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Stop nerfing the dps sage


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I can understand needing to nerf the healing sage due to their healing ability, but why do you keep nerfing the DPS sage so that they get killed easily??? every time there is a new update to the classes you nerf the sage, I work hard to prove that you can be a sage and not be squishy, but it is hard to do if you keep making it so that the people who used to have a hard time beating me suddenly are one shoteing me due to the update that either made them ridiculously stronger or have reduced the sages defensive capability's to the point that your basically saying "if you want to play a sage you have to heal, other wise your just stupid" in a game that's supposed to be fun why is it you seem to think that making one class of players will always be at a disadvantage to all other classes, no matter what???


to sum up, please would you STOP NERFING THE DPS SAGE!!!

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just saying, but i never have issues staying alive in ops unless the tank or healer are dead >.>

if you mean in PvP... well... they seem to be in favor of their dear H2full. phase walk to a place the enemy won't spot u 1 sec later, heal up and go kill more thing. otherwise die and continue killing things.

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The problem as I see it is that players compensate by putting all their points into survivability. Other dps classes get to put their points into increased damage and utility. This creates a clear deficit between Sorcs and other ranged DPS which also have much better defensive cooldowns and better armour and armour penetration.

The imbalance is ridiculous.

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iI's all in the livelord nature of merc and sniper. Both classes have insane amounts of passive mitigation and passive self healing relative to sorc; a sorc's defenses are almost all active (on the GCD). Snipers and mercs can dps while maintaining 1-2k hps in passive self-healing alone (not to mention lots of other mitigation features like ballistic dampers, energy shield, etc); A sorc has to lose 2-3k dps to achieve such levels of survivability, and eventually force will become an issue. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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