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The dark side to the Toxic Community in SWTOR


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Enough is enough Bioware why are you not doing anything about this it's time for a change and you need to start doing what other games like FFXIV do to these players that hunt and troll on a day to day basis within the game.


I also made a video about this Interview with someone who has been harassed daily Warning 24mins odd long


The only option that could solve 70% of the issues is the option for Account Ignore because the current ignore function has to many flaws and it also needs to include guild/personal stronghold invites because this is also being used as a way of in game harassment . Also the current report system is a joke it needs a complete rewrite in code with better options with just a right click on the users name in chat no matter where they are.


Right I have to admit somethings were not said correct it's not the entire community let me get that straight it's a certain few that are doing this to make it hard for certain players within the game.


If we all want this to stop in a game we all love since we are subs lets work together to make Eric Musco do his job so no player should have to get this in game it's just not right and should have no place within SWTOR.

Edited by fushnchips
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There is a solution for this. You can report / ignore a player and he get 24 hours squelch. If 10 players or so report you for spam, you are squelched. I had this a several times before on the Red Eclipse server. :mad: Edited by iankalo
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It's a temporary chat ban. Usually it's for spamming or something like spamming.


Don't be a fast typist is all I can say.

Last time I was squelched, I said some bad things about Putin :p

There are a lot of russian players in my server. I was squelched in a minute.

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Last time I was squelched, I said some bad things about Putin :p

There are a lot of russian players in my server. I was squelched in a minute.


And this is why only way to make things right is to make me the next Emperor :csw_guard:


I would solve everything that is unfair... for me :p

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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And this is why only way to make things right is to make me the next Emperor :csw_guard:


I would solve everything that is unfair... for me :p

Type "Kaloyan" in Google / Wikipedia :p Its my real name. It actually means "the Romanslayer" hehe :D And you are TheRomanRuler :p "Kaloyan the Romanslayer".


iankalo = Kaloian

Edited by iankalo
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Jesus this is why I had people from other countries in American servers. Get over it. What a waste of a video. Used the ignore button and move on. Bioware cannot afford to ban people because the orginal staff before they fired everyone for ruining the game during launch decided they would focus on the hardcore players coming from SWG who were a very very small percentage of the player base.


When Bioware announced finally at the panned Guild Summit to appease hardcore players that they won't have a group finder and other casual friendly players 2 million people left and this game almost died and went free2play,

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That was one of the silliest videos I've seen for a while.


If he's never seen this in 30 years gaming I don't know what to say. I've seen it plenty of times. It's one of the things I hate about PvP but you can't really get rid if this unless you get rid of people. Kinda defeats the purpose.


Ignore is your friend.

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That was one of the silliest videos I've seen for a while.


If he's never seen this in 30 years gaming I don't know what to say. I've seen it plenty of times. It's one of the things I hate about PvP but you can't really get rid if this unless you get rid of people. Kinda defeats the purpose.


Ignore is your friend.


There is a big difference to someone trash talking in pvp and other places to people actually following a player around - even across servers with brand new toons just to harass them. That falls under stalking and bullying and goes a lot further then a bit of trash talk. Did you listen to the vid at all??

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Hahahahah this made me laugh really big lots. They wont even fix bugs or ban hackers. You want them to make people be nice? Are you really that dumb after all these years?


It's not this game, its the evolution of online PVP. All these young kids are 1 bad decision from being a serial killer.

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There is a big difference to someone trash talking in pvp and other places to people actually following a player around - even across servers with brand new toons just to harass them. That falls under stalking and bullying and goes a lot further then a bit of trash talk. Did you listen to the vid at all??


No I got bored really quickly.


But what you refer to I've sadly seen before too. It's not a good thing but it's not unique to SWTOR either. I just didn't get the point of the video, but then I may be a bit old to get some of this vlogging business or whatever.

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One streamer I was talking about is getting harassment in the next level so the ignore option isn't always the answer it's Bioware that needs to take the next step the harassment includes personal abuse, abusing the stronghold invite system and so on as we all know the ignore list only goes so far and Bioware have allowed these little kids that think it's funny to do this since day 1 one of the only things that can fix it is legacy ignore and that's not coming anytime soon.
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No I got bored really quickly.


But what you refer to I've sadly seen before too. It's not a good thing but it's not unique to SWTOR either. I just didn't get the point of the video, but then I may be a bit old to get some of this vlogging business or whatever.


Just note I am not picking on you specifically -- just using your post as an example. Please don't be offended.


Unfortunately the attitude of 'it happens' across the internet is one of the biggest issues when it comes to cyber stalking and bullying.


To the victims of this happening -- it is very real. It can be downright terrifying. It can be life altering. It can take lives. Adults may be able to deal with stuff like this and move on, but young teenagers have killed themselves over cyber-bullying. Not all adults can deal with it either, some have by nature softer more sensitive personalities -- not anything they have control over, just who they are. People need to start standing up and taking a stand *against* it. To the victims it can be as real and terrifying as it happening IRL.


Online media such as social media, mmo's and other such places need to start taking a stand against these activities. They need to start saying NO MORE and dealing with anyone who engages in such activities. Until somethings done -- until one of the bigger companies ( facebook, google, well known gaming companies etc ) makes a move and starts to take an active stance against this online behavior, nothing will ever change -- it will only get worse because the people who do this continuously get away with it.


It takes all forms, everything from public naming and shaming / humiliation (mob mentality), to stalking, to death threats. It is NOT okay. It's not okay to drag anyone through the mud online for any reason just as its NOT okay to drag anyone through the mud IRL for any reason. It destroys lives. It can destroy careers, jobs and as a result entire families.


Nothing will ever change unless people recognize all forms of cyber-bullying and harassment for what it is, the dangers involved in it for the victims and take a stand against it.

Edited by Suzsi
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Just note I am not picking on you specifically -- just using your post as an example. Please don't be offended.


Unfortunately the attitude of 'it happens' across the internet is one of the biggest issues when it comes to cyber stalking and bullying.


To the victims of this happening -- it is very real. It can be downright terrifying. It can be life altering. It can take lives. Adults may be able to deal with stuff like this and move on, but young teenagers have killed themselves over cyber-bullying. Not all adults can deal with it either, some have by nature softer more sensitive personalities -- not anything they have control over, just who they are. People need to start standing up and taking a stand *against* it. To the victims it can be as real and terrifying as it happening IRL.


Online media such as social media, mmo's and other such places need to start taking a stand against these activities. They need to start saying NO MORE and dealing with anyone who engages in such activities. Until somethings done -- until one of the bigger companies ( facebook, google, well known gaming companies etc ) makes a move and starts to take an active stance against this online behavior, nothing will ever change -- it will only get worse because the people who do this continuously get away with it.


It takes all forms, everything from public naming and shaming / humiliation (mob mentality), to stalking, to death threats. It is NOT okay. It's not okay to drag anyone through the mud online for any reason just as its NOT okay to drag anyone through the mud IRL for any reason. It destroys lives. It can destroy careers, jobs and as a result entire families.


Nothing will ever change unless people recognize all forms of cyber-bullying and harassment for what it is, the dangers involved in it for the victims and take a stand against it.


I don't think anyone is saying it's acceptable and most of what you say is indeed accurate.


However in regards to this game I would like to hear an actual decent case study on what "Bioware don't do".

In this I mean some well documented evidence of the harrassment, the process the person went to put this to Bioware's attention and the end result.


From personal experience (from quite some time ago) I do know Bioware do take action when people go to the trouble of documenting their evidence correctly and supplying it to them though this may have changed in recent times since the game has seemingly downscaled staff wise.


I think if it's a case of why aren't Bioware actively monitoring chat and doing something about it well that's wishful thinking but I do agree there should be active modding (not community based either, community based moderation leads to bias every single time) but I just don't see them having the resources to do so.


In saying that though ... a user here did make a thread on reddit about their experience of talking about a possible exploit in chat and they were quickly messaged by game staff over talking about it in chat.

It raised an interesting point that clearly someone is watching yet doing nothing about it which makes things worse imo.


Also strangely enough the people watching chat aren't Bioware because the way the response from staff was worded was "I've spoken to Bioware and they have said this is ok" or something to that extent .... strange and disturbing if indeed they do watch chat but do nothing to the extremes of chat harassment such as racism etc.

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Labeling an entire community as 'toxic' due to a few bad apples is pretty insulting.


Whenever I've reported people for harassment it has stopped very quickly so, like Menace mentioned, there needs to be examples of what BioWare "don't do" or else this is just another rant by an individual thinking what they want is what everyone wants and making a baseless fear-mongering post to try and sway others.

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Just note I am not picking on you specifically -- just using your post as an example. Please don't be offended.


Unfortunately the attitude of 'it happens' across the internet is one of the biggest issues when it comes to cyber stalking and bullying.


To the victims of this happening -- it is very real. It can be downright terrifying. It can be life altering. It can take lives. Adults may be able to deal with stuff like this and move on, but young teenagers have killed themselves over cyber-bullying. Not all adults can deal with it either, some have by nature softer more sensitive personalities -- not anything they have control over, just who they are. People need to start standing up and taking a stand *against* it. To the victims it can be as real and terrifying as it happening IRL.


Online media such as social media, mmo's and other such places need to start taking a stand against these activities. They need to start saying NO MORE and dealing with anyone who engages in such activities. Until somethings done -- until one of the bigger companies ( facebook, google, well known gaming companies etc ) makes a move and starts to take an active stance against this online behavior, nothing will ever change -- it will only get worse because the people who do this continuously get away with it.


It takes all forms, everything from public naming and shaming / humiliation (mob mentality), to stalking, to death threats. It is NOT okay. It's not okay to drag anyone through the mud online for any reason just as its NOT okay to drag anyone through the mud IRL for any reason. It destroys lives. It can destroy careers, jobs and as a result entire families.


Nothing will ever change unless people recognize all forms of cyber-bullying and harassment for what it is, the dangers involved in it for the victims and take a stand against it.


You're nice and while you have a point, the problem is that this is everywhere. It's extremely hard to police.

Best advice is to harden TF up and don't allow BS like this to affect you. Stand up for yourself and tell them to F off by only responding with ignore/block. Do not engage trolls in conversation. No one can police the game 24/7 so you need to use ignore and report. You can't have people always there to save the day. So be an adult and ignore the F out of them. They'll soon find it boring and move on.


Now I know there are sensitive souls who can't stand up for themselves and they let this consume them. I'm not insulting ppl, I was one. It made me physically ill.


With age, I learned I don't have to let this BS bother me. Who TF cares about bullies online? EFF. Them.


So DO NOT ENGAGE THEM IN TALK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if someone harrasses you then ignore them immediately. If they do so on multiple toons then keep hitting ignore.


I'm really sorry that people must stand up for themselves and that this is a problem. But these trolls are everywhere. I posted on twitter that I wasn't offended by something and I had these crazies post that they were offended I wasn't offended. Then they started a torrent of harrassment at me. I could have kept talking but instead I noped out of it by deleting the tweet and blocking every single harrasser. Took 20 seconds. Then I was free. Life is good. Stand up for yourself and use ignore. Please. Your quality of life will improve 100%

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