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Why Has Hayete Bahadori Stopped Playing???


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I know he ran on jedi covenant, thats why im posting here. maybe someone from that server would know...


Swtor was and still is my first MMO that i could just sit down and grind for hours, exploring the galaxy, getting lost in lore and just trying to improve my own personal game play. At the end of 2015 i came across Hayete Bahadori's Sentinal combat guide and it blew my mind on how many different areas my game was lacking. Since then ive practiced what was in his guide and dramatically increased my dps, and its all thanks to Hayete. I owe that guide for increasing my knowledge not only on dps sentinal, but the basics of MMO's all around. Well now, on his website, hes replying to comments saying things like "As you may know I no longer am playing or following SWTOR."


I just think this kind of sucks seeing as how imo the community is losing such a helpful and knowledgeable player in the swtor universe. Im left simply wondering why... Does anyone know the reasoning behind it, does he not like the way swtor is heading, or is he trying to keep his reasons private?


And Hayete if your reading this man, i (and im sure quite a few other players as well) want to thank you for everything you brought to the community. I really admired your attitude towards helping others and all the work that you put in to your guides. You will be missed <3

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the truth its that hayete is kaphess!


in other news, its not a big surprise the raiding comunity left the game because of the slow cadence or close to non existante operations being released.and no. 2 new bosses are not an operation and considering their lvl of dificulty and coordination doesnt surpise the bleeding didnt stopped yet.

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I think poor guild custodianship is also to blame. I was in a guild with him and he was very active. Things went downhill in the guild and he ended up leaving. I really didn't see him in-game after that. Players like him give their heart and soul to the guilds they are in. When the GM goes bad (or doesn't give a hoot anymore for whatever reason) the good players start to leave. Some hookup with other guilds some decide they don't want to "start all over again" with another guild. A great guild compensates for a lot. I agree he is missed.
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Because the game is essentially dead. I seen a previous poster say something about guild leadership failing, but this is a Bioware/EA issue.


The attrition rate for guilds has been horrendous for the last couple years due to the absolute dearth of content, and then to put this ridiculous CXP system on top of that. It was too much to ask of the playerbase when they have options available to them.


Hayete leaving the game is a product of this, have had many friends leave this game for the same reason.


Think they are starting to get things back on track. However, sadly, it is quite literally too little (1 raid, released 1 boss at a time over the course of a year), too late.


I hope he gets your message, he had some fans and some detractors, regardless he gave to the community pretty selflessly, so I wish him well.

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