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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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5 hours ago, yenzin said:

The line I cannot get is, 'Say it like a spy." I want that line so bad!!! I read somewhere that he'll say it as DPS so I have set him to DPS and nope, never. He had NEVER said it! I also have never gotten the, "I'll be your best friend if you destroy that" line in the Star Fortress. I want to hear that one too! 😭

I got the "say it like a spy" one not long ago, i think i was killing things for the GS with my JK who had him as a companion at that moment, was kinda fun, i'm pretty sure he was on heals though, as i usually keep my comps on heals unless i'm running a FP with the God bot, or playing a healer myself.

I remember hearing the SF one too, but can't remember if it was in a a specific SF or if he just randomly says it, as i did all the SF one after the other because i wanted all the comps on my JK.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Ohhh, I think I would really despise Iokath if I had been around during the time when it took months between chapters. I have read this entire thread (yes, all 137 pages) twice, and some sections at least four times, and there was so much hurt during that time. I am so thankful that this thread was around to help people during that time. Especially as I am pretty sure it helped bring Theron back. At least a little. Digging Deeper has renewed my hope that Theron may start contributing to mission debriefings again. And I have read in this thread that he has started doing debriefs for the Republic side again. 

The worst was really during the whole Zildrog arc when Theron was taken away for months, without knowing what would happen, and the constant fear he'd get a kill option (which he got and i'll never think that wasn't the stupidest decision they made...along with the Vette/Torian one, i always save Torian because he's my favorite LI from the class stories, but i'd never have killed Vette, even if she's not among my favorite companions) and never show up again.

I'm glad he's part of the debriefings again though, and seems to be quite involved with the whole rebuilding the Jedi Order.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

and screenshots (not mine - it's back there in the thread somewhere)

Oh, that one's mine (a later version of my JK than the one from the proposal recording)

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

People seriously paint Satele as a villain for not telling him?  I mean, I guess it shouldn't surprise me, but also, wtf.   I didn't even know a few of those story details but like, a woman has 0 obligation to tell a dude she slept with once (or even more than once for that matter) that she is having his baby, especially when she has to give said baby up too.  And even more especially if she has to give the baby up and the father would clearly not be a good father.

Even though she had to give Theron up, she clearly still cares about him his entire life.  She may not be allowed to love him, or show she loves him, but she clearly cares as much as she's allowed to.  Like, she keeps a locket with a holo of teenage Theron with her even after the entire galaxy collapses into chaos.  She has obviously had that since way before they started to talk more post-SoR, and she keeps it with her.  No attachment my ass.  Just like Theron was always worried about her and cared about her despite the emotional abandonment (seriously, that boy's big heart I swear), she clearly always cared about him too.  (at least in the republic story, their relationship in the imperial story is... so weirdly worse)

Also, considering she sent him to her old master, it is clear she thought he would become a Jedi.  As you say, she had no way to know he would not be force sensitive.  So surely she would have realized that even if she were to make the bold decision to leave the order to raise him, as far as she knew he would just get taken away from her anyway in a few years, and she would have thrown her life in the Jedi away for nothing as they would have been separated anyway.  So she was between a rock and a hard place and imho she made the best motherly choice she could have in the situation.  And despite hardships and some emotional baggage, Theron turned out quite alright.  And even though it took decades their relationship is so much closer now and it's super sweet, and I love them both.

Satele haters can come through me.  She is my Jedi mama and I love her.

Yeah i've seen quite a few people, even among the Theron fans who hate Satele, and a few of them who even want to kill her or at the very least not let them have a relationship, which seems weird to me, despite everything that happened between them, it's clear they do care about each other (no idea though why they made the relationship worse on imp side during SoR) and the end of EoO show clearly that they'd actually be happy to have a relationship, so it seems weird to me that a character who loves Theron would want to sabotage any chance for them to have a relationship, or worse want to kill both of his parents...

As far as Malcom goes, iirc it was more than sleeping together a few times, i think they had an actual relationship during at least a few months, but Satele broke up with Malcom when she realised he was becoming more violent and fully set on killing every imperial he could put his hands on, even if they were fleeing or innocent (so pretty similar to the Jace Malcom we meet on Iokath, especially when siding with the Empire), which is what convinced her to break up. And i do agree that as he was then, he would probably have been a terrible father, so for me, especially if she thought Theron could become a Jedi, she did the best she could, and N'gani Zho did a good job raising Theron, at the very least until it became obvious he could not become a Jedi.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh, btw here's what Theron says if you don't agree to the spying with the sensors and here's what he says if you say no to killing the cyborgs.  He so pissy (especially on the sensors one) haha   Normally I will never disagree with him about anything, but in those two cases agreeing is dark side option and I refuse to let my Jedi have a single dark side point haha   (plus I genuinely disagree about the spying, risking the fragile alliance not worth it, Theron, ilu bb but no, I'm making you mad for your own good lol)

I usually take the DS points for the cyborgs, while i do HC that my JK initially disagrees, he's actually right on this one, we have to kill them anyways and we're in a hurry as we're trying to catch Darok and Arkous before they leave, so it's a waste of time to fight them, and it is indeed better that whole tech doesn't fall in bad hands, so she ultimately reluctantly agrees with him.

I take the LS one for the sensors though, we're trying to build an alliance here, so it's not the best move, my JK is also not pleased when she's sent to the Imperial guard's training ground behind the imps' back.

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh man, doing more uploading/rewatching, and I had completely forgotten about this hilarious scene.  Theron v Scorpio, who would win in a sass off?  (tbh I love you Theron but it's prolly Scorpio 😅)   I love choosing to encourage them haha

Yeah this one's fun, i like encouraging them too, if only for Lana's completely unamused reaction. Maybe i'm just a bit of a masochist, but i actually like my companions to have that kind of reactions, or disagreeing with my characters when it makes sense, it honestly makes for a more engaging, lively experience for me and adds replayability as they'd have some different reactions depending on the character i'm playing.

Edited by Goreshaga
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5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah this one's fun, i like encouraging them too, if only for Lana's completely unamused reaction. Maybe i'm just a bit of a masochist, but i actually like my companions to have that kind of reactions, or disagreeing with my characters when it makes sense, it honestly makes for a more engaging, lively experience for me and adds replayability as they'd have some different reactions depending on the character i'm playing.

I do not think it is masochist haha  I actually love when getting facepalms and unamused reactions out of my companions, partly because it is just hilarious, but also because I feel like it is a sign of their friendship being so strong that they can be like "why do I put up with this" but then they still stick around forever 😂 

I do like to vary choices based on my character too, like, my JC makes way less of those choices because she is always more serious and more likely to mom the children lol  but my JK makes a lot of them because he's got cheek and will pal around more with anyone.

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sorry, I accidentally submitted before I could reply to other stuff, here is the rest

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

The worst was really during the whole Zildrog arc when Theron was taken away for months, without knowing what would happen, and the constant fear he'd get a kill option (which he got and i'll never think that wasn't the stupidest decision they made...along with the Vette/Torian one, i always save Torian because he's my favorite LI from the class stories, but i'd never have killed Vette, even if she's not among my favorite companions) and never show up again.

I'm glad he's part of the debriefings again though, and seems to be quite involved with the whole rebuilding the Jedi Order.

I am also glad he's in the debriefings still, even if they won't put him in missions because of their bone-headed decision, at least he is basically always there in the Alliance room.  Now that the Alliance is more directly involved in the Malgus story (as opposed to where it was at first with PC going off with other non-alliance characters to do stuff), hopefully there will be more briefings and he will show up more.  Hopefully.

Also, for the love of peets, can we get Theron and his supposed good friend Gnost-dural actually in a scene together 😆

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah i've seen quite a few people, even among the Theron fans who hate Satele, and a few of them who even want to kill her or at the very least not let them have a relationship, which seems weird to me, despite everything that happened between them, it's clear they do care about each other (no idea though why they made the relationship worse on imp side during SoR) and the end of EoO show clearly that they'd actually be happy to have a relationship, so it seems weird to me that a character who loves Theron would want to sabotage any chance for them to have a relationship, or worse want to kill both of his parents...

As far as Malcom goes, iirc it was more than sleeping together a few times, i think they had an actual relationship during at least a few months, but Satele broke up with Malcom when she realised he was becoming more violent and fully set on killing every imperial he could put his hands on, even if they were fleeing or innocent (so pretty similar to the Jace Malcom we meet on Iokath, especially when siding with the Empire), which is what convinced her to break up. And i do agree that as he was then, he would probably have been a terrible father, so for me, especially if she thought Theron could become a Jedi, she did the best she could, and N'gani Zho did a good job raising Theron, at the very least until it became obvious he could not become a Jedi.

Oh, yeah, I did know they had a bit of a longer fling (I was mostly being sassy to make a point lol) but, regardless of how romantic it might have been, it was definitely not serious or long enough for Malcolm to have any reasonable expectation of having children with her, so I stand by my stance that she had 0 obligation to tell him when she had to give him up because of the Jedi and he was clearly not single parent material.

Even if I didn't love Satele on her own as much as I do, I love Theron and he clearly cares about her a lot, so I could never ever choose anything other than encouraging them to have a better relationship.  To me that would feel even worse than killing his father, like Theron basically has no relationship at all with him and only cares about as much as he does because he cares about everyone.  Also I don't care about Malcolm (probably biased by having a crap father myself lol) but I do care about Satele, so I care more about Theron having a relationship with her.

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I usually take the DS points for the cyborgs, while i do HC that my JK initially disagrees, he's actually right on this one, we have to kill them anyways and we're in a hurry as we're trying to catch Darok and Arkous before they leave, so it's a waste of time to fight them, and it is indeed better that whole tech doesn't fall in bad hands, so she ultimately reluctantly agrees with him.

Yeah, I totally agree with Theron and disagree with my characters on that one 😅  It actually amuses me every time that to get the LS points you have to be like "nah, we don't kill people in their sleep" then smash cut to murdering them all anyway 30 seconds later lmao

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10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh, btw here's what Theron says if you don't agree to the spying with the sensors and here's what he says if you say no to killing the cyborgs.  He so pissy (especially on the sensors one) haha   Normally I will never disagree with him about anything, but in those two cases agreeing is dark side option and I refuse to let my Jedi have a single dark side point haha   (plus I genuinely disagree about the spying, risking the fragile alliance not worth it, Theron, ilu bb but no, I'm making you mad for your own good lol)

😆😂🤣 He is so peeved and frustrated! Likely mentally thinking, 'Why do I bother?' The voice acting there is stellar, as usual! 😍💖🤩

Was thinking about this some more and realized I made a mistake. My JC would follow Theron's suggestion for both events as he is a very big pragmatist, just like Theron is. My BH would follow the cyborg suggestion for the same reason and decline Lana's suggestion because as I said earlier, he does enough bad things. But my agent, I messed up on him. Argh! I was projecting again. My agent would have followed Lana's suggestion to spy on the Republic because she is Sith Intelligence and he would not want her getting suspicious about him and finding out he is attempting to be a double agent. Plus, if he had activated that subroutine, he would know how the Empire reacts and could report movement accordingly. (mullish) Have to add that to my list of things to fix. 😔

12 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

People seem to paint Satele as the vilest of villains for not informing Malcolm and giving Theron up, but that poor woman did the best she could in terrible circumstances! At six, her own parent (a disgraced exiled Jedi) dropped her off at the Temple and disappeared. Then she's guilted for being related to Revan, then she loses not one but two Masters, then she's basically Anakin in the war and everyone wants her everywhere. Then on Alderaan she and Jace consummate their relationship, and he starts getting more brutal, she unlike Anakin had the humility to see she could not handle it and left not knowing she was pregnant! By the time Theron's born she has no doubt that A. She's not qualified to be a mother, and B. neither is Jace. What was she supposed to do. She had no way of knowing he'd end up with a low M-count. 

Yup, I really need to take the time to read the books. Information is power! 🌟

9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh man, doing more uploading/rewatching, and I had completely forgotten about this hilarious scene.  Theron v Scorpio, who would win in a sass off?  (tbh I love you Theron but it's prolly Scorpio 😅)   I love choosing to encourage them haha


(Edit to say: I just realized this is accidentally my 4th post in a row, whoopsadoodle. 🫠  my love might have gotten bigger than my brains, sorry for spam lol)

What is your Theron wearing?! He looks great in that outfit. 😍

Excitement and posts are how we keep this thread running 😉


In my BH playthrough, I was ninjamanced by Mako. I love her - but as a sister. It was my very first character and I did not know that courting gifts would trip the romance. I did all I could, short of being a real meanie to her, to dissuade her. She is still standing on the ship bridge with the marriage dialogue on pause because I can't go through with completing the conversation. (All the dialogue options are amusing and the banter is great. Love you, Mako!) Anyway, Theron's marriage proposal was endearingly dorky and a tad sulky in response to the player's teasing, but it is still way better than the BH's line to Mako. Seriously, Mako, honey, you deserve better than that. (Even if it is in character for the BH. 😅 And no, I do not keep Mako naked! She is wearing Mandalorian clansmen armour. It just isn't showing for some reason. Also, I cannot find an image of her wearing it. I tend to bring Torian everywhere with me, it seems. Lots of pictures of him. I'm so happy when I see him during missions!) The BH has no place to judge Theron's awkwardness when he was unable to do better. 😂 Also, BH sounds so serious when he tells Mako he loves her. Really wants to impress the statement upon her. He sounds more heartfelt when saying it to Theron years later. (Again, the voice acting in the entire game - 😘)

I have been scouring the internet for the, "Should I say it like a spy? Target eliminated," line and it is nowhere! Lots of posts have it in the title but there are no videos. No sound clips. No screenshots. It has disappeared! Does he really say it? Or is it an internet rumour?

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7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I got the "say it like a spy" one not long ago, i think i was killing things for the GS with my JK who had him as a companion at that moment, was kinda fun, i'm pretty sure he was on heals though, as i usually keep my comps on heals unless i'm running a FP with the God bot, or playing a healer myself.

I remember hearing the SF one too, but can't remember if it was in a a specific SF or if he just randomly says it, as i did all the SF one after the other because i wanted all the comps on my JK.

The worst was really during the whole Zildrog arc when Theron was taken away for months, without knowing what would happen, and the constant fear he'd get a kill option (which he got and i'll never think that wasn't the stupidest decision they made...along with the Vette/Torian one, i always save Torian because he's my favorite LI from the class stories, but i'd never have killed Vette, even if she's not among my favorite companions) and never show up again.

I'm glad he's part of the debriefings again though, and seems to be quite involved with the whole rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Oh, that one's mine (a later version of my JK than the one from the proposal recording)

Yeah i've seen quite a few people, even among the Theron fans who hate Satele, and a few of them who even want to kill her or at the very least not let them have a relationship, which seems weird to me, despite everything that happened between them, it's clear they do care about each other (no idea though why they made the relationship worse on imp side during SoR) and the end of EoO show clearly that they'd actually be happy to have a relationship, so it seems weird to me that a character who loves Theron would want to sabotage any chance for them to have a relationship, or worse want to kill both of his parents...

As far as Malcom goes, iirc it was more than sleeping together a few times, i think they had an actual relationship during at least a few months, but Satele broke up with Malcom when she realised he was becoming more violent and fully set on killing every imperial he could put his hands on, even if they were fleeing or innocent (so pretty similar to the Jace Malcom we meet on Iokath, especially when siding with the Empire), which is what convinced her to break up. And i do agree that as he was then, he would probably have been a terrible father, so for me, especially if she thought Theron could become a Jedi, she did the best she could, and N'gani Zho did a good job raising Theron, at the very least until it became obvious he could not become a Jedi.

I usually take the DS points for the cyborgs, while i do HC that my JK initially disagrees, he's actually right on this one, we have to kill them anyways and we're in a hurry as we're trying to catch Darok and Arkous before they leave, so it's a waste of time to fight them, and it is indeed better that whole tech doesn't fall in bad hands, so she ultimately reluctantly agrees with him.

I take the LS one for the sensors though, we're trying to build an alliance here, so it's not the best move, my JK is also not pleased when she's sent to the Imperial guard's training ground behind the imps' back.

Yeah this one's fun, i like encouraging them too, if only for Lana's completely unamused reaction. Maybe i'm just a bit of a masochist, but i actually like my companions to have that kind of reactions, or disagreeing with my characters when it makes sense, it honestly makes for a more engaging, lively experience for me and adds replayability as they'd have some different reactions depending on the character i'm playing.

Ah! You posted while I was typing. 😄

I really want to hear the lines. I'll try switching back to heals for a bit. Maybe I'll get lucky and finally get them. 

Seems I'll have to rethink my response to the sensor thing. Again. Building alliances and trust. And we have all seen how important trust is. 🎶

I love Torian! 😍 I liked him from the very first meeting. Would have romanced him if I could, but alas, he has eyes only for the ladies. 🤭 I've read that some people find his random Mando'a words annoying, but I think that is because a lot of players don't have enough life experience in general. Especially the players that kill off Koth. Seriously, Zakul is his home! He's proud to live there. And Vakorian was good to them. I'm a stranger. Of course, he would not just take my word for things! I have experienced his type of character firsthand in real life. He's a very believable character and a real person in his position would react the same way. Anyway, I speak with native Spanish speakers occasionally and they will switch randomly to Spanish words. So Torian speaking random Mando'a? Totally accurate! 

I wish there was a clearer timeline for characters and events. I really want to know when Theron stopped living with Zho, but all sources are unclear on that. All I can find is that he is passed on once it is clear he doesn't have the force. Makes me think he was 12 or 13 at the time. 🤔 Who raised him after that? Did he go to an orphanage? Did he live on the streets until the SIS found him using sleight of hand on a vendor in order to survive? Or did the Jedi temple foster him? I'm so curious! 

Edited by yenzin
added words and minor edits
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6 hours ago, yenzin said:

😆😂🤣 He is so peeved and frustrated! Likely mentally thinking, 'Why do I bother?' The voice acting there is stellar, as usual! 😍💖🤩

Was thinking about this some more and realized I made a mistake. My JC would follow Theron's suggestion for both events as he is a very big pragmatist, just like Theron is. My BH would follow the cyborg suggestion for the same reason and decline Lana's suggestion because as I said earlier, he does enough bad things. But my agent, I messed up on him. Argh! I was projecting again. My agent would have followed Lana's suggestion to spy on the Republic because she is Sith Intelligence and he would not want her getting suspicious about him and finding out he is attempting to be a double agent. Plus, if he had activated that subroutine, he would know how the Empire reacts and could report movement accordingly. (mullish) Have to add that to my list of things to fix. 😔

I actually had a good long think about this before responding, because you make a real good point about the double agent thing!  I think if I were to take my agent through that story (still don't thiiiink I will, but maybe - I really love her as a character but I don't love gun combat lol) that based on how I've played her she would ultimately still choose to refuse Lana because she would prioritize the mission over the slim chance of risking her cover (plus I think the argument of keeping the truce is a good enough sell anyway).

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

What is your Theron wearing?! He looks great in that outfit. 😍

ty, ty 😇  he is wearing (deep breath) taskmaster chest and belt, canderous ordo gloves, force apprentice legs, atton rand boots, no bracers, black and grey dye.  and he has the firestorm hz-76 blasters but half the time it shows his default ones in cutscenes instead (😣).  And yes I knew all that by heart because I've dressed him in it so many times hahaha

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

Excitement and posts are how we keep this thread running 😉

Ya think if we can keep this thread on front page forever devs will see it and be like "the fans demand more Theron" and give us more Theron?? 😃

.............................yeah nah, can't even lie to myself well enough to convince me of that 😅  (a girl can dream tho)

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

In my BH playthrough, I was ninjamanced by Mako. I love her - but as a sister. It was my very first character and I did not know that courting gifts would trip the romance. I did all I could, short of being a real meanie to her, to dissuade her. She is still standing on the ship bridge with the marriage dialogue on pause because I can't go through with completing the conversation. (All the dialogue options are amusing and the banter is great. Love you, Mako!) Anyway, Theron's marriage proposal was endearingly dorky and a tad sulky in response to the player's teasing, but it is still way better than the BH's line to Mako. Seriously, Mako, honey, you deserve better than that. (Even if it is in character for the BH. 😅 And no, I do not keep Mako naked! She is wearing Mandalorian clansmen armour. It just isn't showing for some reason. Also, I cannot find an image of her wearing it. I tend to bring Torian everywhere with me, it seems. Lots of pictures of him. I'm so happy when I see him during missions!) The BH has no place to judge Theron's awkwardness when he was unable to do better. 😂 Also, BH sounds so serious when he tells Mako he loves her. Really wants to impress the statement upon her. He sounds more heartfelt when saying it to Theron years later. (Again, the voice acting in the entire game - 😘)

omg that proposal wtf, "CONTRACT"????????  it may be in character, but "CONTRACT"???????  Mako is no one's "contract", pal.  😡  (sorry, not trying to be mean to your BH hahaha  but, writers, what was that? lol)  

Mako is 100% my BH's sister as well, she will probably be my forever companion on this run, I love her so much, and I like the bounty hunting girl duo.  I really love my BH so far, though based on my headcanon backstory (which, admittedly, might be ridiculous and convoluted but once a headcanon'd backstory sticks it's stuck gdi) and how I have played her, she does not kill unless she has to (I play all on stealth even) and I have kept her 100% independent, she doesn't do sides or factions or taking orders, she'll take contracts from anyone but she is all about being her own boss and making her own rules, so she rejected the mando offer.  Surprisingly, Torian doesn't seem to care that she did, I kinda thought he might lol

Also, ah, I see you got the naked companions glitch as well 🤣  I had had that glitch on my companions at the stronghold for ages, but the first time I saw it in a cutscene, I was replaying "The Hunt" on my JC for a weekly reward, and she and Felix walked in and he was naked and I literally died laughing.  Super serious scene and he's walking in his underwear.  And then, later when when the whole crew is on the ship taking off, THEY WERE ALL NAKED.  I was.... I was dead.

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

I have been scouring the internet for the, "Should I say it like a spy? Target eliminated," line and it is nowhere! Lots of posts have it in the title but there are no videos. No sound clips. No screenshots. It has disappeared! Does he really say it? Or is it an internet rumour?

omg is that the whole line?  I hope that is real and I get to hear it because that's great 🤣  "should I say it like a spy?"  such a nerd, Theron.  if it is some internet rumor I'm happy to headcanon that he would say that because Mr. "I just love the sound of the word.... vacaaation" and "I do not like Tatooine but I do like to say Tatooine" would definitely say something that dorky lol

(speaking of, do you ever wonder if Theron's click-on-him companion lines were even scripted or if they just handed Troy Baker a mic and were like "say some stuff"?  Because sometimes I seriously wonder, especially compared to other companions most of his lines are sooooo random 🤣) (I don't actually think they did that, but, someone had some fun with it somewhere, or they were drunk maybe, idk haha)

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Especially the players that kill off Koth. Seriously, Zakul is his home! He's proud to live there. And Vakorian was good to them. I'm a stranger. Of course, he would not just take my word for things! I have experienced his type of character firsthand in real life. He's a very believable character and a real person in his position would react the same way.

I....... did not even know Koth was killable 😅  that.... definitely explains why he has completely disappeared (tbh kinda makes me think I should give the devs more credit for at least still having Theron at all when other killable characters are just completely gone lol).  thank god I always made him like me haha   And I agree, even when I and my character disagree with him, he is a very believable character.  I will admit, he is not one of my very favorite characters, he's kind of in the middle, but I always liked him.

Edited by cannibithobbal
I just noticed another typo lol
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On 4/29/2023 at 8:35 PM, cannibithobbal said:

(my actual hands down favorite is The Dragon's Maw, All Theron All Day, babyyyyyy 😍  hitting on Theron in the armor, the best lol)

Wait, what?! What armour? What flirt? 

(goes and looks up that quest name and it clicks.) Ohhhh!!! 🤣 That quest. There were some great lines in that dialogue wheel. 

PC: "Put your SIS training to use, and drop the swagger."

Theron: "I know what I'm doing. And I don't swagger." Hehe! 

I personally like the flirt option there. As a proud Mandalorian who can appreciate good armour, that line stuck a nice chord. 

PC (flirt): "Hold still. I'm taking a mental image of you in that armour."

Theorn: "Don't get used to it. It's already starting to chafe..."

PC: No, really, Theron, I think we should keep that suit for later. 

Theron: No, seriously, the fit is all wrong.

PC: You know what would fit even better? A suit of Mandalorian armour. 😉

Theron: ... I'll stick to my normal outfit, thanks. 🙄

On 4/30/2023 at 10:20 AM, cannibithobbal said:

I just finished my agent's class story and I also made her a double agent!  she is married to Vector though (surprisingly adorable romance btw), so I won't ever romance her with Theron (probably won't even play her past the class story honestly), but that's cool if you can tell Theron you're a double agent.  does that change their dynamic after if you do?  or does it literally just affect that scene?

As far as I know, it only affects a line in Onslaught before everything goes down. IA can soothe Theron's fears about the Empire crushing the alliance into dust by saying he/she is a double agent for the Republic. For the most part, IA being a double agent has been dropped. That is the first mention of being such since the end of Shadow of Revan on Yavin 4. So, I am really excited to see it for myself. :sy_star:

On 5/1/2023 at 12:46 PM, cannibithobbal said:

(side note to my side note that I kept Zenith for that mission - how could I not have my two boys together - and he is now my "solo hard content" boy and I go back and forth between using him and Theron as my main companion because he got me through that solo veteran in one try lol   idk how but despite being on heals he is a flippin tank istg haha)

Oddly enough, even though Torian and Theron both have max affection, for some reason Theron is more squishy. He'll die more often than Torian and I don't know why. 

BH (applies kolto gel to a cut on Theron's eyebrow): I'm telling you, Theron, you would get banged up less often if you just let me fully outfit you in Mando armour.

Theron (sigh): I'll think about it.

12 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Also, for the love of peets, can we get Theron and his supposed good friend Gnost-dural actually in a scene together 😆

I want to also beg the devs for a scene with Jonas Balkar and Theron together. (On top of my already extensive list of dream scenes...) They are friends and yet they haven't met either. And I would be so happy if Theron and Zenith could comment to each other on how they sound alike. 😁

Theron: Wait. You sound like me. 

Zenith: No, you sound like me.

Together: Eery...

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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I actually had a good long think about this before responding, because you make a real good point about the double agent thing!  I think if I were to take my agent through that story (still don't thiiiink I will, but maybe - I really love her as a character but I don't love gun combat lol) that based on how I've played her she would ultimately still choose to refuse Lana because she would prioritize the mission over the slim chance of risking her cover (plus I think the argument of keeping the truce is a good enough sell anyway).

ty, ty 😇  he is wearing (deep breath) taskmaster chest and belt, canderous ordo gloves, force apprentice legs, atton rand boots, no bracers, black and grey dye.  and he has the firestorm hz-76 blasters but half the time it shows his default ones in cutscenes instead (😣).  And yes I knew all that by heart because I've dressed him in it so many times hahaha

Ya think if we can keep this thread on front page forever devs will see it and be like "the fans demand more Theron" and give us more Theron?? 😃

.............................yeah nah, can't even lie to myself well enough to convince me of that 😅  (a girl can dream tho)

omg that proposal wtf, "CONTRACT"????????  it may be in character, but "CONTRACT"???????  Mako is no one's "contract", pal.  😡  (sorry, not trying to be mean to your BH hahaha  but, writers, what was that? lol)  

Mako is 100% my BH's sister as well, she will probably be my forever companion on this run, I love her so much, and I like the bounty hunting girl duo.  I really love my BH so far, though based on my headcanon backstory (which, admittedly, might be ridiculous and convoluted but once a headcanon'd backstory sticks it's stuck gdi) and how I have played her, she does not kill unless she has to (I play all on stealth even) and I have kept her 100% independent, she doesn't do sides or factions or taking orders, she'll take contracts from anyone but she is all about being her own boss and making her own rules, so she rejected the mando offer.  Surprisingly, Torian doesn't seem to care that she did, I kinda thought he might lol

Also, ah, I see you got the naked companions glitch as well 🤣  I had had that glitch on my companions at the stronghold for ages, but the first time I saw it in a cutscene, I was replaying "The Hunt" on my JC for a weekly reward, and she and Felix walked in and he was naked and I literally died laughing.  Super serious scene and he's walking in his underwear.  And then, later when when the whole crew is on the ship taking off, THEY WERE ALL NAKED.  I was.... I was dead.

omg is that the whole line?  I hope that is real and I get to hear it because that's great 🤣  "should I say it like a spy?"  such a nerd, Theron.  if it is some internet rumor I'm happy to headcanon that he would say that because Mr. "I just love the sound of the word.... vacaaation" and "I do not like Tatooine but I do like to say Tatooine" would definitely say something that dorky lol

(speaking of, do you ever wonder if Theron's click-on-him companion lines were even scripted or if they just handed Troy Baker a mic and were like "say some stuff"?  Because sometimes I seriously wonder, especially compared to other companions most of his lines are sooooo random 🤣) (I don't actually think they did that, but, someone had some fun with it somewhere, or they were drunk maybe, idk haha)

I....... did not even know Koth was killable 😅  that.... definitely explains why he has completely disappeared (tbh kinda makes me think I should give the devs more credit for at least still having Theron at all when other killable characters are just completely gone lol).  thank god I always made him like me haha   And I agree, even when I and my character disagree with him, he is a very believable character.  I will admit, he is not one of my very favorite characters, he's kind of in the middle, but I always liked him.


Okay, it is pretty awesome that you have that outfit memorized. I actually have most of those items. 😏 Hehee. Time for a new wardrobe change, Theron. You'll like it. I promise. 😉

Oh, I know that wasn't an attack against my BH.🤣 I'm with you. Mako should have backed up, crossed her arms, raised one eyebrow 🤨 and said, "Care to try that again, Big Guy?"

HAHA! Yup, Naked bug really destroyed the serious tone there. Fortunately, I have not encountered the problem with all of my companions at once. However, I get it with Mako a lot. Made the video recording for the trip to Rishi really awkward. Especially as I was apparently in a relationship with her. She is standing there in full underwear and she says to me, "Maybe because you have been keeping me... busy." 

Nooooo!!! Mako! I have not been doing that with you! Put some clothes on!

Yeh.... poor Koth. 😥 I am forever grateful that Theron did not suffer the same fate to such an extent as him and many others.

I wonder. 🤭 Dev (Hands Troy some pages): Here, Troy. Drew Karpyshyn wrote a few suggestions for Theron's idle lines but ultimately you know him very well by now. Go nuts. Just say whatever comes to mind. 

Troy (thinks about it and hits record): "Yup, this is me."

TvTropes has a great list for the SWOTR cast. Right there on Theron's is Workaholic. He should go take that vacation he likes the sound of. 😏

Would be awesome if a dev came in here and poked around. 

Random Important Dev (RID): Hmm... what have they been chatting about to keep this thread on the front page recently? :: starts reading and begins to take notes:: Hmm... not bad. Oh, there's an idea. ::takes more notes:: Ohhh, a beach scene with Theron on a private date with a picnic nearby? With both of them wearing a version of the resort swimwear? .... Yeah, that may be doable...

Player to RID: OMG, A private date! PLEASE!!! It's Theron's turn for a romantic one-on-one! 🥰

RID (closes notebook): We'll see. No promises. 😉

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3 hours ago, yenzin said:

PC (flirt): "Hold still. I'm taking a mental image of you in that armour."

Theorn: "Don't get used to it. It's already starting to chafe..."

yes, that was the one I meant 😂  I love it.  It's a rare example of a 'commenting on Theron's hotness' flirt line, the only other one I can think of off the bat is "you got better looking" haha  I'm sure there's a few more, but they are weirdly rare.

I also love that throughout the entire undercover section you can always tell which one of them is which.... partly because Theron is slightly taller 😄, but also their body language haha.  Will say as 2 twi'leks it's always a bit funny though because how did they manage to hide those lekku lol  mass Jedi mind trick?

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

As far as I know, it only affects a line in Onslaught before everything goes down. IA can soothe Theron's fears about the Empire crushing the alliance into dust by saying he/she is a double agent for the Republic. For the most part, IA being a double agent has been dropped. That is the first mention of being such since the end of Shadow of Revan on Yavin 4. So, I am really excited to see it for myself. :sy_star:

ah, sad.  I guess all the better then that I may not keep going, if she doesn't even really get to be a double agent I would be sad 😢

does it actually come into play through SoR though?  if so maaaaybe I will play through that far then.  It would be weird going back to 0 flirting with Theron or Lana through that story but I can be strong 😆

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

Oddly enough, even though Torian and Theron both have max affection, for some reason Theron is more squishy. He'll die more often than Torian and I don't know why. 

Theron really is soooo squishy sometimes istg 🤣  I mean, he's still basically the only companion I use on JK and combo main with Zenith on JC, but he has to be protected more often sometimes haha  (and yes I have 11 level 50 companions on JC and 8 on JK and yet I just use those 2 99.9% of the time 😆)    all companions supposedly have the same stats and yet........ somehow they don't.

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

And I would be so happy if Theron and Zenith could comment to each other on how they sound alike. 😁

Theron: Wait. You sound like me. 

Zenith: No, you sound like me.

Together: Eery...

🤣  you have.... no idea how much I want them to meet and talk to each other.  Like, c'mon devs, you have a VA who can absolutely nail that scene no question, let him play against himself, it would be glorious.  

An exchange like that would hilarious too lmao 🤣  Or someone else casually mentioning it behind their back "anyone else notice Zenith sounds a bit like Theron?" "what do you mean, they sound nothing alike 🤔"

Relatedly (hopefully someone will appreciate this with me lol): is this the most Zenith line of all time or the most Zenith line of all time?  🤣  "Imperials have no friends" lmao

Zenith doesn't say a ton when you have him as companion through the class story but almost every time he does pipe up it's to absolutely sass someone in the most deadpanly Zenith way possible (and the rest of the time it's the comment on how much someone needs to die lol), I love it.  So glad I decided to take him with JC on this second run haha  tempted to try and edit all the sass lines into one video, but I might end up being too lazy.  (and yes Zenith has the same outfit as my JK rn, it looks really good on twi'lek boys ok, don't judge me, at least I made it a different color lol)

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7 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Okay, it is pretty awesome that you have that outfit memorized. I actually have most of those items. 😏 Hehee. Time for a new wardrobe change, Theron. You'll like it. I promise. 😉

gooooooooood..... gooooooooooooooood 😈😈 

if you make any modifications, I am curious to see haha  I never branch out, especially the jacket, as soon as I tried that one on him I was like "this is it.  this is Theron's jacket.  this is Theron's jacket for life."  the shoulder line and overall frame looks sooo good on him, especially from the back, and the flowing coat tails when he runs..... hate to see leave but love to watch him go, amirite?  😉

I won't put that jacket on anyone else and won't put anything else on him 😂

9 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Oh, I know that wasn't an attack against my BH.🤣 I'm with you. Mako should have backed up, crossed her arms, raised one eyebrow 🤨 and said, "Care to try that again, Big Guy?"

HAHA! Yup, Naked bug really destroyed the serious tone there. Fortunately, I have not encountered the problem with all of my companions at once. However, I get it with Mako a lot. Made the video recording for the trip to Rishi really awkward. Especially as I was apparently in a relationship with her. She is standing there in full underwear and she says to me, "Maybe because you have been keeping me... busy." 

Nooooo!!! Mako! I have not been doing that with you! Put some clothes on!

Poooor Mako, getting so accidentally shafted 😆  She totally should have been like "um, excuse me what was that?" lmao

I have never gotten the everyone naked glitch again since then, thankfully lol.  I read online randomly that someone had that happen during Zenith's return scene in Onslaught, omg talk about ruining the mood on that one (it's such a good scene, I would be so upset if that one got glitched for me lol)

14 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I wonder.  Dev (Hands Troy some pages): Here, Troy. Drew Karpyshyn wrote a few suggestions for Theron's idle lines but ultimately you know him very well by now. Go nuts. Just say whatever comes to mind. 

Troy (thinks about it and hits record): "Yup, this is me."

🤣🤣  I have no actual commentary, that just cracked me up. ty.  lol

15 minutes ago, yenzin said:

TvTropes has a great list for the SWOTR cast. Right there on Theron's is Workaholic. He should go take that vacation he likes the sound of. 😏

Theron needs a vacation so bad omg. 😄  Someone make him stop working for five mins pls.  I love his workaholicness though, like literally trying to do his work at the party in The Alliance lol  I love that he's self aware about it too, like in the "for when you wake up" letter you get from him when you romanced him through SoR/Ziost he says he's not good at relationships which is part of why he's a workaholic.  I wouldn't have him any other way, but also The Boy Needs A Vacation.  Preferably a romantic getaway 😍   I wonder if him constantly saying he loves the sound of the word vacation is actually him trying to hint real hard that he wants to be taken on a vacation and no one is taking the hint.

21 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Random Important Dev (RID): Hmm... what have they been chatting about to keep this thread on the front page recently? :: starts reading and begins to take notes:: Hmm... not bad. Oh, there's an idea. ::takes more notes:: Ohhh, a beach scene with Theron on a private date with a picnic nearby? With both of them wearing a version of the resort swimwear? .... Yeah, that may be doable...


................I'm still waiting to see that speeder bike into the woods date cutscene tbh. 🥲

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17 hours ago, yenzin said:

Ah! You posted while I was typing. 😄

I really want to hear the lines. I'll try switching back to heals for a bit. Maybe I'll get lucky and finally get them. 

Seems I'll have to rethink my response to the sensor thing. Again. Building alliances and trust. And we have all seen how important trust is. 🎶

I love Torian! 😍 I liked him from the very first meeting. Would have romanced him if I could, but alas, he has eyes only for the ladies. 🤭 I've read that some people find his random Mando'a words annoying, but I think that is because a lot of players don't have enough life experience in general. Especially the players that kill off Koth. Seriously, Zakul is his home! He's proud to live there. And Vakorian was good to them. I'm a stranger. Of course, he would not just take my word for things! I have experienced his type of character firsthand in real life. He's a very believable character and a real person in his position would react the same way. Anyway, I speak with native Spanish speakers occasionally and they will switch randomly to Spanish words. So Torian speaking random Mando'a? Totally accurate! 

I wish there was a clearer timeline for characters and events. I really want to know when Theron stopped living with Zho, but all sources are unclear on that. All I can find is that he is passed on once it is clear he doesn't have the force. Makes me think he was 12 or 13 at the time. 🤔 Who raised him after that? Did he go to an orphanage? Did he live on the streets until the SIS found him using sleight of hand on a vendor in order to survive? Or did the Jedi temple foster him? I'm so curious! 

Wish you luck with that line then ^^

I like to keep the LS one for the sensors, that way even if Theron managed to change my JK's mind about the cyborg, it show that they will disagree on some things and that there are times when she'll still do things the way she wants.

My first BH was male and i was so sad i could not romance him. I like Mako, but she really feels too much like a little sister to me, which is why i'll try to go for Rass on my newer male BH. I did romance the heck out of Torian with my female BH though and i absolutely love his romance, it's my favorite among the class stories ones, and so far my second fav of all, though Arcann's comes pretty close too. Yeah, never really got why people don't like him reverting to Mando'a, it actually makes sense, or maybe that's from people who never lived in a foreign country where people speaks a completely different language, it's just natural at times to just go back to your mother tongue even without really realising you're doing it.

Same for Koth, it's just perfectly logical that he'd trust what he's known his whole life over someone he just met, especially when that person is basically all "trust me bro, that dude who did awful things in my corner of the galaxy, at the same time Valkorion was ruling Zakuul peacefully is totally the same guy.", and even more so if our PC is DS and has already done some bad stuff. Our PC tells him things like that without any proof, and not being Force sensitive, Koth has to way to feel it for himself.

Yeah would be nice to have something more precise, as you only have what he looks like at that time in the The Lost Suns, where he's slightly shorter than Ngani Zho, when he is slightly taller than him as an adult, so i guess he was still a teenager, but not that young either, i'd say probably 14-15 at the time, and i guess he had to take care of himself after that.

The only other thing i could find was that between the moment he was kicked out of the Jedi Order and the moment he joined the SIS (he joined when he was in his late teens / early twenties), he had quite the reputation as a speeder pilot and raced on Manaan. So he was probably old enough to be able to really take care of himself when the Jedi realised he's never become one of them.

Could be quite interesting to know how he came to works for the SIS too. That could make for a very interesting story.

6 hours ago, yenzin said:

I want to also beg the devs for a scene with Jonas Balkar and Theron together. (On top of my already extensive list of dream scenes...) They are friends and yet they haven't met either. And I would be so happy if Theron and Zenith could comment to each other on how they sound alike. 😁

Theron: Wait. You sound like me. 

Zenith: No, you sound like me.

Together: Eery...

I'd love some scenes with Theron and Jonas, their interactions in the short story were pretty fun, so that could be nice to see some of that in game.

As for a Zenith-Theron scene, that'd work in english, i have no idea how that would work in german, but that'd not work in french, either they'd look stupid or like they need to get their ears checked because they're not voiced by the same VA and sound nothing alike.

If you're curious, here's what Theron's VA sounds like, and here's what Zenith's VA sounds like in french.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I won't put that jacket on anyone else and won't put anything else on him 😂

I love the Frontline Slicer set on him, he looks mighty fine with it, and i like that i can still see his very fine assets with it, which you can't with a long coat. The Secret Agent jacket looks pretty good on him too, similar to his default SoR look, but looks much better. These are his two main looks for me.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I wonder if him constantly saying he loves the sound of the word vacation is actually him trying to hint real hard that he wants to be taken on a vacation and no one is taking the hint

Maybe he just wants his lover to take him on a nice vacation. Would be nice to be able to do it tbh. I loved that he suggested to take a speeder and go somewhere in the woods together for a while, that's 100% something my JK would love to do with him.

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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

As for a Zenith-Theron scene, that'd work in english, i have no idea how that would work in german, but that'd not work in french, either they'd look stupid or like they need to get their ears checked because they're not voiced by the same VA and sound nothing alike.

If you're curious, here's what Theron's VA sounds like, and here's what Zenith's VA sounds like in french.

😂 to be fair, I don't think the scene would actually work in actual canon in English either (it would probably stick out at too distractingly meta lmao), but as a headcanon, absolutely hilarious, 12/10.

.....is it weird I think that the French VA for Zenith sounds way more like Troy Baker's Theron than the actual Theron one does? 😅  I mean, you're used to that version but compared to English both voices are much higher in the vocal register.  TB's Zenith speaks so much lower.

6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I love the Frontline Slicer set on him, he looks mighty fine with it, and i like that i can still see his very fine assets with it, which you can't with a long coat. The Secret Agent jacket looks pretty good on him too, similar to his default SoR look, but looks much better. These are his two main looks for me.

I love both those outfits!  I have never put them on Theron but I actually always put the Secret Agent jacket on Aric Jorgan, and I have it on Ashara rn as well (I only juuust got the Frontline Slicer set so I haven't used it on anyone yet).  I have seen both on other Therons and they do look great though 😍   The neckline on the Secret Agent one looks fabulous on him.  If I could get a long leather jacket with that neckline........ 🫠

I have thought a few times about mixing up Theron's outfit on at least JC (I keep it the same on JK partly for recording continuity as well) but though I have changed other ouftit pieces (I actually just got him a smashing new boot and pants combo), the jacket never leaves, I am way too addicted to Theron in black leather 😅  I totally don't have a problem

I will admit too I am the opposite and for me the body shaping/silhouette of the fitted-on-top long coat is much hotter on the male game model in general than the short jacket and pants, which is why you may have noticed from my pictures and videos that all my main male characters have such coats on 😅  (Aric might be the only one who has a short jacket on actually lmao)  I totally don't have a problem

Edited: after all that big talk of black leather, I just made my JC a white outfit so I'm trialing Theron in white leather to match.  I'm torn because I mean, it's no black leather, but, I think I kinda like it... as an alt outfit, anyway lol  (black is still supreme) 😅

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14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

yes, that was the one I meant 😂  I love it.  It's a rare example of a 'commenting on Theron's hotness' flirt line, the only other one I can think of off the bat is "you got better looking" haha  I'm sure there's a few more, but they are weirdly rare.

At one point, I wanted to go back and watch the cantina hook-up scene in Chapter 09 again. Then I saw Theron again.😂 Yes, honey, yes, I see that a lot has definitely changed! (I had forgotten to account for our current outfits in Digging Deeper.)

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

does it actually come into play through SoR though?  if so maaaaybe I will play through that far then.  It would be weird going back to 0 flirting with Theron or Lana through that story but I can be strong 😆

Yes, but it is a very minor thing. At the very end of Yavin 4, once Theron leaves, the IA finds a quiet place and secretly contacts Ardun Kothe to update him on what has been happening. I'm really hoping for some more secret agent stuff going forward. 🕵🏽

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Relatedly (hopefully someone will appreciate this with me lol): is this the most Zenith line of all time or the most Zenith line of all time?  🤣  "Imperials have no friends" lmao

😂 Oh, that line is beautiful! I never got that one. It's on Hoth? I am going to have to go back there and try and get it. Simply lovely!

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Maybe he just wants his lover to take him on a nice vacation. Would be nice to be able to do it tbh. I loved that he suggested to take a speeder and go somewhere in the woods together for a while, that's 100% something my JK would love to do with him.

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

................I'm still waiting to see that speeder bike into the woods date cutscene tbh. 🥲

Why not both? 😏 I'd be more than happy to watch a speeder ride through the woods, followed by a romantic walk through said woods to the picnic site. There, we see that Theron has already set everything up because he was sure we would say yes. 😍 The picnic site is right next to a river inlet and after a nice meal, we go bathing in the water while wearing our lovely, smexy, brand-new suits. It would be a great mini-vacation! 💕

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8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

My first BH was male and i was so sad i could not romance him. I like Mako, but she really feels too much like a little sister to me, which is why i'll try to go for Rass on my newer male BH. I did romance the heck out of Torian with my female BH though and i absolutely love his romance, it's my favorite among the class stories ones, and so far my second fav of all, though Arcann's comes pretty close too. Yeah, never really got why people don't like him reverting to Mando'a, it actually makes sense, or maybe that's from people who never lived in a foreign country where people speaks a completely different language, it's just natural at times to just go back to your mother tongue even without really realising you're doing it.

I am very curious about the Rass romance. I hope it becomes a real, solid one in the future. 🤩 That would be amazing! I am all for more options!

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Same for Koth, it's just perfectly logical that he'd trust what he's known his whole life over someone he just met, especially when that person is basically all "trust me bro, that dude who did awful things in my corner of the galaxy, at the same time Valkorion was ruling Zakuul peacefully is totally the same guy.", and even more so if our PC is DS and has already done some bad stuff. Our PC tells him things like that without any proof, and not being Force sensitive, Koth has to way to feel it for himself.

PC: Koth, trust me, that man is bad news.

Koth: You literally just allowed the reactor to explode! Thousands of people died!

PC: Details details. But really, your Emperor...

Koth: What makes you think I am going to believe anything you say right now?!

I love Koth. (And Torian and Mako and Zenith and Theron.... etc.....)

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah would be nice to have something more precise, as you only have what he looks like at that time in the The Lost Suns, where he's slightly shorter than Ngani Zho, when he is slightly taller than him as an adult, so i guess he was still a teenager, but not that young either, i'd say probably 14-15 at the time, and i guess he had to take care of himself after that.

The only other thing i could find was that between the moment he was kicked out of the Jedi Order and the moment he joined the SIS (he joined when he was in his late teens / early twenties), he had quite the reputation as a speeder pilot and raced on Manaan. So he was probably old enough to be able to really take care of himself when the Jedi realised he's never become one of them.

Could be quite interesting to know how he came to works for the SIS too. That could make for a very interesting story.

I would love to read that story!

So, maybe Theron started living by himself on Thyon at 14-15. Then he stowaway on a shuttle heading for elsewhere at 15-16 and ended up on Manaan where he got a lucky break and became a speeder piolet for a time. He managed not to crash and then at 17-18, he met up with some unsavoury individuals. He helped one of them out of a tight spot and discovered that that person was an undercover operative for the SIS. He/She tells Theron that the SIS are always looking for people that are willing to put themselves out there to help others. As well as ones that are crafty and able to think well on their feet. Theron made the trip back to Courasant and managed to pass the entrance exam and the physical tests. The rest, is how they say, history. 😁

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

If you're curious, here's what Theron's VA sounds like, and here's what Zenith's VA sounds like in french.

Whoah! They sound amazing! Love the voices. Thank you for sharing!

8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I love the Frontline Slicer set on him, he looks mighty fine with it, and i like that i can still see his very fine assets with it, which you can't with a long coat. The Secret Agent jacket looks pretty good on him too, similar to his default SoR look, but looks much better. These are his two main looks for me.

Acquired both of those recently and used them on my agent. As soon as I can, I am trying them out on Theron too. I'm thinking Theron will look mightily fine in a red and black died Frontline Slicer set. 😏

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have thought a few times about mixing up Theron's outfit on at least JC (I keep it the same on JK partly for recording continuity as well) but though I have changed other ouftit pieces (I actually just got him a smashing new boot and pants combo), the jacket never leaves, I am way too addicted to Theron in black leather 😅  I totally don't have a problem

I will admit too I am the opposite and for me the body shaping/silhouette of the fitted-on-top long coat is much hotter on the male game model in general than the short jacket and pants, which is why you may have noticed from my pictures and videos that all my main male characters have such coats on 😅  (Aric might be the only one who has a short jacket on actually lmao)  I totally don't have a problem

Edited: after all that big talk of black leather, I just made my JC a white outfit so I'm trialing Theron in white leather to match.  I'm torn because I mean, it's no black leather, but, I think I kinda like it... as an alt outfit, anyway lol  (black is still supreme) 😅

Hmm... Theron in the black leather Revealing Bodysuit.... Or the Speedsuit... 🤤

Also, I personally think Theon looks very stunning in white. I also really like him in red. 🥰


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I am playing on my JC and I just got to Chapter 05. My character is standing there with Senya and Lana, talking all wisely about the Force and helping them lift the very large ship out of the muck. 😲 Meanwhile, I'm mentally screaming, "Where is Theron to see my look so cool and awesome!? I want to show off!" I really wish Theron had been there to see that. Was my first time seeing the scene with a Force user and it is an awesome scene! And Theron missed it!!! 😡

Been trying to think of how the recuse mission would be different if Theron had been there in general. Koth and Lana get a chat with the Outlander while on the Gravestone in Chapter 5. Came up with the following chat with Theron. With this scene, the game would do an internal check for past romance flags. Obviously, the following would not work with an Outlander that did not romance him previously. It's obviously a work in progress as it needs to be longer to match the word count of Lana's and Koth's conversation. I would love to read any conversations any of you have imagined! 😍


PC leaves the bridge to go check on Theron while the Gravestone heads to Asylum. PC finds Thereon in a side hall, fiddling with some maintenance hatch or other.

Theron looks up upon PC’s arrival. “Hey, there you are. Haven’t had much chance to talk privately with you. Things got a bit hairy there. Glad to see you’re alright.”

“How’ve you been Theron?” PC asks while going to lean against a wall.

Theron tucks his scanner away. “Truthfully? Getting better. Seems the entire galaxy started to go crazy while you were gone. Now that you’re back, maybe things will start to make sense again.”

“Miss me?” PC asks with a slight smirk.

“Maybe a little. Don’t let it go to your head, but you were a dependable ally once.”

Flirt: (PC’s voice pitches a bit lower.) Just an ally? I still remember our kiss on Yavin Four as if it were yesterday.

Theron flushes slightly pink and rubs his neck awkwardly. “… I haven’t forgotten either. I’m sure you’ve read the mail I sent you by now. I’m glad I could be here to help rescue you, after all.”

PC nods and gestures to Theron. “I’ve read it. I care about you too, Theron. Unfortunately, my dreams were more like nightmares. Dreaming about you instead? I would have preferred that.”

“Glad to hear.” Theron shifts a bit, looking suddenly uncomfortable. “Well, I better get back to this. How about you go and check on either Koth or Lana? We’ll talk more later.”

Theron pulls out his scanner and goes back to work on the maintenance hatch.

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10 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

............I tried to post a reply to your post and instead my phone straight up posted an old post I made days ago again???? 🤔  guess I will try again when I get to an actual computer lol

HAHAHA! I was wondering why you were repeating yourself so soon. 😉

I can't post from my phone. Not logged in. Also, I can't type well enough on it and my replies... they likely take longer than they should. 😅

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On 5/2/2023 at 2:51 AM, Goreshaga said:

Yeah this one's fun, i like encouraging them too, if only for Lana's completely unamused reaction. Maybe i'm just a bit of a masochist, but i actually like my companions to have that kind of reactions, or disagreeing with my characters when it makes sense, it honestly makes for a more engaging, lively experience for me and adds replayability as they'd have some different reactions depending on the character i'm playing.

Something I have a bit too much fun doing is threatening people on my agent. 😂

"He's asking, I'm telling. You're going to help us with a heist or I'm going to rip you out of there and beat you within an inch of your life." 🗡️

Haven't had to follow through with any of my treats yet and so far no one has called my numerous bluffs. When that happens though, I am likely going to have to go all agent-y and torture someone and then -> ::Theron greatly disproves:: 😅

Edited by yenzin
added a dagger. spelling.
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2 hours ago, yenzin said:

At one point, I wanted to go back and watch the cantina hook-up scene in Chapter 09 again. Then I saw Theron again.😂 Yes, honey, yes, I see that a lot has definitely changed! (I had forgotten to account for our current outfits in Digging Deeper.)

I have always thought that that line is tailor made for replays of the chapter, when he actually IS better looking, because we've changed his outfit. 🤣   (I love that boy but that bloody default outfit lmao - I try not to be negative in here but just gonna say it: I hate his default outfit, I hate it, it's ugly, it's so unflattering, I hate it 😅)   He also looks even more better looking if you are replaying and have him in the undercover hair 😍 (undercover hair = hottest Theron, I will die on that hill lol)

My "official" version of my playthrough recording includes my replay of chapter 9 (and start of chapter 10) because I like the headcanon that his old outfit was his SIS outfit and when he left and went out on his own he got a new look (it has been 5 years, certainly he's actually gotten fashion sense by now), and that that's why PC says he got better looking haha  (I did leave him in his default hair for continuity tho)

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

😂 Oh, that line is beautiful! I never got that one. It's on Hoth? I am going to have to go back there and try and get it. Simply lovely!

On Hoth, yeah haha  Highly recommend doing at least one full JC playthrough with Zenith, seriously, he has some great lines.  That one's my favorite, but every time he says something it cracks me up, he has a lot of great ones on Belsavis too (that's as far as I've gotten so far).  He even sasses a sith once, the boy's got balls.  Señor Baker is just at it again, nailing that dry, serious deadpan every single time.   I feel so bad now for not appreciating him enough during my first playthrough 😅

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Why not both? 😏 I'd be more than happy to watch a speeder ride through the woods, followed by a romantic walk through said woods to the picnic site. There, we see that Theron has already set everything up because he was sure we would say yes. 😍 The picnic site is right next to a river inlet and after a nice meal, we go bathing in the water while wearing our lovely, smexy, brand-new suits. It would be a great mini-vacation! 💕

Oh, I 1000% always assumed that that speeder date ended in a picnic.  And a fade to black.  For sure 😉

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

I am very curious about the Rass romance. I hope it becomes a real, solid one in the future. 🤩 That would be amazing! I am all for more options!

I do have to say, my BH chose not to be a Mando, but if he's not too mad about that, I would romance her with Rass.  I was kinda meh on him during the SoV FP, but in Ruhnuk I really like him (him and Akaavi were prolly the main reason Ruhnuk was my favorite of the mando content we've gotten).  I will almost certainly not take her that far in the story, but if I did.

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

So, maybe Theron started living by himself on Thyon at 14-15. Then he stowaway on a shuttle heading for elsewhere at 15-16 and ended up on Manaan where he got a lucky break and became a speeder piolet for a time. He managed not to crash and then at 17-18, he met up with some unsavoury individuals. He helped one of them out of a tight spot and discovered that that person was an undercover operative for the SIS. He/She tells Theron that the SIS are always looking for people that are willing to put themselves out there to help others. As well as ones that are crafty and able to think well on their feet. Theron made the trip back to Courasant and managed to pass the entrance exam and the physical tests. The rest, is how they say, history. 😁

....slightly tangential to this, but it made me think of it:  what I would really love to see also as Theron backstories go is the story of when/how/why/where he got his implants.  If that exists somewhere, lemme know.  if it doesn't, it should.  lol  rn I just have headcanons surrounding the topic (like my JK asking him the story about his implants and Theron asking in return about his facial scars and why he has to wear mask all the time), but I have to make up an answer or leave it redacted, I would like to know the actual canon story.

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Hmm... Theron in the black leather Revealing Bodysuit.... Or the Speedsuit... 🤤

Also, I personally think Theon looks very stunning in white. I also really like him in red. 🥰


ngl, I will definitely take sexy leather outfits over skimpy revealing outfits on The Boys everyday haha  (partly because I just prefer men in well-tailored outfits but also because the in game generic muscle male bodies kind of crack me up actually, so I can't take it serious if too much skin is showing 🤣  a bit of arm is ok though, vests and tank tops I can work with)  ......hence, all the black leather.  (dork fun fact: the black leather looks I put them in was also heavily and deliberately inspired by Farscape haha)

Edited by cannibithobbal
typos typos typos
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48 minutes ago, yenzin said:

 ::Theron greatly disproves::


ngl, I fear those words.  I'm always so afraid of doing anything to make Theron upset (except the cyborg and sensors thing, as established hahaha)

Prime example (I just rewatched this, it's fresh in the mind lol): not wanting to upset Theron is literally the only reason I ever save Tai Corden in Chapter 15 lmao.  He completely screwed Zenith over, and despite the fact that Zenith being screwed over was the only reason I got to take him with me, I would still avenge him regardless did I not love Theron even more and not want to make him mad. 😂

Edited by cannibithobbal
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9 hours ago, yenzin said:

Something I have a bit too much fun doing is threatening people on my agent. 😂

"He's asking, I'm telling. You're going to help us with a heist or I'm going to rip you out of there and beat you within an inch of your life." 🗡️

Haven't had to follow through with any of my treats yet and so far no one has called my numerous bluffs. When that happens though, I am likely going to have to go all agent-y and torture someone and then -> ::Theron greatly disproves:: 😅

I love my agent being the scary one lol

Agent using the most sophisticated Dromund Kaas accent, saying cold sweet words about the 101 ways of *censored torture technique with a dagger* and Theron says "or you can talk to ol' friendly me to spare us both the unpleasant scenario"

It works every time.

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1 hour ago, VilianSW said:

Looks like in 7.3 people romancing Arcann and Torian will at least have a chance to hear some nice things from their loved ones. What about us? T.T

idk if it's worth holding out hope that Theron is gonna show up but in such a small capacity that they just didn't mention him 😪, but, agreed.  adorable worried Theron in 7.2 was a lovely surprise but gdi we deserve a proper conversation, or a flirt, or a quick kiss, or anything.... unless I am wrong literally the last one we had was..... way back at EoO intro....???!!! 😶 

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He's so sweet when worried, and that letter from him afterwards, oh my poor heart 💜

Got no hope for anything Theron-related in 7.3 tho, am so sad about it T.T
Still, two alts having a conversation with their loved ones is pretty good. Could be worse.

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