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Best way to earn credits?


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Heroics are probably the best way to earn a decent amount of credits in a short amount of time, and can be repeated daily.


You can solo most heroics with a healing companion, but if you do it with a group it's quicker.


PVP and crafting are also decent, but heroics are probably the best. Most credit farming loops/exploits you find on youtube have either been nerfed, or already being abused and don't make as much anymore.

Edited by DarkLordSato
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Heroics are probably the best way to earn a decent amount of credits in a short amount of time, and can be repeated daily.


You can solo most heroics with a healing companion, but if you do it with a group it's quicker.


PVP and crafting are also decent, but heroics are probably the best. Most credit farming loops/exploits you find on youtube have either been nerfed, or already being abused and don't make as much anymore.


Ok thanks man! :D


Sadly none of my friends play swtor lol

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Also for some reason I dont have any heroics? Where do I get more?


Should get them in the area near where you get the uprising missions. Should be a terminal against the wall. PVP/combat section, or the upper right when looking at the map on Imp Fleet

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Okay at this moment in time I should know this but...


For a level 43-44 sith marauder where and how can I make the most amount of credits guaranteed?


Any videos would also help if you have any

The question in the middle of this post is in sharp contrast to the thread title.


The best way to earn credits is the one you can tolerate sustaining long enough to raise the amount of credits you want. And of course the answer to the question in the post is "persistence".


But perhaps you mean "make credits the *fastest* possible"? And this, too, is not the same question as the thread title says. The "best" and the "fastest" aren't necessarily the same. If, in credits per hour, method X is "fastest", but you hate method X with a passion that burns with the fire of a thousand suns, and you wish that the fleas of a thousand camels would infest the person who put it in the game, then it is by no means, for you, the "best".


Doing heroic missions is a good way to make lots of credits. They can be repeated daily, and drop credits, experience, and blue gear that's reasonably well adapted to your level. And you can do them on multiple planets each day. But you must be willing to reoeat them endlessly, because you won't, at level 43-44, make millions a day.


If that's OK, go to the big terminal on the Fleet, as suggested above, and take a bunch. A marauder won't be able to take the Hutta ones, and it's probably a bad idea to take ones rated for Voss, Corellia, and Ilum until you level up a bit, but that won't take long. "Possessed Hunter" on Dromund Kaas is very, very annoying, because you have to kill one dude, but he is in a non-instanced area, and has a five minute respawn timer. Try to group up with people who are already waiting, since the whole group gets credit for killing him.

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A level 44 character won't receive alliance crates from heroics though (which drop the lucrative T6 gifts), so you'd want to reach level 61 to see any real profit.


While true, you can still make quite a bit.


Until I reached the 60's I was doing Balmorra and Nar Shadda daily on at least one toon (imp side) to the tune of about 200-500k per planet depending on drops.


Even at 70 I make more off the drops from the seemingly endless supply of easily disposed of NPC's that are guaranteed to drop at least something than I do from the mission + supply crates.



Not to mention heroics once you learn them are a quick way to boost your levels to get you to those supply crates.

Edited by tomatosquish
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Conquest rewards - sell 'em

Completed bounties - sell the certs during the event.

Daily and weekly PvP rewards -sell them too.

Anything that is picked up and not useful sell it.

Don't pay for anything other than repairs and travel costs and upgrades you really need.

Don't buy any shiny things on the GTN.

Pick up anything in the world with your gathering crewskills and sell 'em.

Farm quick Heroics. - There's a list somewhere if you search, but you'll soon know the quickest ones- the starter and capital worlds are usually tailored to newbie players so aren't that hard, long or challenging. - Always do the bonus if it's quick.

Group up with people to clear stuff faster and earn more.

check the GTN for obvious bargains. sometimes people miss type their sell price or sell off loads of old stuff for tiny amounts. But unless you know the baseline don't speculate... it can all go very wrong.


If you have Cartel coins buy packs with them and sell the unopened packs. OR open the packs and sell all the contents when the bind timer CD wears off.


Sell everything you find in chests and keep the credits. If your server's PvP instance is empty, go there to farm chests and nodes.


Look into crafting, some things are very profitable, some are, but take a long time to sell. don't overproduce unless you know you can shift he stuff.


Don't buy top-end crewskill materials fluxes, travella cloth etc. - send your companions out instead. the lower end stuff, ( under tier 5 or so) buy from the vendor.


You can do heoics on every character once per day, so start some new ones and farm the lowbie heroics until your eyes bleed and send all the profit to your main character.



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Heroics as mentioned, are probably the easiest and fastest method for obtaining immediate credits.


Running Flashpoints and Operations and selling the Isotopes and Void Matter Catalysts you earn as drops on the GTN. Some of the PVP dailies also reward Isotopes and VMCs. Both are highly desired items for high-level crafters and good sources of credits, if you don't need them for crafting.


Crafting is the biggest cash cow in the game that doesn't involve the Cartel Market, though it takes some levelling, time and credit investment into it before it really starts to pay off. It isn't something to pays out immediately like Heroics, but it's worth considering if you're planning on sticking around in the game for awhile. You can earn a lot more than Heroics in the long term.


If crafting doesn't interest you it's worth taking 3 gathering skills instead. It won't earn as much as taking two gathering skills and a crafting skill in the long term, but it is still a great way to earn a lot of credits. You can then sell all the materials you gather while questing out in the world, or by having companions run crew skill missions, on the GTN.


Playing the events like Bounty Week or Rakghoul Resurgence. Most of them have rewards associated with the event that can be sold on the GTN for a lot of credits. On Ebon Hawk for example completed bounty contracts are being sold for a couple hundred thousand a piece. You could earn a million credits a day just doing a couple dailies with a few different characters and selling the contracts on the GTN.


If you're a subscriber buying packs or highly desired items from the Cartel Market with the Cartel Coins you earn monthly for subscribing, and selling them on the GTN. Alternatively you can open packs if there items in them you may want, and sell the things you don't, but since that relies on RNG it is very hit or miss. Sometimes you'll get something worth more than an unopened pack but a lot of times you won't, and you'll lose value by opening the pack. Since the Cartel Coins are your monthly subscriber bonus however and not something you purchased with extra cash, you may not mind the gamble.


Finally once you've leveled up enough and start earning Galactic Command crates, don't disintegrate all the Bind on Equip equipment that drops, even if you don't want it. While a lot of it isn't worth much there is an occasional piece that is desired and will sell for a couple hundred thousand. Check the GTN first before you disintegrate or vendor.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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In the end, the best way, to earn credits, is, to have a very good idea, that noone else has and to tell noone about this idea, until the business is over and/or you got enough money. And that's the reason, why ppl won't talk about their methods. Competitors are always bad for business.
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