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Male Force User companion...


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this has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that i want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


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So if those who can be killed are not completely off of the table...could we get Lord Cytharat? Love that character and would love to see more of him, even more so if we could continue the romance.


Problem with him, as he was, is that he was only available to men. Women can't romance him unfortunately.

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Problem with him, as he was, is that he was only available to men. Women can't romance him unfortunately.


I know....but I still like him...my agent would totally tell Lana and Temple to go shove it if he came back and we could continue to romance him

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Problem with him, as he was, is that he was only available to men. Women can't romance him unfortunately.


I have a lot of male characters and Cytharat is far more appealing than most of the female companions. Theron needs some competition after all!


(Drunk typing and not addressing your concern. :o Obviously we need two good male force using romancable companions. One for the guys and one for the girls. I don't mind player sexual, but many people do.)

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I have a lot of male characters and Cytharat is far more appealing than most of the female companions. Theron needs some competition after all!


(Drunk typing and not addressing your concern. :o Obviously we need two good male force using romancable companions. One for the guys and one for the girls. I don't mind player sexual, but many people do.)


I know, but playing a male/male romance isn't for me, I don't get any joy out of that personally, for others cool, more power to them, but for me, I'm not into that. Cytharat is lovely, someone like him that can romance everyone would be nice too.

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I know, but playing a male/male romance isn't for me, I don't get any joy out of that personally, for others cool, more power to them, but for me, I'm not into that. Cytharat is lovely, someone like him that can romance everyone would be nice too.


I completely agree.

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... how quickly people forget Revan ... Malgus ...


"metrics dictate people love us bringing back supposedly dead characters!" - nothing would surprise me.


Each to their own on KoTFE/KoTeT - I'm not about to dig into all the plot holes, choices not mattering and how the entire thing just felt like filler for the last chapter as we'd be at it all day. It definitely had it's high points though it's just the for me the sum of all the parts made the story rather weak overall ( and don't even get me started on gameplay ).


Malgus "died" off screen, he clearly isn't dead. Someone which such a long back story from before the game won't just randomly die like that. Not sure what to think about Revan, but I don't believe we'd be seeing him again.

I'm 99% sure we'll be seeing Malgus again, probably with the next big main story! And I'm ready for it, it's that I'm extremely biased when it comes to Arcann, but Malgus is such a ln amazing character.:rak_03: One of the greatest!


I completely agree.


I agree too, as a female I don't see the appeal in the slightest, but I know there are those who do.




(Drunk typing and not addressing your concern. :o Obviously we need two good male force using romancable companions. One for the guys and one for the girls. I don't mind player sexual, but many people do.)


Playersexual or multisex takes away quite a bit of the character. Doc and coral couldn't be the way they are and it would have to be cut out. Whether people like it or not isn't the point, it just makes everything so stale.

Another our of game but more in depth story was Dorian Pavus, he was gay and his parents, didn't accept it, it made him into who he was and he was a really good character. With multisex they'd either have to cut that out, or make a story different for men and women, both of those ideas sound sad.


People find their sexual identity in real life important, whether that is gay, Les, straight or bi, why take this away from in game characters, allow them to be different! I like Cytharat too and was wondering why my partner could flirt but I couldn't! (I really had no clue at the time as I just returned since years) But a gay character was necessary and it's a shame he wasn't a companion.

Edited by Eshvara
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I know....but I still like him...my agent would totally tell Lana and Temple to go shove it if he came back and we could continue to romance him


My Inquisitor would dump Theron in a second, if Cytharat returned to his life! :D

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I kind of want to know what's hiding under that mask first. What was under Marr's certainly was an unpleasant surprise. Doesn't matter that it was a placeholder, it'll never change either way, especially since he's dead! I do generally think of Marr as a character of whose looks are unknown, just sometimes you're reminded of what was physically there and it can't be unseen.:p:D


unpleasnt really? ok! tell me what was unpleasant about it? was is because he was a black guy and not a white guy? how many black characters are place holders? let me guess! none! Marr is and will always be a black guy that was under that mask! you can be bother by that all you want but it doesn't change the facts. I'm glad he turned out to be a black guy. when i first saw it, i let out a huge battle cry of excitment :D:D:D:D;)

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Malgus "died" off screen, he clearly isn't dead. Someone which such a long back story from before the game won't just randomly die like that. Not sure what to think about Revan, but I don't believe we'd be seeing him again.

I'm 99% sure we'll be seeing Malgus again, probably with the next big main story! And I'm ready for it, it's that I'm extremely biased when it comes to Arcann, but Malgus is such a ln amazing character.:rak_03: One of the greatest!


I've noting against Malgus at all, great character but bringing him back after that death just seems rather "EU" return of the emperor.


They could have done better in how he "didn't die" perhaps sort of like Jadus ... I would prefer a Jadus return to Malgus, Jadus just felt like he barely got touched on during the story and seems like there could just be so much more reason (oh and the whole not being dead part) for him to be the next big bad.


Malgus return for me would bel ike "meh yay but it's just a rehash like what they've done with Revan" but Jadus would be like "Yes! Finally this story is continuing".

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unpleasnt really? ok! tell me what was unpleasant about it? was is because he was a black guy and not a white guy? how many black characters are place holders? let me guess! none! Marr is and will always be a black guy that was under that mask! you can be bother by that all you want but it doesn't change the facts. I'm glad he turned out to be a black guy. when i first saw it, i let out a huge battle cry of excitment :D:D:D:D;)


Jace Malcolm is darker skinned too, he doesn't look unpleasant. And koth looks alright. Stop acting special and jump to conclusions. Marr's skin colour was a lot darker for my liking and the face itself wasn't very nice either. Mandalore has the exact same face, which is why I said placeholder. Marr wasn't supposed to be seen.



I've noting against Malgus at all, great character but bringing him back after that death just seems rather "EU" return of the emperor.


They could have done better in how he "didn't die" perhaps sort of like Jadus ... I would prefer a Jadus return to Malgus, Jadus just felt like he barely got touched on during the story and seems like there could just be so much more reason (oh and the whole not being dead part) for him to be the next big bad.


Malgus return for me would bel ike "meh yay but it's just a rehash like what they've done with Revan" but Jadus would be like "Yes! Finally this story is continuing".


I have nothing against characters coming back if done appropriately, but obviously you can only do it so many times to the same character. I never saw Malgus as dead and I don't think we were supposed to, but ok!


As for Jadus, he's awesome as well and I hope he'll make a return too. I was quite surprised how he only really features in the IA story as he's such a strong character. Hopefully we'll see more of him.:D

Edited by Eshvara
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You joking right ???

You know, when we kill someone we actually want them to stay dead and burried....

Also we want our core companions. no oen here gives a damn about new companions because Bioware made an awesome job at giving them no personal interaction with the main character ( delete the word outlander, failed idea). All the new characters are dull and boring. Even the consular companions have more character development than the new ones.... Lana and theron might be the only ones ppl actually play with becase they had major roles before. WE want CORE COMPANIONS, not new ones that have a dialogue here and there and then they are good for nothing.


Here is a NEW HOPE, i hope the alliance (as so many of us already are guessing) disappears from the man, Oddessen is blown up to oblivion and we never ever hear about that thing ever again.


Dead should be dead, at times, like Valkorion, I can understand and support it. But the amount of times Revan came back from the dead... It is sad but I am kinda done with Revan because of how milked out he is.


As to what is said in the second part of the quote, yes, please, end the Alliance, lose Odessen and please, please allow us to return to our original factions or defect if that is what people want. I never wanted to be part of the Alliance, I wanted to be rescued by Lana, taken off Zakuul and then head back straight to Dromund Kaas to help the Empire get back up again. While it is a completely different subject than what this thread is about, I do want to go back to my original faction. I am done with the "Sith and Jedi join powers!", I want all out war between the Republic and Empire, I want Jedi dueling Sith, just as it should be. Because the entire Alliance and everything about it feels so unnatural to me. I play it because I don't have a choice (and here I thought choices mattered), but just allow us to get back to the Empire and Republic.

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Dead should be dead, at times, like Valkorion, I can understand and support it. But the amount of times Revan came back from the dead... It is sad but I am kinda done with Revan because of how milked out he is.


As to what is said in the second part of the quote, yes, please, end the Alliance, lose Odessen and please, please allow us to return to our original factions or defect if that is what people want. I never wanted to be part of the Alliance, I wanted to be rescued by Lana, taken off Zakuul and then head back straight to Dromund Kaas to help the Empire get back up again. While it is a completely different subject than what this thread is about, I do want to go back to my original faction. I am done with the "Sith and Jedi join powers!", I want all out war between the Republic and Empire, I want Jedi dueling Sith, just as it should be. Because the entire Alliance and everything about it feels so unnatural to me. I play it because I don't have a choice (and here I thought choices mattered), but just allow us to get back to the Empire and Republic.


Well...after Iokath this is kinda where everything is going...back to Emp vs Pub... I dont like it, but i dont mind, i understand why some would want to go back but what bothers me is that after 2 expansions of drilling in your head that you are meant to rule zakuul and etc etc here comes Iokath where they force you to choose between *** kissing Pub or Emp and ignore everything that happened in those 2 expansions...Honestly i would have liked a middle version where i can go tell them to go *ahem* themselves lol :D

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Well...after Iokath this is kinda where everything is going...back to Emp vs Pub... I dont like it, but i dont mind, i understand why some would want to go back but what bothers me is that after 2 expansions of drilling in your head that you are meant to rule zakuul and etc etc here comes Iokath where they force you to choose between *** kissing Pub or Emp and ignore everything that happened in those 2 expansions...Honestly i would have liked a middle version where i can go tell them to go *ahem* themselves lol :D


To be honest? The entire plot of the Outlander and Zakuul should have been a seperate storyline, a different character and not a continuation of our initial class story characters. The entire KotET and KotFE expansions should have been a sort of "ninth" class story instead our previous toons becoming the Outlander, because basically Bioware locked our characters out from a lot of potential storylines. You can't go back to the Republic or Empire because you suddenly have become Emperor/Empress or a Galactic Big Brother of sorts and have to lead an Alliance that is becoming more and more unnatural to me. Sith and Jedi are NOT supposed to work together, lore-wise they have deep-rooted hatred for one another and the exact same goes for the Republic and Empire. The Republic tried to commit genocide on the Sith species after the Great Hyperspace War, the entire concept of the reconstituted Sith Empire was to get revenge for what they suffered at the Republic's and Jedi's hands, how could an Imperial or Sith willingly work together with a Jedi or a Pub?


Bioware made a mistake in my opinion in KotFE by not giving us the choice to either go with Lana and co to Odessen and found the Alliance, or return to our original faction or perhaps even defect to our enemy faction and continue the story from there. We were forced into this Alliance thing and as the story progresses I am feeling more and more iffy about it all.

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Well...after Iokath this is kinda where everything is going...back to Emp vs Pub... I dont like it, but i dont mind, i understand why some would want to go back but what bothers me is that after 2 expansions of drilling in your head that you are meant to rule zakuul and etc etc here comes Iokath where they force you to choose between *** kissing Pub or Emp and ignore everything that happened in those 2 expansions...Honestly i would have liked a middle version where i can go tell them to go *ahem* themselves lol :D


While this is getting off the topic, I agree. I enjoyed not having to be part of the empire with my agent and sorceress. My agent especially does not trust the empire. I would have enjoyed another choice. I actually enjoyed the alliance instead of having to be empire on those characters. That actually fit my roleplay a lot better.

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Dead should be dead

It's not about bringing dead characters back to life - it's about still being able to romance a character that you made the choice to keep alive, even if there was the option to kill them / let them die.


It's nice to hear Charles say that such characters aren't off the table for future development, but honestly I'm taking that claim with a grain of salt.

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It's not about bringing dead characters back to life - it's about still being able to romance a character that you made the choice to keep alive, even if there was the option to kill them / let them die.


Yep, this is what I intended to say - sorry for any confusion!


Do you mean like... Kai Zykken? Major gap being that I want him? :rak_03:




For the record, Musco is not involved in story brainstorms :p

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While this is getting off the topic, I agree. I enjoyed not having to be part of the empire with my agent and sorceress. My agent especially does not trust the empire. I would have enjoyed another choice. I actually enjoyed the alliance instead of having to be empire on those characters. That actually fit my roleplay a lot better.


Considering you can become a double agent for the SIS in one of the endings of the Agent story, it absolutely makes sense to allow Agents in particular to choose the Republic side on Iokath.


Honestly, I'd have preferred if we'd been given a third option: "Get the kriff of my planet, NEITHER of you get the superweapon." We spent two excuses for 'expansions' building up this third faction, only to now basically give up your third major power neutral status to jump into bed with Red or Blue again? That seems like a huge plot hole.

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Yep, this is what I intended to say - sorry for any confusion!


Since there was a discussion on the subreddit about it:


Are we just talking about companions here or also other story characters that can die, like the trio of characters of which you can only save two in KOTFE chapter 15? Obviously none of those three would be romance options, but this is more about whether or not you plan to keep these characters around.

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