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Mega Guilds now getting players banned


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No disciplinary action is handed out until an investigation has concluded. You can "mass flag" all you like, but you can't even get a mail spam bot removed until he's thoroughly investigated --- report one and see how long the ticket stays open.


Unless EAware has taken to Facebook mentality, where it is easier to just ban someone for something without bothering to find out if it is true or not. If someone is mass reported for posting inappropriate comments, for example, EAware could just ban them, rather than continue to get all those flags. You know a "where there is smoke, there must be fire" attitude. I have seen it elsewhere, thus my Facebook reference, so I wouldn't be surprised to find it here as well. I would hope not, jerks being what they are and all. And it wouldn't take a person making an entire guild angry, just making a GM, with a lot of influence over the rest of the guild, angry would be enough.

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People always talk about the mega-guilds like they are all bad. I'm sure there are a lot of good people involved in those guilds. Since they are bigger, of course there will be more of the "unlikable" players than you would find in a small guild, but it should be relative to the sizes.


Yes, remember, SWTOR is a microcosm of society. There will be a percentage of us that are elitist snobs, or just outright jerks. But it is a small percentage. When you have a mega guild, that percentage stays the same, but, if 10% (an obvious overestimate) of the people in SWTOR are @zzhats, when you have 1000 members in a guild, that leaves 100 @zzhats, compared to say a guild with 100 members where just 10 of them are @zzhats. Thus, with the mega guild, any actions are going to be multiplied, including those of the azzhats. Large guilds are not inherently evil, there are good and bad people in them, just like in real life. I have grouped up with members of mega guilds for everything from Ops to PvP, and occasionally I have run into a donkey's behind. But that is very rare. For the most part they have been helpful. They must be doing something right beyond just dominating Conquest, or they would not have gotten so large in the first place.

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Unless EAware has taken to Facebook mentality, where it is easier to just ban someone for something without bothering to find out if it is true or not. If someone is mass reported for posting inappropriate comments, for example, EAware could just ban them, rather than continue to get all those flags. You know a "where there is smoke, there must be fire" attitude. I have seen it elsewhere, thus my Facebook reference, so I wouldn't be surprised to find it here as well. I would hope not, jerks being what they are and all. And it wouldn't take a person making an entire guild angry, just making a GM, with a lot of influence over the rest of the guild, angry would be enough.

There is no indication of that happening here. As I stated, simple things like mail spam that even an automated investigation could confirm in seconds, takes a couple weeks (see open tickets) because they apparently do investigate reports manually.


The OP never clarified what action was done to him even after several inquiries. Being squelched isn't being banned.

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I'm not too proud to admit when I'm wrong, and after being contacted by customer support, I have to take back my claim that no system is in place. While I still think work needs to be done on the "report" feature to prevent misuse, I'd like to thank CS for showing that they are making steps to rectify these issues. While I don't know for certain that "proper" action was taken, I do think that the issue was at least seen and handle. Small side note: the main culprit has not logged on in over a day, possibly just a coincidence though xD
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