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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I thought LadyArdor's story sounded more ike when GC came it opened up new paths for them to gear. Not only just "grinding faceroll content" but they played in PvP. Their friend used GSF. It sounded like two or three activities they used they hadn't before. Exactly what it sounded like the introduction of GC was supposed to do. Regardless how you see GC, no one should be depending on it to gear solely. Its just a terrible method. But it is one method. Just terrible. I can't stress that enough. And probably needs to remain terrible.


^^ This


GC is not meant to be the primary gearing source (especially after they reintroduced gear to OPs). It is a long hard road for anyone who doesn't do the group content for sure (and it really should be). Clearly what Bioware wanted was the two main "group play" styles, PVP and OPS to start doing each others content and to get some of the others to try the content. What they underestimated was the unwillingness of players in those areas to do anything else (the classic 1 trick pony). If they had started doing each others content the pool of players would have been expanded greatly and the random group content would be popping more often. Of course there are those in PVP that despise casuals and raiders that think PVPers are a lesser species, but had they worked together we would be in a much better place right now. Participation, particularly in PVP, is as low as it has ever been as is obvious from the length of waits for WZs on even populous servers (some will say it is all population but if you can't get more than a couple of percent of the people playing the game to do the content, is it really the population). Participation used to be much higher than it is now. Part of it is that F2P and Preferred can no longer participate in endgame content which is in itself a mistake.

Edited by DWho
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I thought LadyArdor's story sounded more ike when GC came it opened up new paths for them to gear. Not only just "grinding faceroll content" but they played in PvP. Their friend used GSF. It sounded like two or three activities they used they hadn't before. Exactly what it sounded like the introduction of GC was supposed to do. Regardless how you see GC, no one should be depending on it to gear solely. Its just a terrible method. But it is one method. Just terrible. I can't stress that enough. And probably needs to remain terrible.


Except BW refusal to actually reward people doing MM Ops. I PvP cause it's fun yet to min max my toons I have to PvP more so for that and the crates as half the loot table isn't in MM Ops. Until I can get full BiS doing MM Ops the entire system is trash.


When there are more people getting BiS through regs and gambling boxes it becomes a problem. Should have stocked with 3.0 gearing system and just tacked on CXP as a bonus to get up to only T3 gear.

Edited by FerkWork
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I have well over 400 alts now with well over 40 character level 70 across 6 accounts. So speak for yourself when saying its anti Alts. I don't have an issue with it at all. I don't have any problem with others like you not liking it, but am sick to death of you and other thinking you represent EVERYONE else.



Someone has too much time on their hands. Look out it is one of those whiteknights coming in to save SWTOR!

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