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Utility Points keep reseting when logging into game.


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On my Bounty Hunter following Patch 5.4a my Utility points keep resetting each time I login into the game on this toon.


This is becoming really annoying because if I switch to an alt and back again I have to remember to make sure they are set before playing the game.



Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Ok guys. I think I know what has happened. Please bear in mind I am only speculating here.


I have been having the same issue. However the past two day it appears to be fixed. I didn't have at least one proficiency picked under each heading (heroic, masterful, skillful, legendary). But since tinkering around and placing at least one in each under each heading everything has been fine for me.


Don't know if this is what has fixed it. I can only speculate. But if you don't have at least one proficiency picked under each heading give it a try yourself to see if it works for you too.


If you already do have at least one picked. Back to the drawing board

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