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Everything posted by BryanCorax

  1. I hope the intent was to ruin the game completely. Not only did you completely kill carnage marauder, you made the gear grind endless and, ultimately, pointless. I ill give it a shot and wait for 7.1, but I am no where near hopeful and I really hope you are secretly planning a new Star Wars MMO because this may be the end of SWTOR. This is not just my sentiment but nearly everyone else I play with and those that commented on social media. This update was pathetic and more disappointing than anything else that you have ever done to this game.
  2. Just make it simple and do like ESO does, one European server and one North American server. Be nice to have guild structure like that too. Member of up to five and buying/selling is within guilds for the most part.
  3. The only area where the type of player matters is the balance issue. GSF has been crap from the start and KOTFE followed in the same vein as DA:I, like i have already said. The story has been about as good as ME:A to this point. It really doesn't seem like any serious thought or time has been put into anything except making sure the classes are totally equal. It is high time that some good, completely original content comes out for this game. If Musco is a go between then why hasn't he responded to this or any other thread that I have seen?
  4. Everyone should be held responsible. If he is the go between why do all these suggestions go unheeded? At this point they either need to do story content or PvP because it is clear they can't do both. Want to bring people back to the game and maybe add some new players? Try this: Fix GSF, it is terrible and damn near impossible to start when starter ships go against fully upgraded ships. Remove the old space missions and add some PvE content to GSF. Conquest: Make it an actual battle. The guilds that invade the planets should be able to attack guild ships and strongholds. Make all those war supplies worth a damn and use them to buy defenses for the stronghold and ship. Allow GSF to be used in those attacks. Guilds can only attack another once a day and make it an operation. That way the big guilds can't simply over run the smaller ones with sheer numbers. Put some strategy to it instead of just running ops over and over or pvping constantly. Do some NEW! Not just new to SWTOR but overall. No more Revan, no more immortal emperors or poorly voice bratty children of said emperors. Star Wars popularity is at a level it hasn't seen in more than a decade. The game should be thriving, not flailing like a fish out of water. Poor choices on content are the reason for the flail. Revan is dead, leave him that way. The Emperor is dead, leave him that way. Like old content only insomuch as to advance the story in the first chapter of new content. Last one. Bring back Jaesa in the story.
  5. Y'all need to rethink your priorities for this game. Class balance is the least of your worries. You continually make things worse with patches and give us nothing in return for the time it takes away from our game play. Classes shouldn't be balanced, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If you are getting wrecked in pvp, practice to get better or change classes to something you are good at. A marauder and a sniper should do more dps than everyone else regardless of the spec. It is all they do. Your content is constantly broken and you simply repackage Dragon Age and Mass Effect storylines with a bit of new dialogue and a few new skins. Whomever is the creative brains behind the story needs to be fired. I gave y'all the chance right after the ridiculous carnage nerf and the new story mission, but that was/is more trouble that it is worth and now you nerf vengeance? I won't be renewing my sub and I hope many other people don't either. Your pitiful attempts at content have failed. Give the rights back to Disney or give them to a firm that can actually create good content. What you are doing now is worse than the creation of Gungans and the word midichlorians.
  6. Look. We play a good bit of money to maintain a sub and you keep ruining the game. Is it intentional!? Are you trying to get us to go to Battlefront (which also sucks) or buy Battlefront II? Classes shouldn't be balanced. A marauder or a sniper should do more DPS than EVERYONE ELSE because that is ALL THEY DO. Every other class has a spec that is not DPS, so those classes (with all of their self heals and defensive cooldowns) should do LESS DPS. Stop "fixing" the dps and "balance" of classes and let them do what they are supposed to. The feelings of the players that are hurt when they get crushed in DPS will heal. There are boundless bugs and it would take most of our play time to report them all. Fix the bugs. Fix the bugs. Fix the bugs. Fix GSF while you're at it. It is horrible. Actually it is worse than horrible. If you aren't going to add content to it, take it out. If you do add content, add pve missions and more pvp maps and missions. While you're at it, throw some of your "balance" on that. People that are new to the game or new to GSF can't compete because they face full upgraded fighters. You tier pvp, why don't you tier GSF? If this game is dying, let it so we can go play something else. If you feel like saving it stop fixing things that aren't broken and give us more and better content. You are failing at adding any real substance to the game. We all know you probably won't read this and if you do you won't care to listen to any of it. 45 days left on this sub period and the way you are taking the game it will probably be my last 45 days, along with many others that I know feel the same way.
  7. Even though ships were added recently they is still a huge imbalance. Strike fighters are almost always useless. The maps are boring and far too repetitive. There needs to be a pve component that is linked to the story and missions that relate to conquest directly, such as attacking another guild's flagship if they are invading the same planet. Take the old space missions out completely and insert the GSF pve there. I highly doubt anyone at BW actually reads these and I doubt even more that any of these changes will come to fruition.
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