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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ร—

Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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12 minutes ago, VilianSW said:

He's so sweet when worried, and that letter from him afterwards, oh my poor heartย ๐Ÿ’œ

Got no hope for anything Theron-related in 7.3 tho, am so sad about it T.T
Still, two alts having a conversation with their loved ones is pretty good. Could be worse.

I love that letter so much (I mean, I love all the Theron letters), worried Theron is always soooo sweet, really bares his lil heart out, and he's never mentioned actual stress before... bb.

In lieu of being able to give him hugs I will just have to HC what lovely things my characters do to apologize for making him stress and worry so much ๐Ÿ˜‰

I also have no hope for any Theron this update, I have to assume they would mention him even if he's just gonna be doing a briefing (because honestly I'm guessing Arcann's just gonna be another briefing again, though, I could be wrong), getting my hopes up is just setting myself up for disappointment lolย  sounds like the actual story content is pretty light anyway and the update is mainly just a new daily area and non-story FP ๐Ÿ˜ข (which they seem to think is what we want, but, I want story gdi, FPs with no mainline story content are pointless to me and I never play them.... but I digress lol)

hopefully the devs will see how active this thread is and start preparing for loads of Theron in 7.4.................. yeah???ย  ๐Ÿ˜‡

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14 hours ago, eabevella said:

I love my agent being the scary one lol

Agent using the most sophisticated Dromund Kaas accent, saying cold sweet words about the 101 ways of *censored torture technique with a dagger* and Theron says "or you can talk to ol' friendly me to spare us both the unpleasant scenario"

It works every time.

What?! What conversation is that? ๐Ÿ˜ฎย I need that conversation in my life! Where do I go to find it?

23 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

๐Ÿ˜ (undercover hair = hottest Theron, I will die on that hill lol)

I love the new hairstyle! ๐Ÿ˜ย Took a bit, because well, it is a big change, but it has really grown on me. My JK uses that hairstyle. When I get to Iocath and Crisis on Umbara, it's going to be almost bittersweet. Like, maybe Theron changed his hairstyle to let my JK know in a very subtle way that he is still loyal. Then they are going to have matching hairstyles in the proposal scene. Ahhhh! I can't wait!

23 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, I will definitely take sexy leather outfits over skimpy revealing outfits on The Boys everyday hahaย  (partly because I just prefer men in well-tailored outfits but also because the in game generic muscle male bodies kind of crack me up actually, so I can't take it serious if too much skin is showing ๐Ÿคฃย  a bit of arm is ok though, vests and tank tops I can work with)ย  ......hence, all the black leather.ย  (dork fun fact: the black leather looks I put them in was also heavily and deliberately inspired by Farscape haha)

I have a bunch of revealing outfits and so far the only character that has worn one for a time is my very serious, JC.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚ย It is a combination of the Dashing Hero and Unburdened Champion sets to reveal as much of the chest, abs, and belly as possible.ย ๐ŸŽถ The other sets are all just taking up space in storage because I agree, running around in skimpy outfits everywhere losses the charm after a while. (Though when I eventually get around to my male JK, he is going to wear nothing but skimpy outfits... Hey, they have to have a use sometime!) Also, while I can imagine Theron wearing the Speedsuit outfit during his speeder racing days, I can't imagine him in it now. He's too serious and it seems like almost a disservice to stick in such a skintight outfit. He'd probably get all blushy too and run off somewhere to hide for a bit and I don't see him as much as I want to as is.ย ๐Ÿคญ

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

sometimes, sometimes, I just really wish companion Theron could wield a lightsaber.ย  I don't even care if it makes no sense.ย  because damn does he look good.ย  JK was right on Rishi, Theron would have made a great Jedi.ย  a really great looking Jedi.ย  ๐Ÿฅฒ

Wow! Just wow! ๐ŸคคYup, he can be my protector any day....

7 hours ago, VilianSW said:

Looks like in 7.3 people romancing Arcann and Torian will at least have a chance to hear some nice things from their loved ones. What about us? T.T

I was reading the little bit of information available on the upcoming release and I was wondering if we would see Theron some more. In the end, I decided we wouldn't as the current story doesn't seem to be heading that way. So, no Theron for us, but more Arcaan and Torian for those that romance them, is also good. Plus, I'm always happy to see my vod'ika! I'm glad other characters seem to coming back into the story more often.ย 

3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Okay, they don't say every little thing on every livestream so, instead of having no hope, think of a possible surprise.

๐Ÿ˜‚ย I was thinking that too in an effort to comfort myself. Like, what if he is there and they are keeping it all hush-hush to really surprise us? That would be amazing!

But again, I'm not going to be surprised if we don't see him again for a while. The game seems to take long breaks from having him in it. Let's see.... Echoes of Oblivion (some Theron), Mandalorian War, Spirit of Vengence, Conflicting Priorities, Legacy of the Sith (all no Theron), Digging Deeper (some Theron), and now we are on Ruhnuk. I hope he at least is there for the briefing and talks during it.

I don't know exactly what will happen going forward but if we get stabbed in the gut with a lightsaber again,ย I really want to wake up to Theron's worried face next time. (I know, that was sort of random, but I just finished Fallen Empire Chapter 08 on my JC and took the lightsaber to the gut and woke up two days later and Theron, where are you!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

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Well, I am thrilled with the Livestream and not ashamed of it. I just take Theron for dailies on Ruhnuk with BH and I am perfectly joyful. That said, they've surprised us before, and they get do it again. Life is too short to sulk over what you don't get, be happy with what we do.

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I spend way too much time on outfit creation. Determining what to wear to my JC's first trip to the cantina in Chapter 09 took me 1.5 hrs! I want to look good for that kiss scene. ๐Ÿ˜ย It's going to be only the second kiss after a five-year break. It's important to look my best! I even built a new lightsaber for it. Decided on the Ambitious Warrior outfit dyed brown and white, with the Wicked Huntress belt, and a Vigorous Battler lightsaber.

Now if only we can get a good pose shot with the PC and Theron standing side by side with an arm around the waist or shoulder... ::hint hint Very Important Dev hint hint::ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

On 5/2/2023 at 9:40 PM, cannibithobbal said:

yes, that was the one I meant ๐Ÿ˜‚ย  I love it.ย  It's a rare example of a 'commenting on Theron's hotness' flirt line, the only other one I can think of off the bat is "you got better looking" hahaย  I'm sure there's a few more, but they are weirdly rare.

I can't take a single flirt line pertaining to Theon's looks when playing my JC. I've had to skip all of them! Miralukas don't have eyes and they see in a scape of sienna and gray. They see through objects, and people are just outlines. I just know my JC is dying to know what Theron looks like. But alas, it is not to be. Have to stay in character. Sigh.ย ๐Ÿคญย But! They can literally 'see' what people are feeling and they can 'sense' personality traits. Like neuroticism, openness, and conscientiousness. My JC could 'see' straight away that Theron was someone to trust and adore and unless Theron is a master at masking his emotions later on Iocath, my JC is going to see straight through that rouse. Miralukas are so awesome and underappreciated.ย ๐Ÿ˜

Edited by yenzin
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4 hours ago, yenzin said:

I love the new hairstyle! ๐Ÿ˜ย Took a bit, because well, it is a big change, but it has really grown on me. My JK uses that hairstyle. When I get to Iocath and Crisis on Umbara, it's going to be almost bittersweet. Like, maybe Theron changed his hairstyle to let my JK know in a very subtle way that he is still loyal. Then they are going to have matching hairstyles in the proposal scene. Ahhhh! I can't wait!

I, literally, like, when Theron stepped out into the frame for the first time in Traitor Among The Chiss, I was like "oh.... oh #$*&, Theron suddenly got hot as &#*$" ๐Ÿ˜‚ย  it did things to me.ย  I never put his original hair back on now unless it's to re-record something earlier and I need continuity hahahaย ย  I have come to realize since that I think the undercover hairstyle shows off his asian facial features more (like, just look at his eyes, I swoon), which, um, well, let's just say I have a type and that does things for me ๐Ÿ˜…

4 hours ago, yenzin said:

I have a bunch of revealing outfits and so far the only character that has worn one for a time is my very serious, JC.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚ย It is a combination of the Dashing Hero and Unburdened Champion sets to reveal as much of the chest, abs, and belly as possible.ย ๐ŸŽถ The other sets are all just taking up space in storage because I agree, running around in skimpy outfits everywhere losses the charm after a while. (Though when I eventually get around to my male JK, he is going to wear nothing but skimpy outfits... Hey, they have to have a use sometime!)Also, while I can imagine Theron wearing the Speedsuit outfit during his speeder racing days, I can't imagine him in it now. He's too serious and it seems like almost a disservice to stick in such a skintight outfit. He'd probably get all blushy too and run off somewhere to hide for a bit and I don't see him as much as I want to as is.ย ๐Ÿคญ

I agree, skintight just doesn't feel in character for Theron at all to me.ย  It's great for a laugh, but, it just feels wrong as, like, an actual outfit hahaย 

For a short time when I first made him I put my JK in the Xoxaan set, the shirt for which is what I wear on JC, but on boys is all bare chested and I actually kind of like lolย  But I didn't keep that for long, as soon as I found the intelligence agent set for a good price I put him in that and he hasn't changed since ๐Ÿ˜…ย 

I have fun making some of my ladies look sexy (depends on the character of course), but, sexy not sexualized, so more revealing bodysuit or resort swimwear, less slave dancer lolย  I have put them in super skimpy sexy outfits for a meme with friends but never as a normal outfit.

4 hours ago, yenzin said:

Wow! Just wow! ๐ŸคคYup, he can be my protector any day....

I really really shouldn't want to see Jedi Theron as much as I do.ย 

Posts in this thread have actually got me thinking a lot about that and similar, and, like, something I totally need now (hear me out): a spiderverse-esque multiverse crossover story but with totally different versions of Theron: one who was actually born force sensitive and he's a badass Jedi knight, one who was raised by Jace Malcolm instead of Master Zho and became a hardened super soldier in the republic army, one from a universe where Revan and all his descendents were sith and Theron's an imperial intelligence agent (son of dark council member Lord Satele Shan, of course).ย  someone write that because I can't lol

*ahem* yes, anyway, where was I......

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

I spend way too much time on outfit creation. Determining what to wear to my JC's first trip to the cantina in Chapter 09 took me 1.5 hrs! I want to look good for that kiss scene. ๐Ÿ˜ย It's going to be only the second kiss after a five-year break. It's important to look my best! I even built a new lightsaber for it. Decided on the Ambitious Warrior outfit dyed brown and white, with the Wicked Huntress belt, and a Vigorous Battler lightsaber.

I cannot even count how many hours of my gameplay are just dressing my characters and companions lmaoย  (My JC has 0 outfit slots left lol)ย  and the sheer number of credits I have spent on buying outfit sets and dyes............ ๐Ÿ˜†

Edited to say: looks great, btw!ย  (I got distracted and forgot to actually compliment, pls forgive)

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

Now if only we can get a good pose shot with the PC and Theron standing side by side with an arm around the waist or shoulder... ::hint hint Very Important Dev hint hint::ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

yes pls. ๐Ÿ˜

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

I can't take a single flirt line pertaining to Theon's looks when playing my JC. I've had to skip all of them! Miralukas don't have eyes and they see in a scape of sienna and gray. They see through objects, and people are just outlines. I just know my JC is dying to know what Theron looks like. But alas, it is not to be. Have to stay in character. Sigh.ย ๐Ÿคญย But! They can literally 'see' what people are feeling and they can 'sense' personality traits. Like neuroticism, openness, and conscientiousness. My JC could 'see' straight away that Theron was someone to trust and adore and unless Theron is a master at masking his emotions later on Iocath, my JC is going to see straight through that rouse. Miralukas are so awesome and underappreciated.ย ๐Ÿ˜

I have never made a miraluka (not counting dupes I just have 4 twi'leks, a rattataki, a togruta, a chiss, and a mirialan), so I never even thought of that!ย  But that's a really good point.ย  Not taking those flirts must be seriously painful, but, hey, your JC just gets to double appreciate Theron's sexy voice in lieu of his beautiful face ๐Ÿ˜‰

Edited because something struck me lol: miraluka doing the "you got better looking" flirt could totally be them being super cheeky on purpose, and makes Theron's "idk about that" response actually even funnier ๐Ÿ˜†ย 

Edited by cannibithobbal
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5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I, literally, like, when Theron stepped out into the frame for the first time in Traitor Among The Chiss, I was like "oh.... oh #$*&, Theron suddenly got hot as &#*$" ๐Ÿ˜‚ย  it did things to me.ย  I never put his original hair back on now unless it's to re-record something earlier and I need continuity hahahaย ย  I have come to realize since that I think the undercover hairstyle shows off his asian facial features more (like, just look at his eyes, I swoon), which, um, well, let's just say I have a type and that does things for me ๐Ÿ˜…

I agree, skintight just doesn't feel in character for Theron at all to me.ย  It's great for a laugh, but, it just feels wrong as, like, an actual outfit hahaย 

For a short time when I first made him I put my JK in the Xoxaan set, the shirt for which is what I wear on JC, but on boys is all bare chested and I actually kind of like lolย  But I didn't keep that for long, as soon as I found the intelligence agent set for a good price I put him in that and he hasn't changed since ๐Ÿ˜…ย 

I have fun making some of my ladies look sexy (depends on the character of course), but, sexy not sexualized, so more revealing bodysuit or resort swimwear, less slave dancer lolย  I have put them in super skimpy sexy outfits for a meme with friends but never as a normal outfit.

I really really shouldn't want to see Jedi Theron as much as I do.ย 

Posts in this thread have actually got me thinking a lot about that and similar, and, like, something I totally need now (hear me out): a spiderverse-esque multiverse crossover story but with totally different versions of Theron: one who was actually born force sensitive and he's a badass Jedi knight, one who was raised by Jace Malcolm instead of Master Zho and became a hardened super soldier in the republic army, one from a universe where Revan and all his descendents were sith and Theron's an imperial intelligence agent (son of dark council member Lord Satele Shan, of course).ย  someone write that because I can't lol

*ahem* yes, anyway, where was I......

I cannot even count how many hours of my gameplay are just dressing my characters and companions lmaoย  (My JC has 0 outfit slots left lol)ย  and the sheer number of credits I have spent on buying outfit sets and dyes............ ๐Ÿ˜†

Edited to say: looks great, btw!ย  (I got distracted and forgot to actually compliment, pls forgive)

yes pls. ๐Ÿ˜

Your responses always make me laugh.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜

I love Theron's eyes too! I think they are a peridot colour. Sometimes they look gold in certain light. I have.... a lot of screenshots of his eyes.ย ๐Ÿ˜…ย To be fair, I like the eyes of many of the game's characters. I tend to fixate on them but Theron's most of all. They are Just. So. Pretty!!!ย โฃ๏ธ

I've been tracking the Xoxaan set. Still too rich for me but maybe it'll drop in price one day. I have a collection of lady-skimpy outfits too. Just sitting there. Unused. Maybe one day I'll take my knight to a party in the cantina and she can dance in the Sensuous dress. It's classy! Maybe with Theron and the companion dance emote. I should remember to use that more often...ย 

Ohh! I like the idea of an alternate universe! The idea that he is a super awesome soldier in the Republic army has a lot of weight. I really like the idea.ย ๐Ÿ˜ Maybe he could be the trooper in the trooper class story. I haven't played a trooper yet so I don't know what rank the trooper ends at, but it's at least General or something, right? Theron could get that rank and be right up there with Malcom. That would be so cool!

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have never made a miraluka (not counting dupes I just have 4 twi'leks, a rattataki, a togruta, a chiss, and a mirialan), so I never even thought of that!ย  But that's a really good point.ย  Not taking those flirts must be seriously painful, but, hey, your JC just gets to double appreciate Theron's sexy voice in lieu of his beautiful face ๐Ÿ˜‰

Edited because something struck me lol: miraluka doing the "you got better looking" flirt could totally be them being super cheeky on purpose, and makes Theron's "idk about that" response actually even funnier ๐Ÿ˜†ย 

Very true! JC may not be able to see Theron, but the voice makes up for it in so many ways!

๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฑย (<- I use this as a happy scream.) That is such an awesome idea! I've always thought Theron was putting himself down a bit with that line. Like he doesn't believe that anyone would think he looks attractive or is worth complimenting. Sometimes I think Theron has a bit of a self-esteem problem.ย ๐Ÿ˜ฅย But your miraluka take on it? I really like that!

Theron: Riiiight.... You... cannot even see me. ... But, hey, I'll take it.ย 

Been wanting to make a miraluka bounty hunter for a while now but have been hesitating because of all the flirts I've had to skip. Maybe I'll do so after allย ๐Ÿ˜ย As a side note to that, in the cantina, a Republic character notices that Theron is talking to Satele and asks about the call. I've tried to find out if miralukas can even see holo-images and cannot get a clear answer.ย ๐Ÿค”ย Most common answer is no. So I always have to HC that a miraluka PC heard Satete say something and that's how they knew. Also, that miralukas never actually see who they are holo-comming, they just are very good listeners.ย ๐Ÿคฉย (And we all know how important good listening skills are in a relationship.ย ๐Ÿ˜‰)


And speaking of BH, a bit off-topic, but I cameย across this and thought it was sweet. Does Torian really refer to the PC as his wife all the time and constantly call her beautiful in front of everyone? Because, again, that is so sweet! It makes me think that he is so proud to be with her and very proud of her.ย ๐Ÿ’•

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7 hours ago, yenzin said:

What?! What conversation is that? ๐Ÿ˜ฎย I need that conversation in my life! Where do I go to find it?

Sorry I should said "I imagine their dynamic as such"

The male agent did a great job when needed to becold and very imperial-scary. It makes great contrast with Theron who is... can I say cute and deadly (he did fight and kill a Sith half naked?) lol

Theron having a lightsaber is totally doable. I mean, there are regular non-Force sensitive enemy that carry lightsaber in Jedi: Survivor (a great game btw). Theron can totally rock one. I think it'll be great if the lightsaber crystal is the same color as his eyes โค๏ธ

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7 hours ago, yenzin said:

What?! What conversation is that? ๐Ÿ˜ฎย I need that conversation in my life! Where do I go to find it?

I love the new hairstyle! ๐Ÿ˜ย Took a bit, because well, it is a big change, but it has really grown on me. My JK uses that hairstyle. When I get to Iocath and Crisis on Umbara, it's going to be almost bittersweet. Like, maybe Theron changed his hairstyle to let my JK know in a very subtle way that he is still loyal. Then they are going to have matching hairstyles in the proposal scene. Ahhhh! I can't wait!

I have a bunch of revealing outfits and so far the only character that has worn one for a time is my very serious, JC.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚ย It is a combination of the Dashing Hero and Unburdened Champion sets to reveal as much of the chest, abs, and belly as possible.ย ๐ŸŽถ The other sets are all just taking up space in storage because I agree, running around in skimpy outfits everywhere losses the charm after a while. (Though when I eventually get around to my male JK, he is going to wear nothing but skimpy outfits... Hey, they have to have a use sometime!) Also, while I can imagine Theron wearing the Speedsuit outfit during his speeder racing days, I can't imagine him in it now. He's too serious and it seems like almost a disservice to stick in such a skintight outfit. He'd probably get all blushy too and run off somewhere to hide for a bit and I don't see him as much as I want to as is.ย ๐Ÿคญ

Wow! Just wow! ๐ŸคคYup, he can be my protector any day....

I was reading the little bit of information available on the upcoming release and I was wondering if we would see Theron some more. In the end, I decided we wouldn't as the current story doesn't seem to be heading that way. So, no Theron for us, but more Arcaan and Torian for those that romance them, is also good. Plus, I'm always happy to see my vod'ika! I'm glad other characters seem to coming back into the story more often.ย 

๐Ÿ˜‚ย I was thinking that too in an effort to comfort myself. Like, what if he is there and they are keeping it all hush-hush to really surprise us? That would be amazing!

But again, I'm not going to be surprised if we don't see him again for a while. The game seems to take long breaks from having him in it. Let's see.... Echoes of Oblivion (some Theron), Mandalorian War, Spirit of Vengence, Conflicting Priorities, Legacy of the Sith (all no Theron), Digging Deeper (some Theron), and now we are on Ruhnuk. I hope he at least is there for the briefing and talks during it.

I don't know exactly what will happen going forward but if we get stabbed in the gut with a lightsaber again,ย I really want to wake up to Theron's worried face next time. (I know, that was sort of random, but I just finished Fallen Empire Chapter 08 on my JC and took the lightsaber to the gut and woke up two days later and Theron, where are you!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

Check out 7.3 datamining on Jedipedia (can we mention it here?)

Theron is on the NPC list and with a file name addition "date night".

And scroll down you can see the "date night you work too hard" mission in the quest list.

What is this I demand to know more!

I hope I'm not imagine things!

As much as I complain about the other game aspect ("balance" ugh), Theron Shan alone will keep my subscription.

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25 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Your responses always make me laugh.ย ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜


๐Ÿ˜… ty

26 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I love Theron's eyes too! I think they are a peridot colour. Sometimes they look gold in certain light. I have.... a lot of screenshots of his eyes.ย ๐Ÿ˜…ย To be fair, I like the eyes of many of the game's characters. I tend to fixate on them but Theron's most of all. They are Just. So. Pretty!!!ย โฃ๏ธ


Yes, I love how his eyes often appear different shades in different light, they are...... well, I mentioned the swooning bit already ๐Ÿ˜‚

I think the only character besides Theron whose eyes I take notice of are Lana (I love her sithy glowing eyes) and Zenith (because every single one of my twi'lek characters has purple eyes and I love that he does too ๐Ÿ˜‡).ย  Theron's are so pretty though.ย  Not just the color but also the shape, they are... just so pretty. ๐Ÿ˜

30 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I've been tracking the Xoxaan set. Still too rich for me but maybe it'll drop in price one day. I have a collection of lady-skimpy outfits too. Just sitting there. Unused. Maybe one day I'll take my knight to a party in the cantina and she can dance in the Sensuous dress. It's classy! Maybe with Theron and the companion dance emote. I should remember to use that more often...

I cannot lie, Xoxaan set cost me a cool billy lolย  And I bought it literally just for the shirt ๐Ÿ˜†ย  Though I use the arms (with the awesome thorny spiny bits) on Zenith on my main JC and he looks super badass.ย  I do not regret my purchase but also, I freely admit to it being ridiculous to spend 1bil on a shirt ๐Ÿ˜…ย  do recommend if you can find it and afford it though, it looks awesome.

Also, I use the companion dance soooo much hahaย  I only wish it was an infinite emote and not so short, have to constantly re-click it.ย  I also make way too ample use of the parlor dance twi'lek species ability (my jedis gotta dance sexy for Theron ok), I just love the idea that they're super stoic badass Jedi but they're still twi'leks so they can't help but know how to dance sexy lmao.

35 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Ohh! I like the idea of an alternate universe! The idea that he is a super awesome soldier in the Republic army has a lot of weight. I really like the idea.ย ๐Ÿ˜ Maybe he could be the trooper in the trooper class story. I haven't played a trooper yet so I don't know what rank the trooper ends at, but it's at least General or something, right? Theron could get that rank and be right up there with Malcom. That would be so cool!

ohhh yes, he could totally be head of Havoc Squad, that makes sense.ย  I have started trooper (chasing legendary player status now lol) but I'm barely into it so idk much but I know the character leads Havoc Squad because that basically already happened haha.ย  also extra lol at the idea of Theron in that role since female trooper has same VA as Satele (you have no idea how tempted I was to make a human female and name her "Sergeant Satele" for the meme, but, reason won out ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Imagine if he got implants tailored to being a badass soldier instead of a spy..... ๐Ÿ˜ถ

......so many glorious AU possibilities swimming in my head rn.

42 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Very true! JC may not be able to see Theron, but the voice makes up for it in so many ways!

๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฑย (<- I use this as a happy scream.) That is such an awesome idea! I've always thought Theron was putting himself down a bit with that line. Like he doesn't believe that anyone would think he looks attractive or is worth complimenting. Sometimes I think Theron has a bit of a self-esteem problem.ย ๐Ÿ˜ฅย But your miraluka take on it? I really like that!

Theron: Riiiight.... You... cannot even see me. ... But, hey, I'll take it.ย 

I also totally think Theron has some self-esteem issues (bb. ๐Ÿ˜ข), which honestly makes sense since he got abandoned so many times, had so many of his life goals go belly up, and is self-admittedly is not good at relationships with other people (romantic or otherwise), so he's never had a bunch of people around him to help boost that self-esteem, and even once he does it is a very slow process of getting over that which I think is still ongoing.ย  He is obviously plenty self-confident about some things (like being an excellent spy), but, not everything.ย  And who on earth can say any different about themselves, yeah?ย  He is written very realistic that way.

And yeah, that line always felt like a little evidence of that to me, but maybe also like he's not used to being hit on like that so he's just not even sure how to respond lol ย  Which makes me also love the idea of it being turned into the funny miraluka version ๐Ÿ˜†

33 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Check out 7.3 datamining on Jedipedia (can we mention it here?)

Theron is on the NPC list and with a file name addition "date night".

And scroll down you can see the "date night you work too hard" mission in the quest list.

What is this I demand to know more!

I hope I'm not imagine things!

As much as I complain about the other game aspect ("balance" ugh), Theron Shan alone will keep my subscription.

.....I want to believe but it also sounds too good to be true ๐Ÿ˜…ย  Here's hoping he shows up in literally any capacity, but preferably with romance.ย  Please, devs, please give more Theron.ย  WE'VE BEEN GOOD, WE'VE BEEN SO PATIENT MOSTLY, WE DESERVE ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿฅฐ

Theron Shan will also keep my sub forever.ย  Even if I someday got tired of literally everything else in this game (not likely as I get very addicted to games and love 4598375 characters in this one lol, but, still), I would keep paying them all the money just for Theron. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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OMG he cannot be a soldier it's one of his issues with Dark Side Dad. Malcolm found out about him and disapproved of his being a spy wanted him to be a soldier, Theron would wilt under that life.

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10 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

OMG he cannot be a soldier it's one of his issues with Dark Dad. Malcolm found out about him and disapproved of his being a spy wanted him to be a soldier, Theron would wilt under that life.

See, that's exactly why I think it would be so interesting to see how totally different he would turn out in such an alternate scenario, like, would he be a soldier because his dad basically forced it on him but actually secretly hate it the entire time?ย  Or would he have grown up actually indoctrinated into that as a valid life goal?ย  Personally I think it would be the former, like deep down Theron is still Theron, and I think he would be a very good soldier because he's good at whatever he does (and because Malcolm wouldn't let him be anything less) but he would actually wish he was doing something else, maybe even not be sure what.ย  It would actually be very tragic (honestly even more tragic than him being imperial imo ๐Ÿฅฒ), but sometimes AUs are dark and sometimes that's what makes them real good.

No one who cares about him in any capacity would want this for prime universe Theron (like, it's exactly why I'm always 100% of the opinion that thank god Satele didn't tell Malcolm about him and sent him for Jedi training instead), but I totally love "what could have been if one huge thing had changed" stories (maybe too much? lol), they always give a fascinating insight into the version of the character we do know by seeing how they would be if their life experiences were so different, and when they are a worse version of reality you can just be so happy when getting back to the normal reality... or have the two meet and have very interesting interactions!

......that turned into a bit of an essay whoops haha

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25 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Sorry I misread your post.๐Ÿค— I think if such a universe existed it would be like Star Trek'sย  Mirror Universe. I think that Theron would be worse than General Garza. Scary.

That wasn't even what I was thinking of with my original suggestion but oh man, I LOVE Star Trek Mirror Universe stories, a Star Wars equivalent would be glorious.

In a Trek-style MU, Theron would probably be the torture-happy sith intelligence agent who's trying to scheme, sleep, and murder his way all the way up to being Emperor or something ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Edited by cannibithobbal
typo lol
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On 5/4/2023 at 9:26 PM, eabevella said:

Sorry I should said "I imagine their dynamic as such"

The male agent did a great job when needed to becold and very imperial-scary. It makes great contrast with Theron who is... can I say cute and deadly (he did fight and kill a Sith half naked?) lol

Theron having a lightsaber is totally doable. I mean, there are regular non-Force sensitive enemy that carry lightsaber in Jedi: Survivor (a great game btw). Theron can totally rock one. I think it'll be great if the lightsaber crystal is the same color as his eyes โค๏ธ

Agreed, the male agent's voice really sells those cold, scary, and heartless lines.ย ๐Ÿคฉย Alright, so now we need to ask the Devs for a mission with Theron in which a strong threat line comes up. Because I can totally hear him saying that line!

Random NPC: No, I ain't tellin' ya nothing.

(threat dialogue option) PC leans in really close to the uncooperative target, his/her face a mask of cold detachment. "I have studied 101 ways to torture someone with a dagger," he/she said in a low, menacing voice. "And I can assure you, none of them are pleasant. However, I'm willing to offer you a way out. Give me the information I need, and you won't have to find out which one I'll use."

The line would work very well with an IA because Ciphers are masters of seduction, interrogation, infiltration, and assassination. I like to imagine that my agent is knowledgeable and skilled in the use of many weaponsย and the target would face grave consequences if they do not cooperate. However, the statement does not contain any direct threats or explicit statements of violence, and the use of the word "assure" implies a level of confidence and control that could be effective in getting the target to comply.ย 

However, since Theron is there, the PC does not have to be so reassuring. Theron will do that instead.ย ๐Ÿ˜

PC: Leans in close to the uncooperative target and says in a low, menacing tone, "I've studied 101 ways to torture someone with a dagger. If you don't start talking, I might just have to try them all."

Theron:ย  Says in a friendly tone, "But you don't have to worry about my colleagues' methods. You can talk to me instead. I promise I won't hurt you."

PC: Glares at Theron for a second then turns back to the target. "Don't listen to him. He may seem friendly, but he is just as ruthless as I am when it comes to getting what we want. Trust me, you don't want to cross us."

Theron: Shakes his head and smiles at the target. "Don't mind him/her. He/She's just trying to scare you. But you can trust me. I'm the nice one. Talk toย friendly ol' me and spare us both the unpleasant scenario."ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

Target: "I don't trust either of you!"

PC: Draws a weapon and steps in closer with a look of resolved, deadly promise in his/her eyes.

Target: The target turns to Theron in desperation. "Alright, alright, I'll talk to ya. Tell your friend there's no need ta get violent!"

Theron: Looks relieved. "Glad we can agree on that."


EDIT: Argh, so many spelling errors!ย 

Edited by yenzin
Added a bit. Also, spelling. Argh! kill -> torture
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10 hours ago, eabevella said:

Check out 7.3 datamining on Jedipedia (can we mention it here?)

Theron is on the NPC list and with a file name addition "date night".

And scroll down you can see the "date night you work too hard" mission in the quest list.

What is this I demand to know more!

I hope I'm not imagine things!

As much as I complain about the other game aspect ("balance" ugh), Theron Shan alone will keep my subscription.

OHHHH! That datamine sounds promising! I did not know there were datamines! Should have guessed there were.ย ๐Ÿ˜

It seems very valid. Arcann, Koth, Lana, and Theron, all have that date night thing. Torian does not, but he is definitely there in the patch. I took at 7.1 to test, and there is Theron with the mission briefing, so this 7.3 date night? Seems very real!ย 

Still surprises me to have Theron again so soon, but ohhhhh! How exciting! I really hope there is a lot of fluffy dialogue in this 'date night' thing.ย 

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3 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Agreed, the male agent's voice really seels those cold, scary, and heartlines.ย ๐Ÿคฉย Alright, so now we need to ask the Devs for a mission with Theron in which a strong threat line comes up. Because, I can totally hear him saying that line!

just gotta say, y'all got me really curious how different male agent is now, does he sound openly threatening a lot?ย  I always love how female agent manages to sound calm and borderline gentle even when she is threatening or telling someone off (which, in a way, even scarier haha).ย  She mainly only threatens sith though, to be fair, since I played her fully light ๐Ÿ˜‚ย 

I have realized I really love my agent as a character, she is definitely my favorite imperial character, her story arc is my favorite for sure (not done with SI or BH yet but I can already tell) and her and Vector are soooo cute.

I just reaaaaally honestly wish I liked the gun combat more.ย  or that non-force users who can wield techblades/staffs was an option, blerg.ย  Because I woulf really love to play her through more stories.ย  If I was gonna take any imperial through KotFE/KotET story it would be her, but also I would feel awful for making Vector lose her for 5 years omg, so I can't haha.

I would love to have her meet Theron though, since she is SIS double agent.ย  gdi I will prolly end up doing that eventually๐Ÿ˜…

.........that was mostly off topic of Theron, sorry haha

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

just gotta say, y'all got me really curious how different male agent is now, does he sound openly threatening a lot?ย  I always love how female agent manages to sound calm and borderline gentle even when she is threatening or telling someone off (which, in a way, even scarier haha).ย  She mainly only threatens sith though, to be fair, since I played her fully light ๐Ÿ˜‚ย 

I have realized I really love my agent as a character, she is definitely my favorite imperial character, her story arc is my favorite for sure (not done with SI or BH yet but I can already tell) and her and Vector are soooo cute.

I just reaaaaally honestly wish I liked the gun combat more.ย  or that non-force users who can wield techblades/staffs was an option, blerg.ย  Because I woulf really love to play her through more stories.ย  If I was gonna take any imperial through KotFE/KotET story it would be her, but also I would feel awful for making Vector lose her for 5 years omg, so I can't haha.

I would love to have her meet Theron though, since she is SIS double agent.ย  gdi I will prolly end up doing that eventually๐Ÿ˜…

.........that was mostly off topic of Theron, sorry haha

The male agent sounds more cold and sarcastic. Both male and female agent VAs give a bit of different vibe to the role but both of them did great job imo.

I do wish the imp saboteur story line goes somewhere. After all, it's way more stressful for Theron to stay on the Imp side than Lana on the Pub side (she even gets to scare poor Arn lol). He need a vacation asap.

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considering Theron was always way more against the imperials than Lana was against the republic (she was pretty instantly down for working together, then Theron was all "I hope I never see you again" lol), I can only imagine!ย  poor thing must be stressed out of his mind if you choose to side with the empire.ย  He needs extra hugs.

(Dumb question tho, when you say imperial saboteur does that mean like joining the imperials but trying to take them down from the inside or like you're imperial trying to saboteur the republic?ย  I have heard that term before but dunno what it means, I have just played republic characters who joined the republic lol.)

(also I love Lana scaring poor Arn hahaย  also her and Tau in Ruins of Nul, Lana with other Jedi is just always funny ๐Ÿ˜‚)

I might have to watch some footage of male agent, very curious!

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My Fem Agent is always super polite it's the innate character of her voice. But my Male Agent just always snarking and over it. He thinks Theron is way too forgiving and trusting, but he and Vector drag Theron to the Cantina once-a-month. My Agents adore Theron but agree he needs to chill.

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

considering Theron was always way more against the imperials than Lana was against the republic (she was pretty instantly down for working together, then Theron was all "I hope I never see you again" lol), I can only imagine!ย  poor thing must be stressed out of his mind if you choose to side with the empire.ย  He needs extra hugs.

(Dumb question tho, when you say imperial saboteur does that mean like joining the imperials but trying to take them down from the inside or like you're imperial trying to saboteur the republic?ย  I have heard that term before but dunno what it means, I have just played republic characters who joined the republic lol.)

(also I love Lana scaring poor Arn hahaย  also her and Tau in Ruins of Nul, Lana with other Jedi is just always funny ๐Ÿ˜‚)

I might have to watch some footage of male agent, very curious!

Yes, imp saboteur = imp toons who choose to side with the Republic.

I love that subplot even thought it's going nowhere because my agent choose the "independent" class story ending because he became hateful to the Sith/Empire and Jedi/SIS after chapter 2 & 3. Long story short (I have too many headcanon for my agent to form a story where he and my Jedi Knight main are the co-Commander of the Alliance lol), Theron helped him trust for the first time (even though the list is very short, just Theron, Lana, and my JK) and eventually decided to side with the Republic.

The way Theron's face lit up if you tell him that you're a double agent working against the Empire is Very Nice.

I love this guy's "class's funny lines" video they are all hilarious: https://youtu.be/ox7DOgQikNk

Male agent is full of salt ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Yes, imp saboteur = imp toons who choose to side with the Republic

oh ๐Ÿ˜…ย  the most simple option, I feel dumb haha

If I ever play an imperial character through the whole story I will definitely choose that option.ย  Agent choosing independent totally fits though, hmmmm.... yeah, ok, agent would be a tough choice between republic (loyalty to the SIS) or independent (because I totally played mine as just wanting to be free to make her own choices ultimately... though that choice could also be "choose the republic", so, either works for mine).

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Long story short (I have too many headcanon for my agent to form a story where he and my Jedi Knight main are the co-Commander of the Alliance lol), Theron helped him trust for the first time (even though the list is very short, just Theron, Lana, and my JK) and eventually decided to side with the Republic.

โค๏ธ I love this.

I don't have any headcanons where two of my characters are actually in the same timeline, in my head they are all separate timelines that split off depending on who Theron decided to call to take Korriban (so Theron is basically a Nexus Event lol).ย  I do have headcanons about what would happen if one of them (perhaps with an ally) accidentally crossed over and found out that in that other timeline they had died in the war with Zakuul as someone else lived their life instead.ย  (Have I mentioned I like dark takes on storiesย ๐Ÿ˜…)

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

The way Theron's face lit up if you tell him that you're a double agent working against the Empire is Very Nice.

Ok, I have to know: is this something that gets to happen only if you romance Theron?ย  Or can you eventually tell him regardless?ย  Because I would love so much for my two favorite spies to be able to know they were on the same side for ages.... but I also know I will never romance him on agent.ย 

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

I love this guy's "class's funny lines" video they are all hilarious: https://youtu.be/ox7DOgQikNk

Male agent is full of salt ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

OMG that video is glorious.ย  soooo much salt, so much sass ๐Ÿคฃ

He really does play the part so different from female agent, I love that.ย  I also didn't get a lot of those lines since I played my agent so nice hahaย  so it's great to hear how totally sassy you can play that character ๐Ÿ˜‚


(OMG the JK video too, I played mine so nice and light side, I did some of the sassy lines but I only ever said the mean lines to Doc (which are all HILARIOUS btw but weren't even in that video for some reason), now I'm almost sad I didn't choose the mean lines more often, sassy arsehole JK = hilarious ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ his line delivery, man, kills me, it's so good)

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6 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, I have to know: is this something that gets to happen only if you romance Theron?ย  Or can you eventually tell him regardless?ย  Because I would love so much for my two favorite spies to be able to know they were on the same side for ages.... but I also know I will never romance him on agent.ย 

Romance doesn't matter with this. It's a wonderful moment of friendship.

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22 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

(Dumb question tho, when you say imperial saboteur does that mean like joining the imperials but trying to take them down from the inside or like you're imperial trying to saboteur the republic?ย  I have heard that term before but dunno what it means, I have just played republic characters who joined the republic lol.)

Not a dumb question.ย ๐Ÿ˜ย I just learned this week that Siths can tell Theron they are a saboteur double agent. I thought it was something unique to the IA. (I honestly have no idea how this is possible for Siths. I'm having a difficult time adding this to my worldview of the game...ย ๐Ÿ˜…) You can watch a video here of it here. Also, the SW is a female twi'lek. I know how much you like those.ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

13 hours ago, eabevella said:

Yes, imp saboteur = imp toons who choose to side with the Republic.

Ohhh! That's how. Never tried switching sides on my BH and my IA is already a double agent and my other character is a JC so it is going to be a while until I see the saboteur stuff.

5 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Romance doesn't matter with this. It's a wonderful moment of friendship.

I really appreciate this. It bothered me that in Dragon Age Inquisition, the player can not learn the history behind the elven tattoos unless they are playing a female elf and romance Solas. I primarily play males and while Solas was supposed to be a romance for both sexes, it was taken out before completion (the dialogue lines are still there in the files though). Thus, male elves can never learn about the tattoos unless the player mods the game and even then, the height difference was never addressed on the models so the kiss scenes is so awkward. Thus,ย I never even bother.ย 

Making the double agent thing available to those that aren't just in a friendship with Theron is wonderful.ย ๐Ÿ’–

Edited by yenzin
GAH! I keep making mistakes. are -> aren't
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