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Keybinding suggestions for Shadow/Inf


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Having a hard time settling and getting use to any keybindings I do with my Shadow Inf. So far I have been favoring alt and ctrl plus numbers for the side bars. regular numbers for top main, and shift numbers for button main bar. I often hit shift instead of alt, or alt instead of shift. Get's confusing. Wondering how you all go about it? I have a mouse with 12 side buttons btw. First two rows of side buttons I'm good at, but if I have to jump from say 1 -7 etc. I often miss click and screw things up. One of my main concerns is quick access to my break free abilities. It's rare I need them in pve, but pvp I need to be quicker. time ticks while I'm unable to use abilities via choke hold or whatever. I currently have them mapped with 7 and shift 7. Having a hard time sacrificing something else's place.


Saw a vid where someone was mapping movement keys along with abilities. I figure that would mess movement up, but they said it hasn't been a problem. Any of you like that way?


I guess there isn't a macro system in the game correct?


Also. if anyone has a screen shot that they can share of their lay out, I'd greatly appreciate it. Or general tips. I figure going thru all the names of abilties etc. and what the keybinding is would be too time consuming for anyone :)

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The fact is just that keybinds are extremely personal and where you put your keys is entirely up to you.


The only advise I can give you is to put Defensives/emergiency stuff on easy, quick to reach keys.

And put "rotational" stuff close around your WA(S)D buttons because you will press them far more than anything else.


Other than that.. be creative with your keyboard.

Not everybody thinks of using a modifier together with scroll up/down..

But if you do, that's 6 keybinds with all modifiers.

Nothing is off-limits. Your keybinds, your rules.

Edited by Evolixe
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Another issue I'm having, is with moving mobs. I have starting buff abilities that require me to use alt-number keys (as I currently have mapped of course), while moving. awkward in those situations. hate sacrificing say, 1-3 which are easy for me to use and have abilities I use multiple times in fights mapped there currently. Is there an autofollow in this game? might help. Edited by Vigilark
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Another issue I'm having, is with moving mobs. I have starting buff abilities that require me to use alt-number keys (as I currently have mapped of course), while moving. awkward in those situations. hate sacrificing say, 1-3 which are easy for me to use and have abilities I use multiple times in fights mapped there currently. Is there an autofollow in this game? might help.


I'm not sure I understand the issue, can't you move with the mouse? Also it sounds to me like you're using too many modifiers and it's causing you more problems than solving them.


For combat I have everything spread out between the keyboard and the mouse and only for five abilities (adrenal, medpac, guard, force slow, grenades) i have to hit a modifier, alt in my case. I use 1-7, q,e,r,t,s,f,g,x,c,v,b plus the mouse for combat skills. The mouse has stealth, phantom stride, spike, adrenals and medpacs (with modifier), hard stun, low slash, force speed and interrupt. I'm also using y and h for the first 2 abilities of the temp bar (the new boss or huttball :p). I may yet change this, as h was previously my speeder key and I'm not sure I can be quick enough with it in combat.


This works for me however it may look completely insane for another person. That's how it is with keybindings :)

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I'm not sure I understand the issue, can't you move with the mouse? Also it sounds to me like you're using too many modifiers and it's causing you more problems than solving them.


For combat I have everything spread out between the keyboard and the mouse and only for five abilities (adrenal, medpac, guard, force slow, grenades) i have to hit a modifier, alt in my case. I use 1-7, q,e,r,t,s,f,g,x,c,v,b plus the mouse for combat skills. The mouse has stealth, phantom stride, spike, adrenals and medpacs (with modifier), hard stun, low slash, force speed and interrupt. I'm also using y and h for the first 2 abilities of the temp bar (the new boss or huttball :p). I may yet change this, as h was previously my speeder key and I'm not sure I can be quick enough with it in combat.


This works for me however it may look completely insane for another person. That's how it is with keybindings :)


I move forward with w key. Guess I should get more in the habit of right/left clicking to move forward. I move cam with right button much of the time, but not always. But as far as strifing or moving backwards rely on keyboard. Well, sometimes strife with keyboard.


Yes, I am still trying to figure out if applying buffs as much as I am is actually making the fights last longer than it would unbuffed. Part of the reason is to practice for tougher fights ahead. Trying to get rotation automatic in my mind, so I don't have to stare at the icons and remember what keys do what.


Thanks for letting me know your layout. If the game allows middle mouse button to be use, that is something I need to consider and haven't really so far. Double click binds work with this game? Haven't tried that yet. Was playing another game and double click binds helped A LOT.


Figured binding stuff to q and e would mess up strifing. Need to get better with mouse movement maybe. It's sort of hard to be holding down right click, while moving my thumb around on my little side buttons. Makes me mess up more. I use a razer naga mouse with 12 side buttons.


You have s mapped to a combat ability? How do you move backwards? Or do u have it mapped, s-right or left click? Haven't thought of that yet.

Edited by Vigilark
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You don't move backwards. Moving backwards is slower than moving forwards or strafing. You should move with your mouse only, and maybe strafe with the keyboard if you don't have keys on the mouse for it.


I personally have my keybinds set to 1234/QWER/ASDF/ZXCV and then [shift] + the same keys. I can't move with the keyboard at all, but it doesn't matter because I don't.


Get used to moving with your mouse, turning is much faster that way and it's more efficient.

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As Evolixe said, there's no universal one size fits all solution to this.


Yes, keybinding in general is faster and more reliable, on the other hand, one of 7stucks tanks for example, back in the day on their world first Brontes NiM kill, was a clicker. So that can work really good as well.


But if it helps: I move with WASD, where A and D are strafing, not turning, looking with the mouse and using the 1-? keys for rotational abilitys, with my thumb on the 12 mouse keys, mind you, and alt+1-? again with the mouse keys, for situational abilitys like vanish, whirlwind, overload etc.

And Q; E; R; T; F; G; X; C; V and B on defesive and offensive cooldowns like recklessness, Deflection, stun break etc.

I don't use shift, because my hands are strange and I can't reach it:o

Edited by Torvai
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Thanks for letting me know your layout. If the game allows middle mouse button to be use, that is something I need to consider and haven't really so far. Double click binds work with this game? Haven't tried that yet. Was playing another game and double click binds helped A LOT.


middle button can indeed be mapped and so can the scrolling, never occured to me to try double clicks so I don't know :)


You have s mapped to a combat ability? How do you move backwards? Or do u have it mapped, s-right or left click? Haven't thought of that yet.


I don't, I use the mouse and strafing (moved to a and d, as I use the mouse to turn).


Yes, I am still trying to figure out if applying buffs as much as I am is actually making the fights last longer than it would unbuffed


what buffs? you mean force potency?

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I still move with WAD, I alternate between holding both mouse buttons and W for forward movement depending on what buttons I need to press and what a situation calls for.


A and D are both bound directly to strafing instead of keyturning so that I can use my mouse for pointing at things on the move anytime I have to.


I don't have S bound to movement. Backwards movement is completely unnecessary and inefficient.

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I don't have S bound to movement. Backwards movement is completely unnecessary and inefficient.


As a mainly PvE tank player I have to disagree. There are uses for backpeddaling. Like Revan/Ruugar backstab or positioning yourself against a pylon on dashroode and the like.

Apart from that, yeah. But since I use one keybind layout for all my toons :o

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As a mainly PvE tank player I have to disagree. There are uses for backpeddaling. Like Revan/Ruugar backstab or positioning yourself against a pylon on dashroode and the like.

Apart from that, yeah. But since I use one keybind layout for all my toons :o


I can do all that with strafing, and I don't even have to give the boss my back for it.


4 years later I have yet to run into an issue I can't tackle without S backpeddle.

Edited by Evolixe
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Sure, for Revan kiting I strafe as well. But positioning like on Dash'roode I find it easier to beckpedal. Especially because it is slower and therefore more precise.

But then we have our tanks against the pylons, not the generators, which are rather narrow and easy to get kicked away if you're not careful.

WOuld it be needed? Probably not. But I find it easier in some instances. Personal preference I guess :)

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I don't really think its a matter of preference as much as it is a matter of getting used to and adapting.


You don't like the discomfort of change, I get it. I don't either.

But I got over it and it improved a lot of things. Same with keybinding itself.


People that have clicked for years will argue that "its just as good as keybinding" when that is factually total bull.

Every keybinder knows from experience because nobody that first started playing MMO's went mapping their entire keyboard straight off the bat. We all started a clicker.

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k, I heavily modified my keybindings thanks to many replies here. Using mouse to steer has been a pain when I stun and need to backstab, but getting better at it. Steering while map is open can't be done with right mouse click it seems. I have shift a/d to turn with map open tho, a work around.


Also just started looking into making macros with my naga mouse. It's over my head so far, but if I can figure that out it will be of great help :)

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It works, you just have to click outside the map. ;)


Yea, figured that out. Been having resolution problems. Conflicts with my desktop res and game. I figured out how to resize things tho recently. Just had to resize so I could switch between dark and light side point gathering. map was taking up more than the screen lol. I have things working better now.

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Having a hard time settling and getting use to any keybindings I do with my Shadow Inf. So far I have been favoring alt and ctrl plus numbers for the side bars. regular numbers for top main, and shift numbers for button main bar. I often hit shift instead of alt, or alt instead of shift. Get's confusing. Wondering how you all go about it? I have a mouse with 12 side buttons btw. First two rows of side buttons I'm good at, but if I have to jump from say 1 -7 etc. I often miss click and screw things up. One of my main concerns is quick access to my break free abilities. It's rare I need them in pve, but pvp I need to be quicker. time ticks while I'm unable to use abilities via choke hold or whatever. I currently have them mapped with 7 and shift 7. Having a hard time sacrificing something else's place.


Saw a vid where someone was mapping movement keys along with abilities. I figure that would mess movement up, but they said it hasn't been a problem. Any of you like that way?


I guess there isn't a macro system in the game correct?


Also. if anyone has a screen shot that they can share of their lay out, I'd greatly appreciate it. Or general tips. I figure going thru all the names of abilties etc. and what the keybinding is would be too time consuming for anyone :)


Well a while back i stumbled upon QWERTY isn't that for cell phones or something. That's what i thought to so check out this https://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/

So i was looking for a new approach and after reading alot of what this site had to say I endeavored to make this work. Though it did take a bit of time to get use to the new layout but once it became muscle memory I found I had more control and quicker reaction time and have been doing it ever sense .


I kinda followed the way the taugrim laid it out . 1 is ball lighting 2 is reapers rush 3 is maul 4 lowslash 5 spike 6 either electrocute or whirl wind 7 voltaic slash 8 discharge 9 saber strike and 0 is assassinate

I set this up so that i could do it from the keyboard but I mostly use 1 and 2 on keyboard with my left hand and everything else primarily use my mouse binds/buttons (i.e my right hand) . If I had to give up my mouse i would probably move stuff around cause everything past 6 is really hard to hit with one hand thankfully I have no intention of giving up my gaming mouse (all hail the gaming mouse)


Q is my interupt | and W is left strafe| E is forward |and R is right strafe|. My Lacerate is bound to T| and I did bind knock back to Y| ( I got big hands so works for me) My taunts are also bound to SHIFT W and SHIFT E pretty much only thing i use shift for. A is shroud| S is stealth but I mostly use mouse bind for this. D is phantom Stride| F mind trap followed by G for Defelction and H for Force Cloak and J for my electrocute though i have swapped this around with 6 where my whirl wind is. Last row Z is my warzone adrenal and X is crafted heal stim| C is force slow, V overload saber| and B is break. This works for me basically sliding everything over from WASD gives you more keys to bind and all be relatively close to your left hand. Don't know if it helps but I thought I'd share.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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I still move with WAD, I alternate between holding both mouse buttons and W for forward movement depending on what buttons I need to press and what a situation calls for.


A and D are both bound directly to strafing instead of keyturning so that I can use my mouse for pointing at things on the move anytime I have to.


I don't have S bound to movement. Backwards movement is completely unnecessary and inefficient.


gives you more keys to bind should check this out https://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/

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gives you more keys to bind should check this out https://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/


I don't need more keys to bind stuff to. Everything is bound.

From Cooldowns to Rotational stuff, and from Grenades to Medpacs. It's all covered.


None of what this says is new to me. I just prefer to move with WAD and given I can keybind everything comfortably doing it, I see no reason to change it for the sake of change. I will not suggest this way is wrong though, it's clearly a good option. Although I would personally still put strafing on S and F in this case.

Edited by Evolixe
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I don't need more keys to bind stuff to. Everything is bound.

From Cooldowns to Rotational stuff, and from Grenades to Medpacs. It's all covered.


None of what this says is new to me. I just prefer to move with WAD and given I can keybind everything comfortably doing it, I see no reason to change it for the sake of change. I will not suggest this way is wrong though, it's clearly a good option. Although I would personally still put strafing on S and F in this case.


ugh i have big skinny hands that S & F wouldn't work for me can't bend them enough.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Perhaps another way to approach this is from a controller standpoint which practically eliminates all of these hard to execute key combos you discuss. You may still have to get creative on how you map keys, but you won't have to contort your hand into a pretzel to push them. May I suggest taking a look at the Logitech G13 Gameboard or the Razor Nostromo Controller. They do require a learning curve to get use to the feel and setup like anything else, but once mastered you'll wonder why you've been gaming with a keyboard all these years.

Just my 2 credits worth.

Edited by Merkrius
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Perhaps another way to approach this is from a controller standpoint which practically eliminates all of these hard to execute key combos you discuss. You may still have to get creative on how you map keys, but you won't have to contort your hand into a pretzel to push them. May I suggest taking a look at the Logitech G13 Gameboard or the Razor Nostromo Controller. They do require a learning curse to get use to the feel and setup like anything else, but once mastered you'll wonder why you've been gaming with a keyboard all these years.

Just my 2 credits worth.


Reading the first line I was really afraid you were going to bring up the likes of a PS4 or Xbox controller.

Yeah.. but no, the G13 and Nostromo are solid choices for gaming.

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