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Annihiliation: Pulverize


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The talent Pulverize is higher up in the tree of Annihilation and reads: "Your Vicious Slash has a 33% and Annihilate has a 66% chance to finish the current cooldown on Rupture. This may only occur once every 6 seconds." Sounds great right?


Well when it does finish the CD on Rupture and you reapply it, it does not add another Rupture dot; It simply refreshes the bleed of the previous Rupture. So if anything you're just wasting rage and losing damage if you reapply Rupture before the other DoT is over. Is this working correctly? Why not make it add a new DoT separate from the other so we don't have to wait for the other to wear off?

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Not quite sure what you're saying...


Are you indicating that there's no front end damage on the reapplication of the Rupture? Or are you just saying it doesn't stack? If that's the case, then yeah, that's been known.


It will stack with someone else's bleed though.

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Not quite sure what you're saying...


Are you indicating that there's no front end damage on the reapplication of the Rupture? Or are you just saying it doesn't stack? If that's the case, then yeah, that's been known.


It will stack with someone else's bleed though.


It doesn't stack and just refreshes; So if you reapply you're losing a couple ticks of damage that you used 2 rage on.


Basically you can't use this talent to its fullest potential because you have to wait for the other bleed to drop off to get the most damage out of your Rupture/rage.

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It's basically so you get 100% uptime on rupture. Also you don't 'lose' the last 2 ticks of damage by refreshing, because chances are you will refresh this one before it is up, then the next, etc, until a target is dead.


You don't 'lose' them but it's inefficient on your rage.


I'm saying you 'lose' the last 2 ticks off of the first Rupture.

Edited by Theninjafuzz
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Eh, no big deal. I see what you're getting at, but there's worse things to worry about


Well when a bleed spec only has 2 bleeds to work off of anything to do with them is probably pretty important imo...


Granted it isn't a huge deal, yes, but I'd like to see it tweaked...

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Well when a bleed spec only has 2 bleeds to work off of anything to do with them is probably pretty important imo...


It pretty much makes it so you can keep rupture up 100% of the time. It would be completely OP if you could apply it multiple times. Played correctly your dots never drop off your target in long fights. And at level 50 you build fury extremely fast so all your dots are criting the vast majority of the time.


My dots, yes dots crit for 1k in PvP(Haven't done a raid yet), I can drop a player in all of 4 seconds if I have berserk up which in almost always.

Edited by Nmaharg
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how do you have berzerk up 'almost always'?


Defesive form + Sort Fuse, read the talent tree. Every time I get hit I gain 2 fury and every time I use a rage spender I gain 3 fury. So every 6 or so seconds I have full fury.

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And at level 50 you build fury extremely fast so all your dots are criting the vast majority of the time.


Sidenote: You don't gain fury when Berzerk is up, so it's impossible, no matter how fast you gain fury, to have it up "a vast majority of the time".


Furthermore when you're raiding you won't be getting hit so that will be even less true.

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Then you have very little experience with the class. Our rupture dots tick extremely hard having two up at once would make us completly overpowered.


I have little experience eh? Because you're level 50 your opinion trumps all? How about you go back and edit all your posts' grammar mistakes and maybe someone will take you seriously.


Also, the MINIMUM amount of time to get a full stack of fury, if everything goes perfectly (which we all know a lot of the time it doesn't), is 8 seconds. And that's if you don't use a single rage builder at all.


Don't tell me I don't have experience with the class because spoiler alert, I'm level 50 too and guess what I hang on the top of the damage charts in Warzones. Doesn't mean I get to play god's gift to marauder.

Edited by Theninjafuzz
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Then you have very little experience with the class. Our rupture dots tick extremely hard having two up at once would make us completly overpowered.


yeah hes right having rupture stack would be OP, it does huge amounts damage (I mean not like I wouldn't welcome it :p)

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yeah hes right having rupture stack would be OP, it does huge amounts damage (I mean not like I wouldn't welcome it :p)


We're a pure melee dps bleed class.... Our bleeds should do a lot of damage. Compensate for our total lack of a hard CC.


EDIT: Not to mention that this has to proc at the right time for this even to happen.

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I have little experience eh? Because you're level 50 your opinion trumps all? How about you go back and edit all your posts' grammar mistakes and maybe someone will take you seriously.


Also, the MINIMUM amount of time to get a full stack of fury, if everything goes perfectly (which we all know a lot of the time it doesn't), is 8 seconds. And that's if you don't use a single rage builder at all.


Don't tell me I don't have experience with the class because spoiler alert, I'm level 50 too and guess what I hang on the top of the damage charts in Warzones. Doesn't mean I get to play god's gift to marauder.


What does my grammar have to do with anything? Has nothing to do with me being 50, it has to do with me playing a ton with a notepad next to me marking down what I'm doing/seeing happen. Maybe you disagree, but I don't see how anyone who has played a decent amount of PvP could want our ruptures to stack. It would be crazy damage. And I don't know about you but my rupture is normally refreshed within two savage strikes. I personally removed Annihilate from my skill tree as I found it pretty useless. In terms of PvE I have no clue as I haven't done any endgame content. But I can see us topping dmg charts easily, just because our damage is so constant and rage is never a factor, unlike other classes that have to so down in order not to run out of mana/overheat.

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Maybe you disagree, but I don't see how anyone who has played a decent amount of PvP could want our ruptures to stack. It would be crazy damage.

A proc high in a melee dps bleed spec that causes crazy bleed damage? Preposterous.

I personally removed Annihilate from my skill tree as I found it pretty useless.

You removed Annihilate? Have you seen the damage it does? Get it down to 10.5s CD and you'll be tearing through people.

But I can see us topping dmg charts easily, just because our damage is so constant and rage is never a factor, unlike other classes that have to so down in order not to run out of mana/overheat

Yes and no. Yes, because well, yes we never run out. No, because if fights were designed for everyone to run out of everything we'd all be dead because the healers can't heal us. Also, I've found force is a bit more forgiving then mana in most cases... Could be wrong and I don't have much experience with it yet but just my impression.

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We're a pure melee dps bleed class.... Our bleeds should do a lot of damage. Compensate for our total lack of a hard CC.


EDIT: Not to mention that this has to proc at the right time for this even to happen.


well the thing is we have self heals. .. and rupture + deadly saber does some prety insane dmg and that's not including berserk if we have that up aswel the target will be dead pretty much in seconds.. We are the best spec to go into 1 on 1 situations and come out on top with ease.. So having rupture stack would mean our self heals have to be nerfed, or completly removed to compensate for that , imagine having ruputure stack and then activating berserk.... do i need to say more? No we would be way to OP, esp at lvl 50 where Anni fury builds up very quickly.. So na I don't think it should stack.. This spec is fine as it is, probably the strongest spec out of the three currently in certain situations so Anni is fine as it is

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