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Carnage PvP Problems

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Hey all,


So I just got back to the game about 2 weeks ago and I've been trying to do some PvP as of recent. At max level though, I feel like I'm hitting absurdly low damage in warzones. Is anyone else experiencing this problem and if so, what may be the cause/how do I fix this? Only about 50% of the time am I capping over 1mil and I see others who are getting a lot more.


P.S. could very well be an L2P issue but I feel like I know the class mechanics pretty well, having played Carnage for a while before I took a break.

Edited by Bird_of_Thunder
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Hey all,


So I just got back to the game about 2 weeks ago and I've been trying to do some PvP as of recent. At max level though, I feel like I'm hitting absurdly low damage in warzones. Is anyone else experiencing this problem and if so, what may be the cause/how do I fix this? Only about 50% of the time am I capping over 1mil and I see others who are getting a lot more.


P.S. could very well be an L2P issue but I feel like I know the class mechanics pretty well, having played Carnage for a while before I took a break.


I play a carnage marauder too in both pve and pvp. The damage potential for carnage is certainly there. I do pretty well in WZs damage wise usually.


Before it can be addressed we'd need to know what your gear is like.


Also as you have been away for a while you may just not yet be up to snuff yet in the current state of things and just need a little time to get back in the swing of it.


If you could share your gear and stats and what kind of damage you are currently putting out we might be able to see whats what and than go from there.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I play a carnage marauder too in both pve and pvp. The damage potential for carnage is certainly there. I do pretty well in WZs damage wise usually.


Before it can be addressed we'd need to know what your gear is like.


Also as you have been away for a while you may just not yet be up to snuff yet in the current state of things and just need a little time to get back in the swing of it.


If you could share your gear and stats and what kind of damage you are currently putting out we might be able to see whats what and than go from there.


I won't be able to get on get exact stat values, but I do know I've got 230s in almost every slot (I have the full set bonuses for Tier 2), as well as 230 mainhand and 228 offhand. I garner roughly 3.5k-4k DPS usually, and around 830k total.


My problem is I feel like I have a tough time finishing off low-health opponents when I used to be able to finish them with a decent amount of reliability

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I won't be able to get on get exact stat values, but I do know I've got 230s in almost every slot (I have the full set bonuses for Tier 2), as well as 230 mainhand and 228 offhand. I garner roughly 3.5k-4k DPS usually, and around 830k total.


My problem is I feel like I have a tough time finishing off low-health opponents when I used to be able to finish them with a decent amount of reliability


Okay, that helps as is and is sufficient.


Firstly, do not even bother about worrying what your DPS is in PVP as it is largely irrelevant. DPS waxes and wanes between downtimes. You could have done 1.2k the entire fight and than the last 10 seconds come upon a group of closely nite enemies and just sweeping slashed til the end and end up with 6k DPS. That's a gauge of import more for PVE than PVP, and even in PVP such examples as above could happen. This is equally true the opposite way. You could have 6k dps the whole fight and than the last 10 seconds you get stunned and your DPS plummets like a rock and u wind up seeing listed 3k.


Mostly people will judge performance by total damage. With that in mind 830k damage for your average length WZ is low. With your level of gear you are being bolstered to 236 so we'll work with that in mind.

Say for your average voidstar and most other maps you should be at a minimum of 1k [a million damage]. Many things will make your total damage vary however. Things like being taunted, fighting people with guards on, often fighting tanks or healers. Not having a healer [or an competent/attentive healer] on your team and an overabundance of FOTM classes on the enemy team. Also, if you are more active objectives/defense of objectives this as well could limit your damage [standing around guarding a node that isn't under attack much for example]. The length of the WZ itself obviously plays it's part, the longer the WZ the more time to put out damage. 1.5-2 million on longer length matches is certainly obtainable in many instances.


Best way to gauge your performance given so many variables that effect damage output is to compare to other players. If the highest damage output turns out to be 1.2k lets say for example and you do 830k and are number 3 in overall damage done than it's safe to say given all the variables in particular to that WZ your performance was not bad than. But if the top DPS of other melee DPS is at 2.8 million and you are at 830k and came in at #6 in terms of DPS than you could judge your performance as needing attention to improve.


Note: Do not compare your damage totals to dot specs with spreads. They do a ton of fluff damage and higher totals from such specs are not comparable single target specs. Fluff damage is not effective damage overall, and a dot spread spec could do 3 million damage and still only wind up with 2 kills, where as you even with having put out less damage you have 10 kills.


Gear does play it's part and you are working with minimum level gear so, that definitely has some baring. Set bonus is very important as well so if you do not have a full 6 piece set bonus this will limit your damage potential as well. Higher levels of gear could effect you up to a 10% margin difference in performance, so with better gear you would be doing up to 10% more damage [general speaking].


Some suggestions to improve your performance -


*Work on getting better gear [prioritize mainhand as this will give you the single biggest bump to your damage].

* If you do not have 6 piece set bonus this is your second priority.

* Make sure you are not using high endurance gear [endurance should be the attribute giving you the small bonus as this otherwise trades off damage].

* Practice working with priority attack combinations [you cannot use a full rotation in PVP as you do in PVE so go for the important attack combinations in the quickest amount of time]

* Have all your gear augmented [there is a ton of damage that comes from augment added stats].

* Augments should be mostly Critical and Alacrity.

* Dummy parse like crazy to make sure your "rotation" is like muscle memory.

* Always be attacking, even a basic strike is better than no attack at all if better attacks are still on cooldown.

* Use your DCDs proactively [Do not wait till you've taken a great deal of damage before using a DCD]. If you are at only 15% health, a DCD isn't going to keep you from dying for long. Use them when you know there will be a lot of incoming damage. Deaths take you out of the fate and waste time at respawn area. This makes attack and damage not possible at those times.

* Lastly, give yourself some time to get back into the swing of things. You are coming off a long absence as this will effect your performance some until you get your 'sea legs' back.


See how you are doing in two weeks time with some of these things in mind. If you are still unhappy with your performance and not seeing much of an improvement than we can rule out some of these things as potential causes.


I hope this helps some. Best of luck.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Hey all,


So I just got back to the game about 2 weeks ago and I've been trying to do some PvP as of recent. At max level though, I feel like I'm hitting absurdly low damage in warzones. Is anyone else experiencing this problem and if so, what may be the cause/how do I fix this? Only about 50% of the time am I capping over 1mil and I see others who are getting a lot more.


P.S. could very well be an L2P issue but I feel like I know the class mechanics pretty well, having played Carnage for a while before I took a break.


You're a squishy mara playing against geared mercs and snipers. Youre not going to live a long time, and your lack of staying power means youre either a.) dead a lot b.) running away and healing a lot.


It's part meta, part gear. Be patient. Class balancing is going to happen soon and your gear can only go up!


I feel your pain. I'm a sentinel and have stopped queing solo because of this (except for quests of course).

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A lot of this may also be tied to niche gameplay factors. After playing all 3 specs extensively in 5.0 I far and away prefer pvping on carnage and find it more enjoyable than other classes that I used to pvp with (RIP my deception assassins).


For instance, your clipping of ferocity windows in respect to Dual Saber Throw/Vicious Throw is a huge part of achieving maximum damage potential. Changing of gore to a hard hitting single ability (and our autocrit) may be something to get used to seeing as you've returned to the game too.


Additionally, your usage of obfuscate (assuming you're taking Ruthless Aggressor utility in the legendary tier) plays a big role in surviving as a Marauder, which equates directly to more damage (live longer=more GCDs). Mad Dash can be a lifesaver and cause some headaches when used at the right time. Granted it's a little more precise than obfuscate is, but a very broad and easy example is mad dashing a thermal detonator from an AP PT. It's predictable and not only are you negating that ability primarily, you're also negating any other dps who is on you, or any dots/AoEs going off at that time.


A lot of this is stuff that you'll get back into as you get the feel for the game and spec again, which is why I'm not going to assume you know nothing and tell you how to use Cloak of Pain, etc. You're on the right track as well, so keep at it.

Edited by BishopSMASH
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  • 5 weeks later...

Since you're on the same server as me, i'm happy to try to help you out / see what's going wrong.

I'll try to message you whenever you're on.


However I must say carnage is just fine, actually better than previous patch imo. Gore is amazing and sunders target, something we didn't have previously. It's also a whole new ability, which i've been wanting a new one for ages as retaliation keybind has been empty ever since 60 :(

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