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The Sanctuary of Regret


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That was really sad and so so good. I'm amazed that I could care that much about a character I've only just read about. Sweet kid. I wouldn't want to be Arcann now. Scourge is out for blood. I can't wait to see what happens next. :rak_03:


Thanks Coge! :) The kind compliment means a lot. Thanks for reading. I think you're right, Scourge is not in a good way and I really wouldn't want to be anyone from Zakuul and in his way.

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Three



Liatrix had tried to forget the Eternal Empire’s throne room, at least as many times as there were stars in the system, but there was no forgetting it. Every night she walked the same dark path to the same dark place and the dream always ended in a lethal and dazzling flash of light.


This time it was different, she wasn’t asleep or perhaps she was and simply couldn’t tell the difference anymore.


She trailed behind Valkorion as they strolled across the aurodium embellished bridge toward the throne. Twelve steps led up to the dais and another five to the golden throne with its backdrop of endless stars.


Knights lined the bridge, saber pikes at the ready. The woman in black stood at the base of the stairs leading to the throne. Valkorion’s son, Arcann, presided over the room with a bored gaze, his bulk languidly draped over the throne he’d stolen.


Darth Vowrawn and Supreme Chancellor Jebevel Madon approached Arcann, both men, bending the knee to Valkorion’s disfigured son.


“Behold—the Eternal Throne, the new seat of power in the galaxy,” Valkorion announced.


Liatrix shook her head incredulously. “This can’t be—I’ve only been gone—”


“—Longer than you think,” Valkorion cut in.


Liatrix knelt by Vowrawn’s side and studied his profile. His eyes had grown redder and more savage. The impish twinkle she remembered in them was long gone and new lines creased his face. His robes were well-worn and lacked the flamboyance he was known for.


“What are they doing here?”


“They’ve come to negotiate a treaty with the Eternal Empire.”


“That doesn’t look like a negotiation,” she said, straightening.


“Oh but I assure you it is, though the terms are quite simple—agree or die—just as they’ve always been. Zakuul offers no concessions and why should it? The empire I built surpasses all others.”


Liatrix’s mouth twisted and panic welled in her gut just as it did the first time she’d set foot inside the throne room.


Adrenaline coursed through her veins like the rapids of a river and her insides quaked under her skin. Her hands curled into fists and she felt a wet heat building under her lashes.


“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance,” she whispered.


Valkorion seized her chin and forced her gaze to his. “Had I done so, we would have achieved nothing.”


“And just what is it we’re supposed to have achieved here—except pissing each other off?”


“You stand on the very spot where he died. You are alive and he is not. He was narrow-minded, consumed by ancient dogma. You—are different. You and I are more alike than you would care to admit and who we are must be preserved at all costs.”


She broke free of Valkorion’s hold and glared at the floor. Her memory filled in the blank space until she saw her father lifeless at her feet. “Answer me one thing, Valkorion, what became of his body?”


“My children had it incinerated. His ashes are naught but dust amongst the stars.”


Liatrix turned her back to him and stared out at the galaxy. “That’s oddly comforting, coming from you,” the usual venom in her voice absent. “I suppose that’s all any of us will ever be one day.”


“All except for us,” he drawled. “Death is the fate of lesser beings—you and I—we are destined for far greater things.”


“My father and I will be together again one day, and not even you will be able to take that from me. We’ll find each other.”


“Once you’ve tasted what I have to offer, your father will be nothing more than a vague memory.”


She watched as the sun rose over Zakuul’s red moon. The clouds swirled around the ebony spires piercing the stratosphere. There was no denying its tranquil beauty—but there would be no admitting it either.


Time found the throne room and the woman in black narrowed her eyes. She lurched forward, her arrow sharp features screwed up in warning. Both leaders departed quickly, but the woman prowled the room as though she were looking for something else. She whirled about and came to a stop, mere inches away from where Liatrix and Valkorion stood.


Liatrix’s right hand itched for a weapon. “I think she sees me.”


“My daughter, Vaylin, was always my favorite,” Valkorion admitted.


“These are your real children? With an actual woman?” Liatrix sneered. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”


“Abandoning my past allowed me to experience pleasures I denied myself before.”


“Let me guess—she answered your dating profile—megalomaniacal despot seeks soulmate—enjoys long walks under the stars before dining on them.”


Valkorion sighed and turned her to face him. “I found love here—and who knows, perhaps you too will find it.”


“I don’t even want to know what you’re hinting at with that. I had love. You and your children forced us apart.”


He paced lazily, hands clasped behind his back. “A reunion may yet be possible. Zakuul has exceeded my expectations—the finest fleet, a military that sees the Force as something more than light or dark—a world to surpass all others—and my children abuse their power. They must be stopped before they ruin everything.”


“So there it is. I knew you wanted something. You need me to kill them for you.”


“They lack discipline. Do not underestimate them, however, they’re lethal. It will take both of us to put an end to their corruption.”


Liatrix laughed. “You say that like you’re some paragon of virtue.”


Vaylin ignited her lightsaber.


Arcann’s voice rumbled from on high, “What is it?”


Vaylin remained still and silent, her brow creasing as she focussed.


“She senses our presence here,” Liatrix began. “And she doesn’t trust your son.”


“Vaylin trusts no one. Nor should you.”


“Who says I do?”


The woman in black lunged. Her eyes flashed as golden as her saber. She thrust the weapon forward and waited.

When her challenge went unmet, she swished her saber and retracted it.


Liatrix doubled over as though she’d been impaled. Her eyes grew wide. “Am I—am I dying?”


“No,” Valkorion whispered, “Quite the opposite—we are being reborn.”


Liatrix gritted her teeth against the pain. The throne room vanished in an explosion of light. A shrill whistle alternating in pitch from high to low threatened to drive a hole through her mind. Darkness eclipsed the light until there was nothing left of it. Panic swelled in her chest.


Her lungs burned. The odor of something chemical tainted her senses with a metallic taste and smell. She stumbled forward and collapsed as if her body had been suddenly and violently deboned. Unable to stand or see, she landed with a thud against something cold and hard.


Somewhere above her, she heard the faint rumble of voices—a man and a woman, their accents unmistakably Imperial.


“My lord, there must be some mistake—it’s not her. This woman is not my wife. All of our planning, the sacrifices we made, all for nothing.”


“Not for nothing, Major. It appears an error has been made and for that, I apologize. While she is not your Wrath, I know her. She’s Darth Marr’s daughter.”


“But I thought she was killed—alongside her father in battle.”


“That’s what we all thought, but apparently not. Clearly, the rumors about Arcann are true—he likes to keep trophies—and she’s his prized possession. She’s the one who killed their Emperor—she’s the one they call the Outlander.”


“Utterly appalling—though it does explain this vault.” He tapped his scanner and a series of beeps followed his input. “My medi-sensor indicates her chances of survival are extremely low, but it appears she’s regaining consciousness.”


“We need to stabilize her as much as we can. We’ve lingered long enough.” The woman knelt by Liatrix’s side and propped her up against her thigh. “Don’t try to move.”


“Who are you? I can’t see,” Liatrix murmured, panic lacing her tone.


“It’s me, Lana—Lana Beniko. Surely you remember? We were allies once—we met on Manaan and worked together against the Revanites.”


“Is that really you?”


“Yes, but I’m afraid we don’t have much time. I have an antidote for the hibernation sickness. It will hurt.”


“Who’s with you?”


Lana prepared the hypo syringe. “Major Malavai Quinn and Tee-Seven, one of your former associates.”


Quinn scanned the corridors of the vault. “Tee-seven, access the security records, perhaps the information we require is there.”


The droid responded with a series of beeps and whistles and extended its tool arm to interface with the facility’s computer.


“Tee-Seven—where is everyone? Scourge…my children are they safe? I have a million questions—” Liatrix managed before doubling over. She clutched her gut and threw up.


Lana winced. “The poisoning is more severe than I expected. I’m going to administer an increased dosage—but we need to get you out of here to treat you properly.”


Liatrix’s body spasmed. “Gaaaah!” She clenched her teeth and dug her fingers into Lana’s arm.


The droid whirred and beeped.


“Are you sure,” Quinn snapped. “She’s not in this facility? Scan the vault again!”


The astromech warbled and whistled in a low tone.


“She’s not on Zakuul? What do you mean she’s not on Zakuul? Where is she?”


Tee-Seven beeped frantically and rocked back and forth.


Lana scowled. “That’s not good. It appears we’ve been discovered. Tee-Seven, do whatever you can to stall security. Major help me get her up. ”


“Of course, my Lord.”


Liatrix winced. “I know that presence—it’s her—Valkorion’s daughter. She’s on her way here.”


“Confronting her now would be a disaster. We need to leave at once. ” Lana spoke into her comlink, “Koth? Prepare for take-off. We’ve got to go.”


“Where’s Scourge—and my children? Are they safe?”


“There’ll be time to talk later. We can’t afford a run-in with Vaylin.”


“But we outnumber her.”


“You’re in no condition to fight. It’s a miracle you can even stand.”


“Give me a weapon. They took mine when they captured us.”


“You can’t even see.”


“I don’t need to see to use it.”


“Damn your stubbornness. Take this then,” Lana pressed a lightsaber into Liatrix’s hand. “Use it only if absolutely necessary, I prefer staying in one piece.”


“Have a little faith.”


“Faith is pretty much all I’ve been running on,” Lana snapped. “Major Quinn finish up here with Tee-Seven and we’ll meet you at the rendezvous point.”


“Understood, my lord.”


“Do you really think splitting up is a good idea?”


“It’s not ideal, but we have little choice in the matter. They’re creating false security alerts to draw them away from us. Hold on to me, let’s go.”


Liatrix cringed as they half-limped, half sprinted through the corridors. She threw up again and clutched her side.


“I know this is difficult for you. Fight through it.”


“I am—at least it’s not completely dark anymore—but everything’s still a blur.”


“That’s good news. At least you’re recovering your vision. Try to stand on your own—we’ve hit an obstacle—blasted door is sealed tight, but I can manage.”


“Let me help you.”


“No…save your strength. We have a long way to go.”


The din of crunching metal echoed through the corridor as Lana forced the door. “That should do it. Come on.”


The clatter of metallic feet sounded around the corner. “Skytroopers!” Lana shouted as she dispatched the first trio.


Liatrix ignited her saber in time to deflect the next squad’s barrage of plasma fire.


A male voice crackled over Lana’s comlink. “Feelin’ a bit exposed out here. Did you get her? Damn—I think we’re gonna have to move the pickup. We’re taking damage. If we land now, we’ll be blown to bits. It’s like Altair 3 all over again. ”


“Do what you can Koth. We’ll find another way. Leave the channel open.”




“So…is Koth your boyfriend?” Liatrix prodded as she slashed at the skytrooper blocking her path. Metal clattered against the floor as the troopers dropped.


“Tell me that isn’t your largest concern right now.”


“You two sound like you’ve been through a lot together…and you’re wearing a ring.”


“Your sight is better than you’ve let on,” Lana snapped.


Liatrix kept pace with Lana across the maze of plexisteel bridges. “It’s a wonder no one falls off these things.”


“This way,” Lana tugged Liatrix onto a waiting turbo-lift. “I really am happy you survived.”


“Likewise. Thanks for not putting me back when you realized I wasn’t who you came for. Major Quinn sounded very disappointed.”


“He misses his wife. We’ve been working on this Op for a long time through countless setbacks. No one was able to access the vault to make a positive identification. We only had one shot at this. All we knew, was that Arcann’s greatest enemy was there.”


“Arcann—he set me up—he wanted the throne for himself.”


The elevator lurched three meters above the landing.


“We’ll have to continue this later. Jump!”


The ground quaked and the rumble of twisting metal echoed through the complex, setting off a warning klaxon.


Screams added to the commotion as the employees bolted from the building.


Liatrix whirled about. “What the hell is going on?”


“It’s Vaylin. She’ll stop at nothing to keep you from escaping.”


The klaxon gave way to the emergency warning system. “Reactor failure imminent, commence evacuation.”


“She’s lost her damn mind—she’s going to blow the reactor. We have to get out of here. There’s nothing we can do,” Lana hissed.


“Don’t you dare! Thousands’ll die! You can shut it down.” Koth snarled over the comlink.


Liatrix gripped Lana’s elbow. “We have to try.”


“Have you gone insane? You’re going to get us all killed.”


“If I don’t try, I’m not worth saving.”


Lana growled. “Your slumber must’ve had quite an effect. You do remember you’re no longer a Jedi?”


“I was never a Jedi. Look, we don’t know where the others are. Quinn, Tee-Seven, they might need more time.”


“You’re impossible!”


“C’mon—it’s got to be through there, right?” Liatrix indicated the doors at the end of the hall.


Lana nodded. “I can’t believe I’m going along with this.”


Broken lines in the reactor chamber hissed and pumped wet clouds of heat over the station. Red lights flared on and off and the warning klaxon was loud enough to vibrate anything that wasn’t bolted down. A steamy fog coated the floor, adding to the stifling heat.


Liatrix sprinted toward the computer console and frowned at the display.


“We're never going to make it in time,” Lana groused.


“I need you to go to that console there, we have to sync the inputs. Let’s hope the Force is with us and that I still remember how to do this.”


Lana crossed the bridge to the other console. “On three then?”


“On three.”


Liatrix glanced over at Lana and began the count and input the commands to shut down the reactor.


“Why isn’t it working?”


“I don’t know Lana…try it again.”


“It won’t take…and we’ve only seconds left. We’re getting out of here even if it means dragging you out by the collar!”


“Dammit.” Liatrix drew the back of her hand across her forehead to keep the sweat from dribbling into her eyes. Her gaze settled on the glowing coils connecting the reactor to the power source. She drew her lightsaber and slashed through them. The machinery powered down and grew silent save for the blue sparks spitting from the severed connections.


“Reactor shut down sequence initiated,” the emergency warning system announced.


“You just gambled with the fate of the entire galaxy!”


Liatrix shrugged. “It worked.”


“Damn you. Can we go now?”


“Bet you’re sorry you sprung me now, huh?”


“Remarkably no.”


Skytroopers poured into the reactor chamber from every direction. Lana pulled down a pipe and launched it at the clattering horde to block their path. “This way!”


Liatrix tore after Lana, her saber alive as it deflected the bolts following them out. “Dammit, it’s Vaylin!”


“Keep moving,” Lana huffed.


“I’m sick of running, let’s end this now.” Liatrix’s saber hand flexed around the saber hilt.


“You’re mad! You’re in no condition to fight her. And no you’re not talking me into more insanity.” Lana’s hand closed around Liatrix’s wrist and together they cleared the gardens and leapt onto the platform below.


“Koth! Where are you! Is Quinn with you?” Lana shouted into her comlink.


“Yeah. The droid is staying back to disable the artillery guns. We need three minutes—we’ve uh…taken a bit of damage. Jonas and Quinn are working on it.”


“All right—three minutes, but not a second more. We’re heading toward the east platform. Vaylin is on our heels. Hurry!”


“Jonas? Not Jonas Balkar?”


“The very same. Let’s go!”


Skytroopers came at them from every angle as they fled, a rain of fire and plasma bolts corralling them onto the eastern platform. Liatrix and Lana dispatched the squadron, leaving behind a pile of twisted metallic bodies.


A pair of golden knights emerged from behind the wreckage. “Outlander, you are guilty of assassinating the Immortal Emperor! Drop your weapons and surrender!”


Liatrix and Lana exchanged glances. “We’ve nowhere to go. I hope your friend Koth knows what he’s doing.”


“He does, but let’s worry about the task at hand.”


“Agreed.” Liatrix turned back to the knights. “I don’t surrender, not to you or anyone else.”

She leapt forward to engage the knights and Lana followed.


“Besides, if your Emperor is immortal, how could I have killed him?” Liatrix taunted as they traded blows.


The knight froze and his partner fled. “Run, we’ll fight another day.”


Lana snatched the defeated knight into a choke hold and dangled him over the platform.


“Stop playing, Lana. Just end him.”


Lana tightened her grip and snapped the knight’s neck.


“I sure wish Koth would get here,” Liatrix muttered.


A presence nearby surged and swelled with fury across the Force.


“It’s Vaylin again,” Lana hissed under her breath, as she watched the woman in black tear up the platform to create a makeshift shield.


“What the hell is she doing?”


“I don’t want to find out. Koth! Dammit!” Lana shouted into her comlink. “Run, I’ll hold her off as long as I can.”


Liatrix drew her saber. “I’m not leaving you behind.”


“Damn you. Just go!”



A riot of plasma fire came from behind, just missing Liatrix and Lana to zero in on Vaylin across the bridge. Swarms of troopers and knights fell in behind her.


Liatrix whirled about at the roar of incoming thrusters. “That our ride?”


“Yes. Finally!” Lana hissed and leapt onto the shuttle’s extended boarding ramp. “Liatrix, come on! Forget her! Hurry!”


Vaylin spun the section of jagged durasteel she’d ripped up and deflected the incoming fire. Liatrix scowled. Her legs trembled as if they were about to give out and pins and needles coursed up her right arm. Lana’s voice reached her across the din of deflected bolts.


Liatrix leapt from the platform, just catching the edge of the boarding ramp as the shuttle rose. She scrambled to pull her body up, managing part of the way before slipping backward again. She panted and steeled herself to make another attempt but it felt as if a bull nerf was strapped to her back. Her left arm cramped and she dangled off the ramp by her right hand. She could feel her hold slipping.


“Aw hell,” she growled through gritted teeth when an outstretched hand presented itself to her.


“Grab on!”


“Jonas!” Liatrix gasped and swung her left hand around to reach for his hand. He drew her up onto the ramp with a swift even motion and ushered her into the hold. The ramp retracted behind them, sparks popping as the blaster fire from below connected with the ship’s hull.


The shuttle swayed and shook as it blasted away from the eastern platform. It lurched hard to the right to avoid the laser cannons on the surface. The supply crates inside slid across the hold, one of them ramming Liatrix hard enough to knock her forward. She scrambled to regain her balance and reached out.


Jonas caught her arms and pulled her to him. He pressed her against the service access wall, a narrow passage off

the hold. His gaze flitted around the hold and the corridors leading to it. A red hazard light blinked above them. Dressed in dark leathers, he smelled of spiced cigars just as she remembered.


“You’re safe, I’ve got you,” he whispered.


“Thanks.” Liatrix smiled. “Am I ever glad to see you—I can’t believe it—it’s really you.”


“Never thought I’d see you again—when I’d heard you’d been killed...I—I didn’t want to believe it. I—” Jonas shook his head as if searching for what to say next and gazed down at her.


The patter of metallic feet clattered in the hold and their attention snapped toward the sound.


“Declaration: Meatbags…can’t fly! Salutation: Greetings, I am HK-55,” The droid declared good naturedly and thrust a blanket at Liatrix. “I am fully armed and at your command.”


“Good to know,” she mumbled.


Balkar snatched the shock blanket away from the droid and wrapped it around her. His gazed fixed on the growing red stain colouring her shoulder. “You’re hurt, let’s get this looked after.”


“We’ve gotta stop meeting this way,” Liatrix teased, “but it’s nothing that can’t wait. I have a million questions.”


“Hold on! I’m gonna punch it!” Koth shouted from the cockpit.


“We should see if they need us.” Liatrix steadied herself against the crates as she made her way to the front of the ship, Jonas shadowing her.


Lana whirled around. “Why are you still up and moving about, you need medical attention!”


“It can wait. I don’t know if you’re aware, but the Emperor, he killed my father.”


“Yes, Darth Marr’s death was felt by many.”


“For quite some time,” Koth added. “Look it’s gonna be a short trip, maybe you should catch your friend up on what’s been going on the last five years.”


“Did you just say—five years?” Liatrix teetered and collapsed against the back of the co-pilot’s chair.


Lana dashed forward to keep her from falling over. “She's unconscious. The hibernation sickness and poisoning finally caught up with her. Take her to sick bay.”


Jonas and HK moved in to collect her. “I’ve got this,” Jonas grunted and scooped Liatrix into his arms.

Lana watched them disappear into the back of the ship and her brows furrowed. “Major, we could use your medical expertise. I want you to keep watch over her.”


“Understood, my Lord.”


Lana took over Quinn’s place in the co-pilot’s chair. “It would appear Tee-Seven managed to disable the guns.”


“Handy little astromech,” Koth muttered. “We’re gonna have to set down somewhere, we’ve taken too much damage.”


The ship wove in and out of the lines of traffic between the spires and veered off into the sunset.


Koth pushed his goggles further up his forehead. “Quinn said she isn’t who we came for.”


“No she’s not—but she’s the one we need.”


“You don’t sound too happy about that.”


“I’m not sure how I feel about it right now,” Lana said, idly twisting the ring on her left hand.


((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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Quite the rescue squad, I approve.



Quinn and Jonas, be still my beating heart. Didn't Jonas and Lana become engaged during SpyvsSpy? So what's with the ring? Anyway, intriguing stuff you've set up here. Not only looking for the wrath but setting up the outlander story as well. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.



I'll be waiting for the next.

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Wow what an exciting chapter! I'll take THAT rescue team any day, especially Quinn and Balkar:) Like Misha I'm wondering about Jonas, and a little confused about why they would have thought the Wrath was the one they were rescuing..


Great chapter! Anticipating the next:)

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Lunafox RR Martin in the house! Great chapter, as always! I always look forward to Saturdays for new installments :)


Tertium Caput



-Both not enough and far too many people have died in this stupid room.

-“she wasn’t asleep or perhaps she was and simply couldn’t tell the difference anymore.” I enjoy this line a great deal. Liatrix trying to make sense of her predicament. It seems that “stuck in carbonite” isn’t an option she’s entertaining, even if it is the right of it.

-Bulk is a great descriptor here. It makes Arcann sound fat and lazy :p

-Also, “throne he’d stolen” #ShotsFired #DirectHitCaptain

-Overall the imagery in the first four paragraphs is well done; it makes the throne sound much more beautiful than it really is ;)

-You know I have always wondered who the Republic Senator is. I haven’t played KOTET chapters 2/3 so is it the new Supreme Chancellor? I read a forum post once when KOTFE first came out that said it was a senator from the Trooper story, but I can’t hardly corroborate that.

-Poor Vowrawn. The weight of years, the weight of responsibility, or the weight of sorrow? Or a combination of the three?

-Except Vitiate gets to take precisely ZERO credit for Zakuul being mighty. He stumbled upon a gigantic fleet of a million ships someone ELSE built. It’s like… this

-Vititate is getting kind of grabby here and it’s uncomfortable and creepy, for me as a reader. I can hardly imagine how much Liatrix enjoys it.

-What Vitiate really means to say: “I, and the empty shell of your body I stole.” #FindersKeepers

-I wouldn’t say that too loudly Liatrix. To be together again means you die. Wait. She dies, doesn’t she. *accusatory glare at Lunafox RR Martin*

-haha, I love how you describe Vaylin here. She moves more like a marionette or a zombie than a person.

-Yay! Liatrix-snark! The dating profile, hahaha wow! “long walks under the stars before dining on them.” [Totally not a cannibalistic serial killer]

-Vitiate lies like a sidewalk though. Found love? Pfeh. Don’t insult our intelligence, Vitiate.

-Vitiate also tells just enough truth to make him irritatingly punchable. I don’t think Liatrix is paying enough attention to realize it, but he basically told her that her children and/or Scourge and/or Theron are still alive.

-There are a lot of things to poke holes and/or fun at in the KOTFE/KOTET narratives, but let it not be said there aren’t gems like when Vaylin stabs vision-player. I always liked this part at the end of chapter 2.

-Speaking of punchable, it’s Quinn! (Sorry not sorry :p )

-But on a more serious note, your novels (story hardly seems fitting!) have kept most of the class 1-50 narratives intact. This means that, despite certain illogical events, Quinn and the Warrior are still married and she’s also still the Wrath. Now here’s where it gets interesting. It’s clear from Marr that Liatrix is important to Vitiate. Yet the Wrath was his personal executioner in the Empire. I’m genuinely curious how that will play into this. ARE they going to find the Warrior? If they do, what does that mean for Vitiate? What does that mean for Liatrix? For the Wrath? It is certainly a complex series of relationships and implications, and I simply cannot wait to see how that all plays out.

-I’m vaguely concerned that Liatrix forgot who Lana is.

-Actually, the first three chapters of KOTFE are probably the best. I enjoy your faced-paced take on it.

-Uh oh. The Wrath isn’t on Zakuul. But for T7 to know that, there’s a pretty good chance that he knows where she is. Too bad Vaylin is raining on everyone’s parade (even her own).

-“I don’t need to see to use it.” What a great line. Or terrifying, depending on how much stock one puts on Liatrix’ ability to swing a saber without cutting everyone’s face off in hibernation-sickness. Reminds me of a [Ops] boss from World of Warcraft, a blind dragon: “I have no need for eyes to see my enemies. Your clumsy footsteps give you away!”

-Interesting that Lana mentions running on faith, considering how little stock she puts on destiny in-game.

-Speaking of asking if Koth is Lana’s boyfriend it amuses me that Liatrix draws all the wrong conclusions here since we know it’s Balkar from Spy v. Spy Dramatic irony, so delicious!

-I enjoy how you partially streamlined this part. The LS choice to emergency shutdown the reactor always dragged on so much with the endlessly spawning skytroopers.

-AHahaha speaking of Balkar, I just realized that at this point Lana’s last name is likely no longer Beniko.

-Such delicious realism! This is my favorite part of your story, describing the getaway aboard the shuttle, with people and stuff skidding everywhere.

-On the shuttle is the first time we see Liatrix has been hit. Is that intentional – ie. so much adrenaline and gogogogogo that she doesn’t notice, so we the readers don’t either? Or is it unintentional and you accidentally didn’t write in where she gets shot?

-I love this little bit at the end, Lana is clearly concerned that with an old flame suddenly back almost literally from the dead that Balkar might go back to his ladykiller ways. But it’s so subtly written that you hardly notice if you’re not paying attention.

-The ship doesn’t seem to be as “This is fine. (Everything is on fire)” as in-game, which suggests to me that you are doing one of two things: they’re either a) not crashing into the swamp, or they’re going to be more actively shot down. Questions, questions.

-Overall, great chapter Lunafox! Looking forward to next Saturday’s installment! :D



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Quite the rescue squad, I approve.



Quinn and Jonas, be still my beating heart. Didn't Jonas and Lana become engaged during SpyvsSpy? So what's with the ring? Anyway, intriguing stuff you've set up here. Not only looking for the wrath but setting up the outlander story as well. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.



I'll be waiting for the next.


He hee, I thought you might.



And yes they did engaged...he gave Lana a ring then, and she's still wearing it. :D Here's hoping it'll be interesting lol :D


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Wow what an exciting chapter! I'll take THAT rescue team any day, especially Quinn and Balkar:) Like Misha I'm wondering about Jonas, and a little confused about why they would have thought the Wrath was the one they were rescuing..


Great chapter! Anticipating the next:)


I'm glad you enjoyed it and thought it was exciting, even though I pruned quite a bit off the escape. Well, Jonas and Lana got engaged in Spy Vs. Spy, the ring she's wearing is the one he gave her. As for the Wrath, that was faulty intelligence. They'd assumed that Liatrix and Marr died together on the Erinyes fighting the Eternal Empire...and through Koth who is, of course, ex-Zakuulan military learned that there is an uppity up being kept in carbon freeze in Arcann's trophy vault/prison. Seeing as Koth doesn't know these people and that he couldn't get close enough to the trophy to know for sure, a positive ID wasn't possible. They just went on the assumption and made the gamble and with the thinking that any enemy of Arcann would be a friend to the revolution.

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I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it! :D And thank you for your valuable insights. Answers in blue for you under your cut.


Lunafox RR Martin in the house! Great chapter, as always! I always look forward to Saturdays for new installments :)


Tertium Caput



-Both not enough and far too many people have died in this stupid room.It's not a room that Liatrix would desire spending too much time in. I could see her taking it apart if she gets the chance.


-“she wasn’t asleep or perhaps she was and simply couldn’t tell the difference anymore.” I enjoy this line a great deal. Liatrix trying to make sense of her predicament. It seems that “stuck in carbonite” isn’t an option she’s entertaining, even if it is the right of it. I can see that she'd be trying to figure out what's going on,

because it's so surreal. Makes sense she didn't know about the carbon freezing because she was unconscious when it was done.


-Bulk is a great descriptor here. It makes Arcann sound fat and lazy :pIt works in the sense that you say and also as a descriptor of muscles, so people can take it either way. Arcann is fit enough, though he is thicker through the frame than other character builds.


-Also, “throne he’d stolen” #ShotsFired #DirectHitCaptain Pew! Pew! :D

-Overall the imagery in the first four paragraphs is well done; it makes the throne sound much more beautiful than it really is ;)I liked the idea of a place where so much hurt and terrible stuff happened to be beautiful...I like the contrast.


-You know I have always wondered who the Republic Senator is. I haven’t played KOTET chapters 2/3 so is it the new Supreme Chancellor? I read a forum post once when KOTFE first came out that said it was a senator from the Trooper story, but I can’t hardly corroborate that. I only played the Trooper story through once because it's flaming boring to me, so I can't remember if that's the guy from it or not. It made sense to me that it was the Supreme Chancellor because he would be in a position to bargain for the core worlds. Could be the same guy? Don't know, he is who he is in my story lol.



-Poor Vowrawn. The weight of years, the weight of responsibility, or the weight of sorrow? Or a combination of the three? Even our man Vowrawn has taken a sh*t kicking in this war. He's better off than most, but he does have to preserve appearances, he's not about to let on that he's doing better than others, lest someone start digging too hard into his holdings and his life.



-Except Vitiate gets to take precisely ZERO credit for Zakuul being mighty. He stumbled upon a gigantic fleet of a million ships someone ELSE built. It’s like… this You're right of course, but that's not going to stop our man 'V' from saying what he wants.


-Vitiate is getting kind of grabby here and it’s uncomfortable and creepy, for me as a reader. I can hardly imagine how much Liatrix enjoys it. Indeed, kind of a forced intimacy...when she won't look at him he makes her.

-What Vitiate really means to say: “I, and the empty shell of your body I stole.” #FindersKeepers Winnah, winnah, chicken dinnah. :D


-I wouldn’t say that too loudly Liatrix. To be together again means you die. Wait. She dies, doesn’t she. *accusatory glare at Lunafox RR Martin* You don't think I'm really gonna give the ending away,

do you? :D


-haha, I love how you describe Vaylin here. She moves more like a marionette or a zombie than a person. True, she does come across very 'herky-jerky'.


-Yay! Liatrix-snark! The dating profile, hahaha wow! “long walks under the stars before dining on them.” [Totally not a cannibalistic serial killer] Her tongue cuts sharper than her saber. I was rather amused by that little line, m'self. :D


-Vitiate lies like a sidewalk though. Found love? Pfeh. Don’t insult our intelligence, Vitiate. He tries to work the angles to find out which one works for her. It's a process learning how to push another person's buttons. One they've been refining on each other for years.


-Vitiate also tells just enough truth to make him irritatingly punchable. I don’t think Liatrix is paying enough attention to realize it, but he basically told her that her children and/or Scourge and/or Theron are still alive.They could be, they might not be. He gives her enough to try and draw incentive from her,

he needs her to want to get out so that he can work with her better. The scene she's witnessing took place ages ago, so he's really showing her the past.


-There are a lot of things to poke holes and/or fun at in the KOTFE/KOTET narratives, but let it not be said there aren’t gems like when Vaylin stabs vision-player. I always liked this part at the end of chapter 2.I didn't care for the stabbity stab that much, but it worked in the story, I thought.

-Speaking of punchable, it’s Quinn! (Sorry not sorry :p ) Meanie! ;)


-But on a more serious note, your novels (story hardly seems fitting!)(Thank you :)

) have kept most of the class 1-50 narratives intact. This means that, despite certain illogical events, Quinn and the Warrior are still married and she’s also still the Wrath. Now here’s where it gets interesting. It’s clear from Marr that Liatrix is important to Vitiate. Yet the Wrath was his personal executioner in the Empire. I’m genuinely curious how that will play into this. ARE they going to find the Warrior? If they do, what does that mean for Vitiate? What does that mean for Liatrix? For the Wrath? It is certainly a complex series of relationships and implications, and I simply cannot wait to see how that all plays out. You know, the sheer number of balls I'm juggling scares the crap out of me sometimes. There is a lot to remember and a lot to cover, and a lot of balls in the air.


-I’m vaguely concerned that Liatrix forgot who Lana is. Nah she remembers, she just hadn't heard her voice in a long time. I was trying to decide if I would know a voice from like 5+ years ago, without seeing the person. If they weren't all that meaningful to me, I might not? Plus forgetfulness is a side effect of the carbon freezing sickness, if I remember correctly...but she remembers fully who she is before they start running together.


-Actually, the first three chapters of KOTFE are probably the best. I enjoy your faced-paced take on it. I wanted to keep it fast paced and going because I want to get further into the story and everyone knows this stuff...it's necessary, but I want to keep it moving.


-Uh oh. The Wrath isn’t on Zakuul. But for T7 to know that, there’s a pretty good chance that he knows where she is. Too bad Vaylin is raining on everyone’s parade (even her own). T7 is a handy droid to know. :) And yes, Vaylin is rather cutting off her nose to spite her face here.


-“I don’t need to see to use it.” What a great line. Or terrifying, depending on how much stock one puts on Liatrix’ ability to swing a saber without cutting everyone’s face off in hibernation-sickness. Reminds me of a [Ops] boss from World of Warcraft, a blind dragon: “I have no need for eyes to see my enemies. Your clumsy footsteps give you away!” Well, the other senses are said to be heightened when one is lacking; not sure if this applies to temporary blindness, but I'll have it apply. Also, Luke Skywalker trained for combat with a blast shield helmet over his face, so I can see that training to sense your target without your eyes is a part of the Jedi training.


-Interesting that Lana mentions running on faith, considering how little stock she puts on destiny in-game. I think Lana is speaking in terms of faith in herself and faith in others working with her...not so much faith in the Force or the galaxy or fate.


-Speaking of asking if Koth is Lana’s boyfriend it amuses me that Liatrix draws all the wrong conclusions here since we know it’s Balkar from Spy v. Spy Dramatic irony, so delicious! It's an easy mistake to make, Lana and Koth do have that vibe of having experienced a lot together. I had that feeling about them too,

when I first played through. Plus the ring...and Liatrix has no clue about whats been going on with her 'friends' while she's been down for the count.


-I enjoy how you partially streamlined this part. The LS choice to emergency shutdown the reactor always dragged on so much with the endlessly spawning skytroopers. It was torturous in game and tedious,

I didn't want that in my story.


-AHahaha speaking of Balkar, I just realized that at this point Lana’s last name is likely no longer Beniko. This is true, but I can see Lana being the independent sort to either keep her own name or hyphenate. Not to mention it would've caused more questions than they had time for in that moment


-Such delicious realism! This is my favorite part of your story, describing the getaway aboard the shuttle, with people and stuff skidding everywhere. Glad you liked it, I do try and sink myself into the moment as thoroughly as possible in my mind's eye.


-On the shuttle is the first time we see Liatrix has been hit. Is that intentional – ie. so much adrenaline and gogogogogo that she doesn’t notice, so we the readers don’t either? Or is it unintentional and you accidentally didn’t write in where she gets shot? I did actually intend it as an unnoticed thing, as you say when there is adrenaline and go go go you don't tend to notice or linger on such things and then at a calmer moment you realize, well damn, I hurt myself. The tingling and weakness I'd described earlier were meant to show blood loss in addition to the hibernation sickness.


-I love this little bit at the end, Lana is clearly concerned that with an old flame suddenly back almost literally from the dead that Balkar might go back to his ladykiller ways. But it’s so subtly written that you hardly notice if you’re not paying attention. I'm glad it came across that way, I see Lana as a confident woman for the most part, but not one without insecurity and it's something that she wouldn't want to overtly show off, but the subtle cues are there to suggest it bothers her. I'm so pleased it came across.


-The ship doesn’t seem to be as “This is fine. (Everything is on fire)” as in-game, which suggests to me that you are doing one of two things: they’re either a) not crashing into the swamp, or they’re going to be more actively shot down. Questions, questions. It's messed up, and I suppose I could've done more so to indicate that it was. I only touched on the damage a bit, and Koth's 'short trip' comment from the game, was also taken to imply that it was messed up. I really don't enjoy the swamp or the time spent at that port, so I reckon I'll be glossing over that quite a bit.

-Overall, great chapter Lunafox! Looking forward to next Saturday’s installment! :DYay!

And thanks again for taking such time and care to review the chapter. <3


Edited by Lunafox
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Great chapter Luna. My favorite parts were the dating profile line and like Divalicious said the rescue with everything flying around. It was really realistic. Can't wait for more. Lana better watch out. Loved every bit.:rak_01:
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Great chapter Luna. My favorite parts were the dating profile line and like Divalicious said the rescue with everything flying around. It was really realistic. Can't wait for more. Lana better watch out. Loved every bit.:rak_01:


Thanks Coge :D That part made me giggle a bit too. It was fun to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! :)

Edited by Lunafox
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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Four



Liatrix lingered on the cusp between awareness and slumber. Quinn and Jonas argued nearby. She was tempted to dismiss them in favour of sleep until the unwelcome realization came, that with dreams, Valkorion would return. Her body jolted involuntarily to keep from drifting off.


“I’m needed here,” Jonas spat. “I know her and she deserves to see a friendly face when she comes to not some stiff legged Imp with the bedside manner of a unark.”


“Did you just compare me to an acid spitting worm?”


“If the uniform fits…”


Quinn tugged his jacket down imperiously. “I have the situation well in hand. I suggest you return to the bridge where you might actually serve a purpose.”


Liatrix groaned and screwed up her face in annoyance at the harsh voices.


“Hey, she’s waking up.”


“I’m not surprised, given your inability to keep your voice down,” Quinn snapped.


Jonas’s fingers twined with hers. “I’m right here, sweetheart. You’re safe.”


“You’re really here. I didn’t dream all that?”


“No. You’re not dreaming, I promise.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.


“Now that Darth Incarnal has regained consciousness to a friendly face I recommend you return to the bridge. The ship has sustained heavy damage and we may yet need to make an emergency landing.”


“Don’t you think I know that, Major Pain?”


“How very sophomoric of you, agent, resorting to name calling.” Quinn scowled and turned away to recalibrate his medi-sensor. “We all have responsibilities here. Even you.”


“Jonas…it’s okay. Lana and Koth could probably use a hand. We’ll talk later, okay?” Liatrix murmured.


“A’right, you got it. It’s a date.”


“I’m glad you’re here,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze.


“Yeah, me too,” Balkar whispered and shot an icy glare at Quinn before leaving.


Quinn glanced over his shoulder and when Jonas was gone he returned to his patient. “Darth Incarnal, forgive my haste, but given the situation, it’s imperative I work quickly.”


“Of course, Major. Whatever you need me to do, just ask.”


“I appreciate that, my lord.”


Liatrix held her breath and stared at the ceiling as he performed his scans and applied kolto to the entry and exit wound on her shoulder.


“This may sting. I regret I have no numbing agent on board—our possession of this craft was somewhat improvised. The original shuttle we arrived in, was destroyed prior to your rescue.”


“I thought I heard Koth say something about owing him a ship. I wondered.”


“Take this for the pain,” Quinn said, pressing a lozenge into her hand. “I regret the dosage is on the low side, but any more and you may fall unconscious again. I think we can both agree that would be dangerous, given the circumstances.”


Liatrix nodded and her lower lip quivered. The ceiling blurred and she turned her face away from Quinn.


“My lord—did I cause you some discomfort? My apologies—I didn’t mean—”


“You didn’t. It’s just—I can’t believe it,” she began, her voice growing small and choked. “Five years gone…five years,” she dabbed at her eyes. “My children—I don’t know if they’re safe or where they are—they won’t remember me…they probably think I abandoned them. Oh, Major. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m burdening you with this. I hardly know you.”


“It’s perfectly understandable.” Quinn produced a kerchief from inside his breast pocket. “Take this, my lord. Are you able to sit up?”


“Yes—thanks.” She took the kerchief and sat up with his help. “No one will say anything. Whenever I ask about my family, Lana sloughs me off. I have a bad feeling…please, Major. If you know anything, tell me.”


“It’s not my place.”


“Then you do know something.” She turned to face him. “I’m begging you.”


Quinn’s eyes met hers and after a moment's hesitation, he nodded. “Very well,” he began reluctantly. “You have a right to the truth. After the news of Darth Marr’s death, Darth Acina declared herself Empress and took it upon herself to raid the strongholds of other prominent Sith on Dromund Kaas.


“We were using Cresh Base to strategize but were forced to evacuate when Acina invaded. The children were in the care of your droid, HK-51 and an artificial intelligence known as Scorpio—a crew member of a cipher agent we were working with at the time. They took charge of the children and escaped, as did we. We were to rendezvous on Rishi, but shortly after our escape, we learned this Scorpio was in league with another agent—known as Cipher One. He was—a traitor to the Empire—and all that remained of an organization known as the Star Cabal.”


Liatrix searched Quinn’s expression for some kernel of insight and sensed his trepidation and that he was hiding something. His gaze flitted to the medical device in his hand.


“Where are my children, Major?”


He straightened stoically and met her gaze. “My lord, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you, Scorpio—acting on Cipher One’s orders—murdered the children and destroyed the HK unit. My crew and I, Lana Beniko and Agent Balkar—we searched for months, exhaustively, hoping to learn we were mistaken, but we found no indication otherwise. I’m sorry, my lord.”


Liatrix paled. She stared blankly at the wall before her. “My children are dead?”


Quinn nodded and remained silent.


She thought on Deston first—her little bean as she liked to call him and then stern-eyed Sephna dressed in her frilly outfits. A sob caught in her throat. Her saber hand flexed, choking the kerchief in her hand. “Did you ever find this Scorpio?”


“No, my lord, but Lana did execute Cipher One.”


“And what of Acina?”


“Acina is dead as well, but the circumstances surrounding her death are uncertain. We believe Lord Scourge may have been responsible in some way. She fell to her death from the top floor of her residence.”


“Scourge? Why wasn’t he with the children?”


“He was found unresponsive in the wreckage field after the battle with the Eternal Fleet—Darth Marr’s physicians and staff had been treating him—until Acina came. She took him—and it is our understanding that he was revived whilst in her care. He recovered and left Dromund Kaas, but not before liberating most of the slaves there.”


“Does he know about our children?”


“I don’t know for certain, my lord. I suspect that he does. Our last intelligence placed him on Dromund Fels—he’d started a colony with the slaves he freed.”


A spark of mad hope lit her eyes. She hopped off the examination table and started for the bridge. “Then that’s where we have to go. I have to see him. I have to tell Lana to set a course.”


“My lord—that’s not possible.”


She froze. “Why? Why not?” Her voice quavered.


Quinn’s gaze fixed on the floor between them.


“Why—isn’t—it—possible, Major?”


Quinn shook his head slowly, trying to find and assemble the words.


“Tell me!” Liatrix shrieked.


“Emperor Arcann and the Eternal fleet destroyed the colony five months ago. There were no survivors.”


“No—no I can’t—I don’t believe—not Scourge. He’s immortal!” Liatrix shook her head.


“No one could have survived an aerial bombardment of that magnitude—the settlement was reduced to a crater. There were no survivors. I’m sorry, my lord.”


They stood together in awkward silence for what seemed like millennia. She fidgeted with the kerchief Quinn had given her until she had it folded down to a small square.




“Yes, my lord?”


“I’m sorry—for putting you through this and for yelling at you—you didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry.” She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes until they burned and felt like they were full of hot sand.


“No apologies are necessary, my lord.”


“It is necessary. I know you were disappointed. You didn’t come looking for me—you were looking for your wife, the let down must’ve been unbearable.”


Quinn averted his eyes. “You heard that,” he said, his tone both anguished and surprised. “Forgive me, my lord. It was a temporary lapse. I don’t often give in to emotional outbursts. Please be assured, that I’m quite gratified that we found you. The Empire needs you.”


“You don’t have to say that. In fact, I’d rather you didn’t. I know it’s a polite lie.” Liatrix unfolded the kerchief and pressed it against her cheeks until it was soaked through. “How long has she been missing—your wife?”


Quinn cleared his throat and scanned her again, diligently inputting the readings into his datapad. “It’s been just over five years—she was part of the convoy accompanying you and Darth Marr.”


“I’m sorry. I doubt this will be very reassuring, but there were no other prisoners taken besides my father and me. I thought you should know that. How did you two get separated?”


“She ordered me to take our crew back to Dromund Kaas. She was a gifted fighter pilot and remained as part of the squadron that engaged the Eternal Fleet.”


“She must have fought alongside Lord Scourge—my husband.”


Quinn nodded. “I shouldn’t have left her.”


“None of us could’ve predicted what would happen. War is a sanctuary of regret. Did your people analyze the wreckage field?”


“Yes, and they were quite thorough, but there was no sign of her—no biological readings, nor any signatures matching her craft—it’s as though she vanished without a trace.”


“Major…if we get through this, I’ll do everything in my power to help you find her.”


“I appreciate that. Thank you, my lord—”


The shuttle shuddered and banked hard to the left, then the right and shuddered again. Smoke seeped into the med bay and the supplies toppled from their shelves and instruments skittered across the floor. Flames ripped across the tiny bay, blackening the walls.


Quinn pulled the extinguisher from its bracket and aimed the nozzle at the fire. A blast of soapy smelling foam coated the burning partitions.


Liatrix raced to the com. “Maybe I can vent this smoke—”


“Brace for impact! We’re goin’ down!” Koth’s voice crackled over the ship-wide intercom.


The shuttle dove and buffeted against the rugged terrain of Zakuul’s outskirts. Liatrix and Quinn were thrown off their feet and slammed against the far side of the med bay. The fire extinguisher tumbled across the floor.


A grimy green tinged wake splashed over the sides of the vessel as they careened to a stop. Rags of moss curtained the viewports and water seeped into the vessel. The interior lights flickered and the damaged systems hissed and popped.


Quinn pulled himself to a stand and crossed the med bay at a half crouch to avoid the live wires spitting sparks above him. “My lord…”


Jonas threw himself into the med bay’s doorway. “You all right?”


Liatrix nodded and scrambled to her feet. “Yeah…Major Quinn, are you okay?”


“It appears we’ve weathered the worst of it—what of the bridge crew?”


“Lana and Koth are fine. We gotta go.” Jonas jabbed his thumb back at the doorway. “We’re taking on water. Grab whatever we can use and let’s get the hell outta here.”


The ship lurched to one side as everyone on board deplaned. They carried the supplies over their heads and trudged through the waist deep water to the bank. The bog stunk of loam and rotten leaves and no sooner had they reached land, the swamp pulled the ship down with a loud sucking sound until only the posterior fin remained above water.


“Looks like you owe me another ship,” Koth announced.


Lana dropped the tool kit and spare coils into a heap at her feet. “You stole that one—I don’t think it counts.”


“Keep it down—we don’t know what’s out there,” Liatrix hissed.


Jonas dropped his duffel and the weapons he’d snagged. “She’s right. We’re gonna be stuck here until we can repair the shuttle—if we can repair it. We’re going to need clean water…maybe get a fire going to dry out.”


“This bog is a graveyard for all kinds of wrecks—we might be able to scavenge some parts. We’re gonna need to split up into teams,” Koth said.


“HK, do your sensors show anything we should be worried about?” Liatrix asked.


“Confirmation, master. I’ve detected a large technological construct due south, but I detect no power fluctuations or energy readings from the device. Observation: there are dense concentrations of wildlife throughout the swamp.”


“Noted.” Lana paced. “Koth is right, we need to split up. Liatrix and I will see to finding potable water. Koth—you and Jonas investigate this construct, perhaps you can find something to get us out of this predicament. Quinn, if you could see to our base camp and monitor communications, I’ve little doubt we’ll have company soon. Advance warning would be useful.”


“As good as done, my lord.”


“HK—I want you to patrol the area, keep any curious wildlife at bay.”


“Affirmation: locked and loaded.”


Koth checked his weapon and stocked his bandolier with spare ammo cartridges. “C’mon.”


Jonas frowned and ran his hand over the stubble darkening his jaw. His attention fixed on Liatrix and Lana. “I don’t think it’s wise for you two to go off alone.”


“Don’t concern yourself.” Lana hefted her duffel over her shoulder. “We’ll be fine.”


“Brrrrr,” Koth mocked, casting a smirk in Jonas’s direction.


“Shut up,” Jonas muttered and waded after him.



Liatrix and Lana trudged across the swamp in near silence for over half an hour. “Perhaps I can tap into one of the water lines feeding the city—it appears they run through here,” Lana said.


“Fine, but we need to talk. We might not get another chance.”


“I have to admit I’ve been dreading it,” Lana paused before an abandoned pumping station.


“Scourge and my children are dead.”


Lana’s pale brows furrowed deeply. “How? Quinn—did he tell you?”


“I didn’t give him much of a choice and he agreed that I had a right to the truth.”


“Then you know the worst of it. I’m sorry, we did everything we could.”


“He told me.”


Lana wiped the muck from the control panel with her sleeve. “I wish there was something I could say that would…make things easier.”


“There isn’t.” Liatrix averted her eyes and assembled the portable filter.


“What happened after the Erinyes was destroyed?”


“Valkorion was the Sith Emperor. My father and I both sensed it the moment we saw him.”


“Yes, and when you struck him down, a powerful wave ripped through the Force. Which brings me to what I wanted to ask you—you seem different—is there anything I should know?”




Lana’s lips pressed into a thin line and her eyes narrowed. “Not long after we sensed the Emperor’s passing, Arcann made a broadcast, stating that an Outlander had assassinated his father, the Immortal Emperor. Then the bombardment of the core worlds began and within three months both the Republic and the Empire had been subjugated by the Eternal Empire. We didn’t stand a chance against their fleet—they attacked both sides at once. Then they moved against the Hutts and the outer rim.”


Liatrix tossed the spanner into the duffel. “And then treaties were made…”


“Yes, how did you know?”


“It seemed like the logical next step, given our defeat.”


“I sense you’re hiding something, you haven’t been entirely forthcoming.”


Liatrix turned away, hefting the canteens over her shoulders. “We got what we came for, we should head back. Sun’s going down.”


Lana grabbed her wrist. “Damn you! Don’t walk away from me—I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on with you. You’re holding out on me.”


“Let go!” Liatrix wrested her arm free. “There’s nothing anyone can do for me.”


“The Empire needs you.”


“What makes you think I give a damn? I gave my life for the Republic and for the Empire and what did it get me? Everyone that matters to me is dead.”


“Not everyone.”


Liatrix watched her warily but refused to betray herself by asking.


“You’re grieving and angry and tired—it’s understandable,” Lana said, blocking Liatrix’s path. “But you’re our last hope—and you’re too much like your father to abandon the well-being of the entire galaxy. What would he say about all of this?”


“It’s not as if I can ask him. You’re going to have to do better than that,” Liatrix snapped.


“I can see you’re troubled—I sense your anger toward your father and I don’t understand it. I thought you two were close. I want to help you. Just tell me what happened—all of it.”


“Arcann betrayed me—and I was put into carbon freeze for my trouble.”


Lana cocked her head. “What do you mean by betrayed? You weren’t in league with him, were you? Is that your secret? Is that why you’re angry with your father?”


“It’s none of your damn business why I’m angry.”


“Secretive as ever,” Lana spat. “Don’t you see? I’m trying to be a friend to you, an ally—I’m an advisor, let me help.”


“You want to help? Then keep your nose out of it. There’s no big mystery here, Arcann wanted the throne for himself—and I gave it to him.”


“You gave that monster the throne. Why?”


“I’d think the reason would be obvious—it meant I’d be able to avenge my father.”


“There’s more to it. You’re leaving something out,” Lana hissed.


“Why is it you always suspect there’s something more?


“Because with you there always is.”


“Arcann freed me and I killed his father—it would’ve been a fair deal.”


Lana’s eyes widened. “Why did Arcann go back on his word? If he wanted to blame his father’s death on you, why not execute you for it? Why did he only carbon freeze you? Tell me—”


“Only? I lost five years of my life for a start.”


“Better than all of them.”


“You’d think.”


The swamp shimmered as though a mirage had descended over it and time slowed enough that Lana seemed a mannequin.


Valkorion’s spirit emerged from the petrified tree trunk jutting out of the swamp. He chuckled and clasped his hands behind his back as he closed the distance between them.


He eyed Lana and smirked. “Persistent, your friend.”


“She’s not my friend.”


“Friend or not, she asks some rather pointed questions and I must admit, I’m curious,” Valkorion said, hissing the last syllable like a serpent.


“You’re inside my head. You know why.”


“Do I?” Valkorion purred.


“I’m not in the mood for your games. Leave me alone.”


“As you wish, but the truth has a way of presenting itself at the most inopportune moments.”


Valkorion vanished and Lana regained her awareness of the present. “What was that? I sensed—”


“I don’t know,” Liatrix cut in. “What I do know is we don’t have time for this. They’re going to wonder where we are.”

Lana narrowed her eyes. “You and Arcann…you work fast, don’t you?”


“I don’t know what you’re getting at, but I’ve never believed in wasting time, and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. Skytroopers could be combing the swamps as we speak.”


“You’re impossible,” Lana growled.


“Maybe you need to see how it feels to be raked over the embers. Tell me about the ring.”


“Tell me why Arcann froze you.”


“So that’s how you want to play it.” Liatrix trudged on ahead. Lana’s com chimed and she paused to answer. “Koth, what is it?”


“You two need to hot foot it over to our coordinates. You’re not gonna believe what we stumbled across, Lana. Maybe now, you’ll believe in destiny. This changes everything.”


“Unlikely. The only thing I’m interested in changing right now is my location and the company I’m keeping,” Lana muttered, dropping her voice.


“Feeling’s mutual,” Liatrix barked.


“Look, just get here. This is big. Koth out.”


“What are we waiting for?” Liatrix taunted. “Let’s go see what your boyfriend has to say.”


“You have no idea how wrong you are.”


“Until you tell me different…Lady Vortena.”


“Fine. You really wish to know? I’m married.”


“I thought I sensed something between you.”


Lana stopped. “Not to Koth. I’m married to Jonas.”


Liatrix turned away, her brows pursing as she lowered her gaze. “When did that happen?”


“Oh, just shy of four years ago—on Rishi. After all, we’d been through, we decided we needed something good to happen for a change. I hope you can be happy for us.”


“I’d give almost anything if I could remember how.”


“I know you two were close once, I didn’t want it to come out like this, because of everything you’ve been through.”


“Jonas and I were over a long time ago. In fact, we barely were. I’m glad you’re happy.” She forced a smile and trudged on ahead the smile fading as she gained distance from Lana.


The sun had plunged below the horizon over an hour ago and Zakuul’s three moons took its place in the sky. The swamp came alive with the chitter of ginx and iknayids. Wingmaw eyes flashed in the brush as they snarled at each other.


"Looks like this is it," Lana announced as they arrived at Koth's coordinates.


HK-55 emerged from the shadows of the durasteel behemoth, his blaster rifle nestled across his arms like a child.


“Masters, you’ve returned safely. Statement: Your delay was worrying.”


Koth, Jonas, and Quinn emerged from the belly of the ugly craft.


“Quinn was good enough to relocate the camp here,” Koth announced. “And we’ve got a few extra pairs of hands to help us out in return for a ticket outta here.”


Six exiles, four men, and two women carried supplies into the ship.


“What is this? I thought you said it would change everything,” Lana muttered as she walked the perimeter of the ship, her lip furling.


Koth beamed. “Show a little respect—this here’s the Gravestone. The only ship to have ever gone up against the Eternal Fleet and won. She’s been here this whole time ever since she disappeared centuries ago. This is fate, Lana, I’m tellin’ ya and with the help of our new friends, I think we’ve got just about everything we need to get her running.”


“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Quinn muttered.


“Don’t be such a wet bantha, it’ll work,” Jonas said.


Liatrix rubbed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “We have a lot to do and little time to do it in. We should get started.”


“It worries me that things are coming together a little too easily,” Lana said.


“Let’s just get this done,” Liatrix said in a low voice. She squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them again.


Quinn tapped at his scanner. “My lord, are you unwell?”


“I’m fine. Just a long day, that’s all.” Her gaze followed the exiles. “Are you sure we can trust them?”


“Yeah they want to get away from Arcann about as bad as we do,” Koth said, butting between Quinn and Liatrix to retrieve his toolkit.


“I hope you’re right,” Liatrix warned. “I don’t have the energy to argue. I suppose anything to get us out of here faster.”


“Why don’t you take a load off—we’ve got more than enough help now,” Jonas offered.


“I can’t sit around while everyone else is working. You of all people should know that—but thanks.”


“That’s the spirit. There are some fuse panels that need repair. If you take care of that, I can start on the engines,” Koth suggested, handing her a pair of goggles and a fusing pen.


Liatrix nodded and disappeared inside the Gravestone.


“I think I should check on her, maybe give her a hand,” Jonas said.


Lana clasped his forearm. “No. Leave her be—she needs time alone to process everything and I need help with the fuel cells.”


Jonas looked down at her. “I’ll only be a minute.”


Lana frowned as she watched him retreat into the dark underbelly of the Gravestone.


((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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This story just becomes more awesome with each chapter.

I love the different characters that are there that aren't in the cannon version. Quinn and Jonas certainly will never be besties!:)


I hated to hear that Liatrix's children were dead....but we can look forward to her finding out Scourge didn't die in the attack on his village at least. I can't wait to see where this goes next.


Just so many different things to appreciate here, I think I'll leave some for others to mention who are more eloquent than me *laughs* I will be looking forward to the next chapter very much:)


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There is nothing quite so dangerous as a person with nothing to lose.



The loss of spouse and children, as far as they know anyway. It seems as if Liatrix and Scourge are in the same boat. Both feeling they have lost everything. I loved the interaction between Jonas and Quinn, of course I adore both of them. Did I see a bit of green eyed monster pounce on Lana at the end? Oh, and nice bit of innuendo snark between Koth and Jonas, ha. I am suspecting that Lana was referring to Theron when she told Liatrix that not everyone she cared about was lost.


Acina is dead so who is in charge of the empire? Should I venture to say, Vowrawn? How delicious would that be? Lol.



Great chapter. Looking forward to the next.

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Bravo Luna. You had me laughing and crying and smirking all within the span of about twenty minutes as I was reading this. Liatrix is complicated and she causes complications. I wonder what she's going to do next. Fantastic from start to finish. Like Foxfire said, it just keeps getting better and better. And the part with Jonas arguing with Quinn is gold. Is it next weekend yet?:rak_01:
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Sure, go ahead. :)


Ok well here goes.

While I never really enjoyed the escape segment in-game, especially at the beginning, I felt you rushed through it just a little too fast. It broke my immersion and made me feel like the whole thing was really just a blur, like they were running through hallways with no idea of where they were or where they were going (mostly because I had no idea where they were or where they were going :$)


Secondly, the transition from the hallways to outside was so sudden I didn't even notice it. This made me feel like there was a few sentences missing and I actually had to backtrack and check I hadn't skipped over anything.


Lastly, while I recognize that not everyone is very good at writing combat, I felt the fight with Knights was not only far too short but not very indicative of the courage and fearlessness Knights of Zakuul are known for. For them to try and flee what seemed like mere seconds into the battle was quite a disconnect for me. It didn't make much sense and, if I'm honest, was a little disappointing. I was looking forward to your portrayal of the fight from Chapter 3, and then it turned out to only be 3 sentences long. :(



Other than that, the chapter was an interesting twist on the prime storyline, and I enjoyed much of the interactions between characters as well as your idea to add a few people to the rescue team, without removing Lana and Koth entirely. Personally I would have replaced Koth, but I'm sure you have some purpose in mind for him.

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Ok well here goes.

While I never really enjoyed the escape segment in-game, especially at the beginning, I felt you rushed through it just a little too fast. It broke my immersion and made me feel like the whole thing was really just a blur, like they were running through hallways with no idea of where they were or where they were going (mostly because I had no idea where they were or where they were going :$)


Secondly, the transition from the hallways to outside was so sudden I didn't even notice it. This made me feel like there was a few sentences missing and I actually had to backtrack and check I hadn't skipped over anything.


Lastly, while I recognize that not everyone is very good at writing combat, I felt the fight with Knights was not only far too short but not very indicative of the courage and fearlessness Knights of Zakuul are known for. For them to try and flee what seemed like mere seconds into the battle was quite a disconnect for me. It didn't make much sense and, if I'm honest, was a little disappointing. I was looking forward to your portrayal of the fight from Chapter 3, and then it turned out to only be 3 sentences long. :(



Other than that, the chapter was an interesting twist on the prime storyline, and I enjoyed much of the interactions between characters as well as your idea to add a few people to the rescue team, without removing Lana and Koth entirely. Personally I would have replaced Koth, but I'm sure you have some purpose in mind for him.


That's fair, you're allowed to feel that way. And I appreciate the feedback :) However...



I didn't enjoy that segment of the game either, it's dull and boring to fight all these nameless faceless enemies that in no real way affect the story. These are disposable troops with no meaning in the story, other than to get in the way, of the protagonists on their way out. I was going for the sensation of adrenaline and rushing through an unfamiliar place where lives are on the line.


I honestly didn't think anyone would enjoy slogging through two thousand extra words to describe a boring and meaningless fight and to my thinking, unnecessarily prolong the escape. I prefer to dedicate my energy to fights that mean something with important enemies, not trash mobs. I'm a big believer in something GRRM said once, 'don't bother with the parts that people tend to skip and skim over.'


I suppose I could have dedicated a bit more effort to the final pair of knights, but the one thing that always irritated me with the game, is that they portrayed these Zakuulan Knights as such a big deal and honestly I didn't find them that impressive. After the game made the protagonist and Lana seem like quite powerful and competent Force users, I think they could more than handle a pair of knights, but maybe that's just me. I'm sorry you didn't find the escape fullfilling, but I suppose you can't please all the people all the time and for my tastes, I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe put in a couple more lines of action for the pair of knights at the end of the escape.


I'm happy that you found the rest of it interesting and worth your time. Thanks for the feedback, even though I don't entirely agree, I appreciate knowing. :)


Edited by Lunafox
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I'm happy that you found the rest of it interesting and worth your time. Thanks for the feedback, even though I don't entirely agree, I appreciate knowing. :)


Well we aren't going to agree on everything. I'm glad you at least listened/read my criticisms so I could feel like I got them off my chest. I'm hoping to see more of the parts of your writing that I enjoy in the future, so I will continue reading :)

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This story just becomes more awesome with each chapter.

I love the different characters that are there that aren't in the cannon version. Quinn and Jonas certainly will never be besties!:)


I hated to hear that Liatrix's children were dead....but we can look forward to her finding out Scourge didn't die in the attack on his village at least. I can't wait to see where this goes next.


Just so many different things to appreciate here, I think I'll leave some for others to mention who are more eloquent than me *laughs* I will be looking forward to the next chapter very much:)



I'm really glad you liked it. I thought it would be more fun to have a different take on the rescue and I'm relieved that it turned out all right. You're right about that, Quinn and Jonas are always harping at each other in some way lol. Well, I'd given this careful thought and figured knowing Liatrix, she wouldn't be up to leading any alliances if she thought her kids were out there somewhere, she'd say 'take your alliance and stuff it.' And that would be the end of the story more or less :D I want to wrap up all the things I had on the go. It means a lot to know that you found much to appreciate in the chapter and am grateful for your kindness. Thanks for reading. :)



There is nothing quite so dangerous as a person with nothing to lose.



The loss of spouse and children, as far as they know anyway. It seems as if Liatrix and Scourge are in the same boat. Both feeling they have lost everything. I loved the interaction between Jonas and Quinn, of course I adore both of them. Did I see a bit of green eyed monster pounce on Lana at the end? Oh, and nice bit of innuendo snark between Koth and Jonas, ha. I am suspecting that Lana was referring to Theron when she told Liatrix that not everyone she cared about was lost.


Acina is dead so who is in charge of the empire? Should I venture to say, Vowrawn? How delicious would that be? Lol.



Great chapter. Looking forward to the next.


You've got that right, once a person has nothing left...yikes. Arcann is going to have some dangerous enemies. I had fun with Jonas and Quinn, they're lovely and practically write themselves. Lana is upset with Jonas and jealous...their marriage is on the rocks after just four years and it's in a dangerous place for them. Having Lia come along now probably wasn't the best thing either--one more issue to add to a list of issues. The snark between Koth and Jonas was a last minute thing, but unlike the snark between Jonas and Quinn, Jonas and Koth seem to have a better friendship so it was good natured. And yes, Lana was referring to Theron, when she said that.


Hmm, Vowrawn running the empire does sound delicious indeed. Is that who's running it? We'll have to see :D

Thanks for reading and commenting, I do appreciate it. <3


I get the feeling you gathered a cast that won't be in need of any external trouble before long. Looking forward to see how this progresses.


He hee, well, yeah, they could get themselves going just on the sheer amount of snark that happens, there is a lot that could go wrong. :D Thanks for reading and for commenting. ^^


Bravo Luna. You had me laughing and crying and smirking all within the span of about twenty minutes as I was reading this. Liatrix is complicated and she causes complications. I wonder what she's going to do next. Fantastic from start to finish. Like Foxfire said, it just keeps getting better and better. And the part with Jonas arguing with Quinn is gold. Is it next weekend yet?:rak_01:


Thanks Coge! *blush* That means a lot to hear. She is indeed complicated and has the potential to leave a lot of ruination and misery in her path. She's unpredictable at times, even to me, so it's always a bit of an adventure. Thanks again for reading and for the lovely compliment. <3


Well we aren't going to agree on everything. I'm glad you at least listened/read my criticisms so I could feel like I got them off my chest. I'm hoping to see more of the parts of your writing that I enjoy in the future, so I will continue reading :)


That's cool, and people won't agree on everything little thing. I do take every comment to heart and give each one a lot of thought, so I do appreciate you taking the time. Anything that gets us thinking about our creative process is a good thing. Thanks for reading and taking the time to let me know your thoughts. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Ok well here goes.

While I never really enjoyed the escape segment in-game, especially at the beginning, I felt you rushed through it just a little too fast. It broke my immersion and made me feel like the whole thing was really just a blur, like they were running through hallways with no idea of where they were or where they were going (mostly because I had no idea where they were or where they were going :$)


Secondly, the transition from the hallways to outside was so sudden I didn't even notice it. This made me feel like there was a few sentences missing and I actually had to backtrack and check I hadn't skipped over anything.


Lastly, while I recognize that not everyone is very good at writing combat, I felt the fight with Knights was not only far too short but not very indicative of the courage and fearlessness Knights of Zakuul are known for. For them to try and flee what seemed like mere seconds into the battle was quite a disconnect for me. It didn't make much sense and, if I'm honest, was a little disappointing. I was looking forward to your portrayal of the fight from Chapter 3, and then it turned out to only be 3 sentences long. :(



Other than that, the chapter was an interesting twist on the prime storyline, and I enjoyed much of the interactions between characters as well as your idea to add a few people to the rescue team, without removing Lana and Koth entirely. Personally I would have replaced Koth, but I'm sure you have some purpose in mind for him.


I thought the pacing was great. Nothing felt rushed to me it was a good escape sequence. And in case you haven't been paying attention, Lunafox writes some of the best fight scenes I've ever read and that goes for duels and aerial combat and dogfights. The space battles she has done are nothing short of amazing. I think she just spends time on the fights that matter and have a real impact on the plot. If you felt a disconnect or disappointed that's on you, man. People got different tastes. I thought it was exciting, a real rush. I hate stories where you have to go through paragraphs of boring **** to get to the good stuff. You may not have liked it but I think plenty of us did. My brother doesn't even play the game but comes to the forum just to read these stories.


Sorry to derail the thread but I had to get that out there.


Keep it up Lunafox.

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I thought the pacing was great. Nothing felt rushed to me it was a good escape sequence. And in case you haven't been paying attention, Lunafox writes some of the best fight scenes I've ever read and that goes for duels and aerial combat and dogfights. The space battles she has done are nothing short of amazing. I think she just spends time on the fights that matter and have a real impact on the plot. If you felt a disconnect or disappointed that's on you, man. People got different tastes. I thought it was exciting, a real rush. I hate stories where you have to go through paragraphs of boring **** to get to the good stuff. You may not have liked it but I think plenty of us did. My brother doesn't even play the game but comes to the forum just to read these stories.


Sorry to derail the thread but I had to get that out there.


Keep it up Lunafox.


Thanks for the vote of confidence, I appreciate it. And I appreciate that both of you spoke your minds, as always I give the comments a lot of thought, and apply what I find out as needed. It really does mean a lot to me that you felt so strongly that you felt compelled to jump in again. And please tell your brother that I appreciate his readership too. :)

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