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Needs work


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Even though ships were added recently they is still a huge imbalance. Strike fighters are almost always useless. The maps are boring and far too repetitive. There needs to be a pve component that is linked to the story and missions that relate to conquest directly, such as attacking another guild's flagship if they are invading the same planet. Take the old space missions out completely and insert the GSF pve there. I highly doubt anyone at BW actually reads these and I doubt even more that any of these changes will come to fruition.
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"ships were added recently"


"they is still a huge imbalance"


"Strike fighters are almost always useless."

Yes. Three out of four ain't bad though.

"The maps are boring and far too repetitive."

Just like league of legends.

"There needs to be a pve component"

No. Wouldn't hurt, but would take developing a whole new game. This game only exists because it is pvp only.

"attacking another guild's flagship"

This is the second new game you have proposed.

"Take the old space missions out completely"

Why? Those have fans.

"and insert the GSF pve there"

Which GSF, the one we have, the entire new game that is space pve, or the entire new game that is space pvp?

"I highly doubt anyone at BW actually reads these"

Yes. This is your second correct statement!

"I doubt even more that any of these changes will come to fruition"



Final score: three out of ten.

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