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A question for Marauders who run HM/NiM


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Alright. So I gots a question. Let me preface this by saying that I am fairly good at playing Annihilation. It's a very simple discipline in my opinion, yet one with a high skill cap. There are a lot of fights where I will do very well. Now, as good as I am with Annihilation, that's how bad I am with Carnage (at least since 5.0). I just have some difficulties with the discipline that I can't put my finger on. The question is, are there fights where Annihilation will simply not cut the mustard and I will need to swap to Carnage? If so, what are your tips for re-learning Carnage's rotation? I assume Beastfury's is the absolute ideal or are their others that are perhaps easier to remember yet put up numbers required to beat checks? Thanks in advance, fellow double saber swinging savages!
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Alright. So I gots a question. Let me preface this by saying that I am fairly good at playing Annihilation. It's a very simple discipline in my opinion, yet one with a high skill cap. There are a lot of fights where I will do very well. Now, as good as I am with Annihilation, that's how bad I am with Carnage (at least since 5.0). I just have some difficulties with the discipline that I can't put my finger on. The question is, are there fights where Annihilation will simply not cut the mustard and I will need to swap to Carnage? If so, what are your tips for re-learning Carnage's rotation? I assume Beastfury's is the absolute ideal or are their others that are perhaps easier to remember yet put up numbers required to beat checks? Thanks in advance, fellow double saber swinging savages!


Forgive the wall of text, I LOVE Marauders! heh What follows is my perspective on it [note, I have much more experience with Carnage than Annihilation] and others may take a different view of things so it's always a good idea to get a few opinions on a subject.


In many cases, despite Anni's higher damage ceiling than carnage, Carnage performs better. There are certain fights where one spec may be more ideal to use than the other, but nothing that requires one spec over another in order to be sucessfull [assuming appropriate skill level is had by the player, of course]. There are no fights that people have not sucessfully completed using Annihilation or Carnage.


Obviously fights where greater uptime on a single target is maintainable favor Annihiliation and fights with more frequent target switches and less uptime [or repeated breaks in uptime due to mechanics] favor Carnage. Even still, however, just because it may favor the strengths of one over another in no way precludes either from being used sucessfully.


All in all though, if you check on parsely, there are instances in all difficulties where the highest parse is held by Carnage over Annihilation. This of course only accounts for parses that have been uploaded to parsely, so it can't be seen as a definitive gauge. Additionally, many of the parses uploaded to parsely are just the best out of the best, where everything went right, unusual high instances of crit percentage [there are some than have 50+% criticals], unusually low miss chances, and just favorable RNG in general [damage rolls, relic procs, etc.] and thus shouldn't be seen as 'the norm' or as base line for comparison.


Regarding Carnage.


If you are simply better with Annihilation than with Carnage, obviously you will likely do better if you use Annihilation, and as there is no absolute necessity in using Annihilation or Carnage, you shouldn't feel compelled or that you are somehow subverting sucess by using one or the other. It's good to know multiple specs of course, because sometimes a particular fight might find the conditions more favorable to use one of the other, but is no one way required. They both can get the job done assuming the skill is there.


If you find that your performance with Annihilation is significantly better than you are capable of with Carnage, than using Carnage would be inadvisable. Meeting a minimum DPS check in and of itself may be sufficient, but variables will always play a part and circumstances on a pull for any number of reasons could put more undue stress on one or more of the other players which may lower their DPS on a particular pull that had you not just been meeting the minimum check, your surplus DPS might have been sufficient to 'carry' a fellow player's lower DPS that pull.


Carnage underwent some changes from 4.0 to 5.0 that may account for your greater difficulty with it compared to your previous experience with it prior to 5.0. A new additional attack was introduced to the spec [Gore] which necessiated a rotation change from prior versions and placed a significant resource challange to the spec due to the new attack's resource requirement.


The spec definately got harder to maintain resources with and it's a bit of a juggling act and it will take some time to acclomate to. Many users found the change to be challangling at first, and for my part, I find it more stressful to maintain proper resource management compared to pre 5.0 versions. The resource managment is sustainable with a proper rotation but it's less forgiving of mistakes or abridgements of the rotation. Obviously it is impossible to avoid all mistakes [as people will always make mistakes from time to time] and game mechanics in HM and NiM will always pose a challange to ideal rotation advancement so breaks in rotation and forced downtimes are unavoidable in certain instances. Sometimes you are just going to have to play catch up and yes, it is a DPS loss compared to ideal rotation synergy.


While the new attack is very good [i've grown to love it] it's taken some of the joy out of the spec due to the more stricter resource management requirements. Mistakes and abridgments to rotation are less forgiving now compared to earlier versions of the spec. Of course with proper rotational synergy the new attack is a DPS gain so you have to weigh one against the other.


Annihilation has a more free flowing 'rotation' and is not as strict as such, so you may find Carnage's rotational requirements for optimal performance now more confining to your freedom of action [relatively speaking of course]. I love Carnage and I love the new attack, but personally I don't like the stricter resource management requirements it imposes as it's less forgiving of mistakes in PVE [Raiding]. That's not to say I'm advising you not to use Carnage, just that it is something you should consider if you are considering it's use as you will need to acclimate to it's newer form which is stricter that you may recall from previous versions of the spec.


There are a few difference rotations currently being used, some more than others. Much of it is simple preferance as they will all surfice for resources managment, but they are all similar, and one is not particularly easier than another so I can't tell you "which one is the best" for your playstyle.


I personally use an abridged version I've come up with that works best for me, and I know of another instance of someone else having done similarly [although it's not the same].


For a starting point, yes, I would advise using Beastfury's rotation. Just bare in mind that his rotation [as he himself has pointed out] was originally conceived while the Double stance bug to carnage was still present [it gave carnage +6% alacrity instead of the 3% it was supposed to have] which has since been corrected and is no longer present. So this obviously made the rotation easier and more effective to pull off because now you're going for putting 4 attacks into your berserk ferocity window as opposed to 3 attacks in it's earlier incarnation. Pulling off the 4 attacks within the window can be challenging and greater alacrity makes it easier and more likely to successfully do so. Until you gain experience and get the rotation to muscle memory and thoughtless you will fail to get all 4 attacks into the window at times. HM/NiM obviously puts a greater strain on the players performance which will add it's own challenges to doing so.


If you're going to give it a go [ and there is no reason not to, it may be a bit challenging but it;s a great spec to know] I'd advise higher amounts of alacrity than those given for suggested optimal performance [bant] while you are learning/practicing the spec, as this will help some in getting the 4 attacks into the window more reliably.


Dummy parsing is advisable to get the muscle memory and get a feel for it and to experiment some. I wouldn't shy away from testing out the different rotations [beast Furys, Hayetes, Vulkks] to see which may be more suitable for your playstyle. The differences aren't great, but they are there and the more comfortable you find the rotation the better you will likely do with it.


If you are doing HM/NiM level content, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to not expect ideal results over night, that there will be a learning curve, and your DPS will suffer compared to what your doing with Anni while you are learning and acclimating to a different spec. It can never hurt to know multiple specs and I do recommend Carnage as it's a great spec, but not everything agrees with our personal preferences and if you enjoy Annihilation more than Carnage you should not feel compelled to use it, there is no content in this game you cannot be successful at clearing with either one of the specs.


I hope this helps some and best of luck to you.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Alright. So I gots a question. Let me preface this by saying that I am fairly good at playing Annihilation. It's a very simple discipline in my opinion, yet one with a high skill cap. There are a lot of fights where I will do very well. Now, as good as I am with Annihilation, that's how bad I am with Carnage (at least since 5.0). I just have some difficulties with the discipline that I can't put my finger on. The question is, are there fights where Annihilation will simply not cut the mustard and I will need to swap to Carnage? If so, what are your tips for re-learning Carnage's rotation? I assume Beastfury's is the absolute ideal or are their others that are perhaps easier to remember yet put up numbers required to beat checks? Thanks in advance, fellow double saber swinging savages!


Annihilation isn't really feasible to use on some fights, like Calphayus NiM, if your group is struggling with the DPS checks (short windows of burst, or many hard swaps required).


Beastfury's rotation is good, but I actually think Radley-waters' rotation is superior atm (can view it on Parsely). It's slightly more forgiving and incredibly prescriptive, and you only end up having to use 1 Assault in Berserk and 1 Assault in non-Berserk windows. You end up not using Gore in Berserk windows, and always using Vicious Throw with non-Berserked Ferocity windows.


I myself prefer Annihilation but there are definitely fights where I go carnage instead.

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Anni is only decent on a few fights in NiM . Rest it's either eh or pretty aids to play. Carnage is not only superior on the rest of the fights but far easier to play on them.


I just wanted to make the point that while Carnage might be more ideal for certain fights, Anni is viable for any fight, and he had essentially asked if there were any Fights in HM/NiM that Anni can't cut the mustard. There are no fights in this game on any difficulty that Anni cannot meet the DPS checks for.


And this is coming from a Carnage lover!! =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Anni is only decent on a few fights in NiM . Rest it's either eh or pretty aids to play. Carnage is not only superior on the rest of the fights but far easier to play on them.




3/5 DP NiM, 4/5 DF NiM, 3/4-4/4 EC NiM, 3-4/7 SNV NiM, 4-5/5 TFB NiM, I'd use anni over carnage (or I'd use either with equal success).


Brontes NiM, Calph/Raptus NiM, possibly minefield EC, Oasis/Olok NiM (but those are barely NiM level) and possibly Styrak NiM (I prefer Anni for that one though), Terror NiM (although I reckon Anni is fine for that if ranged are on adds) I would say Carnage works definitely better on. So not even a majority of NiM fights.


Also Carnage (optimally) is far harder than Anni.


I don't know where you are getting your facts from lol.

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3/5 DP NiM, 4/5 DF NiM, 3/4-4/4 EC NiM, 3-4/7 SNV NiM, 4-5/5 TFB NiM, I'd use anni over carnage (or I'd use either with equal success).


Brontes NiM, Calph/Raptus NiM, possibly minefield EC, Oasis/Olok NiM (but those are barely NiM level) and possibly Styrak NiM (I prefer Anni for that one though), Terror NiM (although I reckon Anni is fine for that if ranged are on adds) I would say Carnage works definitely better on. So not even a majority of NiM fights.


Also Carnage (optimally) is far harder than Anni.


I don't know where you are getting your facts from lol.


Yeah, no... For Nim Carn outperforms all but Zorn and Toth in Nim EC, 3/5 in TFB with anni being better for Dreadguards and the two specs being comparable on Kephess, all of SNV except warlords and the two being comparable on thrasher if on dummy parse duty (but if on add/demo duty carn is better), everything in DF, and then 4/5 in DP (though only slightly better on council, but better p2 and burn dps) while being only slightly behind on Tyrans.

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Yeah, no... For Nim Carn outperforms all but Zorn and Toth in Nim EC, 3/5 in TFB with anni being better for Dreadguards and the two specs being comparable on Kephess, all of SNV except warlords and the two being comparable on thrasher if on dummy parse duty (but if on add/demo duty carn is better), everything in DF, and then 4/5 in DP (though only slightly better on council, but better p2 and burn dps) while being only slightly behind on Tyrans.


I did say equal success...


I mean, if you are a Radley-Walters/Beastfury level mara, then for sure, carnage. Heck go Carnage for every fight if you are one of those players lol.


But 99.9999999% of the player base, either spec works for most NiM fights, and thoroughly outclasses most other melee specs in game.

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so better to pigeon-hole yourself into only playing one spec that is also inferior to another one on most of the nim content, especially the apex bosses, and avoid being as big of an asset as possible for your team :rak_02:


And for reference, I play both based on what's best for the current boss, especially since all three specs have had their time as the best spec for mara (anni in 1.0 and 2.8 through 3.0, carn in 2.0-2.8 and the past two expansions, and fury for aoe fights in early 2.0 before dotsmash was a thing).

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I personally play either what group needs most, or what I feel I can contribute most to group with (i.e. if I feel like personally I will be better for the group as a certain spec).


Same should go for anyone. While, yes, Carnage is in many respects equal to or stronger than anni when played optimally, if one cannot play it optimally (your level or Radley-Walters level) then why play it and drag group down during progression (this isn't to say they shouldn't try, but rather practice outside of prog until it is viable)? Rather, in those cases, perhaps another spec is required.


Anni is definitely easier than Carnage, and more than capable of clearing most/all NiM content for the 'average' player.


When asking which spec is 'better,' there is the 0.00001% case and the general case. Either spec works in the general case for raiding and I think calling Anni 'inferior' is somewhat disingenuous (connoting it is inferior perhaps to the extent Hatred is inferior to Deception).


Heck, at the moment Fury could be used for most NiM.

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If you're looking into nightmare raiding then you should also consider what buffs you're bringing to the table. If you (for whatever reason) don't run with an Arsenal Merc or don't have a PT/Sin/Jugg dps in the group, carnage brings the much needed sunder. A lot of classes provide the internal damage buff from anni, and almost all of those classes are commonly used in Nim. If on a fight you could do equal dps with both carnage and anni, but no one else in the group is running sunder, then you should do carnage. Sunder is among the most important debuffs to bring to raid.


Carnage takes time to master. But in the end the payout is worth it. There are a few specs in this game wit high skill caps, and carnage is one of them. You may not be Radley level, true, but few people are. And if you aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.


With that corny saying out of the way, best of luck!

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Thank you everyone for the continued feedback. I am starting to learn Carnage more and am practicing it every chance I get, I will need to do some live practice in a raid one of these days too.


Transferring carnage from the dummy into a raid can be really difficult at first so don't be discouraged if you end up doing horribly the first few times. The main thing is to not think of carnage like a strict rotation that dummy parsing can turn into, but with a priority system revolving around ferocity windows and massacre buff. You will also usually gain fury at a faster rate than the dummy so you don't always want to hit berserk as soon as you can, but when it's in an appropriate part of the rotation.

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Transferring carnage from the dummy into a raid can be really difficult at first so don't be discouraged if you end up doing horribly the first few times. The main thing is to not think of carnage like a strict rotation that dummy parsing can turn into, but with a priority system revolving around ferocity windows and massacre buff. You will also usually gain fury at a faster rate than the dummy so you don't always want to hit berserk as soon as you can, but when it's in an appropriate part of the rotation.


All this ^


Agreed. The only caviet I would add to the OP is that while you will need to play the priorities, as raid mechanics will interrupt your rotations when they force you to move, idealy, you want to attempt to perform the correct rotation as much as you possibly can when circumstances allow for maximum DPS output. Of course there will be times that procs will drop off while you were forced to move so when you get back on target, ideally you want to prioritize getting your ideal rotation going again even if that may result in a slight dps loss initially because if you just keep cycling an off kilter rotation the overall dps loss will be much greater than had taken the time to realign your rotation. Carnage, because it's such a fast spec, and it's one of it's greatest strengths, it's also a potential weakness because you have to be able to react that much faster to changing circumstances in keeping your rotation going as smoothly as you can because it isn't forgiving of mistakes. Every attack you don't get into your ferocity window is a DPS loss and using another attack other than your most hard hitting attacks in the window, while sometimes necessary is something you want to try to keep to an minimum where possible.


At the same time, you will make mistakes, that's just human nature, even after years of playing the spec I make mistakes,but when you do, don't ignore them, recognize the importance of realigning your rotation, because ferocity windows with battering assaults, basic attacks and smashes in them are substantial DPS losses that can go into tens of thousands of point of damage difference. Of course something is always better than nothing, but if by delaying your ferocity window by a GCD or two will make the difference of being able to get your hardest hitting attacks in or not, it is better to delay the window than.


Massacre is your idea filler where rage allows and the best thing you can put into your window if you will miss one of your hardest hitting attacks anyway. Just be careful with spamming Massacre too much because while it is the best filler and the one you want to use, you have to take into consideration the rage costs and with the introduction of Gore into the rotation rage can be tight at times, and if your not careful you may find yourself with not enough rage to put your best attacks into your window.


Always prioritize having enough rage to execute your hardest hitting attacks into the ferocity window, nothing is more important than that DPS wise.


The rotation itself isn't particularly hard, it's the speed of execution and being able to respond quickly to changes that can make it difficult at times to keep up. As the above poster stated, the spec does have a higher skill set for optimal performance than a great many other specs, and it does take time to really get comfortable with it. You have to allow yourself the time and experience and permission to make mistakes, it's the only way you will be able to get a good handle on it.


Remember, everyone makes mistakes, don't beat yourself up for it, don't think you suck, it's not an easy spec. Don't compare yourself to others, everyone learns at a different pace, and there isn't a one of us that didn't absolutely suck at it once upon a time.


One word of recommendation, do not do PVP as a Mara until you get comfortable with it. PVP is hard on maras because they are the only class without self heals, and PVP is an entirely different beast than PVE and it takes a whole different learning experience to adapt to that environment. It's not the place you want to learn the spec at. Once you get a good handle on it, than you can venture in, PVP is hard on Maras but with the right amount of skill and experience under your belt [and a good healer on your team =p] you can be an absolute terror on the battlefield.


It's well worth the time investment as far as I'm concerned! But if after sometime you don't feel like its for you for whatever reason, there are two other specs you can give a go, they operate very differently from each other. Main thing is to have fun though and that's the most important part.


Good luck and have fun!

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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All this ^


Agreed. The only caviet I would add to the OP is that while you will need to play the priorities, as raid mechanics will interrupt your rotations when they force you to move, idealy, you want to attempt to perform the correct rotation as much as you possibly can when circumstances allow for maximum DPS output. Of course there will be times that procs will drop off while you were forced to move so when you get back on target, ideally you want to prioritize getting your ideal rotation going again even if that may result in a slight dps loss initially because if you just keep cycling an off kilter rotation the overall dps loss will be much greater than had taken the time to realign your rotation. Carnage, because it's such a fast spec, and it's one of it's greatest strengths, it's also a potential weakness because you have to be able to react that much faster to changing circumstances in keeping your rotation going as smoothly as you can because it isn't forgiving of mistakes. Every attack you don't get into your ferocity window is a DPS loss and using another attack other than your most hard hitting attacks in the window, while sometimes necessary is something you want to try to keep to an minimum where possible.


At the same time, you will make mistakes, that's just human nature, even after years of playing the spec I make mistakes,but when you do, don't ignore them, recognize the importance of realigning your rotation, because ferocity windows with battering assaults, basic attacks and smashes in them are substantial DPS losses that can go into tens of thousands of point of damage difference. Of course something is always better than nothing, but if by delaying your ferocity window by a GCD or two will make the difference of being able to get your hardest hitting attacks in or not, it is better to delay the window than.


Massacre is your idea filler where rage allows and the best thing you can put into your window if you will miss one of your hardest hitting attacks anyway. Just be careful with spamming Massacre too much because while it is the best filler and the one you want to use, you have to take into consideration the rage costs and with the introduction of Gore into the rotation rage can be tight at times, and if your not careful you may find yourself with not enough rage to put your best attacks into your window.


Always prioritize having enough rage to execute your hardest hitting attacks into the ferocity window, nothing is more important than that DPS wise.


The rotation itself isn't particularly hard, it's the speed of execution and being able to respond quickly to changes that can make it difficult at times to keep up. As the above poster stated, the spec does have a higher skill set for optimal performance than a great many other specs, and it does take time to really get comfortable with it. You have to allow yourself the time and experience and permission to make mistakes, it's the only way you will be able to get a good handle on it.


Remember, everyone makes mistakes, don't beat yourself up for it, don't think you suck, it's not an easy spec. Don't compare yourself to others, everyone learns at a different pace, and there isn't a one of us that didn't absolutely suck at it once upon a time.


One word of recommendation, do not do PVP as a Mara until you get comfortable with it. PVP is hard on maras because they are the only class without self heals, and PVP is an entirely different beast than PVE and it takes a whole different learning experience to adapt to that environment. It's not the place you want to learn the spec at. Once you get a good handle on it, than you can venture in, PVP is hard on Maras but with the right amount of skill and experience under your belt [and a good healer on your team =p] you can be an absolute terror on the battlefield.


It's well worth the time investment as far as I'm concerned! But if after sometime you don't feel like its for you for whatever reason, there are two other specs you can give a go, they operate very differently from each other. Main thing is to have fun though and that's the most important part.


Good luck and have fun!


On the contrary, I think PvP is actually a great place to learn PvE - but only as carnage, and only on some fights.


E.g. PvE isn't as much about a priority list as it is actually adhering to an optimal rotation (i.e. the Nestle/Beastfury version or the Radley-Walters version). High dps comes from being able to minimally deviate from it in a disadvantageous way (deviations can result in increases sometimes e.g. delaying dual saber for 1 target by 1 Gore window so next gore window it hits 6 or something).


I've found PvE as carnage to be very helpful for Brontes NiM burn phase.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I did say equal success...


I mean, if you are a Radley-Walters/Beastfury level mara, then for sure, carnage. Heck go Carnage for every fight if you are one of those players lol.


But 99.9999999% of the player base, either spec works for most NiM fights, and thoroughly outclasses most other melee specs in game.


Brontes- Carnage preferred

Terror- Carnage pref

Styrak- Carnage pref

Council- Either

Kephess- Carnage pref





LOL the backtracking when proven wrong is memetastic. So when those "facts" you spout are wrong max Kek LUL when you are told that Carnage outperforms Anni on most fight and that Anni downsides factor into fights. Specially Carnage has all the positives while Anni has a few negatives. There are some fights where Anni is just annoying to downright unhelpful while the few fights Anni can be better, Carnage is very close. 99% of the payervase doesn't go beyond SM or even raid so they don't even do content with big enough HP Pools for Anni. I never said that Anni wasn't able to do the content and spec doesn't matter as 248 making anything possible just that it's far easier to play Carnage on most fights and that you will be more suitable for the new teams able to deal amazing burst and near equal sustained just look at what the top players play on fights that matter. No ramp up time and amazing AoE helps a lot. But play whatever to comfort you it doesn't matter with 248 gear and Carnage being much stronger than it should be plays a large role in it. Maybe will change if they nerf it but shall see but until then check yourself before you spout nonesensical memes. But as Beast said be able to play both roles and note pigeonhole into. But 99% of the good Maras ingame are going to play Carnage on the Apex fights that matter. Just because you can kill anything with a Fury Marauder but it doesn't make it optimal lol. Also, no need to be rude. Good Day.

Edited by FerkWork
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  • 4 weeks later...

If you can nail it's rotation (especially critical bleeds and reaching 5 stacks of Annihilator), Anni Mara is a great friend in HM ops. Carnage is great to play in PvP, fast and deadly with that Ataru form. But I find it a bit impeding in HM ops because it has a rage generation problem; after consuming those burst attacks, you might end up facing 0 rage and resort to spam attacks to build rage again.


I find that Anni does better at focus generation and thus has more prominent sustained dps potential over time; with some increased alacrity rating, you can line up your attacks for prolonged boss fights without worrying too much about focus loss. Anni also does more AoE damage with the dot spread combos -- in ops when clearing trash adds, it comes in very handy.


I will give you a recent example of mine (and this happened before the 5.3): I did TC in HM with a moderately experienced ops group. The group composed of people with mostly Tier 2 gear. We experienced 3 wipes before defeating Golden Fury. As an Anni, I got the adds group in the first 2 rounds along with a Juggernaut tank. By the time we finished off the adds, we had already been in the range of Golden Fury's Red Lasers, so both the tank and I couldn't get back to the boss to add some dps to it. The boss enraged around 24% of HP.


Third round, I switched places with a lightning sorc and got the boss, and sorc player got the adds group. We finished it off without the enrage.... That's how much difference Anni makes in HM ops boss fights with that sustained dps oriented rotation. All the bleed dots Anni places on the boss pays off in the long run. And clearly lightning sorc is much better at burst AoE.


Different players find different Mara specs useful in different situations - I personally love playing Anni in PvE and Carnage in PvP.


It's yours to discover. Take them both out to different HM ops and see which one fits the bill.


P.S.. One class I haven't tried yet after all these years is Fury. After the patch, I will give it a shot. I keep hearing it's a more bursty class, but curious to see about it's sustained dps potential myself.

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Brontes- Carnage preferred

Terror- Carnage pref

Styrak- Carnage pref

Council- Either

Kephess- Carnage pref





LOL the backtracking when proven wrong is memetastic. So when those "facts" you spout are wrong max Kek LUL when you are told that Carnage outperforms Anni on most fight and that Anni downsides factor into fights. Specially Carnage has all the positives while Anni has a few negatives. There are some fights where Anni is just annoying to downright unhelpful while the few fights Anni can be better, Carnage is very close. 99% of the payervase doesn't go beyond SM or even raid so they don't even do content with big enough HP Pools for Anni. I never said that Anni wasn't able to do the content and spec doesn't matter as 248 making anything possible just that it's far easier to play Carnage on most fights and that you will be more suitable for the new teams able to deal amazing burst and near equal sustained just look at what the top players play on fights that matter. No ramp up time and amazing AoE helps a lot. But play whatever to comfort you it doesn't matter with 248 gear and Carnage being much stronger than it should be plays a large role in it. Maybe will change if they nerf it but shall see but until then check yourself before you spout nonesensical memes. But as Beast said be able to play both roles and note pigeonhole into. But 99% of the good Maras ingame are going to play Carnage on the Apex fights that matter. Just because you can kill anything with a Fury Marauder but it doesn't make it optimal lol. Also, no need to be rude. Good Day.


Well, that went from 0-100 real quick


You seem to be much more of a memer, my friend. And I didn't mean any offense, I feel like you went a little off the rails there.


Yes I agree with you, but for 99% of the player base that does raid, given that Carnage is probably top 3 most difficult specs in the game, Anni is certainly serviceable for most fights. Don't see how that is incorrect, or a backtrack. Literally either of the two specs work for vast majority of fights, even pre 5.2. Like I said, Anni is still one of the best melee dps specs in game (unlike Fury).


And of the two of us, I'd say you were far, far more rude than I was (which I dispute entirely, I think the only 'rude' thing I might have said was a wry 'lol' which was meant as humour rather than a dig at you).

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