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Shroud of Memory: Unfair?


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At the expense of past subs who were here during the downs of this game: NO. Dishonest business practices 》 NO; go peddle that somewhere else, we're not falling for it.


We've had it exclusively for two years, there's nothing all that special about it anymore.


Let the others have it, let them enjoy it.

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The absolute ONLY way I MIGHT agree is if I get a NEW not-lame companion, like a Darth Hexid, as just compensation for subbing during that whole slump - Johnnys can get the chapter IF AND ONLY IF (*gasp, basic logic) I'm and others like me who already paid the iron price for the supplementary The Shroud chapter DURING IT'S WINDOW get a NEW EXCLUSIVE COMPANION that has a substantial amount of effort put into it, like the bonus chapter. Preferably, a force user/bounty hunter hybrid (Luke DID use a blaster AND a lightsaber; so did Cade!), for example, like how Master Ranos is Sage/Shadow hybrid. ONLY THEN, AND NOT BEFORE. Edited by Willjb
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The absolute ONLY way I MIGHT agree is if I get a NEW not-lame companion, like a Darth Hexid, as just compensation for subbing during that whole slump - Johnnys can get the chapter IF AND ONLY IF (*gasp, basic logic) I'm and others like me who already paid the iron price for the supplementary The Shroud chapter DURING IT'S WINDOW get a NEW EXCLUSIVE COMPANION that has a substantial amount of effort put into it, like the bonus chapter. Preferably, a force user/bounty hunter hybrid (Luke DID use a blaster AND a lightsaber; so did Cade!), for example, like how Master Ranos is Sage/Shadow hybrid. ONLY THEN, AND NOT BEFORE.


That chapter was about creating duplicates of droids ... HK-47 companion for those who qualified for the original release? :)

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In HK-55? Nope. In The Shroud? Yes.


I mean it's nice you used paragraphs and even included a bit of backstory to your life, but it isn't relevant aside from adding to your opinion.

I guess, perhaps, you'll show more interest in future incentives? Who knows, maybe they will finish up some other story line most people forgot about and dismissed until it showed up in this chapter. After reading about the group requirement to finish the quest line i stagnated and had nearly forgotten about the Shroud until this chapter. Many are acting like they have been sitting at the edge of their seats for years just waiting for more Shroud. when, most likely, that is simply not accurate.


Im almost to the point of posting a link to a youtube video of someone running the instance and simply stating, "enjoy." honestly, gameplay...it wasnt breathtaking and can literally take you less than 15 minutes. so, go ahead, youtube it. Something something complete. :) that might have been a little sharp, but this has kinda played out. we covet the things we cannot have.(see other post in the other thread with more details).

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Many are acting like they have been sitting at the edge of their seats for years just waiting for more Shroud. when, most likely, that is simply not accurate.



I don't think it's so much that people are waiting with baited breath for more of 'The Shroud', it's just that they're that desperate for something new to do that this is going on.


To me the Shroud wasn't all that exciting, especially when they tied it to a group thing so I couldn't see the end. That was just annoying for me.

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In third grade Ms [name redacted] made a deal with the entire class. if, by Christmas break we had zero marks on the board we would get something special; but we had to have zero marks starting the next day up until the day just before we left for break. some of the kids in class scoffed at the idea and knocked themselves out of the running within the first week. others simply decided that it was just too much hassle and went about their own business. even others joked that there wasn't anything special and it was just a ploy to keep us behaved.


To use this analogy... I joined the class two weeks after the event started and behaved well ever since from the first day I joined (mostly because I enjoyed the classes and because I tend to behave well whem I'm among other people, not to get the prize). Before I joined I had a vague idea that the school exists but I had no idea what's going on there or if I'd feel good attending there.

Now the school is like a second home to me, I still behave well and haven't missed a single day even without any treats from the teacher.

In the end I would really enjoy an opportunity to spend $15 of my own pocket money in that toy shop and buy myself a movie ticket.

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I don't think it's so much that people are waiting with baited breath for more of 'The Shroud', it's just that they're that desperate for something new to do that this is going on.


To me the Shroud wasn't all that exciting, especially when they tied it to a group thing so I couldn't see the end. That was just annoying for me.


Could be... but this story snippet definitely does not serve the craving. Which you pointed out pretty well in my view. :)

Edited by Andryah
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To use this analogy... I joined the class two weeks after the event started and behaved well ever since from the first day I joined (mostly because I enjoyed the classes and because I tend to behave well whem I'm among other people, not to get the prize). Before I joined I had a vague idea that the school exists but I had no idea what's going on there or if I'd feel good attending there.

Now the school is like a second home to me, I still behave well and haven't missed a single day even without any treats from the teacher.

In the end I would really enjoy an opportunity to spend $15 of my own pocket money in that toy shop and buy myself a movie ticket.


you kinda missed the point, but ok...i guess we if we picked the thing apart we could find all manner of reasons that would form an exception. however, we did, in fact, have a new student arrive to our classroom in mid November. I remember her well for reasons that made any young boy swoon and she had a smile that made paintings famous. while i dont do it often, i am a sucker for a nice smile. She was friends with my eventual wife in High School since they both played sports, but where she is now i have not a clue. she wasnt considered for the prize as far as i knew. she may have been, i dont know. she was a good student and she wasnt standing with us in front of the classroom that morning, though.


I had other things, but I have spent too much time on this topic. in the future, it may just be more prudent to just point out that, for whatever reason, you missed out and thats that. There have been and will be events and items that i will miss out on for a myriad of reasons, but its just life. i am also actually accepting that there will never be enough words that will ever matter or accepted and this will just go on ad nauseam. I may pop in on the next thread and jot a few words, but, "que sera, sera!"

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^OMG, IKR. It was WELL advertised. Throughout all the WAH threads about this that have been shot out through an airlock, none of them have tried to skew how well advertised the bonus mission was in order to get their grubby hands on it. For shame; YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY. GJ noobs [sarcasm on].


How many times need it be said? It wasn't well advertised. In case you couldn't be bothered following the link posted earlier:


"Choose to be a continuous Subscriber from January 11 to August 1 and unlock a special bonus chapter where you PLAY AS HK-55, undertaking a special personal mission as the iconic Droid."


That was all the information that you could get, before the cutoff date to be subscribed, at least. Nothing to do with the Shroud.


It baffles me that you accuse others of being ignorant, of refusing to read or putting in the smallest effort to stay informed.


I guess, perhaps, you'll show more interest in future incentives?


Why? On the off chance that they've hidden the end of another story within it? That doesn't really make sense.


Many are acting like they have been sitting at the edge of their seats for years just waiting for more Shroud. when, most likely, that is simply not accurate.


I doubt anyone's been on the edge of their seat for years (but the ending of that storyline begs for a conclusion), but, speaking from experience, it's a real shame when a new player completes the Shroud storyline, then idly wonders whether or not there's more to it, only to find out that they're cut off from the ending forever.


Im almost to the point of posting a link to a youtube video of someone running the instance and simply stating, "enjoy." honestly, gameplay...it wasnt breathtaking and can literally take you less than 15 minutes. so, go ahead, youtube it. Something something complete. :) that might have been a little sharp, but this has kinda played out. we covet the things we cannot have.(see other post in the other thread with more details).


Watching it is not really the same thing; interactivity is key in a Role Playing Game.


But once again, it's not about coveting what I don't have. Yes, it's true that I want it, but I hold it in the same esteem as I hold the end to any other story: which is to say, I think it's important. But I don't "want" any other ending to any other story, because I already have those endings. Not being able to get it puts it in a different position, but that's not why I want it.

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Another point on your analogy is that the reward your teacher was offering was a standalone thing. As I've already said, if the HK Chapter was just that, a HK bonus chapter, I wouldn't mind (nor would I think it should be offered again), but as it ends the story of the Shroud, it's a different issue.

Edited by CyberDirectorFre
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i admit i was a bit broad with using "edge of their seats," which wasn't intended to be taken literally, and in retrospect it was a poor choice of words. In the future i will use shorter strokes. I also hoped the experience I had in 3rd grade would have been a bit more helpful, but I suppose that i needed reminding that there is simply nothing that can be said to be helpful in some cases. I would like to wish luck in your endeavor, but I am not in the habit of placating tantrums; and that is all this has become.
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i admit i was a bit broad with using "edge of their seats," which wasn't intended to be taken literally, and in retrospect it was a poor choice of words. In the future i will use shorter strokes. I also hoped the experience I had in 3rd grade would have been a bit more helpful, but I suppose that i needed reminding that there is simply nothing that can be said to be helpful in some cases. I would like to wish luck in your endeavor, but I am not in the habit of placating tantrums; and that is all this has become.


Going from the offender's syntax and general attitude I think very short strokes consisting of no more than two syllables and in block capitals would be in order next time.

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I had other things, but I have spent too much time on this topic. in the future, it may just be more prudent to just point out that, for whatever reason, you missed out and thats that.


Hey, I accepted the fact that Shroud is the King of Mishandled Content in this game :) Just twisted your story in an attempt to make it look not so black and white.

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Whether you agree with the OP or not, he's hardly ranting or blowing things WAY out of proportion. The ranting is coming more from the other side of the fence...


The ranting from the "other side of the fence" is cuz Jonny starts this thread every few weeks and historically Jonny rants and blows things WAY out of proportion every single time making ridiculous analogies and raging at others who have what Jonny don't.


The anti-Jonny's like myself are sick of it cuz Jonny doesn't have what I have cuz Jonny didn't do what Jonny was supposed to do and now Jonny won't stop throwing tantrums about it.

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Original recipients get more rewards - maybe even better ones if they also stay subbed through the second run - and people get another well advertised shot at the conclusion of the Shroud storyline.


It won't matter cuz then Jonny will rage about not having the new stuff that I have. And then there's Jonny who joins the game a year later and finds out about this stuff but can't get it and there's more rage threads from Jonny.,

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The chapter (due to being content, not aesthetics) should now be available to everybody, or to nobody (i.e. removed from the game entirely). Much like the Chevin event, or original Rakghoul event, apparently one-time events that cannot be replayed just because you happen to have been around when they were available.


This is pretty insulting. You make it sound like I was in the middle of a field minding my own business and a bag of money landed on my head just cuz I "happen to have been around".


Every time my subscription is expiring I have to make a choice on whether or not I can afford it and if I'm still enjoying myself enough to continue. Everyone has these choices to make between "real life" or "fantasy" or "recreation".


But here you are making it seem like these things are just handed to me and that's petty and ridiculous. I choose to support this game instead of buying the "nice" diapers or the "good" ice cream and you trivializing it the way you do, that I'm somehow privileged to have these in-game things, is damn insulting.

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I'm in a different boat about this quest. I qualified, got the in-game mail saying as much, I went through the process of reacquiring HK-55 v.2, and still haven't received the quest. I also can't open a ticket because my allotted tickets are full. I didn't know reporting spam opened UNCLOSEABLE TICKETS. Not only do I have a bunch of supposed tickets open, I can't close them. Some stupid error.
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I'm in a different boat about this quest. I qualified, got the in-game mail saying as much, I went through the process of reacquiring HK-55 v.2, and still haven't received the quest. I also can't open a ticket because my allotted tickets are full. I didn't know reporting spam opened UNCLOSEABLE TICKETS. Not only do I have a bunch of supposed tickets open, I can't close them. Some stupid error.


The error reporting service has an error? Seems about right.

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SWTOR's subscriber rewards is not just ineffective, its actually bad for the game. Instead of using items to incentivize people to stay subscribed they irritate their customers by having features that become permanently unobtainable. And I have all the rewards so don't criticize me for wanting handouts.


All rewards should be permanently available via a veteran system that is based on cumulative subscription time, meaning someone could not subscribe during finals month without feeling that they are losing out, they only lose one month towards their total, they would not have to start over


2 months: Black-Purple Crystal Box

3 months: HK weapons set, please make this legacy bound

6 months: Nico Okkar Companion, and weapon

9 months: HK jetpack

12 months: Shae Vizla companion

15 months: HK Chapter



This is just an example, you get the point.

Edited by KevinQCowart
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All I hear is the same people who bragged about being able to unsubscribe and still get all of KotFE at the end coming back and crying cause they want the benefits the people who stuck around got.


It doesn't matter what you say, or what you claim your story is, it's all just made up in an attempt to try to con Bioware yet again. The rewards were there for all to see, you chose to save money instead of helping Bioware keep going as a company.


You have shown where your loyalty is, so why should you be rewarded the same as the people who actually did stick around?

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