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QoL Request - PvP is group play. increase social should be added


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makes too much sense

Wrong. Makes no sense.


Social rank is for cooperative play, that is, PvE activities, where the players work together (socially) to achieve something. (Originally, it was awarded for participation in conversations during group activities, including groups running ordinary missions. There are also points awarded for taking down bosses in e.g. Ops.)


Valor is for competitive play, that is, PvP. On the whole, PvP is a fairly anti-social thing to do.


If the two ranks were called "PvE group play rank" and "PvP group play rank", we wouldn't even be having this conversation, but that's what they are, even though they aren't called that.

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All group activities are social interactions as long you have more than 1 player contributing in the activity. PvE and PvP and RP. Anti-social activities are solo plays, the campaign, the solo flash points, solo heroics etc.
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Wrong. Makes no sense.


Social rank is for cooperative play, that is, PvE activities, where the players work together (socially) to achieve something. (Originally, it was awarded for participation in conversations during group activities, including groups running ordinary missions. There are also points awarded for taking down bosses in e.g. Ops.)


Valor is for competitive play, that is, PvP. On the whole, PvP is a fairly anti-social thing to do.


If the two ranks were called "PvE group play rank" and "PvP group play rank", we wouldn't even be having this conversation, but that's what they are, even though they aren't called that.


In PVP you work with a team to complete objectives too... And saying PVP is antisocial is just stupid. Explain to me how pvping with my friends is "antisocial" ????

Edited by BScheller
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In PVP you work with a team to complete objectives too... And saying PVP is antisocial is just stupid. Explain to me how pvping with my friends is "antisocial" ????

The goal is to kill other players' characters. That sounds anti-social to me. (It's also a half-joke.)


But ultimately: group PvE activities award social points, and group PvP activities award Valor points. What should happen to those if they award social points for PvP?

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I disagree. Social is a PvE feature and you have the opposite Valor which is a PvP feature. So no playing PvE should not increase Valor just like playing PvP should not increase Social.


Would it be better if they renamed Social something else like PvE Social instead?

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