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Command Rank Needs to Be LEGACY Wide


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If they increased the amount of cxp needed for CR300, in order to make it legacy-based, would you be in favor of it? Honestly, to remain balanced and prevent an overinflation of tier 4 gear, there has to be some challenge to acquiring it, whether that 'challenge' is the amount of cxp needed, the difficulty in acquiring it (hm/mm), limitation on UC's, making each toon responsible for their individual CR, or some other method. Pick your poison, if you'd like, but we definitely cant just be given the benefits of legacy-CR at no cost - if they were ever to decide to change it.
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If they increased the amount of cxp needed for CR300, in order to make it legacy-based, would you be in favor of it? Honestly, to remain balanced and prevent an overinflation of tier 4 gear, there has to be some challenge to acquiring it, whether that 'challenge' is the amount of cxp needed, the difficulty in acquiring it (hm/mm), limitation on UC's, making each toon responsible for their individual CR, or some other method. Pick your poison, if you'd like, but we definitely cant just be given the benefits of legacy-CR at no cost - if they were ever to decide to change it.


If they doubled the amount of CXP needed, A. people will whine about the time it takes to reach 300, and B. people like me who have 10 rank 300's would have 80% of their progress erased to appease some forum warriors.

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No one really cares how you earn you CR. I'm like the poster above. Its less items for me if you combine it into a legacy. I still don't know the reasons for doing that but the result will be regardless of how many characters I have, I'll only ever get one crate when a rank is earned as opposed to one crate when ever a single character earns rank. Six characters means six different crates for each level. Combine them and its one crate regardless of how many characters in the legacy.


That would just make playing alts pointless to me past their story for me. I don't understand how people are punished currently for them but I certainly can't think of a reason to play them with a legacy GC. None of mine have ever finished a class story without earning CR so the only benefit would be their get a chance at end game gear as soon as they hit level 70 which means almost never just like my main but to what end. So I can play a role I didn't choose as a main to start with? I'd rather they make everything in the lagacy panel actual legacy and leave the one thing alone that has nothing to do with it.


Unless the idea is every command rank gives every character a crate. So, fifty two character means fifty two individual crates? Who are they? Oprah? That's sort of weird.

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If you want the system to be more legacy friendly, you should be asking for legacy implants/relics/earpiece.



Probably the best idea to make gearing more alt-friendly, as those items do not have a set bonus, so multiple classes could use the same one. At least left side of gearing would be (almost) done for all characters.


For me, I don't care about galactic command, fail to see the point of keeping it in current form, consider it useless. If it would become legacy-wide, I would just have the same amount of nothing from them as I have right now :rolleyes:

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i can see both sides


on pro legacy CR side

1. its a pain in the but to regrind a level you were at several times

2. some class are hard to grind or dont like but you spent the time to get them to level 70 only and should be rewarded for the effort


on the con side i see

1. it rewards players who are bad at the game to get big rewards

2. it will kill what remains of the crafting market by making by flooding the marker with 230-246 gear via schismatics making crafting and high level gear virtually worthless by mass quantity and mass production


i have 2 suggestions for compromises


1. combine CR with a legacy but inscrece the XP needed to level up

2. give a player the option to combine CR to a legecy or keep it to a player but tyhere are pros and cons for both exp

if you combine you increase the amount of XP for every toon you have that is level 70 even when they grind will be long but it will give you better rewards like you get a command create for every level 70 you own and each has 2 more rewards added

if you choose to keep you CR to one character you should get extra items for ever level you you gain that other toons passed like if my jedi is level 120 CR and my counsaler is level i get a small amount of cartel coins and for every tier i pass 1 2 3 i get more cartel coins per a level up that another toon got

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1. its a pain in the but to regrind a level you were at several times



It involves playing the game, if playing the game is a pain in the *** then maybe you should take a break or just not bother with it. Also there's the legacy perk, which gives you up to 100% increased CXP on alts.


2. some class are hard to grind or dont like but you spent the time to get them to level 70 only and should be rewarded for the effort


If you get to level 70 you are rewarded with being able to equip level 70 gear, which can be bought/crafted/legacy transferred. You also get more Unassembled Components on new level 70's, due to the 50 UC PvP alliance alert and the 20 UC conquest mission.

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2. it will kill what remains of the crafting market by making by flooding the marker with 230-246 gear via schismatics making crafting and high level gear virtually worthless by mass quantity and mass production

But that's already a problem, except that making the **gear** is *expensive* (that is, the limiting factor isn't the availability of schematics but the availability of materials). Legacy-GC would *reduce* the number of schematics(1) you get, not increase it - there would be one per N ranks per *legacy* rather than one per N ranks per *character*.


I won't put my head on the chopping block by asserting that the system is just fine as it is, but I have yet to see a suggested alternative that would be an actual improvement. The CXP-for-dailies bug has mitigated the problem a *lot*, and I'm sure I saw them say that they would be thinking about how much more than the non-bugged value they would leave them at, but that it *would* be more.


(1) "schismatic" means something else entirely.

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It involves playing the game, if playing the game is a pain in the *** then maybe you should take a break or just not bother with it.


This is the biggest lie/broken promise of the entire Galactic Command- it rewards playing the game.


That's the theory, but it's just that. Some parts of the game are not rewarded at all or very poorly, ex. Crafting for conquest,= or killing planet commanders for flagship encryptions; Other are just less feasible than others; And then, you only get a chance of getting a good gear.


Lvling gcr on alts is none of my concern, as I play on two characters mostly, but the pace of gearing is really slow, and requires grinding, if you refuse to do so (like me), then you can spend tons of time on one character and yet not get BiS gear on your main, as the only consistent way of upgrading gear is through pvp, and it is very slow- so you actually have to choose between just playing the game and farming cgr.


Therefore I sympathise with people that would like to play on multiple alts, and the only advice I can give is this- forget about it, it's not important, going to lvl 300 means nothing except that instead of very small chance for getting gear 236, you get a very small chance for getting gear 248.


Therefore, I am cool with making gcr legacy-wide, and do not think that it would make gearing too easy.

Edited by AngraMainju
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This is the biggest lie/broken promise of the entire Galactic Command- it rewards playing the game.


That's the theory, but it's just that. Some parts of the game are not rewarded at all or very poorly, ex. Crafting for conquest,= or killing planet commanders for flagship encryptions; Other are just less feasible than others; And then, you only get a chance of getting a good gear.


Lvling gcr on alts is none of my concern, as I play on two characters mostly, but the pace of gearing is really slow, and requires grinding, if you refuse to do so (like me), then you can spend tons of time on one character and yet not get BiS gear on your main, as the only consistent way of upgrading gear is through pvp, and it is very slow- so you actually have to choose between just playing the game and farming cgr.


Therefore I sympathise with people that would like to play on multiple alts, and the only advice I can give is this- forget about it, it's not important, going to lvl 300 means nothing except that instead of very small chance for getting gear 236, you get a very small chance for getting gear 248.


Therefore, I am cool with making gcr legacy-wide, and do not think that it would make gearing too easy.


But now disintegration will give UC instead of more points so now every aspect of the game has a reliable route to upgrading gear. If you choose to take the slow route by playing only parts of the game, that is your decision.

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But now disintegration will give UC instead of more points so now every aspect of the game has a reliable route to upgrading gear. If you choose to take the slow route by playing only parts of the game, that is your decision.


Honestly, when thinking about it, making command crates give unassembled components instead of gear and making all operations (even sm) give UC too instead of tokens would make it actually a simple way of rewarding playing the game, without rng, and would be hell more simple, than having command tokens, tokens from ops, unassembled components...


I do not play the parts of the game, in fact, the opposite is true- I play flashpoints, operations, warzones, even gsf. And yeah, it is my decision to not farm gear by doing hm ev kp and updgrading through pvp, which for some people is "just playing the game"...

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Thanks for clarifying that.


You're welcome. I tried to match the level of clarification you used.


Here's the thing. If you really do know the economic terminology involved, then surely, you would also have to know the term I should've used instead. Since you didn't give any real indication of that, I had to conclude that you didn't understand what I meant. My mistake was using returns instead of utility, but if the mistake irked you...you could've clarified that of course.


So please, get over yourself. You either knew what I meant or you were just more interested in being pedantic than the actual discussion.


This should clarify matters though.

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You're welcome. I tried to match the level of clarification you used.


Here's the thing. If you really do know the economic terminology involved, then surely, you would also have to know the term I should've used instead. Since you didn't give any real indication of that, I had to conclude that you didn't understand what I meant. My mistake was using returns instead of utility, but if the mistake irked you...you could've clarified that of course.


So please, get over yourself. You either knew what I meant or you were just more interested in being pedantic than the actual discussion.


This should clarify matters though.


Pedantic post.


BTW, if you insist on using economic DR as reason not to play certain content, I'll remind you that alts start from the beginning of progression and aren't subject to DR.

Edited by thirtydollars
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Yes, so let me boost my main and farm easy CXP things and get, say, 20 Command Crates in an evening.


Then I login to my other 30 toons and, WOW, they all have 20 Command Crates as well!


Command Rank absolutely does NOT need to be Legacy-wide. You're supposed to actually PLAY your alts, not play your main and get everything for your alts, or else why even have alts?


Also, CXP is not meant to be finished in a day or a week, it's meant to be a guide that travels with you and gives you stuffs as you go.




Why are you so stuck with this idea that a character who gains a crate by gaining a Command Rank will also mean all the characters in the legacy will gain a crate? Is it difficult to use some common sense and realize that if this were to be done (legacy wide command ranks), only the character who gained the command rank will get the crate? geez

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But now disintegration will give UC instead of more points so now every aspect of the game has a reliable route to upgrading gear. If you choose to take the slow route by playing only parts of the game, that is your decision.


Agreed. Personally, I like the fact that if I get tired of doing Activity X in game, I can switch it up and do Activity Y and know I am still progressing my characters.


**Particularly now that disintegrating crates gives a legacy-wide currency.


I put the asterisk in because I would like to know the disintegration conversion rate, or if they are changing the prices. I'm hoarding a bunch of crates now waiting to find out before Nov. 28 hits when the change is scheduled to take effect. Depending on the math, it may make sense to disintegrate to get your CXP up to a certain level.



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I'm sorry, but I'm so ***ing bored of playing my main. I've been playing a Tank/Jugg since almost day one. I have him and my Merc as the two characters that I've played the most since launch.


However I have over 20 characters. I would love to hop in and level them but my highest command rank is like 70 something so I just feel like I'm wasting my time.


If command rank was legacy wide then I would be more excited to play all of the characters in my legacy except just the one. Having them separate just kills my excitement to play the game.


The legacy system is something that I was super excited about when they introduced it but now it just seems dead. What was the point of having a "Legacy Rank", then abandon it in favor of "Command Rank"????


Valor, Command Rank, etc. should all be legacy wide. It's sill me behind the curtain no matter what character I'm on.


It needs to be legacy wide because the drop rate is so terrible. 99% of the things in the packs are junk. The few golds you do get are 236 which you get just doing the ops and pvp. You can buy 246 left side and weapons. Meaning that through 150+ levels I have absolutely nothing to show out of command. Zero. That is an absurdly stupid design. I've seen better system designs from skadge.

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It needs to be legacy wide because the drop rate is so terrible. 99% of the things in the packs are junk. The few golds you do get are 236 which you get just doing the ops and pvp. You can buy 246 left side and weapons. Meaning that through 150+ levels I have absolutely nothing to show out of command. Zero. That is an absurdly stupid design. I've seen better system designs from skadge.


What needed to happen was that the last level (tier 4) needed to be extended. By starting and ending at 300 for tier 4, there was no rate progression like the other levels. T1 - T3 get a higher percentage of drop for the gold gear as you progress through the tier. On the other hand T4 has the same miniscule chance for every crate. Many stated they didn't want to grind to 400 but never thought about what that actually meant. You are still grinding the cxp but never gaining the benefits of leveling through a tier.


Be careful what you wish for, you just may cheat yourself when you get it.

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I'm sorry, but I'm so ***ing bored of playing my main. I've been playing a Tank/Jugg since almost day one. I have him and my Merc as the two characters that I've played the most since launch.


However I have over 20 characters. I would love to hop in and level them but my highest command rank is like 70 something so I just feel like I'm wasting my time.


If command rank was legacy wide then I would be more excited to play all of the characters in my legacy except just the one. Having them separate just kills my excitement to play the game.


The legacy system is something that I was super excited about when they introduced it but now it just seems dead. What was the point of having a "Legacy Rank", then abandon it in favor of "Command Rank"????


Valor, Command Rank, etc. should all be legacy wide. It's sill me behind the curtain no matter what character I'm on.





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Pedantic post.
Pot, kettle...I give back in kind. You correctly identified that.


BTW, if you insist on using economic DR as reason not to play certain content, I'll remind you that alts start from the beginning of progression and aren't subject to DR.

Well actually I don't insist on it because I explained that I meant diminishing utility, which you still haven't understood apparently.


I'm talking, just like the person you replied to, about people who've been here for years and repeated that content over and over again and reached a point where a lot of that content you propose is too stale. It means that because you've done something x amount of times, now doing it y amount of times again isn't as appealing anymore. This is why adding new content of various types needs to be a regular occurence as well as QoL updates and such that can refresh old content that's been repeated many many times already.


So the enjoyment of doing a given activity generally decreases over frequency of usage. That can very much keep a person from playing certain content. Surely that's not a strange concept.

Edited by Tsillah
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Pot, kettle...I give back in kind. You correctly identified that.



Well actually I don't insist on it because I explained that I meant diminishing utility, which you still haven't understood apparently.


I'm talking, just like the person you replied to, about people who've been here for years and repeated that content over and over again and reached a point where a lot of that content you propose is too stale. It means that because you've done something x amount of times, now doing it y amount of times again isn't as appealing anymore. This is why adding new content of various types needs to be a regular occurence as well as QoL updates and such that can refresh old content that's been repeated many many times already.


So the enjoyment of doing a given activity generally decreases over frequency of usage. That can very much keep a person from playing certain content. Surely that's not a strange concept.


As I already said.


Perhaps you're just bored of the game then? Have you considered playing something else?
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This is the biggest lie/broken promise of the entire Galactic Command- it rewards playing the game.


That's the theory, but it's just that. Some parts of the game are not rewarded at all or very poorly, ex. Crafting for conquest,= or killing planet commanders for flagship encryptions; Other are just less feasible than others; And then, you only get a chance of getting a good gear.


Lvling gcr on alts is none of my concern, as I play on two characters mostly, but the pace of gearing is really slow, and requires grinding, if you refuse to do so (like me), then you can spend tons of time on one character and yet not get BiS gear on your main, as the only consistent way of upgrading gear is through pvp, and it is very slow- so you actually have to choose between just playing the game and farming cgr.


When I was really into Conquest for my guild, I got like 2 alts to 300 in a few months just by doing SM lockouts and FP weeklies on several chars and feeding CXP tokens to those two alts. No solo grinding, just good old multiplayer fun which happens to reward a lot of CXP.


Heavy gathering for crafting conquest weeks I did once, and never again, because that's not my cup of tea. It was never rewarding outside of achievements and bragging rights anyway.


Commander runs don't need to reward CXP because the framework drops are very valuable by themselves.


Should some old story content have its CXP rewards buffed? Sure, and BW has said they're looking into it. But easy solo-able content should never rival (let alone eclipse) group content for rewards in an MMORPG. Especially new group content like uprisings, but that's a different story.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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