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Revoke EA/BioFails Rights to Star Wars


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I am not incorrect. Of course personal experiences can vary but I've looked at various games to see and every MMO I've looked at I find reports about delayed patches and patches breaking stuff, whether it's WoW, ESO, Aion, GW2, TSW and more...


Guess what, this is true of most software, the good news is these are just games :eek:


Remember that Mars probe, streamered in, software glitch.

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How about no.


KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are two of the best SW games to come out, while Battlefront may have been a bit weak, 2 is looking considerably better.


SWTOR might not be the top end mmo it could have been- but it had a solid run with a lot of enjoyment to be had. Furthermore, Bioware has done a great job (for the most part) with SW stories- even if you want to high light some of their stranger tales, they don't compare to the almost Star Trek level of absurdity others have taken the franchise to.


Bioware came up with Revan, who might be a bit overplayed now but it still likely the most iconic and known character in SW outside of the movies. While some of their endgame decisions don't sit well with me, and I still find pvp poorly balanced and CC to be a mess- they've done better things with the SW license than most. It feels like SWTOR is just understaffed now so we aren't seeing much growth or even fixing of problems.


When it comes to alternative star wars outside the movie time frame, especially regarding the old republic era, BW has done a mostly great job- I can't think of a company that'd do a better job with stories and RPGs.

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How about no.


KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are two of the best SW games to come out, while Battlefront may have been a bit weak, 2 is looking considerably better.


SWTOR might not be the top end mmo it could have been- but it had a solid run with a lot of enjoyment to be had. Furthermore, Bioware has done a great job (for the most part) with SW stories- even if you want to high light some of their stranger tales, they don't compare to the almost Star Trek level of absurdity others have taken the franchise to.


Bioware came up with Revan, who might be a bit overplayed now but it still likely the most iconic and known character in SW outside of the movies. While some of their endgame decisions don't sit well with me, and I still find pvp poorly balanced and CC to be a mess- they've done better things with the SW license than most. It feels like SWTOR is just understaffed now so we aren't seeing much growth or even fixing of problems.


When it comes to alternative star wars outside the movie time frame, especially regarding the old republic era, BW has done a mostly great job- I can't think of a company that'd do a better job with stories and RPGs.


So you think Revan was a good thing?


Oook *backs away slowly*

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I guess they need some writers who, I don't know, have actually heard of Star Wars?


No kidding. The Star Wars universe is incredibly rich with story opportunity- there was no need to create an entirely new mythos that, without the title Star Wars attached to it, could have been its own game.

Edited by SourOrange
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Just frustration probably...he obviously likes the game but hates what Bioware has been doing to it lately...he's not alone and I think his frustration is very justifiable.


Absolutely. They have made idiotic choice after idiotic choice that has sent the player base feeling to other galaxies "far far away", never to return. I've lost track of how many friends I've seen cancel their sub due to the choices BioWare has made the last few years.

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Guess what, this is true of most software, the good news is these are just games :eek:


Remember that Mars probe, streamered in, software glitch.


Definitely. I see it in the quarterly updates of the main software at the company I work for. Pretty much every patch creates issues that need to be fixed afterwards. In fact it's part of the resource planning now. It's assumed some things will get broken so they already have resources prepared to deal with it when it happens. It can take a week before it's fixed.


So overall I'm not so impressed by the things that go wrong in SWTOR. It could be better, but it could also be worse.

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