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Fix voidstar..... Stupid speeder start favor republic!!!!!!!!!


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This shouldnt even need to be posted because the whole start is beyond moronic....


Republic starts every game on attackers, and they start right at their start point....


Imperials start every game on defense, and have to take a 45 second speeder ride to the start of the warzone...


Because of this completely uneven moronic idea of a stupid dev, 95% of the time Imperials start the fight out numbered...


This happens because some people wait the full 1 min of the timer to join leaving them 30 seconds b4 the match starts, this would be fine in all other warzones, but wait their a completely stupid 45 second speeder ride that has to be taken....


Also since 99% of all mmo gamers are as moronic as the dev who put this speeder ride in the game most of them dont even realize the warzone has started because there is no begining announcement (I dont believe there should be one, because you should be autorunning into the force field anyways...) And since the field only stays down for 3 seconds they dont get out and once again Imperials are outnumbered...



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Also since 99% of all mmo gamers are as moronic as the dev who put this speeder ride in the game


Guaranteed the "dev" who "put this speeder in" is far more intelligent than you since he or she is a dev and you are just a little whiner on the forums.

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