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Ranked solos... so fun on harb.


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I strtd tonight at 1100 elo, 8 matchs later I got every one of the worst player in the queue. Players being globaled left an right, no actual knowledge of who to kill first, just endlessly regurgitated statistical classes order. I now have 950 elo.



sigh. dont queue if you get globaled... its a sign you belong in regs. and yes. I would take lowered pop times to this. I once complained about ranked toxicity. now I dont whine at them an tell them to "kys" but its bad.... 1100-950....


and before you say "well maybe your the problem" I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin

Edited by Seterade
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I strtd tonight at 1100 elo, 8 matchs later I got every one of the worst player in the queue. Players being globaled left an right, no actual knowledge of who to kill first, just endlessly regurgitated statistical classes order. I now have 950 elo.



sigh. dont queue if you get globaled... its a sign you belong in regs. and yes. I would take lowered pop times to this. I once complained about ranked toxicity. now I dont whine at them an tell them to "kys" but its bad.... 1100-950....


and before you say "well maybe your the problem" I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin


A bit more details is required...

What class do you play? If you roll a Merc, Sniper or a Sin tank... you are not the first one, so this is why you live longer. Roll a mara, dps jugg, sin or a sorc... you will see quickly how it changes.

Solo ranked has little to do with player skill.

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I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin


Really doesn't mean much. Solo ranked heavily favors certain classes in different situations but Mercs, snipers, sorc healers typically have a much easier time. If the players are good at that class, even more so because not only do they have an easier time surviving, they also put up solid numbers. Anytime your not playing one of those, that's less of them on your team...giving the other team a higher chance of having more those classes.


But anyone who's counting last to die, highest damage, and highest medals is a pretty strong indication they don't quite grasp the concept of solo ranked. If you're last to die, then you should be all of those things.


But really we're so far into the season, an average or sub average player isn't going to sneak out a decent rating. The gaps between people are too large and the ELO system will kind of work itself out in terms of grouping the 2k+ rated players together and the sub 1200's together for the most part.

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Were you the last to die because you cloaked, escaped and healed to full at the edge of the map?


Also, if you keep getting bads in que, STOP quing. The opposite team could also be fully or partially pre-made in SOLO ranked.

Edited by ViktorAres
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I strtd tonight at 1100 elo, 8 matchs later I got every one of the worst player in the queue. Players being globaled left an right, no actual knowledge of who to kill first, just endlessly regurgitated statistical classes order. I now have 950 elo.



sigh. dont queue if you get globaled... its a sign you belong in regs. and yes. I would take lowered pop times to this. I once complained about ranked toxicity. now I dont whine at them an tell them to "kys" but its bad.... 1100-950....


and before you say "well maybe your the problem" I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin



I started a thread a few weeks ago regarding this same problem. There are many reasons you getting stuck in low rating area happens.


1. YOU SUCK. This doesn't mean that you are a bad PVP-er, it' means that 4vs4 Arena game mode isn't for you. I bet you do great in regs, kill everything or almost everything that gets in your way, but for some odd reason(for you), you just lose a lot in ranked. It just doesn't work out.


- You suck at your class altogether. You are just generally bad at PVP.--- I Believe this doesn't apply to you, I presume.


2.The matchmaking system is broken. Pretty much what everyone said a lot of times. It's late in the season, the number of people in que is much lower than it was. High rated people will be grouped together vs a group of low rated people. The high rated are still in it for the ultimate glory will the avarage and bad ones dropped out, most of them did anyway.


- You que in the wrong time. There are times when it's just bad to que. Either because a lot of hopeless bads in que or either because you constantly get wrecked in every match.: STOP QUE for a while because you will get your rating destroyed.


3. You are a playing a class that just isn't very good in ranked.(melee). You heard this 1000 times before and here it is again: Melee sucks in ranked in 5.0. Juggs, Sins, Maras and PT's are just in a bad spot.


The ranking of these melee would be from best to worst: 1. Mara

2. Sin

3. Jugg

4. PT


I din't mention operative because I consder them a special case. They are SIn like in performance in my view.


So there you have it. Mercs and Snipers rule solo ranked and there are a LOT of mercs. Your group will lose a match JUST BECAUSE it didn't have enough mercs or the enemy had more and better mercs.


4. Your gear sucks. Self explanatory. No room for bad geared people in solo ranked sorry.


5. You aren't doing anything to improve


Practice duels, practice your rotations on the PVP doll.


6. YOU ARE A CLICKER. NO keybinds.


I admit. I am not fully keybound. I sometimes click some things.


This might be a disadvantage to those who are keybound. Especially in ranked. I still believe you can still do well even if you aren't fully keybound, but it' might works against you vs some players who just press buttons. I don't think there is any big difference other that you don't have to look down.. but that's me.



In conclusion, I would advise you to not take ranked seriously because it's a damn game and let's face it, it's a lottery system. You have no control over who gets in your team and enemy in solo ranked. Period.


There are a lot of toxic players who are nolifers and think that losing a ranked match is the worst thing in life. Avoid them, ignore them or just don't take what they throw at you to heart.


DON'T play ranked if you don't feel comfortable with it. Remember, the rating is worthless you get NOTHING for it except a BIG EGO. The rewards can be bought with comms.


What about me ? how am I doing in ranked ?


I stopped for 2 reasons.


1. The toxic players, nolifers bully people

2. It was a stress for me. I always was stressed about it. I don't play this game for stress. Have plenty of it at work.


Good luck in your battles. ;)

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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I can answer a few of them.


Im a sin dps for one, hatred or deception, played both, I dont dot spread on hatred in ranked cause cc but consistently hit the same dmg count on deception.


Sure I ran off an hld an yes that contributed to last to die but doesnt do a thing for high dmg or medals.


why is high dmg worth noteing? cause I was a dps sin at least 4 of those 8 matchs I had either a merc or a sniper on my team.


finally, I was getting pvers who flat admitted to just farming the "weekly"


I think im going to take my own advice and try to work with one of those "PvErs". if their dead set determined to farm the weekly/daily may as well hlp them with their class.

Edited by Seterade
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I strtd tonight at 1100 elo, 8 matchs later I got every one of the worst player in the queue. Players being globaled left an right, no actual knowledge of who to kill first, just endlessly regurgitated statistical classes order. I now have 950 elo.



sigh. dont queue if you get globaled... its a sign you belong in regs. and yes. I would take lowered pop times to this. I once complained about ranked toxicity. now I dont whine at them an tell them to "kys" but its bad.... 1100-950....


and before you say "well maybe your the problem" I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin


It took me a while to figure this out.


The reason he is complaining about players getting globaled...


He's the HEALER :p

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I strtd tonight at 1100 elo, 8 matchs later I got every one of the worst player in the queue. Players being globaled left an right, no actual knowledge of who to kill first, just endlessly regurgitated statistical classes order. I now have 950 elo.



sigh. dont queue if you get globaled... its a sign you belong in regs. and yes. I would take lowered pop times to this. I once complained about ranked toxicity. now I dont whine at them an tell them to "kys" but its bad.... 1100-950....


and before you say "well maybe your the problem" I was consistently the last to die, highest dmg, highest medals... on a sin


Wow, the guy who can turn invisible, CC people and hit them without it breaking the cc, followed up by other CCs that make it very safe to attack because the victim can't hit back, can force cloak during combat, h2F while his enemies are still stuck in combat mode, has 4 ranged attacks as a melee, can skank tank, has a 60% absorb on a 15-20 second cooldown, has another absorb at 60% of all incoming damage for the duration of Force Speed and is one of the most durable classes in the game was the last to die? You don't say...on a sin? .Cuz everyone knows how terrible Assassins are in PVP.


Hard to get globaled when no one can see you. Those 'plebs' on your team, were just not worthy.










Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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honestly there's zero excuse for clicking in this game. keybinding took me like 2 days to figure out, and I'm not einstein. there's a reason clickers are shamed; it takes very little effort to keybind, and your performance increases dramatically. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Wow, the guy who can turn invisible, CC people and hit them without it breaking the cc, followed up by other CCs that make it very safe to attack because the victim can't hit back, can force cloak during combat, h2F while his enemies are still stuck in combat mode, has 4 ranged attacks as a melee, can skank tank, has a 60% absorb on a 15-20 second cooldown, has another absorb at 60% of all incoming damage for the duration of Force Speed and is one of the most durable classes in the game was the last to die? You don't say...on a sin? .Cuz everyone knows how terrible Assassins are in PVP.


Hard to get globaled when no one can see you. Those 'plebs' on your team, were just not worthy.











I didnt call them plebs.


sins have one 60% absorb, not two. its force speed only.


we have no cc that doesnt break on dmg. if you spec into it whirlwind can inflict a 2 sec hrdstun, however, its on a 1 minute cd. plus it has a good chance to full white bar enemy if you pull the 2 sec stun. not exactly strat of the year.


we have really one ranged attack. low slash. whirlwind isnt an att. in fact it heal your enemy while active. ball lightning... maaaybe is ranged... has like a 5 meter range. (dont quote me on that)


dps who "skank tank" with guard are going to die. we learned that real quick right after the launch of dps guard. (for the record, two of the matchs were with tanks, an with off tuants, I beat out both tanks in protection.)


stlth out is on 1.5 minute cd, youll do that once. not twice. most classes hv some form of h2f. btw, if a sin stlths out of combat the enemy is freed also.


and in a meta of mercs (enet nightmare) and engineer snipers (probe nightmare) no. sins are not top of the line in anything. not dmg, not survivability. which is why you focus a sin before a mara/sniper/merc/operative.


your post isnt fair to actual sin gameplay. were not a broken class but it takes skill to be good, and were up crap river vs merc/eng sniper.


for the record. this isnt a stop queueing topic. its a frustration pent up release. trying to attack me caus I dont know how to play one of the "best classes in swtor" is both inaccurate an unnecessary. sins are not broken. if you cant beat them 1v1 that doesnt make it an epic class.

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So it took longer to get your unassembled components? Is that the complaint?

Solo ranked is just another way to get gear. If you are looking for competitive gameplay you should try grouped, but really you are just in the wrong mmo.


This guy gets it.

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