love SW to be able to be with Lana and Theron at the same time (but obv that isn't available), and I actually really loved her flirtation/fling with him during SoR/Ziost, but the more I think about it, her being in a lifelong passionate monogamous romantic relationship with just Theron (or honestly anyone, tbh?) doesn't feel right for her character, at all.  I think I knew before I even did it, but I let my own feelings about Theron/Theron romance story override what was right for the actual character for the first time... which is probably why I got through locking in the romance and getting him as companion then stopped and haven't played her again since 🥺 

I really don't want to break his heart now and break it off (me the player would feel sooo bad) but I know I made the wrong choice, which means I almost think I do need to make the equally horrible choice to get the breakup scene with Theron by starting another romance (I mean, she is a sith, so that might soften the blow a little, maybe 😥🥺), but I honestly don't even know who that could be, Lana is totally locked out now, I never wanted her with her class story companions... like I said I don't even know if I really want her in any serious relationship so maybe it would have to be with a character who never shows up again....... siiiiiigh.  🥴

Ok, enough of my blubbering, back to agent it is.  😅  (and my 3rd JK.... and my 2nd JC.... and trying to finish trooper and BH........... I have a lot of stories going at once lol)

That does sound like a dilemma. A lot of effort went into that character before you realized she is not looking for a relationship. As far as I am aware, there is no breakup option other than to start a romance with another character. 🤔 I've heard that some people will deliberately choose to get their LI killed in order to avoid a breakup scene - which I think is cowardly and cruel. I definitely do not envy you for possibly eventually seeing that breakup scene with Theron. I'm willing to provide virtual emotional support if you go through with it. 🤗... Or you can add that one to the list of characters to eventually redo and just forget about or delete her. 🎶 That's what I would do. 😅

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

😍  well I'm happy settling that as being a romantic thing then.  That makes me very happy. 😍

I think, though i'm not entirely sur that it's probably Lana by default if you don't romance anyone who's present or if you romance Lana, Theron if you romance him and Koth if you romance him. Not sure if you romance Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian or Vette though.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I stand by my feeling that I would love SW to be able to be with Lana and Theron at the same time (but obv that isn't available), and I actually really loved her flirtation/fling with him during SoR/Ziost, but the more I think about it, her being in a lifelong passionate monogamous romantic relationship with just Theron (or honestly anyone, tbh? because I think the reason I didn't like her with Lana like I thought I would was that it was too mushy and romantic 🤔) doesn't feel right for her character, at all.  I think I knew before I even did it, but I let my own feelings about Theron/the Theron romance story override what was right for the actual character for the first time... which is probably why I got through locking in the romance and getting him as companion then stopped and haven't played her again since 🥺 

There are honestly not many companions i could see as being okay with a poly relationship (someone like Quinn who's quite submissive of the SW and has a lot to be forgiven i could see, Vector who already shares his Agent with his whole nest and potentially the Voss guy, maybe Lana as she could be fine with whatever as long as she's with the PC, but even then not sure about her), but everyone else, not really, and Theron isn't someone i see as being the sharing type tbh. And they probably avoid that because it's easier to have 1 active romance / character.

That being said, i did end up once in a relationship with both Quinn and Arcann at the same time, though that was absolutely not my intention. So that SW romanced Quinn during her class story (though i'm fairly sure i did break up after the Quinncident), then romanced Lana during SoR-Iokath, i actually had to break up with Lana when Quinn came back because for some reasons i could not take him back as a companion without also taking him back as a lover, but that wasn't really an issue, as i'd realised by then that Lana was not the right choice for her and intended to try the romance with Arcann anyways. I then did the AA for Arcann, and started the romance with him, but for some reason it didn't break the romance with Quinn and she received romanced mails from both of them. Though that wasn't what i intended for her, so i deleted her and then remade her, fully intending not to romance Quinn this time as he was really not a good fit for her and to romance only Arcann who suited her perfectly.

Edited by Goreshaga
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5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I think, though i'm not entirely sur that it's probably Lana by default if you don't romance anyone who's present or if you romance Lana, Theron if you romance him and Koth if you romance him. Not sure if you romance Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian or Vette though.

There are honestly not many companions i could see as being okay with a poly relationship (someone like Quinn who's quite submissive of the SW and has a lot to be forgiven i could see, Vector who already shares his Agent with his whole nest and potentially the Voss guy, maybe Lana as she could be fine with whatever as long as she's with the PC, but even then not sure about her), but everyone else, not really, and Theron isn't someone i see as being the sharing type tbh. And they probably avoid that because it's easier to have 1 active romance / character.

That being said, i did end up once in a relationship with both Quinn and Arcann at the same time, though that was absolutely not my intention. So that SW romanced Quinn during her class story (though i'm fairly sure i did break up after the Quinncident), then romanced Lana during SoR-Iokath, i actually had to break up with Lana when Quinn came back because for some reasons i could not take him back as a companion without also taking him back as a lover, but that wasn't really an issue, as i'd realised by then that Lana was not the right choice for her and intended to try the romance with Arcann anyways. I then did the AA for Arcann, and started the romance with him, but for some reason it didn't break the romance with Quinn and she received romanced mails from both of them. Though that wasn't what i intended for her, so i deleted her and then remade her, fully intending not to romance Quinn this time as he was really not a good fit for her and to romance only Arcann who suited her perfectly.

I think you're right. I just watched eight different Chapter 12 videos on Youtube and every one of them called Lana. Four males, four females. A JK, SW, SI, IA, 3 BHs, and Trooper. More BHs because I was trying to find a fem BH. I know the SW was romancing Lana because the letters from her were included at the end. The other seven though? 

Kaliyo and Jorgan are on that mission so the Commander can't call them. Torian should be on comms if FemBH romances him, but the FemBH didn't call him and the video doesn't state what the romance is. It would be nice if Vette or Torian were called if romanced as they aren't currently busy on a mission somewhere. I couldn't find one with Koth in it. I would really like to confirm if he is called or if the game contacts Lana on such a playthrough too.

I think Lana truly is the default one called there. 🤔 Which makes me thrilled that Theronmancers call Theron. 💖 But it is disappointing that there is seemingly not much variety otherwise. 🙄 A special Alliance Defence Force for emergencies like that would be nice. 😁

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

There are honestly not many companions i could see as being okay with a poly relationship (someone like Quinn who's quite submissive of the SW and has a lot to be forgiven i could see, Vector who already shares his Agent with his whole nest and potentially the Voss guy, maybe Lana as she could be fine with whatever as long as she's with the PC, but even then not sure about her), but everyone else, not really, and Theron isn't someone i see as being the sharing type tbh. And they probably avoid that because it's easier to have 1 active romance / character.

That being said, i did end up once in a relationship with both Quinn and Arcann at the same time, though that was absolutely not my intention. So that SW romanced Quinn during her class story (though i'm fairly sure i did break up after the Quinncident), then romanced Lana during SoR-Iokath, i actually had to break up with Lana when Quinn came back because for some reasons i could not take him back as a companion without also taking him back as a lover, but that wasn't really an issue, as i'd realised by then that Lana was not the right choice for her and intended to try the romance with Arcann anyways. I then did the AA for Arcann, and started the romance with him, but for some reason it didn't break the romance with Quinn and she received romanced mails from both of them. Though that wasn't what i intended for her, so i deleted her and then remade her, fully intending not to romance Quinn this time as he was really not a good fit for her and to romance only Arcann who suited her perfectly.

Agreed, I cannot see him in anything other than a monogamous relationship. If he ever were to be in a poly relationship, his work would be his other mistress/mister. 😏 Sometimes, I have the fleeting thought that he wouldn't even be in a relationship if not for the PC. As far as I remember from other source material, the idea of a relationship is never even brought up. 🤔 Also, he states more than once in the game that he is not good with relationships. 

I would have eventually deleted a character too if it came to a point where my character was in a relationship that I did not feel worked. Seeing scenes with the LI would likely be jarring. Fortunately, I don't have that problem yet. Completely levelling characters takes a lot of time! 😄

Edited by yenzin
slight edits. added a sentence.
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10 hours ago, yenzin said:

Hmm...🤔 I played my agent as the type to give everyone a chance until they prove they should not be trusted. For example, Kaliyo tells Agent she is great friends with her friend whom she wants to turn in for a bounty. Agent talked with the lady and she said Kaliyo was not to be trusted. Agent gave Kaliyo the benefit of the doubt because he knew her for longer and the other lady was a stranger. Thus, he lets Kaliyo collect the bounty on her friend. Then later, he spoke to Kaliyo and she asked what her "friend" and Agent had discussed and he lied to her as a test, and Kaliyo lied back, and my agent knew then that while she was useful, he could not trust her at all - ever.

Then my agent gets brainwashed by Ardun Kothe and he is initially very angry at both sides. Especially at Keeper. However, he is still willing to give people chances and he listens to what Keeper says and lets his anger go. Keeper was put in a tough position and had to do what he did to save the agent's life. Both sides are at fault for the brainwashing, Imperial perhaps even more so, but Keeper never tried to brainwash him. Three agents in the SIS, however, did. Yet, my agent is still willing to work with Kothe because he has seen the lengths the Imperials will go to in various situations, and he wants to make a difference.

All that is pretty much exactly how I played my fem agent!  (other than fem agent did not back Kaliyo's plan to give her friend to the BH either, neither of my agents did - my fem agent because she was too nice and my boy agent because he could tell immediately that Kaliyo was the liar in the situation, "never lie to a professional liar", and all that) 

I really liked playing an agent that way, it was really good ❤️   Your agent continues to be great ❤️

I chose to do my male agent differently specifically so that the characters were more different to each other.  My boy was first mad at the SIS of course but when he found out it was really imperial intelligence and then that Keeper was not even remorseful for programming him, and then especially once he found out Hunter was the reason the SIS had his brainwashing at all, he basically aimed all his anger at Imperial Intelligence, with a bit also at Hunter (haven't decided yet if he'll turn around on Hunter, though he did already have the "you're really worried about me" moment, so we'll see), but almost entirely just at Intelligence.  I had him say the line that went something like "I gave them everything, and they repayed me with this".  (It helped too that he was already really salty about the sith - he got electrocuted TWICE, he basically hates sith by default now and will only give them a chance if they prove themselves.... which is going to make a potential relationship on Makeb very interesting, not to mention Lana.... hmmmm, that might be really fun to play, him actually trusting Theron faster than Lana just because he totally doesn't trust sith, I love Lana but I don't think he would!  not right away, anyway). 

He is still wary of SIS also, but he knows they can't brainwash him again, and Arden Kothe at least apologized and admitted straight up that what he did was unforgivable whereas Keeper just defended what he did, which is why he let Kothe go with the "we've all done terrible things, we shouldn't die for them" option.  And by the time he gets to the double agent choice (I'm obviously still not there yet, but I have it all planned out), he will choose it without question, it may take him time to fully trust the SIS but he trusts them way more than Intelligence.

My fem agent took the double agent because she saw no other way to potentially get out someday and she wanted to feel like she had control over her choices and she was always too good of a person for the Empire anyway (she was, like, light 4 by the end of the class story I think), my boy is going to choose it because he wants to take down the Empire, he is angry with them and wants revenge, and I think the letter from Chance (which was before even he got fully angry at the Empire, he had not actually found out the Empire did it to him yet) where Chance said he had a good heart and fit in the Republic really hit him too, like the Empire wants him to be ruthless and at least one SIS person saw right through him and thinks he's good, and he started to think maybe that was true, he didn't fit with the Empire.

10 hours ago, yenzin said:

That does sound like a dilemma. A lot of effort went into that character before you realized she is not looking for a relationship. As far as I am aware, there is no breakup option other than to start a romance with another character. 🤔 I've heard that some people will deliberately choose to get their LI killed in order to avoid a breakup scene - which I think is cowardly and cruel. I definitely do not envy you for possibly eventually seeing that breakup scene with Theron. I'm willing to provide virtual emotional support if you go through with it. 🤗... Or you can add that one to the list of characters to eventually redo and just forget about or delete her. 🎶 That's what I would do. 😅

Oh, there is no way I could bring myself to delete her 😥, if anything I would just stop playing her, I could never delete her, I have so much invested.

I will seriously have to have a think on what to do.  She'll probably just sit there in limbo for a long time in the mean time. lol

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

There are honestly not many companions i could see as being okay with a poly relationship (someone like Quinn who's quite submissive of the SW and has a lot to be forgiven i could see, Vector who already shares his Agent with his whole nest and potentially the Voss guy, maybe Lana as she could be fine with whatever as long as she's with the PC, but even then not sure about her), but everyone else, not really, and Theron isn't someone i see as being the sharing type tbh. And they probably avoid that because it's easier to have 1 active romance / character.

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

Agreed, I cannot see him in anything other than a monogamous relationship. If he ever were to be in a poly relationship, his work would be his other mistress/mister. 😏 Sometimes, I have the fleeting thought that he wouldn't even be in a relationship if not for the PC. As far as I remember from other source material, the idea of a relationship is never even brought up. 🤔 Also, he states more than once in the game that he is not good with relationships.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I COMPLETELY agree!  As written, Theron would almost certainly not ever be interested in anything other than a fully monogamous relationship exactly how it plays out in the story.  However, I think my sith warrior would want it, and she would not want to choose between them and would fit in a poly relationship with them were they actually interested but not the kind of relationship Theron actually wants.  That was what I meant.

And I also agree that as fun as it is to think who we might ship Theron with otherwise, I also think that he would not be in a relationship if the PC did not enter his life.  He is self-admitted to be a workaholic in part because he is so bad at relationships, he says over and over he works alone and never relied on other people before.  I honestly would not be shocked if canon revealed that he had never been in a serious relationship before lol

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

That being said, i did end up once in a relationship with both Quinn and Arcann at the same time, though that was absolutely not my intention. So that SW romanced Quinn during her class story (though i'm fairly sure i did break up after the Quinncident), then romanced Lana during SoR-Iokath, i actually had to break up with Lana when Quinn came back because for some reasons i could not take him back as a companion without also taking him back as a lover, but that wasn't really an issue, as i'd realised by then that Lana was not the right choice for her and intended to try the romance with Arcann anyways. I then did the AA for Arcann, and started the romance with him, but for some reason it didn't break the romance with Quinn and she received romanced mails from both of them. Though that wasn't what i intended for her, so i deleted her and then remade her, fully intending not to romance Quinn this time as he was really not a good fit for her and to romance only Arcann who suited her perfectly.

OMG.  You somehow found..... the one romance loophole 😯  Figures that of course it was one you didn't even want haha feel like that would be my luck too if it happened.  But that is super interesting that it is actually possible......🤔

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I think, though i'm not entirely sur that it's probably Lana by default if you don't romance anyone who's present or if you romance Lana, Theron if you romance him and Koth if you romance him. Not sure if you romance Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian or Vette though.

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

I think you're right. I just watched eight different Chapter 12 videos on Youtube and every one of them called Lana. Four males, four females. A JK, SW, SI, IA, 3 BHs, and Trooper. More BHs because I was trying to find a fem BH. I know the SW was romancing Lana because the letters from her were included at the end. The other seven though? 

Kaliyo and Jorgan are on that mission so the Commander can't call them. Torian should be on comms if FemBH romances him, but the FemBH didn't call him and the video doesn't state what the romance is. It would be nice if Vette or Torian were called if romanced as they aren't currently busy on a mission somewhere. I couldn't find one with Koth in it. I would really like to confirm if he is called or if the game contacts Lana on such a playthrough too.

I think Lana truly is the default one called there. 🤔 Which makes me thrilled that Theronmancers call Theron. 💖 But it is disappointing that there is seemingly not much variety otherwise. 🙄 A special Alliance Defence Force for emergencies like that would be nice. 😁

OMG agreed, knowing this makes me even more excited that my characters call Theron 😍😍  I always wondered if they called him because they were together or if he was just who everyone called, now I know, now I love that scene so much more.  This makes me so happ, knowing they wanted to call their boyfriend, they almost certainly knew he was worried, and they instantly thought of him when they knew they needed help.  ❤️  ahhhhh the shippy feels 🥰  I love those little subtle romance-triggered moments more than I even love the flirt-prompted ones.  It makes their relationship feel that much more real and tied into the actual story.  Like, Theron being worried about the Malgus interrogation, I did not even know if that was romance triggered either, knowing it was made me so happy also ❤️

Edited by cannibithobbal
forever adding things...
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Class companions for Theron? Kira, Elara, Andronikos, Vette are the ones I can see getting along.

Being aro/ace means I'm very picky with romance. There are 4 romance combinations that I really like/want but most of them don't even have that much contents and I'm just glad at Theron happens to be my fav and has a lot of screen time.

Where's my SI/Khem update... I'm serious about this pair :(

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