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Why are there no repercussions for kicking?

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Why are there no repercussions for kicking someone from a FP?


Twice now in the last 2 weeks I've been kicked from Black Talon MM on my 54 assassin. I was the one that purposefully only chose BT in the GF. One level 70 can easily carry the group in BT MM and I'm certainly not asking to be carried. The vote kick was initiated before we started the first dialog and a bunch of nasty names are spewed at me.


If there's one thing I can't stand in MMOs are the Newb noobs (and yes I know the definitions of both). This to me IS a form of harassment. Yet, there's nothing that can be done. And the other idiot that agrees with the kick is just clicking stuff that pops up on screen like cattle. I've done BT MM several times on this particular char.


If there are things that would make me want to unsub and walk away from this game, it's stuff like this. There's ZERO way to teach or punish this behavior because BW doesn't have the resources or manpower to investigate. :mad:

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Sometimes there are very good and "legimate" reasons to kick someone, like playing against the rest of the group or insulting behaviour.

By the way you could and should report the players insulting you, though you can't for the act of voting you out of the group.


The system in place doesn't ask for "is the kick right or wrong or not nice" it just asks "does everyone in the group wants to continue playing together". If the majority votes with a no, someone is kicked. You wrote they insulted you, don't know if i wanted that all the time instead of a kick, I probably would leave myself, as I wouldn't want to play with someone like that.


Just /ignore the specific players who initiated the vote and you won't be matched into groups with them again.


To work out a system that doesn't punish for "legimate" kicks, but would punish what you experienced or make it not possible is not realistic. It would become overly complicated and there would probably still be ways to circumvent it somehow. And it would make it way more difficult to get rid of a player really sabotaging the group at the same time, opening doors for other ways of harassing.

If it is more difficult to be kicked it is also more difficult to get a character out of the group you don't want there, for whatever right or wrong reason. Would you then like to be forced to play with jerks, because it's way to much effort or even impossible to get rid of them?


You just can't keep some players from being jerks, they will be jerks with a new system too. You don't get along with every player out there also. Just ignore those who are jerks towards you, report them for insults and then keep them out of you playing experience.


With time and collecting enough /ignores, these players also do have repercussions, in form of waiting times.

For example all tanks/healers currently listed in GF have you on /ignore? Have fun waiting for a queue pop.

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Look at it this way: you're better off not playing with such people :) People that fret because a group member isn't level 70 are simply pathetic and lame (and in Black Talon! LOL!).


I know it's not much but all you can do is ignore them so you make sure not be grouped with them again. And if they are this charming with everybody, they'll find their queue getting longer and longer eventually.

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There is at least one repercussion: the person who initiates the kick cannot do so again for a while (I learned this the hard way, when I initiated a kick (player DCed, we waited for a while, they did not not return; and then tried again because their replacement was an ******e (no patience, insulting, etc)).


Look at it this way: you're better off not playing with such people :) People that fret because a group member isn't level 70 are simply pathetic and lame (and in Black Talon! LOL!).


I know it's not much but all you can do is ignore them so you make sure not be grouped with them again. And if they are this charming with everybody, they'll find their queue getting longer and longer eventually.


And this

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Most players that you get as pugs in group finder aren't great player, either they are not skipping cutscenes, they don't know mechanics, they don't ask for instructions or they are simply bad players with low DPS/HPS output. Sadly, this is even more common with players who are sub 70, despite the bolster these players don't have all abilities, are unlikely to have done the flashpoints before (due to how quick levelling goes) and generally are just dragging the group down.


Sure, it isn't nice to be the person who is kicked, but it's understandable that it happens, in particular as bringing a companion normally makes the group perform even better due to their high HPS or/and DPS output. I would advise you to join a guild and do flashpoints with them, or your friends.

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master mode flashpoints should only be lvl 70, Majority time I get people not lvl 70 in Master mode it end horrible do them, being horrible geared lack abilities and huge amount skill and knowlage about there own toon,


My personal favorite a Tank with not single piece of tank gear thinking the healer is gona just heal them "threw" it all and under leveled, then get "upset" when they are told to get tank gear, or have to be told to taunt or for that mater how to play there toon.

Edited by Kyuuu
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master mode flashpoints should only be lvl 70, Majority time I get people not lvl 70 in Master mode it end horrible do them, being horrible geared lack abilities and huge amount skill and knowlage about there own toon,


My personal favorite a Tank with not single piece of tank gear thinking the healer is gona just heal them "threw" it all and under leveled, then get "upset" when they are told to get tank gear, or have to be told to taunt or for that mater how to play there toon.


I dont agree, during the first Dark vs Light event I did many of the Master mode FPS on my lvl 50 Shadow tank. People started to complain when they saw me, even didnt take the pop cause u see the level of the others but in the end it always went well.


I had a similar issue quing as healer and enjoyed it, since my big heals healed him to full with his low HP :D it really doesnt matter what level you are but how well u know your class.

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Most players that you get as pugs in group finder aren't great player, either they are not skipping cutscenes, they don't know mechanics, they don't ask for instructions or they are simply bad players with low DPS/HPS output. Sadly, this is even more common with players who are sub 70, despite the bolster these players don't have all abilities, are unlikely to have done the flashpoints before (due to how quick levelling goes) and generally are just dragging the group down.


Because wanting to watch a cutscene totally reflects on your skill and ability as a player, right? :t_rolleyes:


Screw those clowns that kick without reason.

Maybe someone will drag the group down, but I think that they should at least show that that is the case before people start kicking them.


I'd vote no and initiate a kick against whoever initiated the first kick for no reason on the grounds of them being a jerk.

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Most players that you get as pugs in group finder aren't great player, either they are not skipping cutscenes, they don't know mechanics, they don't ask for instructions or they are simply bad players with low DPS/HPS output. Sadly, this is even more common with players who are sub 70, despite the bolster these players don't have all abilities, are unlikely to have done the flashpoints before (due to how quick levelling goes) and generally are just dragging the group down.


First of all...


Because wanting to watch a cutscene totally reflects on your skill and ability as a player, right? :t_rolleyes:
I second this :t_rolleyes:


Second...Look inward my friend.


On way too many occasions to enumerate, I have gotten into groups with people who think they are G-d's gift to MMOs. When the reality is they suck worse than most. As soon as they get fed up and leave, the rest of us, 3man the FP.


OTOH, I have also encountered a LOT of newbs who admit they are such and I tell them, "OK I will give you instructions and so long as you follow them everything will be just fine." And when they do...no problems, no wipes, FP cleared. In addition, I have encountered a LOT of "lowbie" players who contribute more to the group success than the level capped in the group; just because someone is new or brings a non-level capped character does not make them "bad".


Sure there are exceptional FPs like Lost Island and Blood Hunt that 90% of the population cannot clear no matter how well geared and skilled they are, but those are the exceptions not the rule; all other FPs are doable so long as everyone understands what they need to do and in fact does it


Lastly.. put me into a PUG with three newbs who follow instructions vs even a single arrogant ****** ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

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I think the kickaholics are the reason so few people are prepared to admit it when I say "Potentially silly question, but is anyone here for the first time?"


I'm always prepared to teach new people... unfortunately there are a number of times when someone admits to being new, I say I'll explain things (bosses usually) as needed and then one of the other members of the team starts the fight while I'm still typing. :rolleyes:

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Sure there are exceptional FPs like Lost Island and Blood Hunt that 90% of the population cannot clear no matter how well geared and skilled they are, but those are the exceptions not the rule; all other FPs are doable so long as everyone understands what they need to do and in fact does it


The thing is Lost Island is really not that difficult (not anymore at any rate). It just has a few mechanics that cannot be ignored and needs you to really pay attention and for many new players it's often one of the first times when they have to do that to not fail.


As for Blood Hunt I recently had the pleasure of completing it with a level 52 healer (the most amazing thing was that nobody dropped group when they saw his/her level and which FP it was lol) and I have managed it myself as an underleveled dps (and no, the other dps wasn't over the top good and nor am I for that matter). So I really wish people gave it a chance more often there. Lost Island is by far the better FP though.


I think the kickaholics are the reason so few people are prepared to admit it when I say "Potentially silly question, but is anyone here for the first time?"

yes, I'd wager good credits on that. It's a vicious cycle though, because then they maybe mess up something that could have easily been avoided had they inform the group of being new, rest of the group gets upset and maybe they get kicked or at least berated and their wariness of group content is reinforced. *sigh*

Edited by nyrkverse
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Because wanting to watch a cutscene totally reflects on your skill and ability as a player, right? :t_rolleyes:


Screw those clowns that kick without reason.

Maybe someone will drag the group down, but I think that they should at least show that that is the case before people start kicking them.


I'd vote no and initiate a kick against whoever initiated the first kick for no reason on the grounds of them being a jerk.


That's really the only repercussion we as players can enforce. Ignoring a kick or going along with one (that's unjustified) can be just as bad (and teach bad habits to people who don't know better).

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I think its a form of harassment when people queue for group content being underleveled, unstimmed, unaugmented and/or just plain bad and expect to be carried.


Long live the kick feature.


Wish we could do it in PVP

Edited by Chiters
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forgive me i've been away a bit but i thought the new system evened out the levels?

Hit points, mastery and armor rating and base weapon and spell damage are bolstered but :


- you have smaller secondary stats (crit, accuracy, shield, defense...) and weaker relic procs (if any !)


- and most importantly you are lacking a lot of spells. For instance I've been farming Kuat reputation with rerolls (the intro quest gives a purple rep token!) as soon as I got them to level 15 and I didn't even have an interrupt, not to mention defensive cool downs or generating enough resources to attack. Luckily KDY yields about 6 levels to a sub with XP bonus and XP armor... but you often can't even stop to use a holo trainer as group is already in combat with the next pack!


On the other hand, you can use endgame level stims and medpacks, if you have any.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Hit points, mastery and armor rating and base weapon and spell damage are bolstered but :


- you have smaller secondary stats (crit, accuracy, shield, defense...) and weaker relic procs (if any !)


- and most importantly you are lacking a lot of spells. For instance I've been farming Kuat reputation with rerolls (the intro quest gives a purple rep token!) as soon as I got them to level 15 and I didn't even have an interrupt, not to mention defensive cool downs or generating enough resources to attack. Luckily KDY yields about 6 levels to a sub with XP bonus and XP armor... but you often can't even stop to use a holo trainer as group is already in combat with the next pack!


On the other hand, you can use endgame level stims and medpacks, if you have any.


thank you very much. I just returned from a break yesterday and havent done FPs since they changed them to all tactical ones I hate that idea

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thank you very much. I just returned from a break yesterday and havent done FPs since they changed them to all tactical ones I hate that idea

You should check out master mode flashpoints - they all require an actual tank+heal+2dd group. Most of them are quite heavy with different mechanics to follow and DPS checks. Especially bonus bosses but most pugs skip those sadly.

Edited by Equeliber
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You should check out master mode flashpoints - they all require an actual tank+heal+2dd group. Most of them are quite heavy with different mechanics to follow and DPS checks. Especially bonus bosses but most pugs skip those sadly.


k tyvm i will do that

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I think its a form of harassment when people queue for group content being underleveled, unstimmed, unaugmented and/or just plain bad and expect to be carried.


Long live the kick feature.


Wish we could do it in PVP


That's the only point I agree with you on. Being underleveled, unstimmed, and unaugmented has no bearing whatsoever on getting a tactical and even most master fps completed. If your group can't finish one, it is most assuredly not because of any of those reasons.

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There are plenty of a legitimate reasons to vote kick someone (bad lag, obnoxious behavior in group chat, not geared for HM and not willingly dropping after that's politely pointed out, repeatedly rolling need on stuff they don't need ect), which is why the feature exists. Programming a penalty into the game for vote kicking would unfairly punish those players who have a legitimate reason to use the feature. Unfortunately the game can't distinguish between justified vote kicks and players being jerks by abusing the feature, so both have to go through without there being a penalty.


If someone vote kicks you and there wasn't a justified reason for them having done so, just look at it as them having done you a favor. They spared you having to spend another minute in a FP with players who are either jerks or are simply clueless. If you're lucky the next queue pop will be with a much better group.

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Why are there no repercussions for kicking someone from a FP?


Twice now in the last 2 weeks I've been kicked from Black Talon MM on my 54 assassin. I was the one that purposefully only chose BT in the GF. One level 70 can easily carry the group in BT MM and I'm certainly not asking to be carried. The vote kick was initiated before we started the first dialog and a bunch of nasty names are spewed at me.


If there's one thing I can't stand in MMOs are the Newb noobs (and yes I know the definitions of both). This to me IS a form of harassment. Yet, there's nothing that can be done. And the other idiot that agrees with the kick is just clicking stuff that pops up on screen like cattle. I've done BT MM several times on this particular char.


If there are things that would make me want to unsub and walk away from this game, it's stuff like this. There's ZERO way to teach or punish this behavior because BW doesn't have the resources or manpower to investigate. :mad:


Something to keep in mind is that there are certain situations where kicking a player from the group is justified. They go afk for more than 10mins without saying 'afk brb in xyz time', disconnect for same amount of time without coming back, they cause a wipe and don't react to advice(don't speak English/French/German/whatever language), they are only troling, etc...


Adding to this, many don't have time to wait for others to come back/get their act together because they have limited time to play, or they don't want to spend another 10k+ on repairs when their is no progress. And there are more reason that I could write, but lets just stick with these for now(don't wanna make a super long post.).


A system that penalises kicking is no better/worse than the system that doesn't. A system that can distinguish between justified and unjust kick does not exist. In my opinion, kicking should be evaluated by us players and not a system.

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