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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

same, that cracked me up instantly 🤣🤣


23 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The holster stays on lol

Yep lol

The funniest part here is that it's more or less what he looked like when he killed Darth Karrid (except for the metal part and the glued hoster, but that's pretty much all he was wearing) 🤣

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50 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The cybernetic look is actually nice. I especially like the back view.

If only the butt/crotch flap is not there.

yeah, I wish the flap was missing, BUT thankfully it blends in with the pants ok.  I love the back, it looks way too good 😏

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Finally came back to play the new (to me) content, and I'm still lying on the floor in shock and awe after that amazing Torian scene. But Theron hasn't shown up at all - does he appear in "Old Wounds"? It's probably not worth putting my Theronmancer(s) through this content yet, otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, Tarlonniel said:

Finally came back to play the new (to me) content, and I'm still lying on the floor in shock and awe after that amazing Torian scene. But Theron hasn't shown up at all - does he appear in "Old Wounds"? It's probably not worth putting my Theronmancer(s) through this content yet, otherwise.

He does, yeah, he is in one scene

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So, I know we have discussed this topic before and I think lots of people had different headcanons to explain things, I know I had my own headcanons to explain.  But I have a completely new thought on it and wanted to share.  That topic being: Theron not going with Lana and the PC at the end of EoO. 

To clarify my own position/thought process, I know some people take issue with him not being there when his LI wakes up, which is fair, but that part did not ever bother me, woulda been nice of course but didn't bother me as is.  The thing I always felt the need to explain was why, other than being a very caring and helpful boy who saw Satele's students as needing more help than anyone else, Theron would go with Kira and Scourge who he barely knows as opposed to going with Lana and the PC who are headed back home.  IMO this made little sense regardless of romancing him.


All that said, something I realized completely out the blue this morning and for some unknown reason never clocked before: when talking to the PC, Satele says Theron, Kira, and Scourge are helping her students get back to Coruscant, and that Senya and Arcann went back to Odessen, and we know the PC is with Lana in another ship.  But Satele never actually says where SHE is.  It makes no sense she stayed on that big ship all by herself for no reason, right?  She is still unsconsious just like the PC is since they are in the mind scape together, and everyone on the ship would not just leave her there, be like LOL BYE SATELE, and bunk off.

So isn't it actually 100% more likely that she is being taken back to Coruscant as well and that THAT is why Theron goes with them??? 

I mean, in hindsight it feels silly that they would not have just had her say that in the scene to make it make more sense for people, but like, we know she didn't leave with Senya and Arcann or Lana and PC, so of course she would have been taken with her other students, right??

And Theron went on that entire mission to help his mother so of COURSE he would have gone where she goes.  He hasn't seen her in ages and he did all this to make sure she was safe.  Yeah his LI might still be unconscious too from the ritual too and he might want to be there when they wake up, and in any other situation he absolutely would, but he also knows they aren't in any danger, everyone is just waking up at different times, and he will see them again soon, whereas he hasn't seen Satele since....... ya know, unless I am forgetting something huge, I don't think he has seen her since WAY BEFORE THE START OF KOTFE.  😯  In my mind there is NO QUESTION that in that situation, he would choose to go where Satele is and help her and see her for the first time in literally years and make sure she's safe, and then explain that to his LI when he gets home who he knows would be completely understanding.

Just some food for thought and I guess because we don't know for sure, this is still a HC, but IMO this makes 100% sense and now officially no doubt in my mind has got to be what actually happened but just wasn't explained for some reason.

Edited by cannibithobbal
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10 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

So, I know we have discussed this topic before and I think lots of people had different headcanons to explain things, I know I had my own headcanons to explain.  But I have a completely new thought on it and wanted to share.  That topic being: Theron not going with Lana and the PC at the end of EoO. 

To clarify my own position/thought process, I know some people take issue with him not being there when his LI wakes up, which is fair, but that part did not ever bother me, woulda been nice of course but didn't bother me as is.  The thing I always felt the need to explain was why, other than being a very caring and helpful boy who saw Satele's students as needing more help than anyone else, Theron would go with Kira and Scourge who he barely knows as opposed to going with Lana and the PC who are headed back home.  IMO this made little sense regardless of romancing him.


All that said, something I realized completely out the blue this morning and for some unknown reason never clocked before: when talking to the PC, Satele says Theron, Kira, and Scourge are helping her students get back to Coruscant, and that Senya and Arcann went back to Odessen, and we know the PC is with Lana in another ship.  But Satele never actually says where SHE is.  It makes no sense she stayed on that big ship all by herself for no reason, right?  She is still unsconsious just like the PC is since they are in the mind scape together, and everyone on the ship would not just leave her there, be like LOL BYE SATELE, and bunk off.

So isn't it actually 100% more likely that she is being taken back to Coruscant as well and that THAT is why Theron goes with them??? 

I mean, in hindsight it feels silly that they would not have just had her say that in the scene to make it make more sense for people, but like, we know she didn't leave with Senya and Arcann or Lana and PC, so of course she would have been taken with her other students, right??

And Theron went on that entire mission to help his mother so of COURSE he would have gone where she goes.  He hasn't seen her in ages and he did all this to make sure she was safe.  Yeah his LI might still be unconscious too from the ritual too and he might want to be there when they wake up, and in any other situation he absolutely would, but he also knows they aren't in any danger, everyone is just waking up at different times, and he will see them again soon, whereas he hasn't seen Satele since....... ya know, unless I am forgetting something huge, I don't think he has seen her since WAY BEFORE THR START OF KOTFE.  😯  In my mind there is NO QUESTION that in that situation, he would choose to go where Satele is and help her and see her for the first time in literally years and make sure she's safe, and then explain that to his LI when he gets home who would be completely understanding.

Just some food for thought and I guess because we don't know for sure, this is still a HC, but IMO this makes 100% sense and now officially no doubt in my mind has got to be what actually happened but just wasn't explained for some reason.

Yeah, sorry but for me that whole situation makes absolutely no sense.

We had to be physically close to Satele to enter her mindscape, and considering we're the last one there with her, it would've made infinitely more sense for Theron, Kira and Scourge to take both the PC and Satele with them and Satele's students, and have the PC wake up to them. And considering the size of the shuttle you could fit everybody in there (there are a dozen people in a smaller shuttle in KOTET 1, so i'll never believe that shuttle was to small to fit 11 people, and that's including the 2 dead ones), especially considering Arcann and Senya took the second shuttle.

And if we didn't need to still be physically close to Satele, then it makes no sense that Arcann and Senya didn't take the PC with them as they were going back to Odessen anyways, so it would not have changed anything for them to have one more person in that shuttle, as it was definitely big enough for 3 people since Theron came with them in that shuttle.

The one and only situation where it kinda sorta make sense is for a DS PC who killed everybody else and Lana was there the whole time, and took them in the shuttle she took herself to get there, but even then it doesn't change that if the PC needed to be close to Satele to stay in her mindscape (which would make the most sense, especially considering we had to go to her in the first place to enter), then it still doesn't make sense that we'd be in a completely different location than her.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

We had to be physically close to Satele to enter her mindscape


Just going to respond to this one point to say that if Satele could maintain the mindscape while the PC was off on another ship, clearly proximity to STAY IN is not important, so she could easily be on another ship.

And yes, Theron, Kira, and Scourge COULD have taken the PC with them, or the PC could have gone with Arcann and Senya, but they didn't.  That didn't happen.  And my post was not meant to debate the merits of whether what did happen on screen was good or bad, or to explain why Lana was there, but to try and explain specifically why Theron went with Kira and Scourge, and I think him going wherever Satele went makes complete sense.  And we have no better explanation for where Satele went, so to me it makes sense she went with Kira, Scourge, and Theron.

Like I said, that's now my theory and I'm sticking to it.  Doesn't have to be anyone else's, but just wanted to share it because I think it makes a lot of sense.

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7 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I loved EoO I can't say anything bad about it except LANA LANA LANA (Brady Bunch Reference).

I also love EoO and can't say anything bad about it.  It is one of my favorite FPs.


p.s. My post was not discussing Lana or the merits of her involvement in EoO at all, so going out your way to complain about her while making no actual thoughtful responses to the topic I actually made a post about it is just really unnecessary negativity and frankly off topic lol  Please keep discussion on topic about Theron, not comments that are just unprovoked hate that adds nothing to the conversation.  Thanks.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Just going to debate this one point to point out that if Satele could maintain the mindscape while the PC was off on another ship, clearly proximity to STAY IN is not important, so she could easily be on another ship.

And yes, Theron, Kira, and Scourge COULD have taken the PC with them, or the PC could have gone with Arcann and Senya, but they didn't.  That didn't happen.  And my post was not meant to debate the merits of whether what did happen on screen was good or bad, but to try and explain specifically why Theron went with Kira and Scourge, and I think him going wherever Satele went makes complete sense.  And we have no better explanation for where Satele went, so to me it makes sense she went with Kira, Scourge, and Theron.

Like I said, that's now my theory and I'm sticking to it.  Doesn't have to be anyone else's, but just wanted to share it because I think it makes a lot of sense.

It's quite logical they would have taken Satele with them, otherwise Theron would have absolutely no reason to leave both his mother and his lover to go with random people he doesn't even know, but that won't change my opinion that the whole scene as it is just doesn't make sense and therefore doesn't work at all, because neither the Theron/Kira/Scourge nor the Arcann/Senya group had any valid, logical reason to leave you and only you behind just so that Lana had to come all the way from Odessen to pick you up, even more so when the Arcann/Senya group was heading back TO Odessen anyways.

So again the only situation where this scene works is if Theron, Arcann and Senya are all dead and Lana was there to begin with. It would've been far more logical to simply wake up on Odessen and have someone explain that either Arcann/Senya if they're alive or Lana took you back or to wake up to Arcann/Senya in the shuttle instead of Lana if they're alive, at the very least you'd have a scene that works, even if then you assume Theron went to Coruscant with his mother and asked the people who were there and heading back to Odessen to take care of you while he's not there, or simply have everybody wake up to Kira and Scourge who were the only two characters who were there regardless of player's choices, instead of everyone just abandoning you there for the one person who wasn't there to have to come all the way to pick you up.

Edited by Goreshaga
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The beginning with Lana was fine! I was not upset by that at all! I didn't understand why Theron mentioned he was fine on Ziost, when Lana was okay too, but I was fine with her worrying and apologizing for it. Her randomly showing up at the end was WEIRD. Especially if you romanced ARCANN okay. I think it's fine if you romanced her, but for your other lovers to just be like "Yeah, Lana go wake up babe for me, thanks." Makes no sense.

Theron is fine to help mama out, why not carry BH into his bunk on his shuttle.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

So, I know we have discussed this topic before and I think lots of people had different headcanons to explain things, I know I had my own headcanons to explain.  But I have a completely new thought on it and wanted to share.  That topic being: Theron not going with Lana and the PC at the end of EoO. 

To clarify my own position/thought process, I know some people take issue with him not being there when his LI wakes up, which is fair, but that part did not ever bother me, woulda been nice of course but didn't bother me as is.  The thing I always felt the need to explain was why, other than being a very caring and helpful boy who saw Satele's students as needing more help than anyone else, Theron would go with Kira and Scourge who he barely knows as opposed to going with Lana and the PC who are headed back home.  IMO this made little sense regardless of romancing him.

All that said, something I realized completely out the blue this morning and for some unknown reason never clocked before: when talking to the PC, Satele says Theron, Kira, and Scourge are helping her students get back to Coruscant, and that Senya and Arcann went back to Odessen, and we know the PC is with Lana in another ship. 

🤔 Personally, the reason the wake-up on the ship bothers me is because Lana had to fly all the way back from Odessen to be there. It seems like a lot of wasted fuel and resources to call on someone not even in the same system to come and pick up the Outlander, when there are plenty of other capable people around to help with the transport. Why could the Outlander not have travelled with Arcann and Senya if they are alive for the player? Makes more sense to travel back with them. That there just stinks of laziness on the developer's part. Plus, Lana picking up the PC denies Kira and Scourge the screentime and development they could have gotten. I don't even know either of them and I wish they could have been around more. Having them there would have worked for all players, since as far as I know, both are alive for everyone. 

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

But Satele never actually says where SHE is.  It makes no sense she stayed on that big ship all by herself for no reason, right?  She is still unsconsious just like the PC is since they are in the mind scape together, and everyone on the ship would not just leave her there, be like LOL BYE SATELE, and bunk off.

So isn't it actually 100% more likely that she is being taken back to Coruscant as well and that THAT is why Theron goes with them??? 

I mean, in hindsight it feels silly that they would not have just had her say that in the scene to make it make more sense for people, but like, we know she didn't leave with Senya and Arcann or Lana and PC, so of course she would have been taken with her other students, right??

And Theron went on that entire mission to help his mother so of COURSE he would have gone where she goes.  He hasn't seen her in ages and he did all this to make sure she was safe.  Yeah his LI might still be unconscious too from the ritual too and he might want to be there when they wake up, and in any other situation he absolutely would, but he also knows they aren't in any danger, everyone is just waking up at different times, and he will see them again soon, whereas he hasn't seen Satele since....... ya know, unless I am forgetting something huge, I don't think he has seen her since WAY BEFORE THE START OF KOTFE.  😯  In my mind there is NO QUESTION that in that situation, he would choose to go where Satele is and help her and see her for the first time in literally years and make sure she's safe, and then explain that to his LI when he gets home who he knows would be completely understanding.

Just some food for thought and I guess because we don't know for sure, this is still a HC, but IMO this makes 100% sense and now officially no doubt in my mind has got to be what actually happened but just wasn't explained for some reason.

That said, I do like the idea that Theron went with Satele back to Coruscant. However, I do not think this is likely.

Satele is strong in the Force, we are made aware of that early on, and she was the Grandmaster of the Order. However, to be able to stay mentally connected to the PC from lightyears away seems more, to me, of the sort of unbelievable stuff Emperor Sidious/Palpatine does thousands of years later. Palpatine was made to be incredibly strong, to the point that, not only did he manage not to die from being pushed from the Death Star, but he also used the Force to impregnate Shimi Skywaker (in the 2018 comic Darth Vader #25 which was, of course, two years later, refuted by the Lucas team. They tend to change a lot of stuff later on. 🙄) He also, if any of the fan theory is to be believed, (and it has A LOT of solid points and makes more sense than her dying of a "broken heart") used the Force to kill Padme (and told Anakin her death was his fault) in order to give Anakin the final push that was needed to fully turn him to the dark side. He also used Padme's lifeforce to restore Anakin's when he was dying on Mustafar. (Or Anakin stole it from her, or she somehow willingly gave it to him.)

I personally, do not think Satele is strong enough in the Force to do any of that (Palpatine was made unbelievably strong because he was an author's pet), much less stay mentally connected to someone from billions of light-years away. Of course, I could be wrong. I forget a lot of the details and dialogue in the game, but from I do remember, it seems unlikely. It is more likely to me, that Satele and PC laid there, on the cold floor, close together and when Satele woke first, she helped put the Outlander on Lana's ship because Arcann and Senya didn't want to wait around long enough for their friend to wake up and travel with them back to Odessen. (Seriously Devs, stop being so lazy!)

However, if say, Satele is strong enough to stay connected to the PC in the dreamscape, then Theron going with her to ensure she was alright, and to spend more time getting to know her, seems reasonably believable to me. He could also ask her why she lurked on Odessen for literally months and didn't bother to approach him or say hi! Seriously, Satele?! (It's actions like these on her part that make me hear a "But, that's not going to happen," in her voice during the second conversation option in Dream Land.)

Personally, I think she likely stayed behind for a bit to ensure that there was no lingering dark energy and to cleanse it with the Force if there was. Then she left on her own long after everyone else was already gone. 🤔

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I agree that the reasons for Lana showing up at the end, but honestly moreso the reasons for her NOT GOING ON THE WHOLE MISSION, are not well explained.  (IMO if Theron was fine going then Lana should have been fine too, so if I would change anything in the FP it would not be to REMOVE Lana from the end but to ADD HER to the whole mission, that would have made way more sense with the established canon that she and Theron were both able to resist the emperor's control before.)  And I also agree that the PC could have totally gone with either other ship, that is very true.  Bottom line: YES, the writing in the game is super fudgy sometimes.  I mean, the point of my whole post was about realizing the writers never explained where Satele went haha  

But I will say that just because it wasn't well explained does not mean it bothers me that Lana shows up and personally I love the scene at the end.  I still love the whole FP, it's one of my favorites.  I may ponder explanations for why things happened, but ultimately I do just roll with it when I am actually playing/watching.


1 hour ago, yenzin said:

That said, I do like the idea that Theron went with Satele back to Coruscant. However, I do not think this is likely.

Satele is strong in the Force, we are made aware of that early on, and she was the Grandmaster of the Order. However, to be able to stay mentally connected to the PC from lightyears away seems more, to me, of the sort of unbelievable stuff Emperor Sidious/Palpatine does thousands of years later. Palpatine was made to be incredibly strong, to the point that, not only did he manage not to die from being pushed from the Death Star, but he also used the Force to impregnate Shimi Skywaker (in the 2018 comic Darth Vader #25 which was, of course, two years later, refuted by the Lucas team. They tend to change a lot of stuff later on. 🙄) He also, if any of the fan theory is to be believed, (and it has A LOT of solid points and makes more sense than her dying of a "broken heart") used the Force to kill Padme (and told Anakin her death was his fault) in order to give Anakin the final push that was needed to fully turn him to the dark side. He also used Padme's lifeforce to restore Anakin's when he was dying on Mustafar. (Or Anakin stole it from her, or she somehow willingly gave it to him.)

I personally, do not think Satele is strong enough in the Force to do any of that (Palpatine was made unbelievably strong because he was an author's pet), much less stay mentally connected to someone from billions of light-years away. Of course, I could be wrong. I forget a lot of the details and dialogue in the game, but from I do remember, it seems unlikely. It is more likely to me, that Satele and PC laid there, on the cold floor, close together and when Satele woke first, she helped put the Outlander on Lana's ship because Arcann and Senya didn't want to wait around long enough for their friend to wake up and travel with them back to Odessen. (Seriously Devs, stop being so lazy!)

However, if say, Satele is strong enough to stay connected to the PC in the dreamscape, then Theron going with her to ensure she was alright, and to spend more time getting to know her, seems reasonably believable to me. He could also ask her why she lurked on Odessen for literally months and didn't bother to approach him or say hi! Seriously, Satele?! (It's actions like these on her part that make me hear a "But, that's not going to happen," in her voice during the second conversation option in Dream Land.)

Personally, I think she likely stayed behind for a bit to ensure that there was no lingering dark energy and to cleanse it with the Force if there was. Then she left on her own long after everyone else was already gone. 🤔

🤔 tbh you are probably right on this, I amend my previous statement about it being likely they could continue the mindscape over a greater distance, I think you're right, it probably doesn't make sense.  You have convinced me!

Which is why I will further amend my previous theory with more thoughts to avoid this stumbling block:

To start off with an important detail: we do not know how much time passes in the mindscape vs reality, or how much time passes after the end of Satele and the PCs in-mind discussion before they wake up.  All that is super wishy-washy and never explained, so IMO anything goes as far as interpreting the timeline there.

Ok, that out the way, Satele's exact words about where people went are: "My son is helping Kira and Scourge, they're taking my surviving students to our old training grounds on Coruscant.  Arcann and Senya have left for Odessen." 

It is a little ambiguous, but while she is specific about Arcann and Senya having left already, she does not say that Theron, Kira, and Scourge have actually left yet.  It feels implied that they are on the way to Coruscant already but her use of the progressive verb "taking" could just as easily mean that they're still packing up the students and planning to take them there, or that the ship is literally in the hangar about to take off, but they haven't left yet, because the use of "taking" only says that the action is in the process of happening, not what stage of the process they are at, and packing up the students, preparing the ship for takeoff, or in flight on the way are all part of the process of "taking" the students to Coruscant.  And to my mind the fact she specified that Arcann and Senya have already left but uses different wording for Theron, Kira, and Scourge tells me it's likely they have NOT left yet.

Therefore, it could easily be that Lana and the PC are about to leave in one ship and Theron, Kira, Scourge, and Satele are next door in the hangar about the leave on another ship, and Satele finishes up the convo with the PC just before they take off and get too far apart. 

For me this still completely works with the dialogue that exists and what we know, and with my whole listed previous theory, and does not require Satele to be a god tier ultimate OP force master 😁

edit for additional thought: the PC specifically asks Satele "where is everyone else?" which I know is the reason why the writers did not have her say where her body is in the waking world, since that wasn't the question.  but it does leave it open to interpreting where Satele got taken.


And to clarify again, my theory is NOT meant to be an explanation as to why they called Lana there in the first place or why they send the PC with her (like I said before, I honestly just roll with that one, like to me it's a good enough explanation to just assume they called a friend who they knew wanted to be there all along anyway to help them clean up the mess on the ship and afterward she took the PC to Odessen because taking them Coruscant made little sense).  My theory is simply meant as an explanation as to why Theron goes to Coruscant at all, since IMO it makes little sense he would go to Coruscant just to help Kira and Scourge, who he barely knows, help some random students he doesn't know at all instead of going back home with his close friends (and/or with his LI if the PC is romanced to him), but it makes complete sense he would go if Satele is going.  And since there is no better explanation for where Satele went, I think it makes the most sense that she went with her students, and that in turn Theron went with her.

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

So, I know we have discussed this topic before and I think lots of people had different headcanons to explain things, I know I had my own headcanons to explain.  But I have a completely new thought on it and wanted to share.  That topic being: Theron not going with Lana and the PC at the end of EoO. 

To clarify my own position/thought process, I know some people take issue with him not being there when his LI wakes up, which is fair, but that part did not ever bother me, woulda been nice of course but didn't bother me as is.  The thing I always felt the need to explain was why, other than being a very caring and helpful boy who saw Satele's students as needing more help than anyone else, Theron would go with Kira and Scourge who he barely knows as opposed to going with Lana and the PC who are headed back home.  IMO this made little sense regardless of romancing him.


All that said, something I realized completely out the blue this morning and for some unknown reason never clocked before: when talking to the PC, Satele says Theron, Kira, and Scourge are helping her students get back to Coruscant, and that Senya and Arcann went back to Odessen, and we know the PC is with Lana in another ship.  But Satele never actually says where SHE is.  It makes no sense she stayed on that big ship all by herself for no reason, right?  She is still unsconsious just like the PC is since they are in the mind scape together, and everyone on the ship would not just leave her there, be like LOL BYE SATELE, and bunk off.

So isn't it actually 100% more likely that she is being taken back to Coruscant as well and that THAT is why Theron goes with them??? 

I mean, in hindsight it feels silly that they would not have just had her say that in the scene to make it make more sense for people, but like, we know she didn't leave with Senya and Arcann or Lana and PC, so of course she would have been taken with her other students, right??

And Theron went on that entire mission to help his mother so of COURSE he would have gone where she goes.  He hasn't seen her in ages and he did all this to make sure she was safe.  Yeah his LI might still be unconscious too from the ritual too and he might want to be there when they wake up, and in any other situation he absolutely would, but he also knows they aren't in any danger, everyone is just waking up at different times, and he will see them again soon, whereas he hasn't seen Satele since....... ya know, unless I am forgetting something huge, I don't think he has seen her since WAY BEFORE THE START OF KOTFE.  😯  In my mind there is NO QUESTION that in that situation, he would choose to go where Satele is and help her and see her for the first time in literally years and make sure she's safe, and then explain that to his LI when he gets home who he knows would be completely understanding.

Just some food for thought and I guess because we don't know for sure, this is still a HC, but IMO this makes 100% sense and now officially no doubt in my mind has got to be what actually happened but just wasn't explained for some reason.

For me it's less about who should be there but how Lana shouldn't be there at the first place.

Before the EoO mission, Lana specifically said she can't go with us (at least on a toon not romanced with here but I assume it's the same for all toons).

It's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Lana to be on the shuttle that was still traveling in space when we woke up (hinting that we haven't back on Odessen yet)

Lana is there because the writer didn't even care for basic writing logic, they just put the only NPC who doesn't have a kill option there to fill the scene, which is just another example of BW lazy/bad writing.

58 minutes ago, yenzin said:

🤔 Personally, the reason the wake-up on the ship bothers me is because Lana had to fly all the way back from Odessen to be there. It seems like a lot of wasted fuel and resources to call on someone not even in the same system to come and pick up the Outlander, when there are plenty of other capable people around to help with the transport. Why could the Outlander not have travelled with Arcann and Senya if they are alive for the player? Makes more sense to travel back with them. That there just stinks of laziness on the developer's part. Plus, Lana picking up the PC denies Kira and Scourge the screentime and development they could have gotten. I don't even know either of them and I wish they could have been around more. Having them there would have worked for all players, since as far as I know, both are alive for everyone. 

That said, I do like the idea that Theron went with Satele back to Coruscant. However, I do not think this is likely.

Satele is strong in the Force, we are made aware of that early on, and she was the Grandmaster of the Order. However, to be able to stay mentally connected to the PC from lightyears away seems more, to me, of the sort of unbelievable stuff Emperor Sidious/Palpatine does thousands of years later. Palpatine was made to be incredibly strong, to the point that, not only did he manage not to die from being pushed from the Death Star, but he also used the Force to impregnate Shimi Skywaker (in the 2018 comic Darth Vader #25 which was, of course, two years later, refuted by the Lucas team. They tend to change a lot of stuff later on. 🙄) He also, if any of the fan theory is to be believed, (and it has A LOT of solid points and makes more sense than her dying of a "broken heart") used the Force to kill Padme (and told Anakin her death was his fault) in order to give Anakin the final push that was needed to fully turn him to the dark side. He also used Padme's lifeforce to restore Anakin's when he was dying on Mustafar. (Or Anakin stole it from her, or she somehow willingly gave it to him.)

I personally, do not think Satele is strong enough in the Force to do any of that (Palpatine was made unbelievably strong because he was an author's pet), much less stay mentally connected to someone from billions of light-years away. Of course, I could be wrong. I forget a lot of the details and dialogue in the game, but from I do remember, it seems unlikely. It is more likely to me, that Satele and PC laid there, on the cold floor, close together and when Satele woke first, she helped put the Outlander on Lana's ship because Arcann and Senya didn't want to wait around long enough for their friend to wake up and travel with them back to Odessen. (Seriously Devs, stop being so lazy!)

However, if say, Satele is strong enough to stay connected to the PC in the dreamscape, then Theron going with her to ensure she was alright, and to spend more time getting to know her, seems reasonably believable to me. He could also ask her why she lurked on Odessen for literally months and didn't bother to approach him or say hi! Seriously, Satele?! (It's actions like these on her part that make me hear a "But, that's not going to happen," in her voice during the second conversation option in Dream Land.)

Personally, I think she likely stayed behind for a bit to ensure that there was no lingering dark energy and to cleanse it with the Force if there was. Then she left on her own long after everyone else was already gone. 🤔

Exactly. BW just put Lana there because they didn't want to bother writing multiple companions in that scene. Anyone on that trip would be a logical candidate, not to mention that it's perfect for a romance scene for all the companions there (Kira, Scourge, Arcann, Theron). But nope, why put effort and $$$ for multiple companions when they can just use 1 companion for everything.

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7 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, that out the way, Satele's exact words about where people went are: "My son is helping Kira and Scourge, they're taking my survivor students to our old training grounds on Coruscant.  Arcann and Senya have left for Odessen." 

Okay, this may be a reason why it felt so different, as in even worse for me. In french she says "Mon fils est avec Kira et Scourge. Ils sont partis déposer mes disciples survivants sur notre ancien terrain d'entrainement de Coruscant", which translated back to english would give "My son is with Kira and Scourge. They left to take my survivor disciples to our old training grounds on Coruscant."

The "ils sont partis" part implies that they have already left while she's still talking to the PC in her mindscape.

8 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Exactly. BW just put Lana there because they didn't want to bother writing multiple companions in that scene. Anyone on that trip would be a logical candidate, not to mention that it's perfect for a romance scene for all the companions there (Kira, Scourge, Arcann, Theron). But nope, why put effort and $$$ for multiple companions when they can just use 1 companion for everything.

Honestly they should just have gone for every PC waking up to Kira and Scourge since they were the only characters who were there for everybody, regardless of player's choices.

They could even have given each of them a romance scene since none of them got any at the beginning (unlike Theron, Arcann and Lana). What makes the whole thing worse, is that while they didn't give any romance scene to Kira and Scourge but gave two to Lana, they also apparently thought it was super important to give Kira a sad reaction if she was dumped for Lana (which only a male JK who had romanced her in the base game and then later started a relationship with Lana and Lana only would even see). Sure that's way more important than giving a little bit of romance content to Kira and Scourge.

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2 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Okay, this may be a reason why it felt so different, as in even worse for me. In french she says "Mon fils est avec Kira et Scourge. Ils sont partis déposer mes disciples survivants sur notre ancien terrain d'entrainement de Coruscant", which translated back to english would give "My son is with Kira and Scourge. They left to take my survivor disciples to our old training grounds on Coruscant."

The "ils sont partis" part implies that they have already left while she's still talking to the PC in her mindscape.

Honestly they should just have gone for every PC waking up to Kira and Scourge since they were the only characters who were there for everybody, regardless of player's choices.

They could even have given each of them a romance scene since none of them got any at the beginning (unlike Theron, Arcann and Lana). What makes the whole thing worse, is that while they didn't give any romance scene to Kira and Scourge but gave two to Lana, they also apparently thought it was super important to give Kira a sad reaction if she was dumped for Lana (which only a male JK who had romanced her in the base game and then later started a relationship with Lana and Lana only would even see). Sure that's way more important than giving a little bit of romance content to Kira and Scourge.

It's outrageous that Kira and Scourge got zero romance scene in their own story.

And due to irl stuffs, there's little to zero chance we'll get one from Scourge in the future.

So yeah, I blame the writers and the developers (depending on who decided to take the lazy route) for the lost opportunity.

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9 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Okay, this may be a reason why it felt so different, as in even worse for me. In french she says "Mon fils est avec Kira et Scourge. Ils sont partis déposer mes disciples survivants sur notre ancien terrain d'entrainement de Coruscant", which translated back to english would give "My son is with Kira and Scourge. They left to take my survivor disciples to our old training grounds on Coruscant."

The "ils sont partis" part implies that they have already left while she's still talking to the PC in her mindscape.


Ok, so confirmed, in French they all just say LOL BYE SATELE and leave her on the ship 😅  (edit: or she is a god tier ultimate OP force master and phoning in from across the galaxy while on Kira and Scourge's ship lol)

That is definitely a very different translation with very specific meaning that the English version does not say.  I mean other writing in the FP was fudgy even just in one language though, so I suppose it is not surprising that the translations were not exact either 😅

In any case, for the English version I still stand by my analysis.  But that's a bummer about the French version.

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I never thought Satele was with Theron. I play in English. To people who think it's weird that Theron helps with the students when Mama isn't there, I disagree. He might have moved beyond his upbringing and disagree with some of the Order's Policies, but the Jedi mean a lot to him! He grew up with other students was educated with them, and has personal relationships with them. It's totally natural for him to help. What's not natural is not taking his unconscious spouse with him.

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Just now, JakRoanin said:

I never thought Satele was with Theron. I play in English. To people who think it's weird that Theron helps with the students when Mama isn't there, I disagree. He might have moved beyond his upbringing and disagree with some of the Order's Policies, but the Jedi mean a lot to him! He grew up with other students was educated with them, and has personal relationships with them. It's totally natural for him to help. What's not natural is not taking his unconscious spouse with him.

Knowing Theron, he'll pile every unconscious person nicely on the shuttle, Jedi or not. With blankets, if he could find some.

In fact, piling every unconscious person safely together on a shuttle to a safe place should be the only logical move *shrug*

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