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The Sanctuary of Regret


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Hey Lunafox! Overall a solid and well-written chapter! Always looking forward to the next part!


Quartum Caput



-I think Liatrix is going to realize that she’s going to fall asleep whether she wants to or not. Probably at a wildly inopportune time. #NightmareOnZakuulStreet

-By the second time Balkar spoke I had this notion in my head that he’s gone crazy because pheromones. By the fourth time, I suspected something else was going on. By the fifth, I knew.

-Oh hey, everyone’s mood and state of mind is spiraling down along with the ship. There’s no accident in that imagery, is there.

-I almost didn’t realize this, even after having written my review of this chapter but… her pheromones are working on Quinn. This has disturbing implications should the Wrath actually be found.

-I’m usually a fan of dramatic irony, but here it’s pretty heartbreaking. Speaking of which, I wonder when we’ll see Old Man Spindrall again.

-“All that remained of the Star Cabal.” If only.

-Oh hey, that Empire Strikes Back reference. I like it! :)

-Everything all at once? Thank the stars. This chapter drags on foreverrrrrrrr in game

-At least Koth and Balkar seem to be relatively friendly. From reading elsewhere I seem to recall that you’re not a terribly huge fan of him, so I’m curious how much that’ll be reflected in the story.

-This is such a Liatrix thing to do, to lie about Vitiate.

-I wonder why Lana doesn’t just tell Liatrix she’s talking about Theron. Unless she’s not. But I mean it was a pretty stupid thing to do in-game to not mention him at all for 2/3 of the damned story.

-It never does make sense why Arcann doesn’t just kill the player.

-No, no she isn’t Liatrix’s friend. Because no one is. *facepalm*

-OH snaps is there some foreshadowing here with that almost Jafar-like drawing out of the S?

-This does bring up an interesting point. Is Vitiate able to read Liatrix’s mind? She can’t read his.

-I do enjoy the foreshadowing though, in Vitiate warning her that maybe she should say something before the sh.it hits the fan.

-Of course Lana senses the Emperor.

-Of course Liatrix is being completely unhelpful.

-Would Liatrix even know why? There’s nothing to suggest in your story that it deviates from the events in the throne room, at least.

-This just keeps getting uhh… “better.” Liatrix is about to be a homewrecker, isn’t she.

-It’s too bad she’s the strongest of the bunch in the Force. She could really stand a solid boxing about the ears, as the old stories say. Its hard to empathize with her, since she doesn't really seem to be reacting in a realistic way to events. Mostly she's just her usual being pissy to Lana as she always was in The Foundation of All Desire, rather than actually grieving or anything. I mean, it's a lot to process but it's not like several hours haven't passed at this point, either.




I very much enjoyed this chapter series of sorts, Please keep this updated so we can read it!

Woot woot! Welcome to the thread!

Edited by Diviciacus
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Thanks Divi, much appreciated. And as always I'm very grateful for your insightful breakdown and review. ^^ Answers in blue under the cut.


Hey Lunafox! Overall a solid and well-written chapter! Always looking forward to the next part!


Quartum Caput



-I think Liatrix is going to realize that she’s going to fall asleep whether she wants to or not. Probably at a wildly inopportune time. #NightmareOnZakuulStreet Indeed, fatigue like that really does take a toll and I suspect she's due to go down for the count for a while.

-By the second time Balkar spoke I had this notion in my head that he’s gone crazy because pheromones. By the fourth time, I suspected something else was going on. By the fifth, I knew.The Balkars it would seem are not coping well under the strains of the galaxy in their marriage. That and I'm thinking Doc's antidote wears off in time.

-Oh hey, everyone’s mood and state of mind is spiraling down along with the ship. There’s no accident in that imagery, is there. I liked the parrallel of ship crashing and everyone's morale with it.The rescue didn't go as planned in just about every way.

-I almost didn’t realize this, even after having written my review of this chapter but… her pheromones are working on Quinn. This has disturbing implications should the Wrath actually be found.This could be a problem, indeed. It's such a subtle thing, but I'm glad you picked up on it.How it's handled will hopefully be interesting. :)

-I’m usually a fan of dramatic irony, but here it’s pretty heartbreaking. Speaking of which, I wonder when we’ll see Old Man Spindrall again.That part was sad to write, I was actually crying along with Liatrix.

It's such a horrible thing to wake up to...a living nightmare.

-“All that remained of the Star Cabal.” If only.The Star Cabal is surprisingly resiliant.

-Oh hey, that Empire Strikes Back reference. I like it! :):)

-Everything all at once? Thank the stars. This chapter drags on foreverrrrrrrr in game It really did didn't it. Urgh, I was definiately wanting to get through these horribly dull parts, no denying that, there are much more interesting things I'd rather be exploring than that swamp or Zakuul.

-At least Koth and Balkar seem to be relatively friendly. From reading elsewhere I seem to recall that you’re not a terribly huge fan of him, so I’m curious how much that’ll be reflected in the story.They're good friends as I see it, maybe not as close as Balkar and Theron, but yeah, they're friends.

-This is such a Liatrix thing to do, to lie about Vitiate. Liatrix does like her secrets...I think she's still coping with him being in her head and I think she's keeping it to herself until she had a good grasp of the situation and what if anything can be done, and if she's able to get rid of him herself. She's also smart enough to know that people would react badly if they knew he was in her head. I think this will be more apparent in the next chapter.

-I wonder why Lana doesn’t just tell Liatrix she’s talking about Theron. Unless she’s not. But I mean it was a pretty stupid thing to do in-game to not mention him at all for 2/3 of the damned story.Lana was talking about Theron, but didn't want to say outright because, well she and Liatrix are pretty combative about things.I agree, that keeping us wondering about Theron's fate, was unnecessarily cruel of Bioware.

-It never does make sense why Arcann doesn’t just kill the player. Agreed, and it bugged me, so I'm going to create reasons.

-No, no she isn’t Liatrix’s friend. Because no one is. *facepalm*She's very isolated and much of it is because she does it to herself.

-OH snaps is there some foreshadowing here with that almost Jafar-like drawing out of the S?It was meant to be a tie in the whole 'serpent/dragon' mythos behind Valkorion.

-This does bring up an interesting point. Is Vitiate able to read Liatrix’s mind? She can’t read his.She can't read Valkorion's mind and he can't read hers either, but I think she's still testing this out and is uncertain just how much access to her memories and such he has.

-I do enjoy the foreshadowing though, in Vitiate warning her that maybe she should say something before the sh.it hits the fan.He's not wrong, the truth will out and it tends to come at a bad time.

-Of course, Lana senses the Emperor.Yep.

-Of course, Liatrix is being completely unhelpful. Of course, because she's still dealing with her issues...grief...she broke down in front of Malavai and wept...she's trying to appear stronger in front of Lana,

so out comes the angry part of the 'stages of grief' and those stages don't always come in the order they're written about, they happen interchangeably at the same time and out of order, much of the time, during the beginning,

so there are denial and anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance finally.

-Would Liatrix even know why? There’s nothing to suggest in your story that it deviates from the events in the throne room, at least.I think she would know why and I intend to show this later in the story,

my version does deviate.

-This just keeps getting uhh… “better.” Liatrix is about to be a homewrecker, isn’t she.I'm rather amused by this comment in the sense that I have the next chapter written. Just finessing and fussing at this point, and debating if I should cram more in at the 'end' of it (for the simple reason, I hate Asylum too)

-It’s too bad she’s the strongest of the bunch in the Force. She could really stand a solid boxing about the ears, as the old stories say. Its hard to empathize with her, since she doesn't really seem to be reacting in a realistic way to events. As you say, no one is really going to box her ears, but lessons aren't always learned that way either. She is the way she for good reason and the situation is truly beyond the limits of most people's endurance. I know that if I had to go through all this, I'd be broken, I'm sure of it...having lost everyone you love, being stuck in a place where you're wanted (and not in a good way) and having to appear strong and confident to people you don't know well when you least feel like it. And then there is the realization that these people are expecting leadership when you want to crawl into a corner and die basically. There is a lot to deal with, so as hard as she can be to empathize with when she turns hard, it's a coping mechanism and I think if people are able to get past it, they see someone who is actually quite warm and who is struggling to meet expectations.

Mostly she's just her usual being pissy to Lana as she always was in The Foundation of All Desire, rather than actually grieving or anything. I mean, it's a lot to process but it's not like several hours haven't passed at this point, either. Stuff like that would take more than a few hours to process like I said this is just the shock, grieving, anger part of things. I'd like to hope that she might surprise you. Anyways, thanks again for the insights and thoughtful review. You really are great at reviewing, my hats off to you, y'know.





Woot woot! Welcome to the thread!

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Answers to answers! (It never ands! ;) )




The Balkars it would seem are not coping well under the strains of the galaxy in their marriage. That and I'm thinking Doc's antidote wears off in time. Time for a booster shot, stat! *cough* Also a great time to bring Doc and Kira back. *cough*



I liked the parrallel of ship crashing and everyone's morale with it.The rescue didn't go as planned in just about every way.


Indeed I enjoyed that as well. Always nice when, as an author, you can set up some sweet, sweet things.


This could be a problem, indeed. It's such a subtle thing, but I'm glad you picked up on it.How it's handled will hopefully be interesting.


It's worrisome is what it is. Liatrix still has no idea she literally can puppet-strings most men and she's semi-stranded with a bunch of men and Lana. It terrifies me >.>


Liatrix does like her secrets...I think she's still coping with him being in her head and I think she's keeping it to herself until she had a good grasp of the situation and what if anything can be done, and if she's able to get rid of him herself. She's also smart enough to know that people would react badly if they knew he was in her head. I think this will be more apparent in the next chapter.


I don't doubt it'll be a more realistic interpretation. If you choose to tell Lana in-game, she's just like: "Huh, ok. That's awkward. Would you like a spot of tea?"


I'm rather amused by this comment in the sense that I have the next chapter written. Just finessing and fussing at this point, and debating if I should cram more in at the 'end' of it (for the simple reason, I hate Asylum too)


Now you have me especially worried.


As you say, no one is really going to box her ears, but lessons aren't always learned that way either. She is the way she for good reason and the situation is truly beyond the limits of most people's endurance. I know that if I had to go through all this, I'd be broken, I'm sure of it...having lost everyone you love, being stuck in a place where you're wanted (and not in a good way) and having to appear strong and confident to people you don't know well when you least feel like it. And then there is the realization that these people are expecting leadership when you want to crawl into a corner and die basically. There is a lot to deal with, so as hard as she can be to empathize with when she turns hard, it's a coping mechanism and I think if people are able to get past it, they see someone who is actually quite warm and who is struggling to meet expectations.


Stuff like that would take more than a few hours to process like I said this is just the shock, grieving, anger part of things. I'd like to hope that she might surprise you. Anyways, thanks again for the insights and thoughtful review. You really are great at reviewing, my hats off to you, y'know.


I actually forget why I originally wrote what I did about Liatrix reaction >.< I think a lot of it was that I felt like she was just so focused on being so purposefully and pointlessly a jerk to Lana that it seemed like she'd forgotten that the Emperor is in her head and - as far as she knows - everything she loves is gone. Too busy being rude to actually stages of grief at all. Probably just me though.




Also thank you and I'm glad you find my reviews helpful! I try to point out everything I notice, not just good or bad :)

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Five



There was a kind of peace that came with mundane and repetitive work. Repairing fuses demanded just enough focus to keep her from dwelling on the nightmare she had awakened to.


The icy sparks issuing from the fusing pen slowed until they formed one small but spectacular firework. A rush of cool air filled the alcove as if someone had just opened a window on a frosty autumn night.


Liatrix scowled at the pale apparition emerging from the wall. Valkorion drew closer, the space between them dwindling.


She deactivated the fusing pen and pushed her safety glasses up. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”


“Oh spare me that look. We are indivisible you and I. Where you go, I go.” Sharp amber eyes panned over the interior of the dilapidated craft. “The Gravestone…not entirely what I’d envisioned. I expected more…as I do from you.”


“Is that your way of saying I’m a disappointment? Because if it is, I don’t care.”


“No need for hostility. Whether you believe it or not, my intent is to see you flourish.”


“Just spit it out. Say what you came to say.”


“You’ve had a taste of my son’s empire…and the extent of his reach and Vaylin doesn’t believe in restraint. They can be defeated, but only if we work together.”


“Fine. I’ll hear you out.”


“Progress, at last. It’s simple really—you must be willing to accept my help and you will have to come to this acceptance sooner than you think.” Valkorion’s words unfurled in a decadent vibrato, refined and dangerous—the intoxicating language of a deity.


Liatrix couldn’t deny the entrancing effect of his voice and shook it off. “Is that a warning?”


“Wait—and you will see. The time is coming.” Valkorion whispered as he faded away.


“Stop being so damn cryptic,” she snarled, but it was too late, he was gone.


Liatrix swore and just as she was about to resume welding, a familiar presence came up behind her. His shadow towered over her and she turned around to face him. “Jonas…”


He glanced around with less certainty than she was used to seeing from him. He cocked his head and leaned in conspiratorially. “Was someone here just now?”


“No. What are you doing here?” She asked, slapping the fuse box shut.


“Came to see if you needed a hand—and to make sure you’re okay?”


“Keeping busy helps. You seem at loose ends, something wrong?”


His leather jacket creaked as leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. The faint scent of spiced cigars wafted into the alcove. “No. Having you back makes all the difference.”


Liatrix fixed her gaze on him intently. “You know, you never did say what you’ve been up to the last few years.”


“Nothing much—running missions, scamming credits to fight the Eternal Empire, y’know—surviving.”


“Is that all?”


“Lana told you, did she?”


“I guess congratulations are in order, even if I’m about four years late to the party.”


“The party ended a long time ago. It’s more of a wake now.”


“What happened?”


Jonas looked down. “The truth?”


“I think we’ve been through enough that we can cut the bantha fodder.”


“You’ve gotten blunt.”


“That happens when you’re trapped in your mind for too long with less than desirable company. Tell me,” she said, her tone softening.


Jonas ran his hand over his jaw. “It’s not just one thing, it’s everything. Arcann, this damn war. Before the Eternal Empire, we’d win some, lose some—but there was always hope. But now? It’s like we’re crushed under a boot, you can’t move or breathe—I’ve had enough,” he said, shaking his head. “I’d give just about anything to lie on a beach somewhere with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other.”


“That does sound pretty good—except for the cigar part,” Liatrix cringed.


“I remember, you’re not a fan of the smoke. I might’ve quit if…tell me—you ever think about Alderaan? How we talked about leaving all this behind.”


Liatrix averted her eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way—but I haven’t thought about much of anything except my children…my father, Scourge. I’m trapped inside my own head.” The heat began to build under her lashes and the alcove blurred.


“I’m sorry,” he murmured and set a hand on her shoulder, allowing it to trail lower until it fell away. “I think about it all the time, what might’ve been if only you’d said yes.”


She missed the cockiness in his voice and the devil-may-care glint in his eyes. The Eternal Empire’s occupation had stripped him of it, something she’d never thought possible. “You’re tired, that’s all this is. You’ve been fighting non-stop…for what the last four, five years? You’re not a machine.”


“Yeah, well tell that to Lana. She’s farking obsessed. Arcann this, Arcann that, Eternal Empire blah blah blah. I’m at the end of my tether,” he said, slashing the air in front of him with the heel of his hand. “If only you’d said yes…neither of us would be in this mess.”


“That sounds almost like you’re blaming me.”


“No—no sweetheart, that’s not what I meant at all,” he said, voice softening. “Just wishful thinking. But now that you’re here, I can’t help but wonder—maybe its fate—a second chance for us to do what we should’ve in the first place.”


He eased in and gently clasped her shoulders, his lips close enough that she could feel the bite of static and heat between them.


“Jonas—no,” Liatrix whispered, her hand splayed over his chest. “It’s not right. You need to talk to Lana about this. Not me.”


“Maybe you’re right. I owe her that much—then maybe we can get through this together.”


“I think you’re misunderstanding me. There is no we. She saved me and I’m not going to be the reason for her marriage breaking up.”


“You’re not. It’s been all but over way before this.”


She reached up to touch his cheek. “Listen to me. I can’t do this. Not now—maybe not ever. I can’t be close to anyone right now. Don’t throw your marriage away—tell her what you told me. Make her listen to you. She loves you, I sensed it when we were in the swamp before.”


Jonas sighed. “I’ve tried talking to her. She always says after we’ve defeated Arcann after order’s been restored to the galaxy. It’s always after. There’s a huge possibility we might not survive this. None of us are getting any younger—well, except you, you’re as beautiful as I remember…”


“Heh, carbon freezing—not a beauty treatment I’d recommend,” she deadpanned.


A chuckle escaped his grin. “You always knew how to cheer me up. C’mon don’t say no again. Let’s ditch this party.”


He braced himself against the wall, his arm gating her inside the alcove.


“I can’t. I have more reasons to destroy Arcann than Lana ever will. He’s emperor because of me and I have to put an end to that.”


“Looks like I’ve lost both of you to Arcann.”


“I care about you, Jonas, I always have and always will. I want you to be happy, but—”


“Then come with me,” he cut in.


“I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re giving me no choice. I can’t be with you, I don’t need the complication. Fix it with Lana. At least try, that’s all I’m asking.”


“Then who can you be with?” He demanded, his words as sharp as a tech blade.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Can you be with Theron? Is that who? You’ve been pretty careful not to bring his name up. There can only be one reason for that—you’re free now.”


Liatrix cranked her arm back and slapped him hard. “I told you—I can’t be with anyone—not you, not Theron. No one. I just can’t. Not now. Maybe not ever. What do I have to do to get through to you?”


Jonas cradled his jaw. “Guess I had that coming. I’m on edge. I’m sorry."


“So am I.”


The sound of a determined gait echoed in the corridor and another shadow fell across the alcove. “My lord? Is there a problem? Do you require my assistance?” Quinn asked.


Liatrix stepped around Jonas. “No, we’re finished here, thank you, Major. How are the repairs coming along?”


“Slowly, but we are making progress, my lord.” Quinn glanced at Jonas and frowned. “The fuel coils are still an issue, your assistance would expedite matters.”


“Getting off Zakuul is the priority,” Liatrix said.


“Yeah,” Jonas grunted. “Anything else we should know about?”


“As a matter of fact, there is, if you have a moment.” Quinn turned his data pad toward Liatrix. “Tee Seven has been in contact. The droid has information that would be of use, given our discovery—apparently, there is someone on Zakuul who possesses extensive knowledge of the Gravestone and possibly the technology required to interact with it for ease of repairs and upgrades.”


“The Lady of Sorrows? Strange name for an arms dealer? Is that what she is?”


“In part—but her influence goes well beyond arms, she practically governs Zakuul’s seedy underbelly—from deathsticks and petty acts of sabotage, to piracy and arms deals, there is little criminal activity that this individual isn’t a part of.”


Liatrix scanned the data. “This is risky—not sure we can trust an underworld figure. With any luck, we won’t need her. Let’s hope we can get this bucket off-world before sunrise. Do you have anything else?”


“Potentially. Tee Seven has proven to be quite an asset.”


“He’s a good friend,” she murmured. Her last interaction with the droid edged into her memory and she felt a pang of regret. “I have a few things I’d like to ask him.”


“I’ll attempt to re-establish communications. After you, my lord,” Quinn stood aside with an upturned palm.

Liatrix glanced back at Jonas but said nothing and left.


Jonas slammed his hand against the durasteel wall. “Why didn’t I listen?” He swore and kept his head down as he stalked out of the Gravestone, completely unaware of the shadowed presence lurking behind the plasma transvertor housing to his left.


Lana peered out from behind the trunk of ancient cooling coils and watched Jonas retreat into the balmy night. Her com chirped, but no visual sprang up from the unit. “Lana here, go ahead.”


“I’m here like you requested. Figured I should warn you before we meet. Given the company you’re keeping, I thought it best to avoid any misunderstandings. They won’t be pleased seeing a knight show up,” the hardened female voice crackled over the device.


“Give me five minutes, I’ll inform them.”


“Understood, Senya, out.”


Lana navigated the Gravestone’s dim passages until she arrived at the communications center.

Quinn and Liatrix poured over the transmission and glanced up almost in unison at the doorway.


“Lana…you might want to take a look at this, Tee Seven sent us this encrypted message.”


“Yes, but later, there is someone I need the both of you to meet—an ally.”


Liatrix eyed Lana warily and nodded. “I suppose we can always use another one of those.”


“Good, I hoped that would be your response. Why don’t you go on ahead and I’ll com the others to join us outside.”


The group huddled around a pile of salvage the exiles had gathered. HK-55 picked off several curious iknayids that strayed too close to the camp and Jonas kept his distance as he put the finishing touches on the outer fuel coil assembly.


“So what’s all this about, Lana?” Koth asked.


“I want to introduce you to someone I’ve been working with these last several months. I believe she’ll be an asset and provide us with valuable insight into the Zakuulan Knights.”


As if on cue, a woman in white and gold armour emerged from the darkness. “Lana.”


“Good to see you. Everyone, this is Senya,” Lana replied.


Koth drew his pistol. “What in Scyva’s mercy is this? Why is she here? Have you lost your mind? She hunted me and my crew like wild akk dogs for years.”


“Koth—relax. And for pity’s sakes lower your weapon. She’s not here for you. She’s not hunting you anymore. She’s here to help, and we need as much of that as we can muster.”


Liatrix took a step closer. “You got one of the Knights to defect.”


Senya nodded. “Not all of us follow Arcann blindly.”


A dropship hovered above the camp, releasing three dozen skytroopers and a half dozen knights. The troops strode

forward, weapons at the ready.


“Relax? You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me. You don’t follow Arcann huh? What the hell is that then? You brought them straight to us!” Koth snarled and pointed up at the sky.


Senya shook her head. “I have no quarrel with them, but if they’re going to stand in my way—” She unclipped a thermal detonator from her belt and lobbed it into the first squadron of skytroopers to hit the ground.


The explosion rocked the camp, spraying soil, rock and skytrooper body parts throughout the blast radius.


“I see you’ve found another pragmatist,” Liatrix said.


“Stow the chatter, prove you can fight,” Senya grunted.


Liatrix snorted and ignited her lightsaber. “And you prove you’re worth the trouble.”


Jonas, Koth, and HK took cover behind the mound of scavenged parts and fired at the incoming troopers, blue and green bolts slicing across the camp. Quinn covered the screaming exiles as they ran, half-crouched to the Gravestone for shelter. He tumbled under the exchange of plasma bolts and took cover behind a large stone to open fire.


Liatrix, Lana, and Senya deflected the incoming fire and pushed forward to drive the enemy back. The knights charged, their pale blue lightsabers casting a ghostly glow over the swamp as they advanced. The two groups clashed at the edge of the camp, weapons growling and gnashing as they traded blows.


The more troopers they defeated, the more seemed to pour in from drop ships above.


“There are too many of them!” Lana shouted.


“Keep fighting!” Liatrix gritted her teeth as she cut down a knight. Using the Force, she summoned the dead warrior’s lightsaber and catapulted herself forward, both blades whirling as she sliced through the incoming troops.


Senya leapt high, to engage the next squadron.


The knights tore off in opposite directions and came around to encircle Lana. They edged closer to her, the tips of their weapons dangerously close to coming within arm’s length.


The jungle echoed with the roar of dropships releasing more troopers into the swamp. Their thrusters swaying the dark leafed palms and grasses with the mad fury of a tornado.


Liatrix pushed back the knight before her and spun around to take out a skytrooper coming at her from behind. Her body ached and her eyelids were heavy. Fatigue gripped her and her mind swam with voices that might’ve been real. “Just a bit longer,” she muttered under her breath, calling to the Force to sustain her.


More knights came from all directions and closed in on the camp. Liatrix roared, summoning the Force and adrenaline to fight through the thick of it. Her gaze panned over to the others. Lana battled against the encroaching knights and Senya raced to her side. Koth winced and hugged his arm after taking a hit and Jonas pushed him back to take his place. Quinn and HK-55 stood back to back, fighting both iknayids and troopers threatening to board the ship.


“Knights! Zildrog’s wedge!” The squad leader commanded. Instead of advancing, they reached out with the Force to encircle Liatrix with thick durasteel plates, effectively using the exile’s salvage pile to trap her and the others.


“We have the Outlander,” he announced boldly over his com. “You may kill the rest! We have the Outlander, High Justice!”


“Get out of there, save yourself!” Lana cried as a knight leveled his saber staff mere inches from her throat. Her eyes grew wide at the grim realization she was about to die.


A cool breeze filtered into the durasteel snare and time slowed until it was suspended. Valkorion appeared between Liatrix and the others, his brow arched just enough to underscore his hubris.


“What now?” Liatrix snarled.


“I’m here to present you with an opportunity. You are outnumbered. Death comes for your ally, but I must know, will your pride and stubbornness outweigh your pragmatism?”


“Get to the point!”


“I can save her—all require is the briefest moment of control. Accept my help—or watch her die. Choose quickly, time waits for no one.”


“You knew this would happen—this is what you were alluding to before. You could’ve warned me.” Liatrix panted.


“And what would that have accomplished? I’m not here to spoon feed you, I’m here to forge you into a being worthy of greater things. Make your choice. I leave it to you.”


Liatrix’s gaze fixed on Lana. The blonde was spent, her face red and sweaty from battle. The knight’s blade lapped over the pale stalk connecting Lana’s head to her shoulders. One more second and it would be over for Lana. Her eyes held the spark of fear and hope that came with the end, acceptance, and expectation of being cut down.


For all her strength and talent, Liatrix knew she could never reach Lana in time. Every action, every option took seconds to execute and Lana didn’t have that long.


“I owe her my life,” she murmured and glanced over at Valkorion. “Take care of it,” she commanded bitterly.




A black-purple aura seeped from Liatrix’s body as if it weren’t enough to contain the power churning within. Her spirit tumbled as though it were slammed to one side by a massive wave, powerful enough to level a world in one swipe.


Allies and enemies alike were swept up in the tide as it ripped through the swamp. The knights and their reinforcing skytroopers rose into the air, their bodies shuddering as they shriveled and disintegrated into ashen husks, their armour the only proof that there had been a living being inside once.


Liatrix screamed inside her mind as her body absorbed the Force power of the dead strewn around the swamp. The voices screaming their last on Ziost reared themselves as new ones joined them. She was no longer a mere observer, but a seated guest glutting on the feast.


Darkness swirled in her mind, but it was not Valkorion’s power she sensed, but another sleeping power roused to duty. A cold as miserable as the wastelands of Hoth permeated her marrow and then it was gone. The power taken from the dead knights and skytroopers faded quickly and she realized why trillions of lives were needed to fuel the Emperor’s quintessence—human life was a fuel that burned all too briefly.


The hunger turned its attention toward her allies and she threw herself in front of them. The darkness in her mind pushed back at Valkorion’s spirit. His control dwindled and she was left stooped over and gasping as she reclaimed herself.


The wave dissipated and Liatrix took in greedy gulps of air to soothe the frenetic rhythm of her heart. Valkorion remained in her mind, but his presence seemed far away. She walked toward the camp, her gaze shifting incredulously at the devastation.


Lana was the first to come to and find her feet. “What—what was that? What happened to the knights?”


Jonas and Koth were next to join them and Quinn and HK stood by the terrified exiles, who emerged from the Gravestone one by one. “We were on our way to help but—I don’t even know,” Koth stammered. “What just happened?”


Liatrix swallowed. “Status report? Is the Gravestone capable of takeoff?”


Quinn glanced back at the vessel before answering. “Propulsion and navigational systems are operational, as is the Omni-cannon. Overall, the Gravestone is operating at 70% efficiency—hardly ideal, but enough to escape.”


“Then let’s go,” Koth barked.


Lana frowned. “Wait—where’s Senya?”


Koth threw up his hands and winced. “You can’t be seriously thinking of taking that piece of work with us, not after that.”


“She wasn’t responsible—it was an unfortunate coincidence.”


HK cocked his blaster rifle. “Interjection: Many more hostiles are approaching. Permission to defend with extreme prejudice?”


“No. We’re getting the hell out of here. Right now. Koth, Jonas, prep the engines and get the essential systems online. Quinn set a course—I don’t care where just so long as it’s not here. Lana, Senya, you’re with me—it appears we’re going to have to give the Gravestone a slight push,” Liatrix said. “Everyone else…get on board and sweep for hostiles.”


“Let’s just hope we can get it out of that muck without tearing it apart,” Lana said.


“We will,” Liatrix assured as she summoned the Force with the others. The vessel rocked and ropes of pale green water wept from the hull. The swamp gurgled and churned as the ship came away from the surface, the loamy sludge bubbling beneath it until the ship hovered several meters off the ground.


Whoops and cheers sounded inside as the ship broke free of Zakuul and Liatrix, Lana and Senya boarded the ancient behemoth.


No one dared to speak as the ship rose higher and higher into the atmosphere—as if one spoken word would somehow burst the tenuous bubble around them. The pale rosy light of dawn gave way to the darkness of space, filled with countless stars and ribbons of blue nebulae cutting across their heading.


Koth was the first to break the silence and with his attempt to lay claim to the ship, came a swarm of barb-shaped vessels blocking their egress.


“The Eternal Fleet,” Senya muttered.


“Why aren’t they firing?” Koth asked.


Liatrix stepped closer to the viewport and stared out at the geometric precision of the enemy craft. Every time she saw these ships the final moments aboard the Erinyes came to mind.


Arcann’s presence declared itself across the Force and for a breadth of a moment, she felt as if she were standing toe to toe with him—opposites trapped in a mirror and stupefied by the reflection shining back at them.


She sensed his hesitation and her lip curled up at the corner. Her right hand opened and closed involuntarily as she sensed another goading him—Vaylin. His hesitation gave way to ego and pride and she understood what would happen next and turned to Koth. “Shields up. Here it comes,” Liatrix said in a low voice.


“Shields are up, but no tellin’ how long they’re gonna hold. HK see about the hyperdrive and we need a gunner.”


“I’ll do it,” Jonas barked and tore off to take control of the artillery.


Flames licked across the bridge. Lana tugged an old extinguisher out of its cubby and took aim. “Dammit, it’s empty.”


“Jonas,” Koth began over the intercom. “Omni cannon is charged and ready. See that capital ship front and center?”


“Already on it,” he replied.


The Gravestone lurched and groaned as the cannon emerged out of the Gravestone’s durasteel jaws and took aim.


The Eternal Fleet fired. The Gravestone lurched and flames engulfed portions of the hull.

“Jonas, hit it!” Koth roared.


Liatrix held her breath as she watched the projectile collide with the Eternal fleet’s capital ship. A blinding light lit the galaxy as it blew apart.


“Direct hit!” Jonas howled.


Koth’s jaw dropped. The capital ship’s demise spread like a virulent disease. The geometric formation of the closest ships crumbled leaving them floating aimlessly like debris in water. “Five targets, ten! I can’t keep up…The legend is real! With this, we could take the whole fleet.”


The blinding light grew until it filled the viewscreen, casting a cool greenish glow over the cockpit.


HK glanced up from his com. “Statement: The hyperdrive now meets minimum functionality requirements.”


“Then get us out of here now,” Liatrix ordered.


((to be continued…))

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I love your variation of what takes place in the game, especially with the new characters added to the scenario. Poor Jonas and Lana....I do hope they are able to work things out. He could really use a booster of that antidote Doc created!


I liked seeing the effect of Liatrix using Valkorian's power in the battle with the skytroopers. I'd never seen that in game as I consistently refused to let him help me (except for one time that had disastrous results! ).


Favorite line: Arcann’s presence declared itself across the Force and for a breadth of a moment, she felt as if she were standing toe to toe with him—opposites trapped in a mirror and stupefied by the reflection shining back at them.


I'm very much looking forward to more!:)

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Fee Fie Foe Fum, let me factor this sum!


But seriously, chapter review, woo! Overall a great chapter! Chapters keep getting besser und besser :)


Quintum Caput



-I’m definitely the opposite here. Mundane, repetitive work makes my mind wander. I’d probably be a weepy puddle here, or like, incoherently raging and hacking at everything with my saber.

-Love the imagery in that second paragraph!

-“Sod off, Valky, I’m welding!” hahahaha

-He lies like a sidewalk. I can’t help but wonder if I should keep a running tally of the times I write that phrase. (“Secret Agent Shan” in Foundation of All Desire comments: 7, “Balkar man, just…. *sigh*” in Spy vs. Spy: 11) ANYWAY. Speaking of this particular conversation, in-game doesn’t it happen at that weird Dark Side obelisk thing? I’m curious as a reader how you’ll deal with that. Flesh it out? Disregard? Bees?

-“You’ve had a taste of my son’s empire…and the extent of his reach and Vaylin doesn’t believe in restraint.” Bit of an awkward sentence here.

-Liatrix’s Dark Side is showing, haha. Also an interesting conundrum because the more she agrees, the more hooks he has in her. Much stronger foreshadowing here as well (than game) because Vitiate talking about having to accept help comes only a couple minutes’ read away from having to do it. Instead of like three chapters later as it is in-game, and the player has forgotten it.

-I enjoy the juxtaposition here of circumstance and seduction: “the intoxicating language of a deity. A little bit more foreshadowing in case we haven’t read Marr, but it’s interesting to see Liatrix fall for Vitiate’s wiles as Balkar falls for hers. The parallels and differences are delicious!

-Liatrix keeps stumbling closer and closer to accidentally revealing her little secret. And I find it quite hilarious and also quite symbolic that what Balkar thought would be a little secret rendezvous ended up being wholly observed by Lana trying to sneak around – but for entirely different reasons.

-I’m quite pleased with Liatrix here that she has the sense to rebuke him instead of giving in. But, as she does notice – he’s also not quite the same Balkar he once was.

-I suppose Balkar is right, Lana does have this nearly inexhaustible source of energy.

-I find there to be a certain creepy irony in that Liatrix is only ok with being a homewrecker when it’s her home being wrecked. *cough*cheated on Doc with Scourge AND Balkar*cough*

-I also can’t help but wonder if maybe we’re going to see Liatrix defrost a little. If she didn’t care about Lana or her feelings, she probably would have been less objectioned. She’s not saying no to sleeping with Balkar because the galaxy is falling apart and she’s not in the mood, she’s saying no because he’s married to Lana. Is it too much to hope for a little personal growth from ye olde not-a-Jedi? I mean, I guess later that’s her reasoning… but it starts out with “Think of how Lana would feel, dip ****.” I feel like Liatrix pulling the “Galaxy is disintegrating card” is something of an Ace in the hole when a logical, proper response to him doesn’t work.

-Saved by the Quinn: A new sitcom coming soon to a holonet near you! LOL

-But seriously, I can’t help but notice “acts of sabotage” in SCORPIO’s dossier there. Are we removing Kaliyo from the equation because any sane Agent would have spaced her years ago?

-Quinn is such a yes-man here. It would be skin-crawly were it not for the fact that I know he’s not in his right mind. (But is he ever? #ShotsFired)

-A few things she’d like to ask T7? Like “do you hate me because I chopped the Grandmaster up?”? :p

-At least Balkar’s final comment here is in regards to what Lana told him last chapter and not something Liatrix said. Or is it from something Theron told him that we don’t know about yet? #TinFoilReader

-I’m a tiny bit disappointed that we don’t actually see anything of how Lana reacts to the conversation though.

-I suppose we should have seen Senya’s betrayal coming a mile away given how Lana surreptitiously had to contact her in-game.

-Iknayids are kind of neat little spidery things. I wonder if we’ll ever get one as a mount? Lol

-haha, thermal detonator time! :pban gon wan she coh cah HON HON HON HON

-I enjoy the weather effect whenever Vitiate shows up.

-eww stalk eww. Also shades of Watcher One dying?

-And now Vitiate has his door into her. Amaaaazingngngngnngnggg imagery here, I loved every word!

-What bittersweet imagery, dawn giving way to the endless night. And dare I suspect, horrid foreshadowing.

-PEW PEW PEW! Hahahaha

-Time to go.



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I like the small deviations from the original story and the hints for more to come.


I guess V. isn't the only one out (or in?) to get Lia.


And it seems I am not the only one who likes V.'s voice.


Thanks :D I'm glad you're enjoying my take on things.

And no, there is someone else with their hooks in a bit, but for now seems more like an ally than an enemy.



Nope, you're not the only one, I enjoy his voice quite a bit and if pressed I think Lia would admit it's pleasant also. :D Thanks for reading and commenting!



I love your variation of what takes place in the game, especially with the new characters added to the scenario. Poor Jonas and Lana....I do hope they are able to work things out. He could really use a booster of that antidote Doc created!


I liked seeing the effect of Liatrix using Valkorian's power in the battle with the skytroopers. I'd never seen that in game as I consistently refused to let him help me (except for one time that had disastrous results! ).


Favorite line: Arcann’s presence declared itself across the Force and for a breadth of a moment, she felt as if she were standing toe to toe with him—opposites trapped in a mirror and stupefied by the reflection shining back at them.


I'm very much looking forward to more!:)



Thanks, I'm glad you like my version of the tale. As we go it will likely deviate quite a lot more. Poor Lana and Jonas, they've been under quite a lot of strain with the war and the things they've been up to. It probably wasn't the best time to be married, but who can know these things, when they wanted to do so. It's been tough for them.


I'm also happy that you enjoyed my take on the dark side choice. I actually changed that up, the scene you get in game isn't quite like that, it's just more of a wave that knocks everyone out. I wanted to focus more on the devouring aspect of Valk's power and how that might affect Liatrix.


That line, was one I was rather proud of myself and in this case, happened to be a last minute addition actually. :) Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think.

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Answers in blue under the cut. And as always thanks for reading and commenting.




Quintum Caput



-I’m definitely the opposite here. Mundane, repetitive work makes my mind wander. I’d probably be a weepy puddle here, or like, incoherently raging and hacking at everything with my saber.


I'm the same way, if I find myself lacking for inspiration, all I need to do is grind the one chapter of KotFE for GC and I get all kinds of thoughts passing through. With the welding though, I think there is enough going on to keep her focussed though and I think anything that keeps her focus on one thing is helpful. Also I don't see her as being so Kylo Renn-ish to have a freak fit quite like that.


-Love the imagery in that second paragraph! Thanks I tried to imagine what it would be like to freeze time mid weld...hard to do considering I've never welded lol.


-“Sod off, Valky, I’m welding!” hahahaha That's about the size of it right there lol.

-He lies like a sidewalk. I can’t help but wonder if I should keep a running tally of the times I write that phrase. (“Secret Agent Shan” in Foundation of All Desire comments: 7, “Balkar man, just…. *sigh*” in Spy vs. Spy: 11) ANYWAY. Speaking of this particular conversation, in-game doesn’t it happen at that weird Dark Side obelisk thing? I’m curious as a reader how you’ll deal with that. Flesh it out? Disregard? Bees?

I've been trying to condense it because a lot of it I find boring and I don't want it to be exactly like the game, cause that's like watching paint dry, so the bits I find of use, I move them around as I need to,

and the conversations might sometimes take place in a new location. As for the Dark Side thing on the ship,

well, I'm sure I can make use of that locale at some point in time, I have ideas for it.


-“You’ve had a taste of my son’s empire…and the extent of his reach and Vaylin doesn’t believe in restraint.” Bit of an awkward sentence here. Indeedy, it is...and I probably should have just written my own...that's actually one from the game. It stuck out like a sore thumb, but for whatever reason, I left it. https://imgur.com/BOJPaV6


-Liatrix’s Dark Side is showing, haha. Also an interesting conundrum because the more she agrees, the more hooks he has in her. Much stronger foreshadowing here as well (than game) because Vitiate talking about having to accept help comes only a couple minutes’ read away from having to do it. Instead of like three chapters later as it is in-game, and the player has forgotten it. I liked the immediateness of it, as you say its fresh in the mind, and also makes one wonder if he is able to see a bit into the future, or know events before they happen...could be a scion-ish sort of trait.


-I enjoy the juxtaposition here of circumstance and seduction: “the intoxicating language of a deity. A little bit more foreshadowing in case we haven’t read Marr, but it’s interesting to see Liatrix fall for Vitiate’s wiles as Balkar falls for hers. The parallels and differences are delicious! I'm glad it translated :D That makes me happy to know.

-Liatrix keeps stumbling closer and closer to accidentally revealing her little secret. And I find it quite hilarious and also quite symbolic that what Balkar thought would be a little secret rendezvous ended up being wholly observed by Lana trying to sneak around – but for entirely different reasons. I think on some level she believes/knows that Balkar is oblivious enough to what is really going on with her, that he'd never guess it. It's kind of a subtle dig she takes at Valk, and Balkar would likely interpret it as a dig against herself in some way.


-I’m quite pleased with Liatrix here that she has the sense to rebuke him instead of giving in. But, as she does notice – he’s also not quite the same Balkar he once was. The war has been tough on him and Lana both, though I haven't really said as much about Lana, I figure Sith can project their image to be what they desire it to be, much like the Emperor in the prequels.


-I suppose Balkar is right, Lana does have this nearly inexhaustible source of energy. She's very focussed on duty and work and she's not really into a lot of PDA and affection--honestly she's a bit too cold for Jonas. It's a bit strange to me that they got together at all. There was a good reason he initially called her Frosty.


-I find there to be a certain creepy irony in that Liatrix is only ok with being a homewrecker when it’s her home being wrecked. *cough*cheated on Doc with Scourge AND Balkar*cough* I think she probably looks at it like it's her life to change or ruin as she pleases, given that she's part of the equation. And I think she is grateful to Lana for saving her, even if she wasn't the one they'd thought they were getting. That would be quite nasty of her to do that to Lana after getting saved and as dark as Lia can be, I don't think she'd be so foul or stupid.

Rescue isn't totally complete lol.


-I also can’t help but wonder if maybe we’re going to see Liatrix defrost a little. If she didn’t care about Lana or her feelings, she probably would have been less objectioned. She’s not saying no to sleeping with Balkar because the galaxy is falling apart and she’s not in the mood, she’s saying no because he’s married to Lana. Is it too much to hope for a little personal growth from ye olde not-a-Jedi? I mean, I guess later that’s her reasoning… but it starts out with “Think of how Lana would feel, dip ****.” I feel like Liatrix pulling the “Galaxy is disintegrating card” is something of an Ace in the hole when a logical, proper response to him doesn’t work. Lia has a lot on her mind, she's grieving her losses, has this problem in the form of Valk in her head, so that prevents her from being as warm as she could be, and she's afraid of letting anyone too close for worry of how Valk would use that and hurt those that matter that she has left. Also as I said, she's not going to hurt Lana because she feels she owes her at least something for the save. They'll never likely be BFFs but Liatrix isn't a completely ungrateful jerk either.

-Saved by the Quinn: A new sitcom coming soon to a holonet near you! LOL LOL yah.


-But seriously, I can’t help but notice “acts of sabotage” in SCORPIO’s dossier there. Are we removing Kaliyo from the equation because any sane Agent would have spaced her years ago? I could see them being linked up. Don't really want to say more.

-Quinn is such a yes-man here. It would be skin-crawly were it not for the fact that I know he’s not in his right mind. (But is he ever? #ShotsFired)He would be anyways, she's a Darth and a Sith and he is very respectful of his higher ups and yes, he's a bit confused by the protectiveness he's starting to feel for her.


-A few things she’d like to ask T7? Like “do you hate me because I chopped the Grandmaster up?”? :pLOL, not exactly. I think she wants to know what became of everyone they knew. Namely Doc and Kira because T7 was with them and now he's not.


-At least Balkar’s final comment here is in regards to what Lana told him last chapter and not something Liatrix said. Or is it from something Theron told him that we don’t know about yet? #TinFoilReader That's referring to what Lana told him to do...to give her space and let her process things.

He didn't and everything basically went to hell. He got shot down and he thinks if he'd listened he'd still have a chance. He was too aggressive. I think of the two agents, Jonas was the more aggressive of the two, especially when it comes to the ladies. Theron was always more lone wolf and laid back...cool, aloof, distant...something that I think works on Lia more than the direct approach. She's had that, from Doc and Balkar both.


-I’m a tiny bit disappointed that we don’t actually see anything of how Lana reacts to the conversation though. There wasn't time in this scenario, but we will be seeing Lana's actions and reactions to things in the next chapter.


-I suppose we should have seen Senya’s betrayal coming a mile away given how Lana surreptitiously had to contact her in-game. I never trusted her and I don't think Lia does either, and especially not when she learns Senya's truth.


-Iknayids are kind of neat little spidery things. I wonder if we’ll ever get one as a mount? Lol Urgh. Yuck no. I hate spiders. Do not want lol.


-haha, thermal detonator time! :pban gon wan she coh cah HON HON HON HON Handy those, and that's exactly what Senya did in the game, so I went with it.


-I enjoy the weather effect whenever Vitiate shows up. I think it adds something more than just Caspar the Hungry ghost showing up.

-eww stalk eww. Also shades of Watcher One dying? A bit yes, in the sense that W2 was always the efficient second banana and so is Lana Banana.

-And now Vitiate has his door into her. Amaaaazingngngngnngnggg imagery here, I loved every word! Glad you liked it :D I expanded on what the game gave, it wasn't enough for me, I needed...moar. :D

-What bittersweet imagery, dawn giving way to the endless night. And dare I suspect, horrid foreshadowing.

-PEW PEW PEW! Hahahaha

-Time to go. Yep it's like a knee to the you know whats and run off before they get off the ground to fight back lol. Thanks again Divi! <3


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You really put a lot of thought into everything and it shows. Its a lot richer than what we get in game. I guess it's like comparing a book to a movie, the book is always better.


You got a real way with words, every bit is great. Hurry up and write more :rak_01:

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You really put a lot of thought into everything and it shows. Its a lot richer than what we get in game. I guess it's like comparing a book to a movie, the book is always better.


You got a real way with words, every bit is great. Hurry up and write more :rak_01:


Well thank you :D I really appreciate hearing that. Thanks for reading and for the lovely comments. ^^

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He braced himself against the wall, his arm gating her inside the alcove.


“I can’t. I have more reasons to destroy Arcann than Lana ever will. He’s emperor because of me and I have to put an end to that.”


“Looks like I’ve lost both of you to Arcann.”


“I care about you, Jonas, I always have and always will. I want you to be happy, but—”


“Then come with me,” he cut in.


“I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re giving me no choice. I can’t be with you, I don’t need the complication. Fix it with Lana. At least try, that’s all I’m asking.”


“Then who can you be with?” He demanded, his words as sharp as a tech blade.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Can you be with Theron? Is that who? You’ve been pretty careful not to bring his name up. There can only be one reason for that—you’re free now.”


Liatrix cranked her arm back and slapped him hard. “I told you—I can’t be with anyone—not you, not Theron. No one. I just can’t. Not now. Maybe not ever. What do I have to do to get through to you?”


Holy crap Luna! This scene was TOO real. I've been in situations similar to both characters in this scene before and I have a rough idea of what they're both feeling and...damn, you made me feel it in 1080p 4k HD all over again.


How do you do that?

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Holy crap Luna! This scene was TOO real. I've been in situations similar to both characters in this scene before and I have a rough idea of what they're both feeling and...damn, you made me feel it in 1080p 4k HD all over again.


How do you do that?


*blush* Well thank you. :D I think. I'm glad it touched you and felt real, though I hope it didn't bring back anything unfortunate. It's a hard position to be in, both in real life and in a story. I'm glad I was able to capture it realistically. Thanks for telling me. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Nice twists and turns from the Dev story and the change of cast also helps.


Hope Jonas and Lana work it out, a little jealousy or the threat of loss can make one see the light. But I did get a bit of a chuckle when Jonas brought up Theron to Liatrix. It reminded me of the conversation between Han and Leah on the Ewok moon "Could you talk to Luke? Is that who you could tell?" or something like that. :)


Perhaps I misread, but another power beneath valky's? As much of a devourer as the emperor himself? Sometimes I see smoke where this is no fire, but it made me wonder.


Anyway, looking forward to the next, as always.

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Nice twists and turns from the Dev story and the change of cast also helps.


Hope Jonas and Lana work it out, a little jealousy or the threat of loss can make one see the light. But I did get a bit of a chuckle when Jonas brought up Theron to Liatrix. It reminded me of the conversation between Han and Leah on the Ewok moon "Could you talk to Luke? Is that who you could tell?" or something like that. :)


Perhaps I misread, but another power beneath valky's? As much of a devourer as the emperor himself? Sometimes I see smoke where this is no fire, but it made me wonder.


Anyway, looking forward to the next, as always.


Thanks, Misha :D I'm glad the changes are helping to put a fresher spin on it.


You're right, jealousy and the real threat of losing someone makes people think and often see the light. Other times...other things come into play and it takes a while longer to figure stuff out. You know, now that I read it back, it does lol. It must have been subconsciously influencing me somehow. I haven't watched RoTJ in...wow...at least a year. Maybe I should again. :D But hey, it makes it a bit more Star Wars-y that way, so I'm cool with it.


You didn't misread, there is a sleeping power there that was awakened with the feeding of tasty Force energy. :)


Glad you're still enjoying the story and as always thanks for reading and for the insights. <3

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Six


Few secrets endured on a starship, only the most tenaciously guarded remained intact.


For all their strength, the timeworn durasteel walls could’ve been made of paper. Any sound dampening material between them had disintegrated ages ago allowing every squeak, knock, and voice to travel unimpeded through most sections of the Gravestone.


The ship drifted through the darkness. Only a scant few stars marked the gateway to the quadrant. Liatrix was beginning to understand why the wanted and unwanted alike sought refuge on Asylum. It may as well have been the end of the known galaxy.


The chronometer in the medbay indicated the pirate port was still several hours away. She stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the final course of treatment to finish cycling through her system.


The bridge was silent except for the HK and Koth, who had volunteered for the watch. An occasional growl or snort hinted that Koth dozed, leaving the droid to make up for the slack.


In another part of the ship, a pair of voices began as whispers and steadily grew louder. Liatrix caught herself dozing and forced herself to focus on the voices hissing through the vents.


“You wanted to talk, so talk,” Jonas grunted. His tone held the same impatience as a pot ready to boil over.


“I think we both know things between us haven’t been going well for some time.”


“That’s an understatement.”


“I have a solution in mind if you’ll hear me out.”


“Where am I gonna go? And don’t say the airlock like last time.”


“I wasn’t—not yet at any rate. Do you want to hear my suggestion or not?”




“When we reach Asylum, I want you to go to Nar Shaddaa. I have a contact there for you to meet.”


“That’s no suggestion, that’s an order. So—you’re sending me away. Why now? Jonas protested.


“I never thought I’d see the day you’d balk at going there of all places—knowing your fondness for it.”


“Whatever it is, can’t it wait?”


“No time like the present, I always say. Think of it as an extended vacation. Do as you like. Your objectives might take some time to complete.”


“And what would those be?”


“My contact operates as an information broker. He may have information on the whereabouts of Master Kira Carsen and Dr. Archiban Kimble.”


“What? No! Absolutely not. If I never saw that guy again it’d be too soon. What the hell do you want him for? The last thing we need is one of Liatrix’s exes hanging around. Is this why you’re sending me away? Because of her?”


Liatrix sat up and winced as she accidentally tugged on the IV feeding her liquids and synth-blood. She cocked her head and strained to eavesdrop.


“If we’re going to defeat Arcann, we’ll need more help. Major Quinn is of more value as a strategist than a physician and we need both. Not to mention, we could use some time apart—to think, regroup—and yes, if I’m being honest, she is part of the reason,” Lana said.


“Right. I know you. You’ve got something up your sleeve and your lackeys are always the last to know. What’s your motive?”


“You’re not my lackey. As for my motive, did it ever occur to you, that I want what’s best for us? You’re exhausted. You’ve been under tremendous strain, that isn’t lost on me.”


“It was until now—”


“I won’t lie. I heard you and Liatrix in the corridor. I heard all of it and while you may be willing to throw our marriage away, I’m not.”


“If anyone threw anything away, it’s you. I tried to tell you, but you never listen. I can’t believe you spied on me.”


“Not on purpose—look, I know I’ve made mistakes, but all I’ve done is for the galaxy and for us.”


“That’s it right there…The galaxy is always first with you. Millions of strangers you’ll never meet have always meant more to you than I do.”


“Damn your selfishness. That’s not true. If the galaxy is destroyed, would we not be destroyed with it? Think, Jonas.”


“I have been. A lot.”


“Will you do this? It would be of benefit—to both of us. Whatever you may be thinking, I want you to know that I want to salvage our marriage.”


“Hmph. Who’s the contact?”


“He was at one time, one of Imperial Intelligence’s finest until he ran afoul with a member of the Dark Council. I don’t know all the details. He was reassigned as a deep cover operative many years ago—his name is Darmas Pollaran.”


“Pollaran! Oh, this just gets better and better.”


“So you know him.” Lana’s tone carried a note of surprise.


“I want to stick a blaster barrel between that bastard’s eyes. Yeah. I know him.”


“I thought you might enjoy his company—if nothing else enjoy a few hands of Sabacc together. I understand he’s quite good at it—whether he’s as good at it as you are, remains to be seen.”


“Cut the crap, Lana.”


“Will you do it? Will you meet with him?”


“Doesn’t look like I have much choice, do I?”


“I would appreciate it. And Jonas? I love you—think kindly of me while you’re away…”


His reply was spoken by the apathetic hiss of the door as it shut behind him. After his footfalls faded to nothing, Lana gasped and broke down sobbing—audibly and steadily until fatigue muted her sorrow into silence.


Liatrix dabbed at the corners of her eyes and eased back into her pillows. Chances were good that Doc and Kira were still alive, but that didn’t buoy her spirits for long. With thoughts of the living, came the inevitable thoughts of the dead. She wept, continuing the mournful elegy Lana had started.


She tugged the thermal coverlet over her head and buried her face in the pillow to smother the sound and wept until her cheeks were flame and her throat raw.


Sleep threatened, but she resisted. Even as her legs twitched involuntarily and her eyes grew heavy and grainy, she fought. She fell back on her childhood game and imagined herself on a lush green world, dappled with shimmering lakes. There was a small but elegant home overlooking an emerald lake skirted by evergreens and wildflowers. Her children skipped along the beach, feet splashing in the foamy surf. A door clattered shut behind her and strong arms enveloped her, but when she turned her head to smile back at him, there was only darkness and cold. Shivers stole over her body and she lost the battle to stay awake.


A voice called from the darkness, “Why do you resist so?”


The voice was followed by a figure in tattered black robes that offered hints of the gleaming black armor underneath—deception made manifest.


“You…” Liatrix hissed. “I thought I was rid of you.”


“Such hostility,” the wraith chided. “Perhaps a more familiar setting might make our reunion more—pleasant.” With a flourish of fingers, the darkness shifted into a temple and the rough-hewn altar of Tulak Hord rose between them.


Liatrix glared at the wraith and folded her arms defiantly.


“No? Perhaps if you were more comfortable.” The clothes she wore melted away, leaving only milky flesh covered by strands of translucent shadow.


“I am not your plaything.”


The wraith placed his hand over his heart as if swearing an oath. “But you invited me…”


“I did no such thing.”


“You hosted such a grand feast! I must express my appreciation to the chef—dread, fear, and pain—so artfully entwined. You’ve made a young man of me. Will you not call me Master as you once did?”


“I have no master. I already have one ghost in my head, I don’t need two.”


The Wraith passed through the altar and loomed over her. “If not Master, then slave. Submit and I will tell you of the things you hold most dear.”


“I’ll never submit to you.”


“Perhaps a more familiar presence…” The wraith shifted into the muscle girded likeness of the former Emperor’s Wrath. Scarlet eyes blazed smugly and the corner of his lip twitched up almost imperceptibly. “Will you submit to me now?”


The wraith’s gruff baritone gave way to Scourge’s sly and sensuous tenor—a voice she’d always had difficulty resisting.


“Let us speak of Quesh and the darkness and my desire for you. I want you. I have always wanted you. I could take you on this altar and you would forget…everything. Do you wish to forget, my Lord Emperor?” Scourge’s eyes smoldered as he twisted his tendril ring and Liatrix recoiled at how convincing Hord could be. And how tempting.


“Stop it.” Liatrix squeezed her eyes shut and turned away.


“Perhaps your childhood friend—the one you never wanted to lose…”


“I had no friends.”


“You had one. Look on me and remember—”


Liatrix couldn’t resist. She opened her eyes and a boy in Jedi robes stood before her, a blue Peko Pekos chick sitting on his hand.


“Trixie…W-would you like to hold him?” The boy tried for calm, but his voice wavered like a shutter in the wind.


“He left me…” Liatrix frowned, her tone unimpressed.


“Yes, but he returned—watch.” The boy became the man and stood before her—his thumb hooked into his belt as he assumed the self-assured pose he’d practiced for so long. Warm golden eyes peered out from under the messy womp rat hair and when he spoke, his voice warmed her inside like a campfire.


“Theron?” She gasped. “That was you?”


“I should never have let you go that day on Coruscant. That was the day I lost you, I’d give anything if I could take it back.”


“That’s not him—it’s you. Stop trying to trick me. He’d never say that.”


“Oh, wouldn’t he? Are you so sure? Perhaps a happier time—a certain dock on Rishi…or perhaps you have a taste for the bittersweet—your goodbye on Yavin’s moon? Or when Ziost withered?”


“Stop it! Damn you, I said stop it!”


“If not the spy, perhaps this...”


Darkness fell across Yavin’s fourth moon and against a backdrop of stars and sparkling nighttime waters, a tall spike-shouldered silhouette stood, with his back to her.


She fought tears but lost the battle. To all others, he was Darth Marr, but to her, he was Father and when he spoke, joy and longing and adoration filled her heart until she thought it might burst.


“You shouldn’t have come,” his likeness began, “and yet I hoped you would—but I am not the man you remember.”


The words were her father’s, but they were spoken out of order—chosen for maximum effect, not sincerity. Still, she craved to hear his voice again and she caught herself relenting. Then, as if slapped she returned the hardness of her reality. ‘He’s manipulating you,’ she reminded herself.


She straightened and narrowed her eyes, refusing to give the wraith any ground. “You’re not him. You’ll never be him. He’s dead!”


The ghost of Tulak Hord reclaimed his own form and bent to look directly into her face.


“I know you as surely as you know yourself. I’ve known your father and mother, your lovers and your children. I could give you all you desire and that longing you’ve felt since your first awareness of it would be fulfilled. I ask so little of you, submit to me. Do as I will…”


‘Even the gentlest threat, is still a threat,’ Liatrix thought. “No! Never! You were my father’s equal and mine. I will not submit to you. Not now, not ever.”


“If only you believed those words. I know you don’t. You fear me—as well you should. In knowing you as I do, I also know how to hurt you.”


“You can’t hurt me, I’ve lost everything.”


“No? Then ask yourself, why your father will not appear to you—but you already have. It’s a question that haunts you. Do you wish to know the answer?”


Liatrix glared at him but said nothing.


“You need not speak it, child, I can see it in your eyes, so I will tell you. He won’t show himself to you because he has betrayed you—he is far too busy trading in dogma with your most hated enemy. He has forgotten you.”


“Liar!” Liatrix snarled, fists bunched at her sides.


“Of course you won’t believe me, but the truth has a way of making itself known. Time is an ally as much as an adversary. Submit to me. You said you have nothing left to lose.”


“Only my dignity and you won’t be getting the better of that.”


“Submit…at least consider what I offer and never forget I know your strengths and weaknesses. I know how to hurt you and I will.”


“I’ll never give in to you,” she wailed.


“We shall see.” The wraith growled his frustration and receded into the darkness. The growl grew higher in pitch until it became a klaxon, persistent and annoying. Something slithered up her arm as she whirled around to find the source. Light took over the darkness and someone gently took her wrists to restrain her as she woke.


“My lord…wake up. You’ll do yourself a harm—for your own good, wake up, my lord.”


Liatrix blinked away the lingering sleep and sat up. “Major? What are you doing here?”


“It would appear you were having a nightmare—and you’ve disengaged your IV and set off the system alert because of it.”


“It hurts.”


“I would imagine it would. It seems you’ve completed your treatment and your recovery is assured. How do you feel, my lord?”


“Better…better now.” Without thinking, she threw her arms around him and hugged him hard.


His body tensed. “My lord—I don’t think it’s appropriate for you and I to embrace. You are my superior and I am—m-marr…ied.” His arms behaved like they were separate mindless entities, reaching for her one moment and resisting her the next.


“I’m sorry, but please…just for a moment, would you indulge me?”


“Of-of course, my lord. I suppose comfort is a basic human requirement during times of illness and uncertainty, and as your physician, I suppose I must act to ensure your betterment.” He drew her close and she buried herself into his shoulder. He held her gingerly as though she were a stick figure made of glass.


He allowed himself to close his eyes and breathe her in—her scent reminding him of crisply starched and pressed uniforms and the cold deep lakes of Balmorra. What surprised him most was the sudden and inexplicable nostalgia for a world he’d hated. Instead of mountains of paperwork, he thought on the jagged peaks standing guard over the lonely lakes and the handful of rare days off that he’d spent in solitude to clear his mind.


“Are you all right now—my lord?” He whispered against her hair.


“I think so, yes. That was kind of you, thank you.”


He held her a moment longer—a moment too long, as a presence appeared in the doorway of the medbay.


They parted as if shocked apart and whirled on whoever darkened the entrance.


Jonas scowled and stormed down the passageway without saying a word. HK rounded the next corner and prattled after him, but he paid the droid no mind.


“Observation: Meatbags can be unnecessarily rude!”


Liatrix winced and looked up at Quinn. “I should talk to him.”


“Why?” The question was brusk and held a note of annoyance and left Quinn before he could stop himself. He cleared his throat and straightened. “Forgive me, my lord…that’s not my concern. I’ve overstepped.”


“It’s all right. I think he just wanted to say goodbye.”


Quinn nodded and stood aside to let her go. His brows pinched as he tried to piece together what had just happened and how to relieve his mortification. He snatched up his mediscanner and took solace in running a diagnostic on it.


Liatrix chased Jonas down the corridor and caught his elbow. “Wait…did you need something?”


He shook his head and hefted a duffel over his shoulder. “Nah. Just came to say you won’t be seeing me for a while. As soon as we dock, I’m catching a shuttle to Nar Shaddaa.”


“So, this is goodbye—for now. Take care of yourself, okay?”


She reached up to touch his cheek, but he caught her wrist. Her birdlike bones twitched against his palm. He recognized the reflex—she was worried or agitated or both. He dropped her arm and shot a look back at the medbay.


“What the hell was that back there?”




“Didn’t look like nothing to me.”


“Goodbye, Jonas. Stay safe.” She started for the bridge, and he didn’t follow.


Koth’s voice crackled over the intercom. “Hold on tight folks. Asylum, here we come. Docking clamps, engaged. It’s gonna be a bit bumpy!”


The Gravestone lurched and the grinding bite of metal against metal boomed through the ship along with a chorus of friction sparks.


Senya jogged to catch up to Liatrix. “Do you have a moment?”


“Sure, what is it?”


“I have some contacts here—I’d like to introduce you to them later.”


“What sort of contacts?”


“Friends of mine—from Zakuul—they’re highly regarded and would make fine allies. Arcann has made enemies of them.”


“Fine. Tell Lana, she’ll likely want to tag along.”


“No—I think this time, it’s best if it’s just you and I.”


“You do realize how that sounds,” Liatrix said, narrowing her eyes.


“I know you’ve no reason to trust me, not fully, not yet…but I want to stop Arcann and Vaylin as much as you do. In that, you can trust.”


Lana slid in behind them. “I need time with my own network—alone. Take HK with you, as an added precaution.”


“Sounds like a plan,” Liatrix mumbled. “I’ll meet you on the surface in twenty minutes. I need to change. Hopefully, no one threw my clothes in the incinerator.”


“HK had them cleaned and pressed during the night. You’ll likely find them in the medbay locker,” Lana said.


“Thanks,” Liatrix smiled slightly and started back toward the medbay.


The boarding ramp lowered and light seeped into the belly of the Gravestone. The stale smell of long-haul spacers whooshed into the ship and the rumble of the gathered onlookers followed. They laughed and spoke as if bickering, but they were in agreement about one thing: the Gravestone was a damn ugly ship—the ugliest they’d ever seen.


((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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The latest chapter made me wonder if Lia ever thought about trying to get rid of her pheromones. Though I have to admit I can't remember if/when she learned about them.

It has to be very tedious to work with men who will all fall for you to some degree. How much unwanted attention does she get? How much doubt accompanies her relationships/friendships, whether people are/were really interested in her or addicted to her pheromones? Friendship with a woman? Would probably only work if the woman wasn't married / in a relationship with a man.


As always looking forward to the next chapter.

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The latest chapter made me wonder if Lia ever thought about trying to get rid of her pheromones. Though I have to admit I can't remember if/when she learned about them.

It has to be very tedious to work with men who will all fall for you to some degree. How much unwanted attention does she get? How much doubt accompanies her relationships/friendships, whether people are/were really interested in her or addicted to her pheromones? Friendship with a woman? Would probably only work if the woman wasn't married / in a relationship with a man.


As always looking forward to the next chapter.



She doesn't know about them, she knows very little about her mother, except that they closely resemble each other. I don't really want to give too much away, but it is an interesting question, if you had such an advantage, would you get rid of it? It could also be a disadvantage as well, if you get too close to the wrong person. I think to get the full effect of them, she would have to be quite close to a person physically...there have been men in the series who were capable of hating her like Zane and Ravage, or resisting her like Relnex.


I think for the most part, people have a personal space zone and if that isn't breached, it likely would have little to no effect. But start spending quite a bit of time in close quarters where personal space is often breached and it could be an issue (as in a doctor/patient sort of thing).


If she knew, for sure, it would be a worry, as you say it has the potential to undermine her confidence and her relationships, where she would wonder if 'they're real.'


Now imagine, if she learns about this issue and when she considers that the ghost connected to her bloodline quite possibly also contributes to making her who she is, I can see that very serious worries would creep up. Are you really who you are, or are you who you are, because of these things? And then would you want to take the risk of freeing yourself, if it were possible? What if it took away what made you special or interesting? I think even the most confident person might worry about losing that 'something' that makes them a bit special.


As you say, it can complicate friendships, she doesn't really believe she's had any friends, even though we've seen that she has had friendships with young Theron, Kira and Relnex. It can be an isolater as well as a draw. Friendships with married couples, are as you say a big no can do.


I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and that it proved to be a bit thought-provoking. Thanks for reading and commenting! <3

Edited by Lunafox
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