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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I think it's normal that Theron is so well welcomed in this comunity because he is one of the few male characters that is suitable for a LI and also because he is an intriguing character for his background story 😊

let's just say that this thread is going on for a bit even because now he is not having so much screen play recently - reading a bit online. so it's a bit sad this and people are a bit worried for this I guess.

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I think it's normal that Theron is so well welcomed in this comunity because he is one of the few male characters that is suitable for a LI and also because he is an intriguing character for his background story 😊

let's just say that this thread is going on for a bit even because now he is not having so much screen play recently - reading a bit online. so it's a bit sad this and people are a bit worried for this I guess.


I'd say they've done pretty well with Onslaught and Echoes (even though they've given him nothing important to do really outside of helping in echoes I guess) but mostly on the imp side for Onslaught where he is more present and seems to get better scenes. Pub side could use work. It was a nice touch allowing us to tell him we were Saboteur, it would have been really weird if we couldn't tell him. But ultimately so far they've done decent. Although I don't like how now Lana is the default character you must report to ALL the time. In their bad decision making they pretty much made her seem even more saturated than before. But I agree with the other poster earlier, he should at the very least be around everytime Lana is when it concerns something important. We want him to still feel like he IS one of your closest advisor's and not demoted to just some alliance member which would make no sense as he still should feel like our closest friend.


But yes, you're right. He is one of the only suitable male LI's for both genders who was main story relevant, and has been with us as long as Lana has. Out of all the male characters you spend the most time developing with him. And there's really no way for them to recapture OR replace that. You can introduce new male and female LI's but none of them will ever have that time and development you had with Lana or Theron over the course of years and expansions. That's why for the life of me I still can't understand who ever co-signed on that nathema option and felt it was a good idea to possibly limit the only major option we have that's directly comparable with Lana especially after doing the fans dirty in kotfe with his absence. But I appreciate this thread because it shows people won't just forget about Theron no matter how many times the writers try to write him out. Props to all of you and the streamers who were here posting before I got here, and even got the attention of Boyd himself, you've probably helped in saving Theron from fading away thus far.

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unfortunately I am still at the end of the Ilum storyline ( still have to start the two fps ) so I am not in the full Theron&Lana story mode. but reading online and watching videos on youtube, I pretty much made up my mind on what to expect from this game.

it is a bit sad to hear that he will have less screenplay than Lana - I don't hate her, but obviously it baffles me a bit this.

I just hope that as long as we "write" about him and everything, and the fan base has these high numbers, he will not be put aside or forgotten 🖤

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unfortunately I am still at the end of the Ilum storyline ( still have to start the two fps ) so I am not in the full Theron&Lana story mode. but reading online and watching videos on youtube, I pretty much made up my mind on what to expect from this game.

it is a bit sad to hear that he will have less screenplay than Lana - I don't hate her, but obviously it baffles me a bit this.

I just hope that as long as we "write" about him and everything, and the fan base has these high numbers, he will not be put aside or forgotten 🖤


It was like that before, wait until you get to KOTFE and you'll see what posters like Goreshaga were talking about. In SoR and in all the content pre-kotfe they were pretty much equal representitives of the pub and imp side respectfully, with KOTFE was the shift.


Well there was this post




Which made everyone hopeful about the future, but yeah. "Part of the story" can mean anything, they may consider having 1 line or two in a scene being "part of the story". He did say that both Lana and Theron would take a backseat as characters compared to before, but Lana is still somewhat treated as more involved in alliance matters, also more dialogue with the newer characters. Unlike before, they now have to be careful with how much they give to him which means Lana HAS to be the default for everything and it also means Lana still gets to do all the cool story stuff without fear of them disrupting the story, while Theron as a character has to go on being more background. Though him being included in Echoes of Oblivion did give us a shred of hope they'd do right by him. While I don't share as much hate for lana as some other posters I can understand it, as the devs kinda slapped theron fans AND pub players in the face multiple times.



Continuously painted imperials in a better light, made pub characters either betray you, or get no development. Sideline theron for the first half of kotfe even when it doesn't make sense for a romanced theron not to be there, make characters we never even met more involved with your rescue. Don't get to see him until chapter 9, then the first mission you get with him he goes away literally in the first 5 minutes of the mission and never comes back again, even in his main story mission infiltrating the party, he doesn't get as much dialogue or interaction as he should have. After a whole expansion of misuse, they give him an arc in which he again leaves the player's side while lana remains with us for every mission while bad mouthing him, they write the arc in a way that he causes so much stuff to happen, but ultimately was doing it for you and to save the alliance, but then they also reward that with a kill option. So in essence. Lana got to be the champion hero saviour of the commander in KOTFE. But when it was Theron's time to be the great hero they had to bury that onto so much other drama and then ultimately give him a death option for it. What's hilarious is that if you choose that option, Lana talks about how he gave his life to protect the alliance, and i'm like what? he didn't give it, we literally left him lmao. It's almost like the devs were trying to confirm for us through Lana that Theron did infact save everyone, and we were wrong for leaving him but it's like if you were going to do that, the option shouldn't have been there to begin with.



But don't let the future disparage you so much. You're in for A LOT of good content with him. You'll enjoy it :p

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reading things online and watching youtube videos, I pretty much know what I am going to do and what the game has for me. I already planned in advance some things, like for example not romancing some crew members so I can have the option of Theron - and even Arcann for one of my characters and Scourge for another - or deciding which side going and different other choices that people in the past, without knowing the story and the future storylines, couldn't do. for that I should be lucky to know a bit more of the future expansions that will attend me 🤣 so I am so curious.
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reading things online and watching youtube videos, I pretty much know what I am going to do and what the game has for me. I already planned in advance some things, like for example not romancing some crew members so I can have the option of Theron - and even Arcann for one of my characters and Scourge for another - or deciding which side going and different other choices that people in the past, without knowing the story and the future storylines, couldn't do. for that I should be lucky to know a bit more of the future expansions that will attend me 🤣 so I am so curious.


Which side is your character? because if this is your first time doing the SoR content you might want to go Pub first before Imp as Pubs have more stuff going on with Theron in SoR


And yeah the only downside about romancing people like Scourge or Arcann, there's a very small chance of them being relevant in the story content or having as much romance dialogue as Lana or Theron going forward. So just be aware of that. I romanced scourge on one of my knight's but i'm also aware that he'll most likely get nothing else for a long while.

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Which side is your character? because if this is your first time doing the SoR content you might want to go Pub first before Imp as Pubs have more stuff going on with Theron in SoR


And yeah the only downside about romancing people like Scourge or Arcann, there's a very small chance of them being relevant in the story content or having as much romance dialogue as Lana or Theron going forward. So just be aware of that. I romanced scourge on one of my knight's but i'm also aware that he'll most likely get nothing else for a long while.


Scourge didn't even get a romance scene in Echo of Oblivion!!!

The Rage!!

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But when it was Theron's time to be the great hero they had to bury that onto so much other drama and then ultimately give him a death option for it. What's hilarious is that if you choose that option, Lana talks about how he gave his life to protect the alliance, and i'm like what? he didn't give it, we literally left him lmao. It's almost like the devs were trying to confirm for us through Lana that Theron did infact save everyone, and we were wrong for leaving him but it's like if you were going to do that, the option shouldn't have been there to begin with.



Thank god I never take/haven't yet taken the leave/kill option for Theron because this may have made me rage quit the game. Now I've seen this, my darkest of dark characters I've avoided putting through the Nathema conspiracy will let Theron live. Lana saying something stupid like that is something I don't want to experience.


Question for those who might know:


I'm convinced I read a Dev post either from a stream, Twitter post or on the forums in which is was stated that Theron will stay dead for those who chose to leave him. I can't find that anywhere though. Did I dream it? Anyone know? If not I can go back to hoping that at some point they "undead" Theron


Scourge didn't even get a romance scene in Echo of Oblivion!!!

The Rage!!

You'll be wanting this thread! :D
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Which side is your character? because if this is your first time doing the SoR content you might want to go Pub first before Imp as Pubs have more stuff going on with Theron in SoR


And yeah the only downside about romancing people like Scourge or Arcann, there's a very small chance of them being relevant in the story content or having as much romance dialogue as Lana or Theron going forward. So just be aware of that. I romanced scourge on one of my knight's but i'm also aware that he'll most likely get nothing else for a long while.


I have 10 characters in total ( 5 pubs and 5 imps ) and I decided to go on the story with the JK, like it was the main one so I can see also the story. and yes, I imagine that the romance with Scourge and Arcann don't have much screenplay. infact I will play the romance with a couple of my characters that aren't so important X°D so I know what will attend me.

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Scourge didn't even get a romance scene in Echo of Oblivion!!!

The Rage!!


RIP Scourgemancers. Yeah I don't expect much from Scourge maybe back in the day when they had more funds to do BIG expansions, but not now. I pretty much retired my knight who romanced scourge until further notice.


But he did get one after echoes was complete, and after he "settled down" a bit.


:eek: -snip-


I think I know what you're referring to, and I believe it was Boyd on reddit who said something like

"I have no plans to bring theron back for those that left him. he's dead".



For me I don't really care so much about "undeading" on other's playthroughs, let the few edgelords who chose that path keep him that way, as long as they keep his content consistent and frequent as it was with Lana, and continue to treat him as canonically alive in promotional content (him being in the echoes teaser), keep him consistent in any expanded content....Onslaught, Echoes etc, i'm good. Because we ABSOLUTELY need a male LI to remain equal with Lana, otherwise it's not fair to 2 demographics of players.


I have 10 characters in total ( 5 pubs and 5 imps ) and I decided to go on the story with the JK, like it was the main one so I can see also the story. and yes, I imagine that the romance with Scourge and Arcann don't have much screenplay. infact I will play the romance with a couple of my characters that aren't so important X°D so I know what will attend me.


Ah, well pretty good choice as JK seems to be the closest to the "canonical outlander".

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RIP Scourgemancers. Yeah I don't expect much from Scourge maybe back in the day when they had more funds to do BIG expansions, but not now. I pretty much retired my knight who romanced scourge until further notice.


But he did get one after echoes was complete, and after he "settled down" a bit.



Wait, he has one after echoes? I thought you only get a letter from him.


At least Theron has a romance scene in echoes because I thought they will only put a Scourge/Kira romance scene in it. My JK was like: What? no romance for me? at all? After ALL this Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion ****?! *recite the Jedi code*. Meanwhile my Agent was like: Ahhh, kisses from Theron before I stab some fake ghosts and meet my mother in law. Neat *sharpen knives*.


I don't care as long as they kept writing Theron in the story. We need balance.

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Wait, he has one after echoes? I thought you only get a letter from him.


At least Theron has a romance scene in echoes because I thought they will only put a Scourge/Kira romance scene in it. My JK was like: What? no romance for me? at all? After ALL this Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion ****?! *recite the Jedi code*. Meanwhile my Agent was like: Ahhh, kisses from Theron before I stab some fake ghosts and meet my mother in law. Neat *sharpen knives*.


I don't care as long as they kept writing Theron in the story. We need balance.


I don't even know, maybe I just did the alert late, all I know is I got the romance scene/kiss with Scourge after echoes completed.


And i'm 100% with you. I was not bluffing when I said the moment Theron stops getting scenes or included in the story is the moment I stop playing this game. The companions I felt close with in the vanilla story will NEVER get as much content down the road as we would like, there's simply too many of them for Bioware to make everyone happy, so they will always have to pick and choose "which vanilla companion comes back this time" which will always leave people from other class stories inevitably feeling left out. So Theron was the compromise. The one guaranteed constant. One of the last my character feels invested in continuing the story with, he goes? with the vanilla companions only showing up every once in a while? there's nothing really to keep me playing.. Him being in the echoes trailer however reassured me that they have been listening to us thus far.

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Wait, he has one after echoes? I thought you only get a letter from him.

I know this isn't the forum but I didn't get this scene on my character who romanced Scourge either. Is there a video link? Edit: there appear to be only two cutscenes after echoes:

one with Satele and the other with Lana (yep her yet again


RIP Scourgemancers. Yeah I don't expect much from Scourge maybe back in the day when they had more funds to do BIG expansions, but not now. I pretty much retired my knight who romanced scourge until further notice.


But he did get one after echoes was complete, and after he "settled down" a bit.

Are you sure you're not thinking of Onslaught? That's the only time there is a Scourge scene like that

I think I know what you're referring to, and I believe it was Boyd on reddit who said something like

"I have no plans to bring theron back for those that left him. he's dead".

That was probably where I saw it. I'd love to know their thinking/reasoning behind giving Theron a kill option. It makes no sense at all since he was acting as an undercover spy and hadn't really turned against the Alliance.

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I don't even know, maybe I just did the alert late, all I know is I got the romance scene/kiss with Scourge after echoes completed.


And i'm 100% with you. I was not bluffing when I said the moment Theron stops getting scenes or included in the story is the moment I stop playing this game. The companions I felt close with in the vanilla story will NEVER get as much content down the road as we would like, there's simply too many of them for Bioware to make everyone happy, so they will always have to pick and choose "which vanilla companion comes back this time" which will always leave people from other class stories inevitably feeling left out. So Theron was the compromise. The one guaranteed constant. One of the last my character feels invested in continuing the story with, he goes? with the vanilla companions only showing up every once in a while? there's nothing really to keep me playing.. Him being in the echoes trailer however reassured me that they have been listening to us thus far.


I agree...if they ever ditch Theron, this forum will light up like a Life Day tree with Theron threads, and I would definitely be posting in all of them. Luckily, my other fav romance from the vanilla ones is Torian...at least he was treated pretty well (compared to others). But yea...I could talk all day about Theron, which reminds me I still need to romance him on the Imp side.

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I know this isn't the forum but I didn't get this scene on my character who romanced Scourge either. Is there a video link? Edit: there appear to be only two cutscenes after echoes:

one with Satele and the other with Lana (yep her yet again


Are you sure you're not thinking of Onslaught? That's the only time there is a Scourge scene like that


That was probably where I saw it. I'd love to know their thinking/reasoning behind giving Theron a kill option. It makes no sense at all since he was acting as an undercover spy and hadn't really turned against the Alliance.


I honestly don't know. Either I was bugged or something. Because Scourge/Kira didn't give me an alert until after echoes completion lol.


As for Theron honestly I think it was originally a money and time situation. If you look at the stats back then, swtor lost a lot of players. Maybe they had to start cutting back. "One must go, so lets get rid of the one a few vocal males groan about existing because they just want a haram of half naked women comps, plus we already underused him, it's fair game, the women and gay male players will find someone else". But then changed course when they realized that a few vocal dudes (whom more than likely chose every 3rd option to annoy or anger theron in the first place giving him a reason to be antagonistic to them, but then complaining about it) on a twitter don't make up the majority opinion. One thing's for certain the few edgelords who hate him REALLY hate him, like obsessively. I had to shutdown one of them who kept harassing illevagaming on her twitter because he knew she was a huge fan so he would go on all her post trying to bait her. Which was just bizarre to me, VERY sweet girl, causes no confrontation with nobody.


I agree...if they ever ditch Theron, this forum will light up like a Life Day tree with Theron threads, and I would definitely be posting in all of them. Luckily, my other fav romance from the vanilla ones is Torian...at least he was treated pretty well (compared to others). But yea...I could talk all day about Theron, which reminds me I still need to romance him on the Imp side.


Initially you get less direct time with him as Lana is the one you report to until Minaan when Theron finally shows up. But it's nice. There's more of a cautious theron when romancing him on Imp side, but it's well done. Imp side also gets some good scenes in Onslaught with him.

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I honestly don't know. Either I was bugged or something. Because Scourge/Kira didn't give me an alert until after echoes completion lol.


As for Theron honestly I think it was originally a money and time situation. If you look at the stats back then, swtor lost a lot of players. Maybe they had to start cutting back. "One must go, so lets get rid of the one a few vocal males groan about existing because they just want a haram of half naked women comps, plus we already underused him, it's fair game, the women and gay male players will find someone else". But then changed course when they realized that a few vocal dudes (whom more than likely chose every 3rd option to annoy or anger theron in the first place giving him a reason to be antagonistic to them, but then complaining about it) on a twitter don't make up the majority opinion. One thing's for certain the few edgelords who hate him REALLY hate him, like obsessively. I had to shutdown one of them who kept harassing illevagaming on her twitter because he knew she was a huge fan so he would go on all her post trying to bait her. Which was just bizarre to me, VERY sweet girl, causes no confrontation with nobody.




Initially you get less direct time with him as Lana is the one you report to until Minaan when Theron finally shows up. But it's nice. There's more of a cautious theron when romancing him on Imp side, but it's well done. Imp side also gets some good scenes in Onslaught with him.


I watched illevagaming on youtube recently because of datacron hunting. Her channels are great.

Some people are simply misogynist an they love to do anything to announce it when a woman expresses her interest in a male character.


Funny how they dismiss straight women (they prob don't even consider gay men exist in enough number their player base) when the biggest swtor fan database are build by women (dulfy and swtorista) but hurr durr more metal bikini slave girls amiright.


Enough salt. Let's talk about more Theron.


My fav and "canon" Theron romance is with male Imperial Agent.

They are, in every way possible, the impossible match.

How could an IA fall in love with a SIS agent? After what the SIS did to them?

Does Theron secretly panic when he, the top SIS agent, fall head to toe the first time he sees Cipher Nine?

I just love the tension. And the dialogue is more interesting to me because they are work rivals.

It's The Spy Who Loves Me plus Enemy to Friends to Lovers lol


And then, in Nathema



One of the possibility is that the SIS chief would show up and accuses Cipher Nine for "sinking their claws onto Theron and possess him" (paraphrasing). I love how the SIS, who never supports Theron when he really needs it, accuses the Evil Imperial Spy for "corrupting" their best agent. It kinda hurts because Theron was the one who fooled Cipher Nine. *chef's kiss*



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I watched illevagaming on youtube recently because of datacron hunting. Her channels are great.

Some people are simply misogynist an they love to do anything to announce it when a woman expresses her interest in a male character.


Funny how they dismiss straight women (they prob don't even consider gay men exist in enough number their player base) when the biggest swtor fan database are build by women (dulfy and swtorista) but hurr durr more metal bikini slave girls amiright.


Enough salt. Let's talk about more Theron.


My fav and "canon" Theron romance is with male Imperial Agent.

They are, in every way possible, the impossible match.

How could an IA fall in love with a SIS agent? After what the SIS did to them?

Does Theron secretly panic when he, the top SIS agent, fall head to toe the first time he sees Cipher Nine?

I just love the tension. And the dialogue is more interesting to me because they are work rivals.

It's The Spy Who Loves Me plus Enemy to Friends to Lovers lol


And then, in Nathema



One of the possibility is that the SIS chief would show up and accuses Cipher Nine for "sinking their claws onto Theron and possess him" (paraphrasing). I love how the SIS, who never supports Theron when he really needs it, accuses the Evil Imperial Spy for "corrupting" their best agent. It kinda hurts because Theron was the one who fooled Cipher Nine. *chef's kiss*



I also think that there is a very high number of female players, that choose both male LI and female LI. BW just has to give the options always - even for gay male players that want to romance dear Theron 🖤

but one thing that I really hate is when I go on the Fleet ( especially Imperial ) and see many Asharas o Lanas in slave bikinis..... ***?! 🙄


as for the spoiler.... REALLY?! I have to see something of this on youtube X°D so curious now.

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I watched illevagaming on youtube recently because of datacron hunting. Her channels are great.

Some people are simply misogynist an they love to do anything to announce it when a woman expresses her interest in a male character.


Funny how they dismiss straight women (they prob don't even consider gay men exist in enough number their player base) when the biggest swtor fan database are build by women (dulfy and swtorista) but hurr durr more metal bikini slave girls amiright.


Enough salt. Let's talk about more Theron.


My fav and "canon" Theron romance is with male Imperial Agent.

They are, in every way possible, the impossible match.

How could an IA fall in love with a SIS agent? After what the SIS did to them?

Does Theron secretly panic when he, the top SIS agent, fall head to toe the first time he sees Cipher Nine?

I just love the tension. And the dialogue is more interesting to me because they are work rivals.

It's The Spy Who Loves Me plus Enemy to Friends to Lovers lol


And then, in Nathema



One of the possibility is that the SIS chief would show up and accuses Cipher Nine for "sinking their claws onto Theron and possess him" (paraphrasing). I love how the SIS, who never supports Theron when he really needs it, accuses the Evil Imperial Spy for "corrupting" their best agent. It kinda hurts because Theron was the one who fooled Cipher Nine. *chef's kiss*



They should. I always see male players running around with Therons on Odessan lol. He kinda has to be their LI since he was the only main one Bioware ever gave them LOL.


I have to try a IA with Theron, so far I have liked both Knight and Sith Warrior/Inquisitor. The sith is so unexpected (even satele mentions that) because you have a character, Theron, whom has had his difficult times with the Jedi and their beliefs and then ends up falling for a sith of all people. And he always has this sarcastic/cautious tone hanging around two sith (you and lana). I also like some of the dialogue like on Yavin 4 you can proposition Theron on becoming a sith and he's like "And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you". It makes some other plot points in the story seem that much better like when Theron tells you to spare his Jedi friends. On a knight him telling you this doesn't hit that hard, but on a Sith it does. There's this huge dynamic of him wanting to trust you but not entirely sure of your nature yet.


It's even more of a blast playing an Inquisitor. Being brought up a slave, shaped to be untrusting and kind of hardcore sith in the beginning vanilla story but meeting Theron (another loner who doesn't trust easily) and starting to shift more into a neutral/good character. It makes the saboteur story on the imp side that much better.

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I have to try a IA with Theron, so far I have liked both Knight and Sith Warrior/Inquisitor. The sith is so unexpected (even satele mentions that) because you have a character, Theron, whom has had his difficult times with the Jedi and their beliefs and then ends up falling for a sith of all people. And he always has this sarcastic/cautious tone hanging around two sith (you and lana). I also like some of the dialogue like on Yavin 4 you can proposition Theron on becoming a sith and he's like "And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you". It makes some other plot points in the story seem that much better like when Theron tells you to spare his Jedi friends. On a knight him telling you this doesn't hit that hard, but on a Sith it does. There's this huge dynamic of him wanting to trust you but not entirely sure of your nature yet.


It's even more of a blast playing an Inquisitor. Being brought up a slave, shaped to be untrusting and kind of hardcore sith in the beginning vanilla story but meeting Theron (another loner who doesn't trust easily) and starting to shift more into a neutral/good character. It makes the saboteur story on the imp side that much better.


I too have created a second IA that is going LS with an obvious finale at her vanilla story 🤣 so you are doing the saboteur story with you SI? I think I will do it with my SW instead

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I also like some of the dialogue like on Yavin 4 you can proposition Theron on becoming a sith and he's like "And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you".

What the whating what????? I've never got this on any of my sith who romanced Theron. What conversation option do you need to take to get this response (meanwhile frantically creating alt No.62 to romance Theron and get this frapsed)!!

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What the whating what????? I've never got this on any of my sith who romanced Theron. What conversation option do you need to take to get this response (meanwhile frantically creating alt No.62 to romance Theron and get this frapsed)!!


when he takes you aside to speak with you privately, telling you that he doesn't have to be intune with the force to understand that if Revan wins, they all die. and you, instead of answering with the phrase "The Force serves me" you have to respond "No lightsaber for you" ✌🏻

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when he takes you aside to speak with you privately, telling you that he doesn't have to be intune with the force to understand that if Revan wins, they all die. and you, instead of answering with the phrase "The Force serves me" you have to respond "No lightsaber for you" ✌🏻

Thank you!

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no worries. sorry gals ( and eventually guys here XD ) for going off topic but I would like a hand if you could ç_ç

speaking today of Illeva, I wanted to ask you all if you could help me finding a piece of the armor that she uses on her SI, that I am struggling to find from months with no luck ç_ç

the belt is this one:



the only one that I found similar are the calculated mercenary and the dashing blademaster, but both of them have those "pieces" on both sides.




in case you could help me? ç_ç because here in the forum nobody answered me 😭

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I also think that there is a very high number of female players, that choose both male LI and female LI. BW just has to give the options always - even for gay male players that want to romance dear Theron 🖤

but one thing that I really hate is when I go on the Fleet ( especially Imperial ) and see many Asharas o Lanas in slave bikinis..... ***?! 🙄


as for the spoiler.... REALLY?! I have to see something of this on youtube X°D so curious now.


Ah, the metal bikinis. People lose their **** when I say it's only fair there's a male version.

Agent and Agent Shan are fun. You can try to recruit him and he'll say "suuuuure everyone in the Empire would believe I'm not secretly working for my mom" XD

The Nathema scene is here:


They should. I always see male players running around with Therons on Odessan lol. He kinda has to be their LI since he was the only main one Bioware ever gave them LOL.


I have to try a IA with Theron, so far I have liked both Knight and Sith Warrior/Inquisitor. The sith is so unexpected (even satele mentions that) because you have a character, Theron, whom has had his difficult times with the Jedi and their beliefs and then ends up falling for a sith of all people. And he always has this sarcastic/cautious tone hanging around two sith (you and lana). I also like some of the dialogue like on Yavin 4 you can proposition Theron on becoming a sith and he's like "And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you". It makes some other plot points in the story seem that much better like when Theron tells you to spare his Jedi friends. On a knight him telling you this doesn't hit that hard, but on a Sith it does. There's this huge dynamic of him wanting to trust you but not entirely sure of your nature yet.


It's even more of a blast playing an Inquisitor. Being brought up a slave, shaped to be untrusting and kind of hardcore sith in the beginning vanilla story but meeting Theron (another loner who doesn't trust easily) and starting to shift more into a neutral/good character. It makes the saboteur story on the imp side that much better.


And I'll have to level a new SW and SI for Theron. If there's an option to skip the class story and start from Forged Alliance, I'll probably spend an unhealthy amount of cc just to replay the sweet romance scenes with Theron lol


"And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you"

Oh, Theron, you can be the Wrath's Hand ;)

My SI, while not romanced with Theron, does act nicer with him around. They don't have to prove their "worth", it is a different but better way to become more powerful. (And they had fun playing as a pirate back on Rishi, so kudos to Theron and Lana who came up with the idea)

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