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For a Class With 3 Lives, I Get Globalled A Lot


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I don't know what is happening. I was in 4's tonight on my mid-geared merc alt (244ish), and it just didn't matter what I did. Opened on by operative - hit reflect, jetted away. Chased me down, hit shield, and kolto overload (at 95% health at this point), instantly killed. Literally blinked and my health was gone, with no lag to speak of. This happened 3 times to the same op. I don't know what else to do in this situation. I used every dcd at my disposal and it was as if they just...didn't exist. Edited by DsevenO
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So you're a good player, know exactly what your DCDs do, what the operative was doing and this happened?


Or is this the other option? Cos I'm thinking it's the other option. There's no fix for getting outplayed besides getting good.


Many, many, many bad players and trolls alike refer to "3 lives" as if it's a sure thing let alone a real thing.


It's not a sure thing and when you are in a 1v1 vs someone who knows your class then 2/3 DCDs do very little. Gets worse vs a DoT class since damage can be continued without generating any healing at all.


A video of combat would clear it up easily, if not that then your combat log of the fight is just as good, easily see what happened in that.

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So you're a good player, know exactly what your DCDs do, what the operative was doing and this happened?


Or is this the other option? Cos I'm thinking it's the other option. There's no fix for getting outplayed besides getting good.


Many, many, many bad players and trolls alike refer to "3 lives" as if it's a sure thing let alone a real thing.


It's not a sure thing and when you are in a 1v1 vs someone who knows your class then 2/3 DCDs do very little. Gets worse vs a DoT class since damage can be continued without generating any healing at all.


A video of combat would clear it up easily, if not that then your combat log of the fight is just as good, easily see what happened in that.


Actually, if I can find it I will have a look at the combat log. That would be quite helpful.

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I don't know what is happening. I was in 4's tonight on my mid-geared merc alt (244ish), and it just didn't matter what I did. Opened on by operative - hit reflect, jetted away. Chased me down, hit shield, and kolto overload (at 95% health at this point), instantly killed. Literally blinked and my health was gone, with no lag to speak of. This happened 3 times to the same op. I don't know what else to do in this situation. I used every dcd at my disposal and it was as if they just...didn't exist.


Well, you stated the defense but what about offense? That op hits you, you hit him back harder! Stun to unload, electro net unload jet boost unload, stealth scan unload.

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Well, you stated the defense but what about offense? That op hits you, you hit him back harder! Stun to unload, electro net unload jet boost unload, stealth scan unload.


Fair enough. I think my ranked mindset it somewhat tainted by maining a dps jugg. My first instinct is retreat and defense, as opposed to offense (since standing your ground and fighting as a dps jugg is instant death under pressure from more than one opponent).

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Fair enough. I think my ranked mindset it somewhat tainted by maining a dps jugg. My first instinct is retreat and defense, as opposed to offense (since standing your ground and fighting as a dps jugg is instant death under pressure from more than one opponent).


Lol but didn't you know? Melee need nerfs now! Sorry couldn't resist. I too run a dps guardian in pvp and on pub side harby at that. Obvious sarcasm if it wasn't clear.

Edited by KendraP
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Fair enough. I think my ranked mindset it somewhat tainted by maining a dps jugg. My first instinct is retreat and defense, as opposed to offense (since standing your ground and fighting as a dps jugg is instant death under pressure from more than one opponent).


Any stealth class I do this: Use any stun or special that creates distance, then go straight to blazing bolts. Now the hostile has 2 choices, either run or stealth out. Always place a stealth scan near his vacinity. Have the special that allows you to instacast 2 tracer missiles to finish blazing bolts cool down. If he decides to attack repeat this process and most likely he will find himself healing more than damaging. If some how he manages to pull a rabbit out of his ***** and get into melee range, than I use my DCD and repeat the above process. If 1 v 1, the chances of him surviving that is very low. He can heal, but so can I :)

Edited by Arstechnica
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