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Is SWTOR a dead game?


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It's not dead yet, as I think there are a lot of new players joining up. I'm a SWTOR vet, and I came back recently for the Eternal Empire chapters, which I find really interesting. I think the problem with SWTOR is that it is a game that people only sort of wanted. People wanted a new Knights of the Old Republic, not an mmo. So the more single player this game becomes, I think the more Bioware fans will flock to it. However, compared to modern single player games like the Witcher 3, it obviously suffers graphically. I think the present chapter is really interesting, that along with multiple origins, and squad mates with excellent voice acting, are keeping this game going. I think the subscription and the market (the pay to win mentality) might be keeping new players away as well.
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some servers are dead, but I don't think the game will truly die until 2019 or so. maybe late 2018 depending on content updates etc. servers will die (shadowlands probably has about 6 months left in it) but yeah.


the game has easily lost a third of its population since 5.0, and probably two thirds since the start of 3.0. total players is probably like 10-15 percent what it was at launch.

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Guess it's was inevitable for a "The Game Is Dying" thread to turn up on this forum. Usually I get a bit testy about these misplaced posts, but I'll bite this once; EA will suck this potato dry and then some as long as the game isn't in the red on the budget sheets. There, as you were . . . move along


EDIT; "Welcome to the STAR WARS discussion Forum! This forum exists so that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community members can discuss the larger STAR WARS galaxy, including the movies, books, comics, and other video games."


Edited by t-darko
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How's a game with thousands of players dead? Red Eclipse is good for pvp. But yeah, swtor needs some new repeatable pvp content - like a dozen of new warzones - and some new operations (content available mostly/exclusively to subs).
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As one of the "new blood" myself the thing that really turns me off about this game is it's buggyness. It's always something.


Living Legend is a distant dream thanks to those and by the time I get the other 4 classes done I have to do I shall be clicking that cancel button and freeing up 37 GB.

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I wouldn't even consider a transfer unless I can take everything in all my account's personal vaults and shared vaults. I'm not giving up hundreds of item collected over years' time.

A character's personal vault ("Cargo Hold") does transfer with him.


What you're asking for, it seems, is a "Legacy Transfer", which is a whole different animal.

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I just returned from about a year away. I was forced to transfer from PoT5 to JC. The part that stinks is I could only take what's in my inventory, so I lost years of items I was forced to leave behind.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I have done many transfers. You get your vault too with all the tabs you have opened. The only thing you can't transfer is legacy vault. Most things aren't legacy items anyway but you can take what you want and put it in your personal vault. Open up another tab if you have to.

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I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I have done many transfers. You get your vault too with all the tabs you have opened. The only thing you can't transfer is legacy vault. Most things aren't legacy items anyway but you can take what you want and put it in your personal vault. Open up another tab if you have to.


You're making the assumption that there was room to take everything in the cargo bays AND everything in legacy bays....


When you transfer, you lose mail - and anything in that mail.


Bugs can happen - I've lost things like pilots and aesthetics in my gsf at least twice now and that mode hasn't seen an update in years.

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I've played on and off since launch. The only reason I come back is because it's Star Wars.


But yea, this the deadest the game has ever been that I have noticed.


I'll probably still play on and off til the end, but it's sad. This was supposed to be THE mmo. Guess that's what happens when you don't listen to your customers feed back.

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Dead? Not yet. Dying? Absolutely.


I left the game last year (after 2-3 years of playing), when the Galactic Command System was introduced, like many others.


I just returned to check things. Everyone is saying that a lots of players is returning for the double xp, CXP bug and such, and the servers have "population spikes". I don't know, on every planet I see less players when I left the game, so if this is a spike, i don't want to imagine a normal state.


I don't think SWTOR is a bad game, in fact, it's a good game, that's why it's still alive. However, i don't know what happened to Bioware, but the current game/marketing policies are ridiculous and killing the game. Short-term opportunism (douple XP, free month) will not work on long term and cannot save the game. Revamping the whole free to play system and solving the dead servers problem might.

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You're making the assumption that there was room to take everything in the cargo bays AND everything in legacy bays....


When you transfer, you lose mail - and anything in that mail.


Bugs can happen - I've lost things like pilots and aesthetics in my gsf at least twice now and that mode hasn't seen an update in years.


Not making the assumption. The cargo bay goes with you. You do NOT need to remove anything from the cargo bay.

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I've transferred many many times. The only thing lost in mail was story letters.


Your inventory transfers

Your cargo hold transfers


Things that do not:

Gtn postings, so don't craft a million things.

Legacy hold - which to be honest is holding what exactly? Some pieces of legacy gear? Collections now allows you to unlock crystals, armor, etcetc. So take a few necessities. Weigh up necessities. You can get heaps of legacy gear doing heroics and getting alliance crates for characters in kotfe/kotet. You can purchase legacy gear via vendor on fleet for 600-2500 a piece. You can purchase event legacy gear from time to time so really, how much crap do you need from legacy vault?


But the part that I was responding to is that you do NOT lose your cargo hold. All of that stuff transfers.

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I originally started this game back when it launched in Australia and we had dedicated Australian servers. I played on and off for a bit until our servers got closed and I was forced to move so my toon ended up on Harbinger. When I first played there was heaps of people everywhere as you'd expect for a brand new game.


I'm not one of these people that stay subbed since launch and the last time I played it was was when Rise of the Hutt Cartel was the current xpac and back then Harbinger was active and still had plenty of people around


It's been about 4-5 years since i last subbed and i'm bored of WoW and FFXIV so I decided to come back and I dunno about other servers but Harbinger still seems pretty active and popular. When I go to fleet there's heaps of people hanging around. The dungeon queues aren't too bad either though PVP queues seem to take ages to pop.


I wouldn't say SWTOR is dead, dying for sure but most MMO are declining in players so that's nothing specific to this game.

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When I go to fleet there's heaps of people hanging around. The dungeon queues aren't too bad either though PVP queues seem to take ages to pop.
Harb imp fleet has half or less the activity I remember seeing previous stretches I've subbed for, even as recently as about 18 months ago.


Barely breaks a second instance, even during US west coast prime time, and when it does the second instance is usually only a few people.


The question posed in the thread title is multifaceted, but by most metrics it seems that the game is indeed dead.

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