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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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6 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Is that specific to flirting with him ?

I've done SoR with a couple BHs, one who killed Janarus, and at least one who didn't and i don't remember Theron bringing that up, while i clearly remember Jorgan reacting differently to a BH who killed him compared to a BH who spared him when they meet during KOTFE.

No, I don't flirt with Theron until the end of Rishi.

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6 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Never tried not taking the [flirts] tbh, i really feared that'd mess something up and i wouldn't be able to romance him, especially since i didn't romance him on the very first version of my JK, and regreted it afterwards.

I know my JC skipped the first flirt but started at the "what's it gonna take to find out what you've been up to all these years" one, and she had not romanced him previously and locked in the romance.

at the time I honestly found this slightly hilarious (still do tbh haha) because it was like one or two flirts and BAM romance 🤣  I was like "damn this boy's easy".  whatever the exact opposite of playing hard to get is, that's what Theron was doing there lmao. 

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My BH is the illegitimate daughter of Moff Killran raised as her abusive mother's slave in a Hutt owned brothel! When it comes to men she had them in three groups...

1. the ones you shoot

2. the ones you avoid

3. the ones that can become family, (Blizz, Torian, Gault)

Theron is literally the only man she ever felt attraction for, and it freaked her out. It took Lana's stunt to make her go for it, because she saw her reflection in him.

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Doesn't make sense to me that Lana was the one who go on field mission. She always give me the feeling of a kingmaker type, who prefers working politics/HR etc. than the actual field works. She said she prefer giving titles than getting them, which tells a lot about her. On the other hand, Theron is the take action I'll figure something out later type, especially when it's about something/someone he cares a lot and often neglects his own health due to it. To me that's why their dynamic works.

But we got what we got, so I told myself "well, canon can go [censored]" and have my agent saved my JK lol

Story-wise this is the first time they can know each other more without the supervision from their factions and it's fun to re-write them.

PS: I finished Annihilation. It's a fast good read. The plot is pretty simple. But the key characters are done good. Nothing too deep, but enough to let me see the flaws of Satele and Malcom without forcing us to see one as "evil" even though there's definitely hints of Malcom crossing some moral lines he shouldn't (he's definitely even more... end justify the method than Garza) and the golden heart Theron has. No spoilers but I think this line when the SIS director described Theron is probably the best line in the book: “He (Theron) prefers to go through the window instead of a perfectly good door.” 🤣

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All that talk earlier got me wanting to rewatch how each of my different characters played the scene with Theron's return on Odessen.  While I was at it, I recorded JC since I didn't have that one recorded yet, and re-recorded a maskless JK version to hear how he sounds slightly different, and since that left me three versions recorded (maleJK, femJC, and femSW) I decided to clip them and put them side by side.  If anyone is curious, here is that video, compares how each different character says the lines.  say hello to all my force wielding twi'leks lol

I really feel like each one of them says the "It's great to see you again, Theron" and "you got better looking" in a way that perfectly fits that character but then also fits their specific relationship with him previously, which is kind of by chance?  Since obviously the lines are the same no matter what you made their relationship previously.  But regardless it makes me feel like I chose the right relationship with Theron for each of them, fitting their personalities 😅   (on that note, I didn't choose the "you got better looking" on my JC's official playthrough because I didn't think that made sense as her first flirt with him ever, and I stand by that - I personally think it's a flirt line that only makes sense if they had a previous relationship, or a character who is very forward, she is neither lol - but I chose it for the recording just to have the comparison)


also, unrelated: my twi'lek #5 male agent just finished Dromund Kaas... it's gonna be a while, but he's on his way!  Just 33 levels and 2 1/2 story chapters to go til forged alliances.................. 😅  Loving playing him so far, he's so different from female agent literally just because the VA plays it so different, which I love.  Also, I have already noticed he has the option to flirt with way more people lmao.  Which is perfect since it means him flirting with Theron will be super duper in character haha.  Also, based on the suggestions, he will definitely be the one who eventually goes through imperial Makeb, since missing the only exclusively M/M romance in the game (?? pretty sure it is??) would be very sad, and I have no other male imperials.

Anyway, me blabbing aside, just wanted to say ty to everyone who helped to twist my arm on that one 😉

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

All that talk earlier got me wanting to rewatch how each of my different characters played the scene with Theron's return on Odessen.  While I was at it, I recorded JC since I didn't have that one recorded yet, and re-recorded a maskless JK version to hear how he sounds slightly different, and since that left me three versions recorded (maleJK, femJC, and femSW) I decided to clip them and put them side by side.  If anyone is curious, here is that video, compares how each different character says the lines.  say hello to all my force wielding twi'leks lol

I really feel like each one of them says the "It's great to see you again, Theron" and "you got better looking" in a way that perfectly fits that character but then also fits their specific relationship with him previously, which is kind of by chance?  Since obviously the lines are the same no matter what you made their relationship previously.  But regardless it makes me feel like I chose the right relationship with Theron for each of them, fitting their personalities 😅   (on that note, I didn't choose the "you got better looking" on my JC's official playthrough because I didn't think that made sense as her first flirt with him ever, and I stand by that - I personally think it's a flirt line that only makes sense if they had a previous relationship, or a character who is very forward, she is neither lol - but I chose it for the recording just to have the comparison)


also, unrelated: my twi'lek #5 male agent just finished Dromund Kaas... it's gonna be a while, but he's on his way!  Just 33 levels and 2 1/2 story chapters to go til forged alliances.................. 😅  Loving playing him so far, he's so different from female agent literally just because the VA plays it so different, which I love.  Also, I have already noticed he has the option to flirt with way more people lmao.  Which is perfect since it means him flirting with Theron will be super duper in character haha.  Also, based on the suggestions, he will definitely be the one who eventually goes through imperial Makeb, since missing the only exclusively M/M romance in the game (?? pretty sure it is??) would be very sad, and I have no other male imperials.

Anyway, me blabbing aside, just wanted to say ty to everyone who helped to twist my arm on that one 😉

*insert the Palpatine "gooooooood" gif*

Lord Cytharat is 10/10 would love to see him again.

I love both the "it's good to see you again" and "you got better looking" lines spoken by different VAs. I should compare them to the other classes I have after I do back home. Reading the thread keeps my sanity at work lol

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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

*insert the Palpatine "gooooooood" gif*

Lord Cytharat is 10/10 would love to see him again.

I love both the "it's good to see you again" and "you got better looking" lines spoken by different VAs. I should compare them to the other classes I have after I do back home. Reading the thread keeps my sanity at work lol

Samesies (to the sanity thing haha)

If you record any of the different versions I would love to see more comparisons!  (that goes for everyone)

Out of my 3, JK is my favorite "it's great to see you again" because while the other two are lovely and sound appropriately happy to see Theron, JK really sounds genuinely excited to see him... just like I am by the time I get to that scene 😄  plus, like I said, fits with the fact they had a whole romance before

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Something else I forgot to say, too, which makes a big difference in this scene for me: my HC (which I always make "official" by re-recording this chapter/the beginning of 10 later), is that the way better outfit I give Theron is actually what he shows up in when he arrives on Odessen.  So my characters are seeing him for the first time in 5 years (but like maybe a year for them) and he genuinely does look way sexier than the last time they saw him, which makes the "you got better looking" a super appropriate flirt line. 😆

To me this also makes Theron's "I don't get it but sure" reaction make sense too, as he started dressing this way ever since he left the SIS which for him has been years, and he doesn't realize that said different-but-not-even-new-to-him look would make him that much better looking to them 😄

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Do you ever just think to yourself "I haven't had a good knife to the chest in a while, I should fix that"?  Because apparently I did this morning because I decided to rewatch Crisis on Umbara.  I had only ever seen it twice, the two times I played it, and I honestly just tried to get through it as fast as possible the second time because it's so hard to watch even when you know the truth.

I'm honestly glad I finally did watch it though because a couple really huge things stick out that honestly make it a little/lot less painful:

First, Theron literally shoots the window to give them an exit, tells them exactly how much time they have to escape and exactly the manner in which the train is going to be destroyed, and then waits until after Lana has gotten up before he triggers the explosion.  The fact he took the time to shoot them an exit before shooting the console to activate the force field is honestly so obvious it's a wonder they didn't notice lol

Also, just as in the previous cutscenes on Iokath, he has clearly chosen his words so carefully and so many times he is saying one thing but clearly trying to tell them something else - very spy speak from our beloved spy boy - and I think he knows they might not realize without hindsight but wants to plant those hints everywhere so that later they can look back and see he was always on their side and faking the betrayal.  The "I'd do anything to protect you" is obviously a big one as he specifically calls it out later in The Nathema Conspiracy.

The biggest thing though.... is just.... omg, his face right before/as he walks away on the train.  He obviously says later that leaving them on Umbara destroyed him, and you can literally see that happening in real time in the scene.  I was always so busy being emotionally rekt myself that I never even realized before.  He just.... he looks.... so sad, like he didn't actually realize how hard this would be and already instantly regrets it but knows he just passed the point of no return and it's too late to turn back (the facial and body language animations in this game are sometimes a bit jank but they clearly went out of their way to make him look as broken as possible and succeeded), he's so sad and now I'M SAD, THERON NEEDS HUGS.

......ok that's my daily dose of emotional masochism done now. stepping away from the keyboard  🥺

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See I viewed the whole arc as amazing character development! I loved the heartbreak both Theron and my BH had, I loved defending him on all my characters. I hated Lana's naysaying and stupid letters. It was dang good storytelling and my only complaint is that we didn't get to play as Theron on a mission. To me it was wonderful!

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Samesies (to the sanity thing haha)

If you record any of the different versions I would love to see more comparisons!  (that goes for everyone)

Out of my 3, JK is my favorite "it's great to see you again" because while the other two are lovely and sound appropriately happy to see Theron, JK really sounds genuinely excited to see him... just like I am by the time I get to that scene 😄  plus, like I said, fits with the fact they had a whole romance before

I got the male agent and male inquisitor here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maZTxFMD69U

Agent is very cautious at first, it fits the character of a spy where things are always too good to be true.

Where as the inquisitor is clearly very happy, he uses the "I'm not happy, I'm deadly" voice lol

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Something else I forgot to say, too, which makes a big difference in this scene for me: my HC (which I always make "official" by re-recording this chapter/the beginning of 10 later), is that the way better outfit I give Theron is actually what he shows up in when he arrives on Odessen.  So my characters are seeing him for the first time in 5 years (but like maybe a year for them) and he genuinely does look way sexier than the last time they saw him, which makes the "you got better looking" a super appropriate flirt line. 😆

To me this also makes Theron's "I don't get it but sure" reaction make sense too, as he started dressing this way ever since he left the SIS which for him has been years, and he doesn't realize that said different-but-not-even-new-to-him look would make him that much better looking to them 😄

Aw I love this! Theron wearing good clothes that fit him. He really should treat himself better. He's more than deserve it!

27 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Do you ever just think to yourself "I haven't had a good knife to the chest in a while, I should fix that"?  Because apparently I did this morning because I decided to rewatch Crisis on Umbara.  I had only ever seen it twice, the two times I played it, and I honestly just tried to get through it as fast as possible the second time because it's so hard to watch even when you know the truth.

I'm honestly glad I finally did watch it though because a couple really huge things stick out that honestly make it a little/lot less painful:

First, Theron literally shoots the window to give them an exit, tells them exactly how much time they have to escape and exactly the manner in which the train is going to be destroyed, and then waits until after Lana has gotten up before he triggers the explosion.  The fact he took the time to shoot them an exit before shooting the console to activate the force field is honestly so obvious it's a wonder they didn't notice lol

Also, just as in the previous cutscenes on Iokath, he has clearly chosen his words so carefully and so many times he is saying one thing but clearly trying to tell them something else - very spy speak from our beloved spy boy - and I think he knows they might not realize without hindsight but wants to plant those hints everywhere so that later they can look back and see he was always on their side and faking the betrayal.  The "I'd do anything to protect you" is obviously a big one as he specifically calls it out later in The Nathema Conspiracy.

The biggest thing though.... is just.... omg, his face right before/as he walks away on the train.  He obviously says later that leaving them on Umbara destroyed him, and you can literally see that happening in real time in the scene.  I was always so busy being emotionally rekt myself that I never even realized before.  He just.... he looks.... so sad, like he didn't actually realize how hard this would be and already instantly regrets it but knows he just passed the point of no return and it's too late to turn back (the facial and body language animations in this game are sometimes a bit jank but they clearly went out of their way to make him look as broken as possible and succeeded), he's so sad and now I'M SAD, THERON NEEDS HUGS.

......ok that's my daily dose of emotional masochism done now. stepping away from the keyboard  🥺

The whole traitor arc is torture. And the way he said "I'll do anything to protect you"... I want to stab and give medals to the develop team who's in charge of the animation and voice directing lol

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2 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

See I viewed the whole arc as amazing character development! I loved the heartbreak both Theron and my BH had, I loved defending him on all my characters. I hated Lana's naysaying and stupid letters. It was dang good storytelling and my only complaint is that we didn't get to play as Theron on a mission. To me it was wonderful!

The true complaint I have regarding the traitor arc is they should have let Lana outright defy our kill option. That kill option almost eliminated Theron's future involvement if not for the fans' loud voices. And his involvement was still heavily damaged due to it.

It's not like the game force us to keep a companion alive and I refuse to believe Lana is such a bootlicker that she'll abandon Theron like some obedient acolyte.


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17 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

See I viewed the whole arc as amazing character development! I loved the heartbreak both Theron and my BH had, I loved defending him on all my characters. I hated Lana's naysaying and stupid letters. It was dang good storytelling and my only complaint is that we didn't get to play as Theron on a mission. To me it was wonderful!

I agree!  Even though it is painful af, and a total emotional roller coaster, it's actually my favorite story in the game for that very reason.  It is equally the most emotionally gut-wrenching and the most emotionally satisfying story in the whole game.   The fact it has so much emotional weight with the romance makes me so afraid to play it as just a friend to Theron too (I think it will be more hollow for me), because to me the "Theron will literally risk losing the love of his life just to save them" throughline of the story is what gives it so much emotional weight. 

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15 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The true complaint I have regarding the traitor arc is they should have let Lana outright defy our kill option. That kill option almost eliminated Theron's future involvement if not for the fans' loud voices. And his involvement was still heavily damaged due to it.

It's not like the game force us to keep a companion alive and I refuse to believe Lana is such a bootlicker that she'll abandon Theron like some obedient acolyte.


I agree, it should have just been a fake choice where no matter what the character said, Lana would save him regardless.  I hate that he is killable, it's the worst dev decision in the game, and it hurts my soul knowing other players happily choose to do it, but since I will never make that choice in a million years and the canon version is that he survives, I love the story so much as it plays out.

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48 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The true complaint I have regarding the traitor arc is they should have let Lana outright defy our kill option. That kill option almost eliminated Theron's future involvement if not for the fans' loud voices. And his involvement was still heavily damaged due to it.

It's not like the game force us to keep a companion alive and I refuse to believe Lana is such a bootlicker that she'll abandon Theron like some obedient acolyte.


you did read her stupid letters right? She's the one threatening his life and then is like "We need to save him." I hated that so much. She's so wishy-washy one minute the wants to torture him the next, she's saving him, the next she lets people kill him. UGH I don't like Lana.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

I got the male agent and male inquisitor here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maZTxFMD69U

Agent is very cautious at first, it fits the character of a spy where things are always too good to be true.

Where as the inquisitor is clearly very happy, he uses the "I'm not happy, I'm deadly" voice lol

This is great!  Agent is totally very spy about it, and "I'm not happy I'm deadly" is my new favorite description, so perfect 😂

Also I was rushing and didn't even think to get the other lines.  Theron's "she hasn't gotten me tortured by the enemy even once" is actually my favorite line in the whole scene but I never pick that option since I want my characters to say they are happy to see him.  I wish so much that you could do one, then the other!

Believe it or not I have never once actually picked the "I haven't" to see what he says, glad to hear that one.

p.s. your Theron looking hot af, very good outfit choice 😉

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

Aw I love this! Theron wearing good clothes that fit him. He really should treat himself better. He's more than deserve it!

He does!  And he deserves to have more self-confidence about it.... you're being hit on for looking good, Theron, own it 😄

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

The whole traitor arc is torture. And the way he said "I'll do anything to protect you"... I want to stab and give medals to the develop team who's in charge of the animation and voice directing lol

"I'd do anything to protect you" and the call-back later, "you mean everything to me", and the entire opening of the proposal scene deserve medals.  not to mention so many of the heart-wrenching "I love you"s from both Theron and the PCs.  "I love you, Theron, come home" "I love you too, but I can't" breaks me.

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46 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

"Theron will literally risk losing the love of his life just to save them" throughline of the story is what gives it so much emotional weight. 

I wasn't romancing Theron on my first JK (was romancing him on a F IA at the time, but for some reason she never really sounded in love with him, especially compared to how happy she sounded when she reunited with Vector), but when i got to that part of the story the voice acting from my JK made her sound like she was totally in love with him, even though i had not picked a single [flirt] before. Then with the whole "risking everything, including loosing the love of his life if it means keeping them safe", which gives so much more weight to the whole arc, is what made me remake her to romance Theron, and i have no regrets.

9 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

you did read her stupid letters right? She's the one threatening his life and then is like "We need to save him." I hated that so much. She's so wishy-washy one minute the wants to torture him the next, she's saving him, the next she lets people kill him. UGH I don't like Lana.

I hated it so much, that's a part of why i don't like her anymore tbh.

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16 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

you did read her stupid letters right? She's the one threatening his life and then is like "We need to save him." I hated that so much. She's so wishy-washy one minute the wants to torture him the next, she's saving him, the next she lets people kill him. UGH I don't like Lana.

Ok, I have to defend my girl here.

She was close friends with Theron, after a long road where they started as very shaky allies.  When he says point blank to their faces that he is betraying them and seemingly tries to kill them, she feels hurt and betrayed, and she is a sith and does not take betrayal lightly.  She takes it super personally, and she lashes out. Big time.  She gets very angry.

She makes several comments throughout the prelude to the Nathema Conspiracy in the vein that it's possible he is helping them or that he is not a total traitor but she is not entirely ready to believe it.  She still doesn't entirely know if she can believe Theron at first even when he confesses the truth, but she is convinced by the PC.  In the talking between Theron and Lana over the action during the FP, Lana clearly is still hurt but ready to believe him, she asks why he didn't include them.  He then compares his choice to hers on Rishi.  And basically after that she realizes he is right, and even though she still feels hurt she fully believes him, and stops acting angry.

She was always only so angry because she felt betrayed by someone she cared about.  When she sees him almost killed, any actual anger she has left goes away, she just cares, she doesn't want to lose him.

IMHO her attitude is entirely in character, completely believable as a way many people would react in that situation, and also the arc of her choosing to trust him again is well done. 

Disagree if you like, but I will die on this hill.

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It just took so much of the tension and the stakes of the Arc. As I said, I ADORED the entire arc as a narrative, because even my PC's who view Theron as chosen family, were so invested in bringing Theron home, and here's Lana, she is a kill-joy up to the moment he's stabbed, and then bait and switch. I wanted to fight her on bringing him home, in short, I wanted her to be a Sith! That tension would have been AMAZING!

ps. Verbal Fight.

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 ❣️ So many good posts! I love reading this thread! ❣️

On 5/16/2023 at 1:35 PM, Goreshaga said:

It honestly work, and it was pretty much my own HC when KOTFE came out, as i didn't want to change the story too much. But, the more i've replayed it, the more i thought about it, the more i realised how much Theron had been sidelined compared to Lana and the less satisfied i am with what we actually got (even more so after i read Annihilation), which is why i decided to change it to what i really wish we had instead, especially since the later versions of my JK didn't really get along with Lana, so her being there alone while Theron is not there actually makes literally no sense at all.

She didn't even tell Lana about having Valkorion in her head, which also shows something a bit odd. If you tell Lana about him, Theron knows when you reunite with him on Odessen as he mentions it. But if you don't tell her, even though she finds out on Asylum before going to Odessen, he doesn't know as he doesn't mention it. Don't know why she didn't tell him tbh because the fact my JK doesn't trust Lana definitely doesn't mean she would not trust Theron with that knowledge, quite the opposite actually.

So I tested this. My agent was tempted to tell Lana because he respects her, but in the end, did not as he is too used to keeping secrets that could be used against him. My BH told her because he trusts her and he is always honest to a fault. He's racked up quite a lot of DS points because he will not go against a contract or lie. My JC did not tell her because he still doesn't trust Sith even though recently he has worked with them a lot. Thus, Lana doesn't find out about Valkorian until the Sions rat out two of my characters. 

On all of them, I get the same conversation line with Theron telling them, "Except for the whole Valkorian thing. Yeah, I've been briefed." I am interested in seeing your video of that conversation because I cannot trigger a different response on any of my characters. 🤔

23 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Umm, my BH got a wonderful thank you from him for sparing the Forner Chancellor and taking out Darth Bad Guy.

No, Theron doesn't torture him, Marr just "helpfully" reminds Satele that a big part of Theron's job and skill set involves torture. Theron later admits his dirty hands in Anarchy in Paradise. Our boy's no saint.

Thank you to those that clarified that Theron isn't forced to torture Ivan. At that point in time, my characters would have no way of knowing that Theron has done some dirty stuff and would like to spare him from that. I never went super dark on my agent but I know he is very capable of torturing someone. A while back, I randomly came across a video on YouTube in which the agent cuts a chip or something out of someone's skull while they are still conscious. There's screaming and the video is panned up so we can't see anything. I cannot find it! But, yes, the agent is super willing and able to get his/her hands dirty if needed. My BH and agent would have stepped in in a heartbeat.

23 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Umm, my BH got a wonderful thank you from him for sparing the Forner Chancellor and taking out Darth Bad Guy.

No, Theron doesn't torture him, Marr just "helpfully" reminds Satele that a big part of Theron's job and skill set involves torture. Theron later admits his dirty hands in Anarchy in Paradise. Our boy's no saint.

21 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Is that specific to flirting with him ?

I've done SoR with a couple BHs, one who killed Janarus, and at least one who didn't and i don't remember Theron bringing that up, while i clearly remember Jorgan reacting differently to a BH who killed him compared to a BH who spared him when they meet during KOTFE.

With the way i HC the rescue mission, i imagine that first my JK would use the "who are you" line with Lana, pretending not to recognize her because of how things ended the last time they saw each other, but that she'd instantly recognize both my SW and Theron. She'd probably have some kind of flirty comment to Theron, and he'd probably respond with something along the lines of "it's not really the right time" or "we don't have time right now" as they'd definitely be in a hurry to get her out of there before being surrounded by too many enemies, maybe with a light hand squeeze or something like that, to show that even if that's not the right time he still does care about her.

Haven't really though about what he'd say when rescuing her from Arcann though. Probably something like "lost you for 5 years, don't leave me now" as he's trying to prevent her from loosing consciousness while carrying her back to the Gravestone (as i always found it kinda weird we walk back pretty much on our own after having been stabbed with a lightsaber), but not entirely sure about this one yet.

I also have never gotten a letter or conversation from Theron regarding the former Chancellor. Strange. 🤔 Would like to see that too!

That is a cute reunion scene! I can actually hear Theron say that "Now is not a good time." That's very in character.

The lightsaber to the gut thing and no one helping the character walk/run back to the ship has always bothered me. I really wish Theron had been there to help. It would have been such a tender and caring scene too! 😍

I started typing one out but it quickly got OOC again. 😂😅

6 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Samesies (to the sanity thing haha)

If you record any of the different versions I would love to see more comparisons!  (that goes for everyone)

Out of my 3, JK is my favorite "it's great to see you again" because while the other two are lovely and sound appropriately happy to see Theron, JK really sounds genuinely excited to see him... just like I am by the time I get to that scene 😄  plus, like I said, fits with the fact they had a whole romance before

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

I got the male agent and male inquisitor here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maZTxFMD69U

You beat me to maleBH 😉. I am loving this! Maybe between all of us, we'll manage to post all 8 classes in this scene 😍


I'm going through on my JC again (it's a clone to fix scenes that didn't record properly and to fix choices.) and the JC and JK have different lines for the same quests! The Jk can say, "When you put it that way, how can I refuse?" and the JC will instead say, "It's better than dealing with this guilt trip." 🤣 And he sounds so put out, too. I love the male JC voice (okay, I love the voices of all my characters). ❤️ There are a lot of side quests where the same dialogue option has completely different dialogue lines. I miss this.

I also miss the days when we had random lines that dealt with our character's species. For example, my JK and JC can both encounter Jedi Master Till'in. He's a kel dor. Upon meeting him he will say, "The poor girl (his new human female apprentice) - no doubt apologizing again. She nearly shot me when I approached her on Raxus Prime. I forget how violently some humans react when first meeting my species. I don't understand why they always seem to shoot before thinking."

My human JK, who I am still enjoying playing as a complete brat, can answer, "Maybe because you're a hideous monster?" In true Jedi Master style, Till'in answers with, "Mind yourself, young one. While your honesty is admirable, your tone lacks respect." Whereas my miraluka JC can answer, "Who knows why humans do anything." Again in Master Jedi style, Till'in responds, "Now, now. Let us embrace tolerance. Not all beings are as enlightened as we are." 😂 I like that dialogue thread a lot, but my JC is a miraluka. It's more poetic for him to say, "It's cloaked in mystery." (He can't see, after all.) To which Kill'in replies, "Indeed. Ah, well - a riddle to be pondered some other time."

...Which was a long-winded and off-topic way for me to lead into my video. For your viewing pleasure, MaleBH, MaleJC, and MaleIA greeting Theron again after five years. Theron does not have a super sexy outfit or hairstyle in two of them because those characters cannot have him as a companion yet. (We can't all have him looking even more sexy just yet. 😏 And again, that purple and black! It is so smoking! 🤤 Unfortunately, it is currently 300+ million on the auction house, soooo... still waiting.)

JC: "You got better looking." 😉😉😏

Theron: (silence for a good five seconds as he takes in my JC's covered eyes.) Riiigghhhtttttttt..... I'm not sure about that.... But hey, I'll take it. :classic_blush:

JC: ::affectionate head shake:: I meant your aura, Theron. There's more colour to it.

Theron: Oh. ::shyly:: Thanks. :classic_blush:


Also, maleIA really delivers on those speeches. 😍


I remember being conflicted in the traitor arc. I wanted to believe Theron, and I absolutely did. I kept supporting him at every turn. All the while, I kept wondering if I was too blinded by my love for him to see that he really was a traitor. (I was determined not to read spoilers!) Also, the choices between Lana, Theron, or Emerpress Acina were terrible choices. Lana isn't a spy, much less a traitor. Theron is a spy, but he would never betray me! And Acina/Malcom? Really? 🙄 I wish we had different options there. Ones that made more sense. Or different/better dialogue if we did choose Theron. 


EDIT: Aww! My male JC just got hit on by a random female NPC! I cannot remember ever getting hit on outside of companion dialogue on any class. How cute! Sorry. Had to share 😅

Edited by yenzin
speeches. hit on.
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38 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

It just took so much of the tension and the stakes of the Arc. As I said, I ADORED the entire arc as a narrative, because even my PC's who view Theron as chosen family, were so invested in bringing Theron home, and here's Lana, she is a kill-joy up to the moment he's stabbed, and then bait and switch. I wanted to fight her on bringing him home, in short, I wanted her to be a Sith! That tension would have been AMAZING!

ps. Verbal Fight.

Hard disagree on this.  If he had ACTUALLY really betrayed them, then different story, I could absolutely accept that she would want him to die or argue in favor for it.  But after accepting that he had faked it (which she accepts throughout the FP, as they talk over the mission) and then having any doubt left thrashed when she watched the actual bad guy nearly kill him?  Absolutely not.  imo it would be completely out of character.  Even if she doesn't ever go around saying it directly (she is still a sith), she shows many times that she cares about Theron.  The only world where she would actually want him to die is one where she believes he actually betrayed them for real.  If she had found him before he hinted/revealed/proved the truth to them, she probably would have fought him herself.  But not after.  Not when he's dying in front of her after being stabbed for trying to stop the enemy.

I love Theron and Lana's relationship and their arc together second only to the romance arc between Theron/my character, and for me their arc during fractured alliances is just as good as the romantic arc.  Even if the romantic arc carries most of the emotional weight, the two character arcs combined are what make it so gut-wrenching and emotionally powerful as a whole.

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18 minutes ago, yenzin said:

 So I tested this. My agent was tempted to tell Lana because he respects her, but in the end, did not as he is too used to keeping secrets that could be used against him. My BH told her because he trusts her and he is always honest to a fault. He's racked up quite a lot of DS points because he will not go against a contract or lie. My JC did not tell her because he still doesn't trust Sith even though recently he has worked with them a lot. Thus, Lana doesn't find out about Valkorian until the Sions rat out two of my characters. 

On all of them, I get the same conversation line with Theron telling them, "Except for the whole Valkorian thing. Yeah, I've been briefed." I am interested in seeing your video of that conversation because I cannot trigger a different response on any of my characters. 🤔

Yeah, they seem to also get the same line earlier about "...based on what Lana said you went through, what you're going through", so it does seem that Theron finds out about what the PC is going through no matter what, good.

20 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Maybe between all of us, we'll manage to post all 8 classes in this scene 😍

*16... both genders for all 8 too, don't forget! 😅 

I think from discussions that all 16 are probably not covered by the few of us who are recording and posting in here, sadly.  But, we can at least tick off a lot of them 😁

23 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I also miss the days when we had random lines that dealt with our character's species. For example, my JK and JC can both encounter Jedi Master Till'in. He's a kel dor. Upon meeting him he will say, "The poor girl (his new human female apprentice) - no doubt apologizing again. She nearly shot me when I approached her on Raxus Prime. I forget how violently some humans react when first meeting my species. I don't understand why they always seem to shoot before thinking."

My human JK, who I am still enjoying playing as a complete brat, can answer, "Maybe because you're a hideous monster?" In true Jedi Master style, Till'in answers with, "Mind yourself, young one. While your honesty is admirable, your tone lacks respect." Whereas my miraluka JC can answer, "Who knows why humans do anything." Again in Master Jedi style, Till'in responds, "Now, now. Let us embrace tolerance. Not all beings are as enlightened as we are." 😂 I like that dialogue thread a lot, but my JC is a miraluka. It's more poetic for him to say, "It's cloaked in mystery." (He can't see, after all.) To which Kill'in replies, "Indeed. Ah, well - a riddle to be pondered some other time."

I really wish there was more of this kind of thing in game.  More species-specific references would be awesome.  There are loads of imp side references to your character being an alien if they are (all mine are lol  I have 0 human characters), but not nearly enough other such references elsewhere.  I always wish that when dealing with the twi'leks on Tython the fact that both my Jedi are twi'leks would be relevant, for example!!  But it isn't, sigh.

26 minutes ago, yenzin said:

...Which was a long-winded and off-topic way for me to lead into my video. For your viewing pleasure, MaleBH, MaleJC, and MaleIA greeting Theron again after five years. Theron does not have a super sexy outfit or hairstyle in two of them because those characters cannot have him as a companion yet. (We can't all have him looking even more sexy just yet. 😏 And again, that purple and black! It is so smoking! 🤤 Unfortunately, it is currently 300+ million on the auction house, soooo... still waiting.)

The struggle is real.  Making Theron look as sexy as possible is a highly important full time job.  and very expensive.

Thanks for the video!  Slowly seeing more of them.... for science 😍  (have I mentioned I love your agent btw, he's a lil cutie.  his face fits the voice perfectly as well, and since he was the first male agent I saw it will actually prolly forever make me feel like my agent is a knock off but it's fiiiiiine. haha)

(makes me selfishly a bit happy that JK still sounds the most excited to see him tho btw haha ☺️)

33 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I remember being conflicted in the traitor arc. I wanted to believe Theron, and I absolutely did. I kept supporting him at every turn. All the while, I kept wondering if I was too blinded by my love for him to see that he really was a traitor. (I was determined not to read spoilers!)

Oh man, the first time through, I was an emotional wreck lmao.  I also knew ZERO spoilers and did not want to read them.  I totally worried that my own feelings and desire for Theron to actually be faking it and still on the good side was clouding my judgement.  I was even more worried that the writers had betrayed me and done my boy dirty (because lord knows that has happened to several characters I loved in recent years, so I have no faith left in writers anymore).  Instead it ended beautifully and my character got married and it became my favorite story in the game.  Because apparently I like the paaaaain.  And the happy ending.

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40 minutes ago, yenzin said:

EDIT: Aww! My male JC just got hit on by a random female NPC! I cannot remember ever getting hit on outside of companion dialogue on any class. How cute! Sorry. Had to share 😅

just saw this edit as I was already posting.  😅  was it literally a random one-time-seen NPC?  if so that is pretty rare I think.

If you wanna see getting hit on by NPCs outside the companion convos, play a female trooper and spend the entire class story fighting off flirts from f'ing Jonas Belkar lmao  (until I started trooper I had no idea that dude wasn't a new character that showed up in Onslaught lol  good to know he literally doesn't change as he instantly flirts on every character..........?????  I guess.......?????  you're the inferior SIS agent, bro)

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, I have to defend my girl here.

She was close friends with Theron, after a long road where they started as very shaky allies.  When he says point blank to their faces that he is betraying them and seemingly tries to kill them, she feels hurt and betrayed, and she is a sith and does not take betrayal lightly.  She takes it super personally, and she lashes out. Big time.  She gets very angry.

She makes several comments throughout the prelude to the Nathema Conspiracy in the vein that it's possible he is helping them or that he is not a total traitor but she is not entirely ready to believe it.  She still doesn't entirely know if she can believe Theron at first even when he confesses the truth, but she is convinced by the PC.  In the talking between Theron and Lana over the action during the FP, Lana clearly is still hurt but ready to believe him, she asks why he didn't include them.  He then compares his choice to hers on Rishi.  And basically after that she realizes he is right, and even though she still feels hurt she fully believes him, and stops acting angry.

She was always only so angry because she felt betrayed by someone she cared about.  When she sees him almost killed, any actual anger she has left goes away, she just cares, she doesn't want to lose him.

IMHO her attitude is entirely in character, completely believable as a way many people would react in that situation, and also the arc of her choosing to trust him again is well done. 

Disagree if you like, but I will die on this hill.

I'dhave been fine with her expressing anger right after Umbara and like once. But the fact she kept being angry and repeatedly expressed how much she wanted to make him suffer and kill him both in person and in mails, depite being told by our PC that they were sure he was up to something and they still trusted him, was seriously irritating. Honestly had that been an option, my JK would definitely have punched her in the face a few times.

She can be angry, but she can also keep it to herself when told her anger is not welcomed.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

So I tested this. My agent was tempted to tell Lana because he respects her, but in the end, did not as he is too used to keeping secrets that could be used against him. My BH told her because he trusts her and he is always honest to a fault. He's racked up quite a lot of DS points because he will not go against a contract or lie. My JC did not tell her because he still doesn't trust Sith even though recently he has worked with them a lot. Thus, Lana doesn't find out about Valkorian until the Sions rat out two of my characters. 

On all of them, I get the same conversation line with Theron telling them, "Except for the whole Valkorian thing. Yeah, I've been briefed." I am interested in seeing your video of that conversation because I cannot trigger a different response on any of my characters. 🤔

Hm, that's weird, maybe it was triggered by an option in a previous dialogue, but i was surprised he didn't mention it, considering she knows about it whether you tell her or not. I'll have to replay the chapter though as i wasn't recording at that moment, to see if it may be a consequence of another dialogue option (if he still doesn't know the second time i play that part) or if it was just a bug. Unfortunately i'm a bit stuck on the GEMINI fight on that character, so it'll either have to wait for me to finally beat her or i'll replay the chapter if i get tired of that fight

19 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

you're the inferior SIS agent, bro

Yet he seems to know some stuff about Theron that Theron doesn't want other people to know, because in their short story, Jonas totally blackmailed Theron into helping him. That's a fun short story too, the interactions between the two were quite entertaining, i wish we'd have more of that.

Edited by Goreshaga
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53 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Hard disagree on this.  If he had ACTUALLY really betrayed them, then different story, I could absolutely accept that she would want him to die or argue in favor for it.  But after accepting that he had faked it (which she accepts throughout the FP, as they talk over the mission) and then having any doubt left thrashed when she watched the actual bad guy nearly kill him?  Absolutely not.  imo it would be completely out of character.  Even if she doesn't ever go around saying it directly (she is still a sith), she shows many times that she cares about Theron.  The only world where she would actually want him to die is one where she believes he actually betrayed them for real.  If she had found him before he hinted/revealed/proved the truth to them, she probably would have fought him herself.  But not after.  Not when he's dying in front of her after being stabbed for trying to stop the enemy.

I love Theron and Lana's relationship and their arc together second only to the romance arc between Theron/my character, and for me their arc during fractured alliances is just as good as the romantic arc.  Even if the romantic arc carries most of the emotional weight, the two character arcs combined are what make it so gut-wrenching and emotionally powerful as a whole.

I respect your right to enjoy Lana and enjoy her relationship with Theron. That said, this isn't the Lana Love thread and I have every right to discuss what I don't like about her in Theron's story arcs! If I was just bashing her then I would be violating the ToS and this thread. The traitor arc was a wonderful piece of character development but IMO Lana weakened it considerably. I wanted more tension, more drama, and more high stakes.

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