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Centerpiece Hooks -- Proposed Change That Won't Hurt Existing Strongholds


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There have been several threads discussing Centerpiece hooks and the challenge of using them in decorating. Here’s a thread focusing on how this one hook type could be upgraded without impacting existing decorating.


Currently, Centerpiece hooks have these layout options:

* Centerpiece: Single Centerpiece hook.

* Large Block: Four Plain Large Floor Hooks, by Plain I mean it doesn’t have the normal Small Floor hooks.

* Large & Medium Mix: Plain Large Floor hook surrounded by Medium Floor hooks.

* Narrow & Small Cross: The standard arrangement surrounded by an empty space.


Here’s what I would love to see:


* Centerpiece: The current Centerpiece hook with a grid of 16 or 25 Small Floor hooks, similar to the style of a Large Floor hook. This would allow us to place personnel around big equipment, add chairs to furniture arrangements, put plants around civic structures, and so forth.


* Large Block: Make these Large Floor hooks into standard ones, not plain ones. We need the Small Floor hooks.


* Large & Medium Mix: Make it a standard Large Floor hook, not a plain one missing the Small Floor hooks.


* Narrow & Small Cross: Make this a grid of 9 Narrow & Small Cross layouts to fill that empty space. The possibilities of this are endless!


These suggestions add new hooks without moving or removing existing ones. It’s still the same number of layout options with the same names. It won’t break anyone’s current decoration designs. It could apply equally to all existing strongholds. Most of all, it would be a huge help to decorating addicts.


Devs and fellow decorators, what do you think?

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  • 2 years later...

I really love the upgrades to the Centerpiece hooks.

It made such a difference, I did many hours of redecorating and upgrading strongholds after the new layout was released.


My only hook-related complaints now are --

* Broken hooks, we still have over a dozen with object release, positioning (IE: floating or embedded), location (overlap), and item activation (IE: music in Nar Shaddaa) issues.

* Starship hooks that won't convert to other hook layouts (IE: Tattooine exterior starship hook).

* Not enough Flooring (rug) hooks anywhere.

* Big patches with no hooks (IE: Yavin 4 between the main landing pad and largest building).


And the very popular request -- Increase the max hook limit on Guild flagships.


So, great progress so far and I hope they keep upgrading and fixing things.

Edited by Xina_LA
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