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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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On 5/5/2023 at 7:46 AM, cannibithobbal said:

just gotta say, y'all got me really curious how different male agent is now, does he sound openly threatening a lot?  I always love how female agent manages to sound calm and borderline gentle even when she is threatening or telling someone off (which, in a way, even scarier haha).  She mainly only threatens sith though, to be fair, since I played her fully light 😂 

Alright, I put together this video of agent lines for you and it took me several hours. (If only I would apply that dedication to things that need doing around the house 😅) All those videos to go through! (Reminded me of how much fun the story had been.) Plus, I had to get my agent to Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 16 for the scene with Theron. And wow, do those lines not disappoint. 😲 The agent's tone when talking to Theron in that scene is so caring for the first option, gentle for the second, and suave for the third! Someone on here stated earlier in the thread that the agent's tone changes as the romance progresses and wow, that is so true! There was a bit of a change from the first two flirts to the cantina scenes (I did not include those). But the change from those to chapter 16 is extreme! I am seriously blown away. 😍 IA is really starting to care. It's sweet!

If you hear any static, then that is a problem with that particular scene and not your computer. All my drivers are up to date and my system is only five years old. All scenes are at risk, yet the sound will get especially staticy during scenes that involve a lot of blaster or ship fire (Notabbly KotFE Chapter 03.), and it will continue to the end of the scene and sometimes longer. It is highly annoying and I am going to have to play through the game again on some characters to rerecord certain scenes. (Google has been most unhelpful regarding this.) 😦

Anyway, I hope the selection of lines gives you a good idea of how the agent sounds. 😁

Edited by yenzin
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I've decided that if I make a miraluka BH like I have been wanting to do, then I am going to save the character for Rass. Although, since I tend to treat my BH as my OTP for Theron, I am likely going to have to do this on either a female BH, or a different class. Like the smuggler I have not started playing yet . Been testing out the flirts and he is so adorable and awkward. Especially during that first flirt. I love the PC's nudge of,


"You should ask about me,"

when Rass gets too flustered to continue talking. Which only serves to make him more embarrassed. 😂 The exchange really reminded me of Theron when we can flirt with him on Manaan and C2-D4 tells him he is looking flush all of a sudden. 💕🤭 Sanju Pyne in the IA storyline really reminds me a lot of Theon too (or maybe I just miss Theron when he is not around 😅). I really wanted him to join me! 

On 5/4/2023 at 10:26 PM, cannibithobbal said:

Theron Shan will also keep my sub forever.  Even if I someday got tired of literally everything else in this game (not likely as I get very addicted to games and love 4598375 characters in this one lol, but, still), I would keep paying them all the money just for Theron. 😂

I am not ashamed to admit that I literally started playing this game just for Theron. I came across an article somewhere when I was looking for more games to play with romances in them after finishing the ME series for the hundredth time, and Theron sounded interesting. So, I started playing and loved him right away. He needs all deserves all the love and hugs we can give him! 🤗 Help him work on improving that self-esteem so he starts to believe his life is worth something and doesn't keep doing things to endanger himself. Like going deep undercover into fanatical cults. 😘 That was so dangerous, Theron! Where is the dialogue line where we can tell him we were insanely worried about him!?

19 hours ago, eabevella said:

The male agent sounds more cold and sarcastic. Both male and female agent VAs give a bit of different vibe to the role but both of them did great job imo.

I do wish the imp saboteur story line goes somewhere. After all, it's way more stressful for Theron to stay on the Imp side than Lana on the Pub side (she even gets to scare poor Arn lol). He need a vacation asap.

He really does! 😂 But considering he never even took a break after Rishi and Yavin to heal and get better, it is unlikely he will be willing to take one now unless he is forced into administrative leave again. I can just imagine his primary care physician (PCP) telling him his blood pressure is alarmingly high due to stress and that he needs to take some time off for his own health. 

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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

(OMG the JK video too, I played mine so nice and light side, I did some of the sassy lines but I only ever said the mean lines to Doc (which are all HILARIOUS btw but weren't even in that video for some reason), now I'm almost sad I didn't choose the mean lines more often, sassy arsehole JK = hilarious 🤣🤣 his line delivery, man, kills me, it's so good)

🤭😂🤣 These are awsome. Thanks for sharing that.

Also, he's a miraluka! Yay!

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39 minutes ago, starbuckone said:

Thank You for Lana Beniko no family issues with her unlike with Theron Shan.

We are always willing to share our love of Theron with others and tell them about all the ways in which Theron is awesome and amazing. If you want to stick around and learn about Theron as a relatable character (after all, most people have family issues) with an established backstory in other media outside of the game, then you are more than welcome. 😉 In which case, stay and have some tea. 

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Well, let's face it we know nothing about Lana. That's why she comes across as odd to me. She has no context. I appreciate Theron's narrative context, the fact that he has a whole place in the whole of SWTOR independent of PC's place. It adds such texture to the worldbuilding, and helps remind PC that they are not the center of the entire context of their story.

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Romance doesn't matter with this. It's a wonderful moment of friendship.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Making the double agent thing available to those that are just in a friendship with Theron is wonderful. 💖

😍 this makes me SO HAPPY to hear. ❤️   It would be so sad if you could only tell lover Theron and not best friend Theron.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Not a dumb question. 😁 I just learned this week that Siths can tell Theron they are a saboteur double agent. I thought it was something unique to the IA. (I honestly have no idea how this is possible for Siths. I'm having a difficult time adding this to my worldview of the game... 😅) You can watch a video here of it here. Also, the SW is a female twi'lek. I know how much you like those. 😉

omg that is great, being a double agent taking down the empire from inside.  And Theron saying "you saw how it went for me" ❤️  (we did, Theron, we did.  but you did it alone, she is telling you!)   I love the idea that Lana and Theron are on your side for that, and he is so supportive, I love heeeem.

So I take it there is no option to just fully take republic side as imperial character and that saboteur route just automatic (since the game won't let your character actually switch sides in terms of what enemies are hostile in the environment lol) if you side with republic on Iokath and then also later? 

Dammmmit the urge to play SW through the story is seriously rising now 😅  I was already tempted once when I found out that if you side with republic on Iokath then Quinn comes crawling back as the whipped boy that he is even though he will not for any other republic character, which I thought was so perfect hahaha  and my SW is light 5 and the light side SW storyline was always about trying to change the sith from the inside so her being a double agent that way makes so much sense.   I also love seeing in that scene how softened SW character is by that point, she is much kinder and less harsh with everyone, especially Theron, even when doing the romance on Rishi and Yavin she still felt very sithy, but in that clip she feels much softer.

It would be so weird still having to pretend to be imperial and still potentially do anti-republic things publicly though, I do wish you could have a former imperial character just fully embrace being in the republic, that would make such a good character arc.

(Also yes, my SW is also a female twi'lek, you know me too well already 😉)

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2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Alright, I put together this video of agent lines for you and it took me several hours. (If only I would apply that dedication to things that need doing around the house 😅) All those videos to go through! (Reminded me of how much fun the story had been.) Plus, I had to get my agent to Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 16 for the scene with Theron. And wow, do those lines not disappoint. 😲 The agent's tone when talking to Theron in that scene is so caring for the first option, gentle for the second, and suave for the third! Someone on here stated earlier in the thread that the agent's tone changes as the romance progresses and wow, that is so true! There was a bit of a change from the first two flirts to the cantina scenes (I did not include those). But the change from those to chapter 16 is extreme! I am seriously blown away. 😍 IA is really starting to care. It's sweet!

If you hear any static, then that is a problem with that particular scene and not your computer. All my drivers are up to date and my system is only five years old. All scenes are at risk, yet the sound will get especially staticy during scenes that involve a lot of blaster or ship fire (Notabbly KotFE Chapter 03.), and it will continue to the end of the scene and sometimes longer. It is highly annoying and I am going to have to play through the game again on some characters to rerecord certain scenes. (Google has been most unhelpful regarding this.) 😦

Anyway, I hope the selection of lines gives you a good idea of how the agent sounds. 😁

OMG that was a great compilation, ty for that!!  I was laughing so hard in spots 😂  And got to hear a ton of alt lines that I definitely never picked haha  male agent is definitely great, and based on how you clearly played your agent, choosing the stage performer option was so perfect 😂

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

He needs all deserves all the love and hugs we can give him! 🤗 Help him work on improving that self-esteem so he starts to believe his life is worth something and doesn't keep doing things to endanger himself. Like going deep undercover into fanatical cults. 😘 That was so dangerous, Theron! Where is the dialogue line where we can tell him we were insanely worried about him!?

Yes, ffs Theron, please stop making us worry and we'll try to stop making you worry.  I totally wish one of the times Theron says he is so worried that our character could tell him the same back!  He deserves to hear that someone worries about him too.  That and hugs. 

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

He really does! 😂 But considering he never even took a break after Rishi and Yavin to heal and get better, it is unlikely he will be willing to take one now unless he is forced into administrative leave again. I can just imagine his primary care physician (PCP) telling him his blood pressure is alarmingly high due to stress and that he needs to take some time off for his own health. 

You don't need to imagine, Theron admits this!  The letter after the Malgus interrogation has him saying he wants a vacation and that Dr. Oggurobb is already "concerned" about his stress levels 😅

2 hours ago, starbuckone said:

Thank You for Lana Beniko no family issues with her unlike with Theron Shan.

Theron's family issues are what make him a super relatable and deeper character (especially for those of us with family issues of our own - can't speak for anyone else, but that is me).  But Lana is lovely as well.  I am thankful for both of them.  Hopefully one day you will be too.  🥰

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11 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh 😅  the most simple option, I feel dumb haha

If I ever play an imperial character through the whole story I will definitely choose that option.  Agent choosing independent totally fits though, hmmmm.... yeah, ok, agent would be a tough choice between republic (loyalty to the SIS) or independent (because I totally played mine as just wanting to be free to make her own choices ultimately... though that choice could also be "choose the republic", so, either works for mine).

❤️ I love this.

I don't have any headcanons where two of my characters are actually in the same timeline, in my head they are all separate timelines that split off depending on who Theron decided to call to take Korriban (so Theron is basically a Nexus Event lol).  I do have headcanons about what would happen if one of them (perhaps with an ally) accidentally crossed over and found out that in that other timeline they had died in the war with Zakuul as someone else lived their life instead.  (Have I mentioned I like dark takes on stories 😅)

Ok, I have to know: is this something that gets to happen only if you romance Theron?  Or can you eventually tell him regardless?  Because I would love so much for my two favorite spies to be able to know they were on the same side for ages.... but I also know I will never romance him on agent. 

OMG that video is glorious.  soooo much salt, so much sass 🤣

He really does play the part so different from female agent, I love that.  I also didn't get a lot of those lines since I played my agent so nice haha  so it's great to hear how totally sassy you can play that character 😂


(OMG the JK video too, I played mine so nice and light side, I did some of the sassy lines but I only ever said the mean lines to Doc (which are all HILARIOUS btw but weren't even in that video for some reason), now I'm almost sad I didn't choose the mean lines more often, sassy arsehole JK = hilarious 🤣🤣 his line delivery, man, kills me, it's so good)

As good as the agent is, him shooting at Arcann with a blaster is still too ridiculous for me lol

I always hope the kotxx story fits the tech users better. The 5 years blank is the perfect time to be the tech users' main story, where Theron and the players can do all kind of spy missions to slowly build up connection and recruitment to set up the Alliance with Lana maintaining her front as the minister. If only they expand Uprising into something more. Back when soloing Uprising is easy, I like to run the missions with Theron as our handler. I miss him talking during missions :(

The others are so fast to answer but yeah, you can still tell Theron if not romanced. I do think the romanced version is super sweet. 100/10 would recommend.

JK can be so sassy I love it.

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4 hours ago, yenzin said:

I've decided that if I make a miraluka BH like I have been wanting to do, then I am going to save the character for Rass. Although, since I tend to treat my BH as my OTP for Theron, I am likely going to have to do this on either a female BH, or a different class. Like the smuggler I have not started playing yet . Been testing out the flirts and he is so adorable and awkward. Especially during that first flirt. I love the PC's nudge of,

  Reveal hidden contents

"You should ask about me,"

when Rass gets too flustered to continue talking. Which only serves to make him more embarrassed. 😂 The exchange really reminded me of Theron when we can flirt with him on Manaan and C2-D4 tells him he is looking flush all of a sudden. 💕🤭 Sanju Pyne in the IA storyline really reminds me a lot of Theon too (or maybe I just miss Theron when he is not around 😅). I really wanted him to join me! 

I am not ashamed to admit that I literally started playing this game just for Theron. I came across an article somewhere when I was looking for more games to play with romances in them after finishing the ME series for the hundredth time, and Theron sounded interesting. So, I started playing and loved him right away. He needs all deserves all the love and hugs we can give him! 🤗 Help him work on improving that self-esteem so he starts to believe his life is worth something and doesn't keep doing things to endanger himself. Like going deep undercover into fanatical cults. 😘 That was so dangerous, Theron! Where is the dialogue line where we can tell him we were insanely worried about him!?

He really does! 😂 But considering he never even took a break after Rishi and Yavin to heal and get better, it is unlikely he will be willing to take one now unless he is forced into administrative leave again. I can just imagine his primary care physician (PCP) telling him his blood pressure is alarmingly high due to stress and that he needs to take some time off for his own health. 

I bet Theron's stress level is so high Lana is tempted to just give him a little *zap* to force him sleep for a while lol

Tbh I wasn't about to romance anyone in the game but something special about Theron just made him basically the default romance option for most of my toon.

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4 minutes ago, eabevella said:

As good as the agent is, him shooting at Arcann with a blaster is still too ridiculous for me lol

ngl, that is something I am not sure I can get past either lmao  like, sooo much of the KotFE/KotET story feels tailored to force users, which, I mean, I don't mind because I am Jedi main, but I feel like I would have to stretch my suspension of disbelief a lot farther to play that story through on a non-force character.  Surely some things must change though, right?  Like, Satele and Marr obviously aren't going to train an agent or smuggler in a balanced force and make them build a new lightsaber.... right?  lol

The post KotXX story is really the part I would want to get to on more of my characters, tbh, it feels more suited to anyone.  But I also wouldn't want to SKIP the main story and have it make default choices that I don't want either.  so, the dilemma rages on and most of my characters are stuck at the beginning or end of SoR lol

6 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I always hope the kotxx story fits the tech users better. The 5 years blank is the perfect time to be the tech users' main story, where Theron and the players can do all kind of spy missions to slowly build up connection and recruitment to set up the Alliance with Lana maintaining her front as the minister. If only they expand Uprising into something more. Back when soloing Uprising is easy, I like to run the missions with Theron as our handler. I miss him talking during missions :(

wait, Theron is in uprisings?  Is it like the Star Fortresses?  I have never done uprisings because I have no one to play with and have to solo everything.  AM I MISSING THERON CONTENT?  😰

I love that idea that those characters would have a totally separate story where they were active during the 5 year gap!  That would be soooo awesome.  Definitely gonna have to come up with some good headcanons of what the characters I don't play through KotXX were up to during that time.  🤔

10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

JK can be so sassy I love it.

I love sassy JK so much, the VA does all those lines just... chef's kiss.  😂

ngl I am genuinely tempted to make a 3rd JK and play him as a sassy arsehole through the whole class story 🤣

6 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I bet Theron's stress level is so high Lana is tempted to just give him a little *zap* to force him sleep for a while lol

He did say once that he thought Lana was going to strap him to a chair to make him stop pacing, she has definitely been tempted lol 

I mean, real talk though, you can see so many times how close of friends Theron and Lana are by this point (love their friendship story arc btw), and we've seen Lana worry about people, she definitely cares about Theron a lot, even if she doesn't say it directly.  Like, she was the one who immediately went and checked on Theron and then sounded so worried he wasn't going to make it at the end of the Nathema Conspiracy.  And that was immediately after she had just been so upset with him (but we all know she was that upset because she had felt betrayed by such a close friend and was afraid she had misplaced her trust, so of course she still forgives him quickly - not quite as quickly as Theron's bf/gf, but still quickly).

10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Tbh I wasn't about to romance anyone in the game but something special about Theron just made him basically the default romance option for most of my toon.

SAME.  I was no going to do any romances (like, the only game I've ever even done romances in is Fallout 4, and in that you can romance everyone at once lol)...... but then Theron changed everything.  I've romanced other characters now too, but Theron only for my mains 😍

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So I just played through Ziost on my sith warrior (I decided to take the plunge, I'm gonna play her through the whole story, that saboteur video swayed me 😄), and this may be my new favorite reaction/response to a flirt by Theron 🤣

I have to say too, I am actually surprised how much more similar the imperial version of Ziost was to the republic version when compared to how different Rishi/Yavin was for each faction, like Lana bookends the story instead of Theron, Kovach is only shown to be betraying Lana not also Theron, and there are some minor modifications of dialogue, but otherwise it's basically the same, and the vibe is really the same. Not sure why it's so much more similar, but because of that I actually liked it a lot more than Yavin on imperial.  Sad I didn't get to have a convo with Theron at the end though 🥲

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13 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, that is something I am not sure I can get past either lmao  like, sooo much of the KotFE/KotET story feels tailored to force users, which, I mean, I don't mind because I am Jedi main, but I feel like I would have to stretch my suspension of disbelief a lot farther to play that story through on a non-force character.  Surely some things must change though, right?  Like, Satele and Marr obviously aren't going to train an agent or smuggler in a balanced force and make them build a new lightsaber.... right?  lol

The post KotXX story is really the part I would want to get to on more of my characters, tbh, it feels more suited to anyone.  But I also wouldn't want to SKIP the main story and have it make default choices that I don't want either.  so, the dilemma rages on and most of my characters are stuck at the beginning or end of SoR lol

wait, Theron is in uprisings?  Is it like the Star Fortresses?  I have never done uprisings because I have no one to play with and have to solo everything.  AM I MISSING THERON CONTENT?  😰

I love that idea that those characters would have a totally separate story where they were active during the 5 year gap!  That would be soooo awesome.  Definitely gonna have to come up with some good headcanons of what the characters I don't play through KotXX were up to during that time.  🤔

I love sassy JK so much, the VA does all those lines just... chef's kiss.  😂

ngl I am genuinely tempted to make a 3rd JK and play him as a sassy arsehole through the whole class story 🤣

He did say once that he thought Lana was going to strap him to a chair to make him stop pacing, she has definitely been tempted lol 

I mean, real talk though, you can see so many times how close of friends Theron and Lana are by this point (love their friendship story arc btw), and we've seen Lana worry about people, she definitely cares about Theron a lot, even if she doesn't say it directly.  Like, she was the one who immediately went and checked on Theron and then sounded so worried he wasn't going to make it at the end of the Nathema Conspiracy.  And that was immediately after she had just been so upset with him (but we all know she was that upset because she had felt betrayed by such a close friend and was afraid she had misplaced her trust, so of course she still forgives him quickly - not quite as quickly as Theron's bf/gf, but still quickly).

SAME.  I was no going to do any romances (like, the only game I've ever even done romances in is Fallout 4, and in that you can romance everyone at once lol)...... but then Theron changed everything.  I've romanced other characters now too, but Theron only for my mains 😍

Tech users build a gun for their trail and it's ridiculous lmao

And I understand your frustration. I want to skip Kotxx but I gotta lock the romance and see all the good Theron romances bits. It's a trail for my love for him.

Theron is the mission handler of Divided We Fall, Trail and Error, and Firefrost

You can check the play through and hear his line here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQY0JArYAZF_y6Mbp2vCNDE-COCitJMPx

Uprising takes place during kotxx. The "story" of the Uprising is very short, but some of them touches the more political aspect and the difficulties the Alliance could face, like both the Republic and the Sith have people who are super pissed about the Alliance because they can't get over the Rep/Jedi vs Imp/Sith thing, which is pretty much lacking in the main story. I really hope there are deeper contents regarding this topic instead of the bits we get in Uprising, a mode no one plays now except to farm conquest points.

I especially LOVE how emotional Theron is in Divided We Fall. It is rare that you see him being so frustrated about the corruption in the Republic and it just shows how good a man he is, even if it's just a voice line in a very obscure side mission/quest.

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7 hours ago, eabevella said:

Tech users build a gun for their trail and it's ridiculous lmao

lmao oh my god.  as a jedi main I feel a compulsion to apologize to all tech character mains who did that as their first run. 🤣

7 hours ago, eabevella said:

Theron is the mission handler of Divided We Fall, Trail and Error, and Firefrost

You can check the play through and hear his line here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQY0JArYAZF_y6Mbp2vCNDE-COCitJMPx

Uprising takes place during kotxx. The "story" of the Uprising is very short, but some of them touches the more political aspect and the difficulties the Alliance could face, like both the Republic and the Sith have people who are super pissed about the Alliance because they can't get over the Rep/Jedi vs Imp/Sith thing, which is pretty much lacking in the main story. I really hope there are deeper contents regarding this topic instead of the bits we get in Uprising, a mode no one plays now except to farm conquest points.

I especially LOVE how emotional Theron is in Divided We Fall. It is rare that you see him being so frustrated about the corruption in the Republic and it just shows how good a man he is, even if it's just a voice line in a very obscure side mission/quest.

oh sweet, thanks for the link!  I see he doesn't say all that much, but I do always love mission handler Theron, it always feels like that's him in his element, always so confident and down to business 😉

He totally sounds so upset there at the end, that really reflects what he says in the "Hearts and Minds" mission briefing where he talks about the corruption and then says "the republic might finally be ready to live up to its own standards."  I love so much that he is loyal to the republic but not blindly loyal, he just wants to do what's right and do it where it's needed, and when he realized the republic wasn't that he left. ❤️

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23 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

OMG that was a great compilation, ty for that!!  I was laughing so hard in spots 😂  And got to hear a ton of alt lines that I definitely never picked haha  male agent is definitely great, and based on how you clearly played your agent, choosing the stage performer option was so perfect 😂

Yes, ffs Theron, please stop making us worry and we'll try to stop making you worry.  I totally wish one of the times Theron says he is so worried that our character could tell him the same back!  He deserves to hear that someone worries about him too.  That and hugs. 

You don't need to imagine, Theron admits this!  The letter after the Malgus interrogation has him saying he wants a vacation and that Dr. Oggurobb is already "concerned" about his stress levels 😅

Theron's family issues are what make him a super relatable and deeper character (especially for those of us with family issues of our own - can't speak for anyone else, but that is me).  But Lana is lovely as well.  I am thankful for both of them.  Hopefully one day you will be too.  🥰

I don't hate Theron but like Koth he whines a little too much which is a complete buzz kill.  However that's a Blizzard oops I mean a Bioware issue of poor storyline writing.  As an original tester for SWTOR I am disappointed with the way some of the stories went due to a lack of talent due to ESG/DEI. Did I mean to put Blizzard think about it after all there are a lot of similarities. 

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35 minutes ago, starbuckone said:

I don't hate Theron but like Koth he whines a little too much which is a complete buzz kill.  However that's a Blizzard oops I mean a Bioware issue of poor storyline writing.  As an original tester for SWTOR I am disappointed with the way some of the stories went due to a lack of talent due to ESG/DEI. Did I mean to put Blizzard think about it after all there are a lot of similarities. 

Sorry to hear you feel that way.  Per the title of the thread though, if you have only negative things to say about Theron then, kindly, please find another thread to post in.  Thank you.

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24 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I can't find groups for SM Uprisings but I did do Divided We Fall and I loved it. I think its a great character development for Theron. 

Would you say they are soloable like the Star Fortresses are?  I solo'd those ones no problem.  I would love to play the missions with Theron in, even if I don't do all of them.

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16 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Sorry to hear you feel that way.  Per the title of the thread though, if you have only negative things to say about Theron then, kindly, please find another thread to post in.  Thank you.

Freedom of opinion and the same right to post as you youngling. The article is about Theron and my opinion is as valid as yours.

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52 minutes ago, starbuckone said:

Freedom of opinion and the same right to post as you youngling. The article is about Theron and my opinion is as valid as yours.

You opinion is entirely valid but this is not the place for it. 

In case the title was not clear enough on its own, please refer to the first post of the thread for what this thread is about and guidelines for content.  It is a Theron love thread, not a general Theron discussion thread.  You can discuss other things (we get off topic a fair bit lol) but please no hate for/negativity about Theron, or hate/kill talk about other characters.


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I believe there is a fine line between discussing a negative trait, (Theron freely admits he has them) and negativity for the character. For example, discussing Theron's admitted reckelessness and the consequences of it, is IMO not breaking the spirit of this thread. If Theron was a perfect flawless character very few people would love him. 

However, saying he whines too much (without any context) or just complaining about the things is definitely inappropriate for this thread.

This is an issue in the Arcann thread to where people get miffed if his bad actions are dwelled on too much. I think a balanced approach makes for more interesting conversations.

In the Ziost arc it is massively clear that Theron bit off way more than he could chew. Does that make him a bad character, or responsible for the catastrophe? No. Does that mean he shouldn't have consequences from his well-intentioned mistakes? Again, No. He messed up. He knows it, and he does his best. That's all anyone can do. Lana, on-the-other-hand, made far worse decisions with greater consequences and got a promotion. But Kovach and Seresh were the ones responsible for the second greatest loss of life decisions! Neither Theron, nor Lana, could control that. Of course, ultimately everything became inevitable, but to deny Theron didn't mess up is a disservice to his character. Therefore a lack of love for him.

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^^well said.

Theron is not perfect, and we can and do absolutely talk about his flaws (I mean hell, it's what makes him the relatable and well rounded character we love!), but we do so in the context of loving him as a character exactly how he is, all aspects of him, even when he makes mistakes or is imperfect.  

As you said, Ziost is the perfect example.  He confesses from his very first scene that he already knows he messed up, he says it repeatedly.  Us pretending he is perfect and not talking about that would make no sense lol  And I would never, the fact he screwed up big time and feels horrendous about it is part of why I love him so much.

...................I say as the person who told him he should have been fired when he was absolutely beating himself up over it (I have regrets) 🥺

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LOL my JC did that too, but it is understandable, especially in the context of Consular's unique connection to the Force. Ziost is traumatic for everyone, (unless you're a crazy DS'er) under trauma people say things they wouldn't normally say. 

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6 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

LOL my JC did that too, but it is understandable, especially in the context of Consular's unique connection to the Force. Ziost is traumatic for everyone, (unless you're a crazy DS'er) under trauma people say things they wouldn't normally say. 

Not just me?  oh good 😅

Even though I, the player who loves Theron to pieces, had serious regets after, I do actually stand by it being in character specifically for consular in that moment, since she is literally on the council and Theron got Jedi hurt and killed behind her back as much as behind Satele's, and as you say the whole thing was traumatic and she was lashing out.  I would never make the choice again 🥺 but, I did it the first time because it felt in character, not because I wanted to be mean to him.

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