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[Imp] Gauging Interest


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While I'm aware that a vast majority of the player base either aren't aware of the forums, or avoid them like the plague, I figured I would ask here anyway... partly because I'm at work and can't log into the game...


Wondering what the overall interest in a low level (10-69) leveling/pvp guild would be. Aside from the basics of the question, the guild would essentially be a home for alts, a chance for networking, and a good way to earn some valor ranks on the way to 70... and a chance to learn to pvp with a new class or spec in a safe and encouraging environment. Basically try to get enough people on and playing to run lowbie war zones as a team, or split into teams of 4 and run separately in 4v4s or as a full team if pubs join, or possibly on opposite sides of a wargame.


What would happen at 70? Well, that would be up to each player. Bail out and join their main guild, branch off on their own, start another toon and keep the ball rolling, or sit at 70 in the guild and do whatever while others catch up...just as a few examples.


Just looking for some feedback here, or if there are already guilds out there like this, maybe to make some connections.

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