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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Today in me being randomly amused by things:

In the chapter 15 scene that has the stage performer option, I forgot just how much Theron poses like a badass as he gets on the holo for absolutely no discernable reason other than to look like a badass (you succeeded, Theron, congrats).  But I forgot even more that immediately before, my JK (with dualsaber) does an equally unnecessary but badass looking one handed saber flip (hardly the first time, but I always love it).  (And yes, I clipped it.)  Which leads me to definitely the only reasonable conclusion possible (definitely), which is that they each knew the other was watching and wanted to show off 😆

I am curious now if other characters ALSO do some kind of unnecessary cool show off move, or if it's just Jedi with dualsabers lol

If anyone else has clips of other characters (or Jedi with other weapons for that matter) doing things, I would love to see how they also show off for Theron (definitely, presumably).

Edited by cannibithobbal
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Somehow it tracks that it's just the JK that feels the need to look extra cool tbh 😅

(and Theron.  but Theron always looks cool.)

edit: on the topic of Theron looking cool, I also present: exhibit A exhibit B

(it's also midnight and I should really be sleeping not making Theron gifs but here we are lol)

Edited by cannibithobbal
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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Somehow it tracks that it's just the JK that feels the need to look extra cool tbh 😅

(and Theron.  but Theron always looks cool.)

edit: on the topic of Theron looking cool, I also present: exhibit A exhibit B

(it's also midnight and I should really be sleeping not making Theron gifs but here we are lol)

Those gif should be subbed with "should I say it like a spy? Target eliminated."

Here's Agent hold his gun while the JK do a fancy trick with their laser sword. The sarcasm he put into the line about how the gemini reminded him about Belsavis is *chef kiss* too:


Looking at this made me realize I reeeeealy should do a new recording since I have greatly upgraded my wardrobe since then.

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am curious now if other characters ALSO do some kind of unnecessary cool show off move, or if it's just Jedi with dualsabers lol

I think it's all Force Users (FU for short), no matter what kind of lightsaber they wield, i think my JK did the same with a regular single bladed lightsaber on more than one occasion, can't really say about the other FUs though as it's been a very long time since i played any of them through KOTFE, but it seems logical to be the same for every Force classes, as i doubt they animate things differently for characters who use the same kind of weapon.


Re-thinking about this chapter, do you think the GEMINI captain from that ship could be GEMINI 16 ? By the end of this chapter, she seemed to have evolved more than other GEMINI, even the ones later given free will by SCORPIO, and she escaped. It could also explain why G16 still had free will even after Vaylin had them all reprogrammed to obey her,  how G16 knew so much about the Alliance and seemingly had something against the Commander.

Edited by Goreshaga
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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

Those gif should be subbed with "should I say it like a spy? Target eliminated."

omg 🤣  yes.

4 hours ago, eabevella said:

Here's Agent hold his gun while the JK do a fancy trick with their laser sword. The sarcasm he put into the line about how the gemini reminded him about Belsavis is *chef kiss* too:


Looking at this made me realize I reeeeealy should do a new recording since I have greatly upgraded my wardrobe since then.

old wardrobe or no, your agent looks awesome!  I love seeing the slight alterations in dialogue too for the agent, with the Belsavis reference ❤️   also he looked plenty badass walking around with gun out and at the ready as well, so, no need for a fancy flair (although, can you imagine if gun wielders randomly did a lil gun flip a la Theron - but, ya know, less haha  idk if they ever do that anywhere but it would be cool)

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I think it's all Force Users (FU for short), no matter what kind of lightsaber they wield, i think my JK did the same with a regular single bladed lightsaber on more than one occasion, can't really say about the other FUs though as it's been a very long time since i played any of them through KOTFE, but it seems logical to be the same for every Force classes, as i doubt they animate things differently for characters who use the same kind of weapon.

makes sense, yeah.  all those Jedi/Sith with their flair 😄

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Re-thinking about this chapter, do you think the GEMINI captain from that ship could be GEMINI 16 ? By the end of this chapter, she seemed to have evolved more than other GEMINI, even the ones later given free will by SCORPIO, and she escaped. It could also explain why G16 still had free will even after Vaylin had them all reprogrammed to obey her,  how G16 knew so much about the Alliance and seemingly had something against the Commander.

I never even thought of this, but it tooootally makes sense.  I did always wonder a bit why the one Gemini was so independent and angry even compared to the others, but if it was because of that incident then everything would really be explained.  I am surprised that we never had them say it in game one way or the other but I am 1000% down for at least headcanoning this to be the case, if nothing else.

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Have any of you ever taken the second option when talking to Theron in Chapter 16 of KotFE? (I have all these conversations memorized... 😅)


Theron: "Would you listen if I asked you to be careful?"

PC: "You're not going to lose me Theron. I know you have abandonment issues, but..."

Theron: "Well-founded issues - can we not talk about my mom right now?"

PC: "Am I ruining the moment?"

Theron: "It's salvageable."

My BH didn't. I took the first option there. My JC is also going to take the first line. My agent has been stuck on that dialogue scene for the last six days, though. I have not progressed with the chapter because I can not make up my mind. A lot of that indecision also has to do with the great voice acting. All of the lines sound amazing and really add depth to them. 💖

While I like Theron's response of, "You're a terrible liar," to the first option, I don't think they are close enough for the reassurance inherent in the dialogue path. (Agent is sooooo slooooww burn! Especially if not romanced in Shadow of Revan and on Yavin and Ziost. Seriously need more flirt lines in Chapter 09.) The third option is cute in that it talks about risks and Theron's parting line of, "Yeah, yeah. You're always right. I'm crazy about you," is sweet, but I wonder if that is too soon. However, except for the agent, I also don't think I have a character that would ever take that third option and it'll be forever unused which is a shame as it is a cute dialogue path.

Then there's the second option. If there is a character that would take it, it's my agent, as the romance is slowly building. However, for that reason, I don't know if Theron would have opened up enough off-screen by this point. Imps know Theron and his mom have a rocky relationship and that she didn't raise him, but only Pubs (or maybe just the Jedi?) know he was given up as a baby. I think it's a line only a Republic character would take. Likely a smuggler or a trooper. If I don't take it, this will be another line that will remain unused for a long time, if not forever.

What are the reasons you all took the various dialogue options during this scene?🤔

Edited by yenzin
any of. raise him. emojis. six days!?
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22 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Have any of you ever taken the second option when talking to Theron in Chapter 16 of KotFE? (I have all these conversations memorized... 😅)

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Theron: "Would you listen if I asked you to be careful?"

PC: "You're not going to lose me Theron. I know you have abandonment issues, but..."

Theron: "Well-founded issues - can we not talk about my mom right now?"

PC: "Am I ruining the moment?"

Theron: "It's salvageable."

My BH didn't. I took the first option there. My JC is also going to take the first line. My agent has been stuck on that dialogue scene for the last three days, though. I have not progressed with the chapter because I can not make up my mind. A lot of that indecision also has to do with the great voice acting. All of the lines sound amazing and really add depth to them.

While I like Theron's response of, "You're a terrible liar," to the first option, I don't think they are close enough for the reassurance inherent in the dialogue path. (Agent is sooooo slooooww burn! Especially if not romanced in Shadow of Revan and on Yavin and Ziost. Seriously need more flirt lines in Chapter 09.) The third option is cute in that it talks about risks and Theron's parting line of, "Yeah, yeah. You're always right. I'm crazy about you," is sweet, but I wonder if that is too soon. However, except for the agent, I also don't think I have a character that would ever take that third option and it'll be forever unused which is a shame as it is a cute dialogue path.

Then there's the second option. If there is a character that would take it, it's my agent, as the romance is slowly building. However, for that reason, I don't know if Theron would have opened up enough off-screen by this point. Imps know Theron and his mom have a rocky relationship, but only Pubs (or maybe just the Jedi?) know he was given up as a baby. I think it's a line only a Republic character would take. Likely a smuggler or a trooper. If I don't take it, this will be another line that will remain unused for a long time, if not forever.

What are the reasons you all took the various dialogue options during this scene?

omg I did not even know that all three dialogue paths in that scene had romantic dialogue in them (usually there's like one option that is actually romantic and the other ones aren't), I have only ever chosen the first option!  brb gonna go re-play that scene (thankfully it's the beginning of the chapter haha) and record all three options, I need to hear them. 

I am very happy with having the first as my official version (I think the terrible liar line is perfect for Jedi, like he may be sarcastic but he's way too honest haha) but totally need to hear the other ones now. 

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5 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg I did not even know that all three dialogue paths in that scene had romantic dialogue in them (usually there's like one option that is actually romantic and the other ones aren't), I have only ever chosen the first option!  brb gonna go re-play that scene (thankfully it's the beginning of the chapter haha) and record all three options, I need to hear them. 

I am very happy with having the first as my official version (I think the terrible liar line is perfect for Jedi, like he may be sarcastic but he's way too honest haha) but totally need to hear the other ones now. 

I think you are really going to love the third option. 😉

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41 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Have any of you ever taken the second option when talking to Theron in Chapter 16 of KotFE? (I have all these conversations memorized... 😅)

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Theron: "Would you listen if I asked you to be careful?"

PC: "You're not going to lose me Theron. I know you have abandonment issues, but..."

Theron: "Well-founded issues - can we not talk about my mom right now?"

PC: "Am I ruining the moment?"

Theron: "It's salvageable."

My BH didn't. I took the first option there. My JC is also going to take the first line. My agent has been stuck on that dialogue scene for the last six days, though. I have not progressed with the chapter because I can not make up my mind. A lot of that indecision also has to do with the great voice acting. All of the lines sound amazing and really add depth to them. 💖

While I like Theron's response of, "You're a terrible liar," to the first option, I don't think they are close enough for the reassurance inherent in the dialogue path. (Agent is sooooo slooooww burn! Especially if not romanced in Shadow of Revan and on Yavin and Ziost. Seriously need more flirt lines in Chapter 09.) The third option is cute in that it talks about risks and Theron's parting line of, "Yeah, yeah. You're always right. I'm crazy about you," is sweet, but I wonder if that is too soon. However, except for the agent, I also don't think I have a character that would ever take that third option and it'll be forever unused which is a shame as it is a cute dialogue path.

Then there's the second option. If there is a character that would take it, it's my agent, as the romance is slowly building. However, for that reason, I don't know if Theron would have opened up enough off-screen by this point. Imps know Theron and his mom have a rocky relationship and that she didn't raise him, but only Pubs (or maybe just the Jedi?) know he was given up as a baby. I think it's a line only a Republic character would take. Likely a smuggler or a trooper. If I don't take it, this will be another line that will remain unused for a long time, if not forever.

What are the reasons you all took the various dialogue options during this scene?🤔

I picked the 1st one because at that point my Agent has been with Theron for quite a while (since my Jedi Knight is the Outlander, my agent had 5 extra years for the slow burn, which drove Lana crazy) and "depend on how you asked" sounds like when he used to tease Theron to test his reaction only that it's real instead of seduction-spy-game now.

I picked the 2nd one for my SI because he's a bit too straightforward sometimes but he didn't mean ill. Well, to Theron at least. It's more of a "I know your weakness but that's safe with me" which is big for a Sith to think of someone as such.

Never picked the 3rd on for some reason.

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45 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I think you are really going to love the third option. 😉

oh noooo am I gonna regret not picking that one?? 

(I have to wait til after work to get on game and see all of them, this is gonna be a long day 😅)


.......I am already tempted to do an entire second recorded playthrough with a version of my JK without the rebreather mask (so I have one of each, because I love him with it, but would also like to hear all the sweet romantic lines without the voice modulation, and because I am an addict with problems, and because I already wanted to redo Ziost again anyway since I messed up the recording so many times so why not keep going at that point lol  RIP my ssd though), I might have to research if some alt choices are better and choose those if I go through with such a run.

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10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I never even thought of this, but it tooootally makes sense.  I did always wonder a bit why the one Gemini was so independent and angry even compared to the others, but if it was because of that incident then everything would really be explained.  I am surprised that we never had them say it in game one way or the other but I am 1000% down for at least headcanoning this to be the case, if nothing else.

Yep, i think it'd make sense, it's a bit sad it was never explained, because that would've been interesting, and if it is indeed the same GEMINI, it could also explain after having watched closely the Commander and the rest of the group when they borded her ship, how she was able to monitor the Alliance and predict Theron's and the Commander's actions as efficiently as she did and why Theron was a bit stuck on how to tell us what he was doing.

I guess it'll be my HC from now on actually.

9 hours ago, yenzin said:

Have any of you ever taken the second option when talking to Theron in Chapter 16 of KotFE? (I have all these conversations memorized... 😅)

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Theron: "Would you listen if I asked you to be careful?"

PC: "You're not going to lose me Theron. I know you have abandonment issues, but..."

Theron: "Well-founded issues - can we not talk about my mom right now?"

PC: "Am I ruining the moment?"

Theron: "It's salvageable."

My BH didn't. I took the first option there. My JC is also going to take the first line. My agent has been stuck on that dialogue scene for the last six days, though. I have not progressed with the chapter because I can not make up my mind. A lot of that indecision also has to do with the great voice acting. All of the lines sound amazing and really add depth to them. 💖

While I like Theron's response of, "You're a terrible liar," to the first option, I don't think they are close enough for the reassurance inherent in the dialogue path. (Agent is sooooo slooooww burn! Especially if not romanced in Shadow of Revan and on Yavin and Ziost. Seriously need more flirt lines in Chapter 09.) The third option is cute in that it talks about risks and Theron's parting line of, "Yeah, yeah. You're always right. I'm crazy about you," is sweet, but I wonder if that is too soon. However, except for the agent, I also don't think I have a character that would ever take that third option and it'll be forever unused which is a shame as it is a cute dialogue path.

Then there's the second option. If there is a character that would take it, it's my agent, as the romance is slowly building. However, for that reason, I don't know if Theron would have opened up enough off-screen by this point. Imps know Theron and his mom have a rocky relationship and that she didn't raise him, but only Pubs (or maybe just the Jedi?) know he was given up as a baby. I think it's a line only a Republic character would take. Likely a smuggler or a trooper. If I don't take it, this will be another line that will remain unused for a long time, if not forever.

What are the reasons you all took the various dialogue options during this scene?🤔

I think i've always taken the 1st option, but now, i don't really know what i'll pick next time i play it with a clone of my JK. Slightly frustrating when all 3 options are good, because i only have 1 character who romances Theron and it'll be a dilema to choose now. Guess i'll have to listen to the 3 to see which one would fit her personality the most, and which of Theron's answers i prefer.

7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

.......I am already tempted to do an entire second recorded playthrough with a version of my JK without the rebreather mask (so I have one of each, because I love him with it, but would also like to hear all the sweet romantic lines without the voice modulation, and because I am an addict with problems, and because I already wanted to redo Ziost again anyway since I messed up the recording so many times so why not keep going at that point lol  RIP my ssd though), I might have to research if some alt choices are better and choose those if I go through with such a run.

I'm currently running the JK's story from the beginning on a new server in order to really examine all dialogue options and choose which ones i prefer, so that i'll have the best ones for when i'm going to record the whole thing later for a "definitive" version (in english and in french), at least until i decide to change something once again (like if they add Echani as a playable species, or new hairstyles , or new outfits...). I also want to record the romance scenes with Theron that are locked behind killing Arcann, but it irritates me to have to level a new character specifically for that, so at least also writting down the dialogue choices lets me kill two birds with one stone, well three actually as it'll also complete one class story on a server where i haven't completed any.

I may have some issues too 😅

Edited by Goreshaga
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13 hours ago, yenzin said:

Have any of you ever taken the second option when talking to Theron in Chapter 16 of KotFE? (I have all these conversations memorized... 😅)

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Theron: "Would you listen if I asked you to be careful?"

PC: "You're not going to lose me Theron. I know you have abandonment issues, but..."

Theron: "Well-founded issues - can we not talk about my mom right now?"

PC: "Am I ruining the moment?"

Theron: "It's salvageable."

My BH didn't. I took the first option there. My JC is also going to take the first line. My agent has been stuck on that dialogue scene for the last six days, though. I have not progressed with the chapter because I can not make up my mind. A lot of that indecision also has to do with the great voice acting. All of the lines sound amazing and really add depth to them. 💖

While I like Theron's response of, "You're a terrible liar," to the first option, I don't think they are close enough for the reassurance inherent in the dialogue path. (Agent is sooooo slooooww burn! Especially if not romanced in Shadow of Revan and on Yavin and Ziost. Seriously need more flirt lines in Chapter 09.) The third option is cute in that it talks about risks and Theron's parting line of, "Yeah, yeah. You're always right. I'm crazy about you," is sweet, but I wonder if that is too soon. However, except for the agent, I also don't think I have a character that would ever take that third option and it'll be forever unused which is a shame as it is a cute dialogue path.

Then there's the second option. If there is a character that would take it, it's my agent, as the romance is slowly building. However, for that reason, I don't know if Theron would have opened up enough off-screen by this point. Imps know Theron and his mom have a rocky relationship and that she didn't raise him, but only Pubs (or maybe just the Jedi?) know he was given up as a baby. I think it's a line only a Republic character would take. Likely a smuggler or a trooper. If I don't take it, this will be another line that will remain unused for a long time, if not forever.

What are the reasons you all took the various dialogue options during this scene?🤔

Ok, finally got to play them, have to say, while I'm glad to have heard it (for reasons detailed below), would never pick the second option, at least not on any character in a solid relationship with Theron at that point.  idk if it is just JK VA's delivery (though I don't think it is, I think it's how the whole scene was written) but it almost sounds borderline dismissive - or at least making way too light - of Theron's worried feelings - not to mention his trauma - in that moment, as opposed to reassuring him, and Theron actually sounds quite upset about it (understandably!!) -- I'm honestly surprised that that was option 2 and not option 3, as option 3 is usually the "least good" option and that exchange felt a bit... tense.  It actually felt a bit weird and out of place as a romantic exchange tbh.

If they had the same basic content but in a sweeter scene (Like "I know you have abandonment issues, and for good reason, but you aren't going to lose me, don't worry" and not played off as dismissive to the point it makes Theron upset) then it would be amazing and my go-to option.  Because as a character moment for Theron, it's the only time I've ever actually heard him admit out loud that he has abandonment issues over his mother leaving him, let alone hearing his significant other acknowledge out loud that they understand that that's why Theron worries so much, which is kind of huge, both for Theron's character development and for their relationship, considering almost every other time Theron discusses his abandonment he tries to brush it off as if it doesn't bother him even though he's fooling absolutely nobody.  

I also like that this dialogue fully canonizes abandonment issues as a part of his character and as the reason for him worrying, meaning it's not just something we observe and extrapolate/assume about his character based on what we do know, it's completely canon and intended, which I love knowing as a fan of Theron.  (I wish I knew about this dialogue sooner, because of that!)

But it's weird how instead the scene as is feels like the PC is reading the room real badly and making light of Theron's greatest emotional trauma while Theron's trying to be worried and it makes Theron upset.  Like, kissing him there is more like a bloody apology than a sweet "I'll be ok" goodbye!


The actual third option, though? aw man, soooo adorable.  🥰  (you were right, you know me too well, I love that one 🥰)  My JK does do a wee bit of enjoying of the risk-taking and crazy shenanigans, and likes to be a bit cheeky, so if I do end up with another full playthrough I will pick this one for sure.  I like it equally with the option 1 that I picked before, would be nice to have one of each.  Both are like, being a bit cheeky with Theron but without dismissing his feelings, which fits their relationship perfectly ❤️


Edit to add: omg, I just noticed something when I short clipped and watched these two versions back to back.  This is my character walking away after the adorable #3 option, and this is him walking away after the second one.  Cute romantic smile after the third one, but HE'S ACTUALLY MAD after the second one, clearly that was not meant to be the good romantic option (I feel like the devs messed up putting that in slot 2).  I feel vindicated about feeling off about the exchange.

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30 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep, i think it'd make sense, it's a bit sad it was never explained, because that would've been interesting, and if it is indeed the same GEMINI, it could also explain after having watched closely the Commander and the rest of the group when they borded her ship, how she was able to monitor the Alliance and predict Theron's and the Commander's actions as efficiently as she did and why Theron was a bit stuck on how to tell us what he was doing.

I guess it'll be my HC from now on actually.

Yeah same, the more I think about it the more it makes sense, 100% my new HC. 

30 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm currently running the JK's story from the beginning on a new server in order to really examine all dialogue options and choose which ones i prefer, so that i'll have the best ones for when i'm going to record the whole thing later for a "definitive" version (in english and in french), at least until i decide to change something once again (like if they add Echani as a playable species, or new hairstyles , or new outfits...). I also want to record the romance scenes with Theron that are locked behind killing Arcann, but it irritates me to have to level a new character specifically for that, so at least also writting down the dialogue choices lets me kill two birds with one stone.

I may have some issues too 😅

I have to say, I would love to see someone else's recordings of the romance scenes locked behind Arcann dying but I could not do it on a run myself, killing Senya would hurt way too much, and Arcann too but especially Senya.  If you can do it you're a stronger woman than I, pls share the results 😅 

I need to get bolder with escaping out of cutscenes to redo dialogue so that I can do something similar and find my absolute most favorite dialogue path for a nice clean "definitive" run of my own.  I am just so scared of it skipping the scene by accident, and every run through I have been recording so I don't wanna miss anything.  Maybe someone has a list online of what cutscenes you should never hit esc on to help me in future, hmmm 🤔 

I did actually start a new JK on Star Forge server (he can have identical name to my main that way, plus gives me more play with people options in future) but man, I forgot how painful no money and no legacy and no guild is, it is gonna be sloooow going, I might ultimately give up and just make another JK on Satele server with another slightly altered name again, time will tell 😅 

If remaking the same character over and over to replay is wrong, I don't wanna be right, ok 😄 

(I mean c'mon it's just making it more like other single player games that you can replay all you want, really)

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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep, i think it'd make sense, it's a bit sad it was never explained, because that would've been interesting, and if it is indeed the same GEMINI, it could also explain after having watched closely the Commander and the rest of the group when they borded her ship, how she was able to monitor the Alliance and predict Theron's and the Commander's actions as efficiently as she did and why Theron was a bit stuck on how to tell us what he was doing.

I guess it'll be my HC from now on actually.

I think i've always taken the 1st option, but now, i don't really know what i'll pick next time i play it with a clone of my JK. Slightly frustrating when all 3 options are good, because i only have 1 character who romances Theron and it'll be a dilema to choose now. Guess i'll have to listen to the 3 to see which one would fit her personality the most, and which of Theron's answers i prefer.

I'm currently running the JK's story from the beginning on a new server in order to really examine all dialogue options and choose which ones i prefer, so that i'll have the best ones for when i'm going to record the whole thing later for a "definitive" version (in english and in french), at least until i decide to change something once again (like if they add Echani as a playable species, or new hairstyles , or new outfits...). I also want to record the romance scenes with Theron that are locked behind killing Arcann, but it irritates me to have to level a new character specifically for that, so at least also writting down the dialogue choices lets me kill two birds with one stone, well three actually as it'll also complete one class story on a server where i haven't completed any.

I may have some issues too 😅

There is a romance scene that's specific behind killing Arcann?

Now I'm really curious. When we replay the chapters, if we pick the kill Senya/Arcann option on Voss, will the choice carry through if we keep replaying the chapters that follow?

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Just now, eabevella said:

There is a romance scene that's specific behind killing Arcann?

Now I'm really curious. When we replay the chapters, if we pick the kill Senya/Arcann option on Voss, will the choice carry through if we keep replaying the chapters that follow?

It does not, no, each individual replay chapter takes into account your original choices on first run.  It's the same reason you can't do a different romance, for example.

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5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah same, the more I think about it the more it makes sense, 100% my new HC. 

I have to say, I would love to see someone else's recordings of the romance scenes locked behind Arcann dying but I could not do it on a run myself, killing Senya would hurt way too much, and Arcann too but especially Senya.  If you can do it you're a stronger woman than I, pls share the results 😅 

I need to get bolder with escaping out of cutscenes to redo dialogue so that I can do something similar and find my absolute most favorite dialogue path for a nice clean "definitive" run of my own.  I am just so scared of it skipping the scene by accident, and every run through I have been recording so I don't wanna miss anything.  Maybe someone has a list online of what cutscenes you should never hit esc on to help me in future, hmmm 🤔 

I did actually start a new JK on Star Forge server (he can have identical name to my main that way, plus gives me more play with people options in future) but man, I forgot how painful no money and no legacy and no guild is, it is gonna be sloooow going, I might ultimately give up and just make another JK on Satele server with another slightly altered name again, time will tell 😅 

If remaking the same character over and over to replay is wrong, I don't wanna be right, ok 😄 

(I mean c'mon it's just making it more like other single player games that you can replay all you want, really)

When there's a new chapter drop, I will run it on my alt server toon first to see the options and to avoid potential bugs that may screw up the romance scene (happened a lot on other people).

This way I don't need to worry about not be able to esc in time.

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2 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

It does not, no, each individual replay chapter takes into account your original choices on first run.  It's the same reason you can't do a different romance, for example.

That's too bad, I wish there's some replay mode where you can make different but temporary runs to try new things while the "canon" choices are still the original choices...

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Just now, eabevella said:

That's too bad, I wish there's some replay mode where you can make different but temporary runs to try new things while the "canon" choices are still the original choices...

Agreed.  I mean the number one thing I wish we had in this game was more solid replayability in general (like, of everything, not just KotXX), so that I wouldn't have to keep making new character copies and could just replay on my original character 😅

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2 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Agreed.  I mean the number one thing I wish we had in this game was more solid replayability in general (like, of everything, not just KotXX), so that I wouldn't have to keep making new character copies and could just replay on my original character 😅

This is when I wish there's a solo player version of this game. There'll be so much more freedom with the stories.

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have to say, I would love to see someone else's recordings of the romance scenes locked behind Arcann dying but I could not do it on a run myself, killing Senya would hurt way too much, and Arcann too but especially Senya.  If you can do it you're a stronger woman than I, pls share the results 😅 

I need to get bolder with escaping out of cutscenes to redo dialogue so that I can do something similar and find my absolute most favorite dialogue path for a nice clean "definitive" run of my own.  I am just so scared of it skipping the scene by accident, and every run through I have been recording so I don't wanna miss anything.  Maybe someone has a list online of what cutscenes you should never hit esc on to help me in future, hmmm 🤔 

I did actually start a new JK on Star Forge server (he can have identical name to my main that way, plus gives me more play with people options in future) but man, I forgot how painful no money and no legacy and no guild is, it is gonna be sloooow going, I might ultimately give up and just make another JK on Satele server with another slightly altered name again, time will tell 😅 

If remaking the same character over and over to replay is wrong, I don't wanna be right, ok 😄 

(I mean c'mon it's just making it more like other single player games that you can replay all you want, really)

I don't really want to do it either, but i'm really annoyed to miss on romance ocntent, so i'll do it once, record in english and french and then i hope i'll never have to do something like that again (i can always keep that character just in case though)

Yeah that's why i do it on a character i'm not recording with, which honestly is a good thing because currently some cutscenes are seriously bugged. Did the fight against Praven yesterday and his outfit was so bugged it was ridiculous, i'm glad i wasn't recording.

That JK is on TH, but there that's mostly because i want to unlock the second CS so that i'll be able to record while switching between Sent (my JK's main CS) and Shadow (because stealth is life). I don't really have room on The Leviathan anymore, and by recorging on another server i can have the actual name for my character instead of having to add accents to them. And can't really record on the US servers because i lag a bit there. So after that one i'll mostly make my clones on the US servers to try out the dialogues, and then record on TH. I've made a clone of my SW on SS already, i just finished DK there.

Same i don't want to be wrong, though i'll admit, if there was a way to replay the whole game with the same character, i'd definitely do that instead of making an army of clones, that's one of the things i really liked with KOTFEET and it's really sad they didn't keep the replayable chapters format.

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

There is a romance scene that's specific behind killing Arcann?

Yep at the very least in the last chapter, as if Arcann and Senya are dead, it's Theron and Lana who go with you in the throne room, after Valky is defeated there is a scene with Theron (something about the nightmares being over, but i don't have the exact dialogue in mind). Honestly i'll never understand why they had to lock that behind killing Arcann and Senya rather than having that during the party at the very end for every Theronmancer. And, i'm not sure on this one, but there may be one during the battle on Odessen (the chapter where we kill Vaylin) as well as like with the following chapter Theron and Lana replace Arcann and Senya.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep at the very least in the last chapter, as if Arcann and Senya are dead, it's Theron and Lana who go with you in the throne room, after Valky is defeated there is a scene with Theron (something about the nightmares being over, but i don't have the exact dialogue in mind). Honestly i'll never understand why they had to lock that behind killing Arcann and Senya rather than having that during the party at the very end for every Theronmancer. And, i'm not sure on this one, but there may be one during the battle on Odessen (the chapter where we kill Vaylin) as well as like with the following chapter Theron and Lana replace Arcann and Senya.

I feel cheated lol The only reason I didn't kill Arcann and Senya on my agent is to fit my jedi knight's choice because they are in the same "universe". On my other toon I just went lazy and pick the no kill option even though he would because there's more story contents with Arcann and Senya.

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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

I feel cheated lol The only reason I didn't kill Arcann and Senya on my agent is to fit my jedi knight's choice because they are in the same "universe". On my other toon I just went lazy and pick the no kill option even though he would because there's more story contents with Arcann and Senya.

Yeah i feel cheated too, i saved Arcann and Senya 1/because i find them interesting and actually wanted to redeem him and help her redeem him, but 2/ mostly because that's 100% something my JK would do as she's been doing that throughout her class story it would not make sense for her not to do it now, especially since she knows she needs help with the old man in her head and his son is probably one of the strongest help she can get. And it just ended with her being denied some romance content with her lover...

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