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DS warrior question


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Keep in mind you can also pick up DS points for crafting and crew missions, so technically it's possible to push your character to Dark V without making lots of horrifying decisions in the story (I actually did that on my LS SW simply because I wanted to see the corruption effect and get the titles/achievements, and then I let her veer back toward the LS..and she was so LS that she had LS Jaesa). My SW did make a lot of DS choices and she and Vette still ended the story on very good terms.


With the SW story I think the key is to be very nice *to Vette* regardless of the other decisions you make outside of Vette's conversations - you will have a lot of opportunities in the story to have private conversations with her. Take that shock collar off the first time she asks you, help her family immediately when she asks and don't be rude about it, help her on her side quests, etc. If you pick up a few LS points along the way you can negate them with choices elsewhere in the story or crafting, if you want.


Also, Vette actually *does* approve of some Dark Side choices. If you're asking for money, you're standing up for yourself or you're killing someone who is a bully, slaver or in any way oppresses the little guy or is a complete jerk, she approves. On Black Talon, for instance, Vette does not like it if you kill the captain or general, but she loves it if you're rude to the moff and the baby Jedi you have to fight.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Turn of conversation alignment and go the way you want. There are other ways to get LS/DS points.


I've done 5 SW and the most fun I had was Dark III. Merciless to my victims, rewarding to those who followed me, and undermined my master at every turn. I loved seeing Baris get upset as I poked holes in his plans, or did something to complete my mission, but not to his intention.


There's one mission for Baris I can threaten to eat people, another I sleep with the widow of the guy I kill, and another I get republic commando's to fight for me. All things I found extermly fun that I wouldn't have seen going all dark.

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I picked some LS options as they made more sense. I'm not sure if not shocking Vette at every available opportunity has any bearing on LS/DS anyway.


I was a ruthless jerk to most non companions, including "my master" who I knew was going to do what he does eventually, it's a Sith thing.


You can be the most inconsistent character ever and still max out your LS/DS bars. I got most of my points from crafting anyway.

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On Black Talon, for instance, Vette does not like it if you kill the captain

Killing the captain is a completely stupid thing to do. He's competent, and once forced to it, he will back you all the way, exactly as you'd expect if he had originally agreed to help Kilran. Lieutenant Sylas, on the other hand, is incompetent, and more concerned with how the place looks, and gets the entire bridge crew to slaughter each other, including herself.


Never kill the captain.


The general, on the other hand, is dead on all my characters except my now-Light V BH.


EDIT: I think the captain, in a way, is looking for someone to take responsibility for what he sees as a suicide run. He isn't, as such, opposed to striking at the Republic, but he won't be the one to *actually* give the order in that case. You come in, and give the orders, and then pull it off. I think he'd follow you on an expedition through the deepest recesses of Hell after that.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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Killing the captain is a completely stupid thing to do. He's competent, and once forced to it, he will back you all the way, exactly as you'd expect if he had originally agreed to help Kilran. Lieutenant Sylas, on the other hand, is incompetent, and more concerned with how the place looks, and gets the entire bridge crew to slaughter each other, including herself.


Never kill the captain.


The general, on the other hand, is dead on all my characters except my now-Light V BH.


EDIT: I think the captain, in a way, is looking for someone to take responsibility for what he sees as a suicide run. He isn't, as such, opposed to striking at the Republic, but he won't be the one to *actually* give the order in that case. You come in, and give the orders, and then pull it off. I think he'd follow you on an expedition through the deepest recesses of Hell after that.


No, I don't kill the captain either, because he's totally competent and very pleasant when you work with him. I feel like he was actually right to refuse to go after the general. He's not a military ship, he knows that going against a Republic warship probably won't end well, and he doesn't want to endanger his crew or vessel. That's a sound call for a captain to make.


I prefer to kill the general but that call depends on the companion because I'm trying to farm influence points. I actually feel like killing him should be the light side choice, because if you take him prisoner, you know he's going to be tortured/harshly interrogated.

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I prefer to kill the general but that call depends on the companion because I'm trying to farm influence points. I actually feel like killing him should be the light side choice, because if you take him prisoner, you know he's going to be tortured/harshly interrogated.

Overall, I'd suggest that it's more a choice between Dark and Darker, frankly.

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For me I find the Full LS warrior immensely fun and satisfying.


You literally are nothing like anyone expects of you its SO FUNNY. from jaesas using her power on you, to the jedi you face on her trail to the various enemies you fight NONE of them ever see you coming like you are.,


The fact that I love the Vette romance probably helps a lot as well since she enjoys that you aren't a complete monster but can still have fun at the expense of the occasional kill of someone like the jerk on Alderan.

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For me I find the Full LS warrior immensely fun and satisfying.


You literally are nothing like anyone expects of you its SO FUNNY. from jaesas using her power on you, to the jedi you face on her trail to the various enemies you fight NONE of them ever see you coming like you are.,


The fact that I love the Vette romance probably helps a lot as well since she enjoys that you aren't a complete monster but can still have fun at the expense of the occasional kill of someone like the jerk on Alderan.


Duke Kendoh? OMG i wish i could have given him the "Third Boot Medal" if you know what i mean :D:D:D

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