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Keith! You continue to amaze!


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I don't know you, why are you speaking as if this thread is about you?


I wasn't, you quoted my post where I simply commented on how I thought it was nice that the person got the armor. I wasn't addressing anyone in particular in the post, I was just commenting on a forum post in regard to the original topic. You engaged with me, I'm not even entirely sure why since I said nothing controversial or pointed at you in my original comment.


I responded to your quote without any kind of ill intentions, merely stated I was sorry the situation bothered you, but that I wasn't interested in a debate about the matter. I then wished you well. I'm still not sure why you quoted my comment in the first place as it really wasn't pointed at you or anyone else. Not sure why there's such a defensive tone unless you''re just misreading my intent. In any case, I'll wish you well again and hope that this puts an end to whatever offense my initial post seemed to trigger.

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I wasn't, you quoted my post where I simply commented on how I thought it was nice that the person got the armor. I wasn't addressing anyone in particular in the post, I was just commenting on a forum post in regard to the original topic. You engaged with me, I'm not even entirely sure why since I said nothing controversial or pointed at you in my original comment.


I responded to your quote without any kind of ill intentions, merely stated I was sorry the situation bothered you, but that I wasn't interested in a debate about the matter. I then wished you well. I'm still not sure why you quoted my comment in the first place as it really wasn't pointed at you or anyone else. Not sure why there's such a defensive tone unless you''re just misreading my intent. In any case, I'll wish you well again and hope that this puts an end to whatever offense my initial post seemed to trigger.


Ahh now I understand.

No there was on offense there and I apologize if my reply implied any. I was not offended and I am sorry if you were.


I have had to defend my position on this quite vigorously on this thread which I accept, its not a popular one.

What I did not expect was to have to endure the insults and pettiness, maybe that was naive of me but if I answered you in a sour manner then that is why and I apologize for this.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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Are you for real? Sour grapes much...


Any people actually "upset" about this need to get over themselves. There is literally no valid reason to get "upset" about this what so ever.


I personally thought it was a great gesture and wouldn't mind seeing more "random" acts to the community who help promote this game in the future.


Thee isn't much to be done about it but what this game doesn't need with all it's other issues is nepotism thrown on top of it. That is a perfectly valid reason to be at odds with this and exactly what this is. No community needs that.


So, I'll be disagreeing with you here.

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So funny to me that anyone who politely disagrees with what was done gets nothing but insults thrown at them supposedly for "being mean to the streamer" when they clearly never are. Isn't throwing insults and talking down to them because you disagree being mean to them? If your so irked at their opinion don't reply :rolleyes:
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So funny to me that anyone who politely disagrees with what was done gets nothing but insults thrown at them supposedly for "being mean to the streamer" when they clearly never are. Isn't throwing insults and talking down to them because you disagree being mean to them? If your so irked at their opinion don't reply :rolleyes:


You are very much right. I do think it's funny that the server merger thread was "adjusted" and this thread not so much yet it has the same problem.


Hey folks,


A few rule reminders:

  • Discussion of moderation is not permitted.
  • Please remain respectful of other forum users. Disagreement and discussion is fine, personal attacks are not.


Thanks everyone.



That second one needs to carry a bit more weight to it.

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Ahh now I understand.

I have had to defend my position on this quite vigorously on this thread which I accept, its not a popular one.

What I did not expect was to have to endure the insults and pettiness, maybe that was naive of me but if I answered you in a sour manner then that is why and I apologize for this.


You know your position is unpopular, chose to state it. Ok, good for you. why defend it. You will not convenience anyone. I would not bother defending it. You had your say, now others having theirs. Way it goes.


However, for what it is worth, given the exposure I am sure someone at bioware read it, so they may or may not agree with you, but I am sure you were heard. So from my perspective, looks like a mission accomplished for you.



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Ahh now I understand.

No there was on offense there and I apologize if my reply implied any. I was not offended and I am sorry if you were.


I have had to defend my position on this quite vigorously on this thread which I accept, its not a popular one.

What I did not expect was to have to endure the insults and pettiness, maybe that was naive of me but if I answered you in a sour manner then that is why and I apologize for this.


Nno worries on my end then. Simple misunderstanding, happens easily with this kind communication.

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You know your position is unpopular, chose to state it. Ok, good for you. why defend it. You will not convenience anyone. I would not bother defending it. You had your say, now others having theirs. Way it goes.


However, for what it is worth, given the exposure I am sure someone at bioware read it, so they may or may not agree with you, but I am sure you were heard. So from my perspective, looks like a mission accomplished for you.




To be fair he has every right to defend his position when people keep trying to call him out on it after all. As I've said many times now the best thing to do if you disagree strongly is just ignore the post. Or reply once to get your opinion across then leave it alone. The problem is everybody wants to have the last word against this dude and so we end up with a 20 page argument over the same points over and over again.

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You know your position is unpopular, chose to state it. Ok, good for you. why defend it. You will not convenience anyone. I would not bother defending it. You had your say, now others having theirs. Way it goes.


However, for what it is worth, given the exposure I am sure someone at bioware read it, so they may or may not agree with you, but I am sure you were heard. So from my perspective, looks like a mission accomplished for you.




I believe you are right.

However I need to see a nice yellow post before I will be willing to drop it.

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I believe you are right.

However I need to see a nice yellow post before I will be willing to drop it.


Odds of that are like 0.01% tho you realise that? I mean the devs never comment on stuff like this. At least I've rarely seen it. You can't really think they are going to personally respond to your annoyance? I mean stating your disagreement is one thing but you can't expect them to reply. Otherwise realistically they'd have to be replying to every person with a minor complaint OR it could be construed as the very thing you are upset about. Favouritism. Why answer your complaint but ignore the rest of the community you know? Just being realistic here. If your honestly expecting a dev to reply my guess is you'll be waiting till hell freezes over buddy xD They'll never actually address any of this.

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Odds of that are like 0.01% tho you realise that? I mean the devs never comment on stuff like this. At least I've rarely seen it. You can't really think they are going to personally respond to your annoyance? I mean stating your disagreement is one thing but you can't expect them to reply. Otherwise realistically they'd have to be replying to every person with a minor complaint OR it could be construed as the very thing you are upset about. Favouritism. Why answer your complaint but ignore the rest of the community you know? Just being realistic here. If your honestly expecting a dev to reply my guess is you'll be waiting till hell freezes over buddy xD They'll never actually address any of this.


Yes I know the chance is slim but its not entirely impossible

19 pages and counting after all.


Also I do not think you can apply the same complaint to this, however I do see your point.

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Yes I know the chance is slim but its not entirely impossible

19 pages and counting after all.


Also I do not think you can apply the same complaint to this, however I do see your point.


Sure, it's not impossible, but I'd move on if I were you. After all there are threads about returning old companions, Alec with his Jedi robes whining, heck even you with your Guild name thread and various other extremely popular threads with a LOT more pages and views overall than this that they never think to address. But hey, I'm not gonna hate on you if you wanna keep trying to get their attention. Doesn't hurt me after all. I just think your efforts will be in vain unfortunately for you :(

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Wow playing favorites much?


Must be nice to be handed something so sought-after on a silver platter.


"Friends" at Bioware really pay off huh.


I think it was wonderful she got an armour set she had obviously desired! :)


Whether knowing someone at Bioware got her a freebie spawned set or her friend bought it for her and thought it would be cool to have Keith give it to her I don't think matters too much. How she got the set doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I paid for my set, albeit when it first came out and wasn't the price it is today.


She was genuinely thrilled to bits and to me that is what matters. The look of happiness on her face made the gesture totally worthwhile.


Enjoy your armour, it is a great set! :D

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Thee isn't much to be done about it but what this game doesn't need with all it's other issues is nepotism thrown on top of it. That is a perfectly valid reason to be at odds with this and exactly what this is. No community needs that.


So, I'll be disagreeing with you here.


I would be very naive to think that nepotism, whether rampant or isolated cases, isn't a part of pretty much any online game.


Life is not fair and often in game it is exactly that.


I am sure there are people that have committed every exploit in this game and managed to keep their ill gotten gains each time with a very minor slap on the wrist.


I am sure there are more than 1 or 2 people who are fabulously wealthy now because they bought gold farming currency way back in the day and used that initial capital to build their current wealth.


As a paying grunt who is not a blip on the Bioware team's radar I just go '"meh" and go about my daily activities.


'IF' this is a case of nepotism then there is nothing you can do about it but move on.


Again, life is not fair. /shrug

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'IF' this is a case of nepotism then there is nothing you can do about it but move on.


Again, life is not fair. /shrug


The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing


A little melodramatic for this situation but the intent is clear.

Do or say nothing and nothing changes.

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The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing


A little melodramatic for this situation but the intent is clear.

Do or say nothing and nothing changes.


I know where you're coming from and I have to say, frankly, you've been pretty tolerant of the abuse heaped your way. If the set was given just for being a friend of a Bioware employee then yes I could easily empathise with people that would be a tad miffed, and rightly so.


For me I am not bothered. I don't know her, she seemed really chuffed to get the set, and seeing how happy she was to receive the gift made me smile.


If something were to come from this, if it was in fact a Bioware employee giving a mate a freebie, then I would hope that they would then start doing this to random people on the servers as a gesture of goodwill. Heck if I saw someone post in fleetchat "Omg I just got this 'insert random gift' from Bioware, What the Frack???" I'd think that was bloody awesome! :D

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I know where you're coming from and I have to say, frankly, you've been pretty tolerant of the abuse heaped your way. If the set was given just for being a friend of a Bioware employee then yes I could easily empathise with people that would be a tad miffed, and rightly so.


I don't see any point in firing back in the same way, it obscures the point I am trying to make, likewise I have been completely honest about my own avarice, I don't deny that part of myself as so many others seem to do.


For me I am not bothered. I don't know her, she seemed really chuffed to get the set, and seeing how happy she was to receive the gift made me smile.


There will be many on the thread that do not believe this but I also smiled at this. I am happy for her but this thread is not about her it is about the gift not the recipient.


If something were to come from this, if it was in fact a Bioware employee giving a mate a freebie, then I would hope that they would then start doing this to random people on the servers as a gesture of goodwill. Heck if I saw someone post in fleetchat "Omg I just got this 'insert random gift' from Bioware, What the Frack???" I'd think that was bloody awesome! :D


I agree with this.

If this is the start of some random gift-giving project then that is great but it does not read that way, it does not look like this to me at all. The wording used is very suspect in my opinion and needs explanation.


At 200+ posts and 20 pages its time that Keith addressed this.

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I don't see any point in firing back in the same way, it obscures the point I am trying to make, likewise I have been completely honest about my own avarice, I don't deny that part of myself .


That's the problem your point is completely nullified because you are hypocritical about it. You are mad cause someone got something, and you argue that the only fair thing to do is give everyone the same or take the item back. But in the same breath you also claim that if you had gotten the item that you would keep it and then try and exploit that outlet for more, and only for yourself, as you would not fight to get everyone the same. You can't have it both ways. Either you are against it and want fairness for all, or you are a selfish troll who's just trolling.

Edited by Darkside
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That's the problem your point is completely nullified because you are hypocritical about it. You are mad cause someone got something, and you argue that the only fair thing to do is give everyone the same or take the item back. But in the same breath you also claim that if you had gotten the item that you would keep it and then try and exploit that outlet for more, and only for yourself, as you would not fight to get everyone the same. You can't have it both ways. Either you are against it and want fairness for all, or you are a selfish troll who's just trolling.


I can have it both ways.


I am not the perfect embodiment of fairness and I admit that my own weakness would cause me to not "look a gift horse in the mouth" regardless if I know it to be wrong or not, the same could be said of the streamer couldn't it?

It is quite possible that this is as dodgy as it looks, the streamer knows this and just looks the other way.


And as I said before I would certainly try for more of the same from the same source. its only logical, humanity is fueled by greed and I do not pretend to be any better than the next guy.




None of that stops me seeing that this is inherently unfair and since it is not my gift horse I am quite comfortable bringing this up and fighting for this cause, can my silence on this matter be purchased... Yes it can. I am what I am but that is not relevant to this.


The point is this looks bad and smells bad. Based on the conversation that was had within the stream there is sufficient evidence to suggest that something hinky went on here and it needs to be explained.


Two sentences that I have been extolling for 20 pages and 200+ posts, some agree most do not but I say again there is enough proof to look into this further and that is what I am advocating.

Keith, just explain this to us please.

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I can have it both ways.


I am not the perfect embodiment of fairness and I admit that my own weakness would cause me to not "look a gift horse in the mouth" regardless if I know it to be wrong or not, the same could be said of the streamer couldn't it?

It is quite possible that this is as dodgy as it looks, the streamer knows this and just looks the other way.


And as I said before I would certainly try for more of the same from the same source. its only logical, humanity is fueled by greed and I do not pretend to be any better than the next guy.




None of that stops me seeing that this is inherently unfair and since it is not my gift horse I am quite comfortable bringing this up and fighting for this cause, can my silence on this matter be purchased... Yes it can. I am what I am but that is not relevant to this.


The point is this looks bad and smells bad. Based on the conversation that was had within the stream there is sufficient evidence to suggest that something hinky went on here and it needs to be explained.


Two sentences that I have been extolling for 20 pages and 200+ posts, some agree most do not but I say again there is enough proof to look into this further and that is what I am advocating.

Keith, just explain this to us please.


Your contradictory stances cause you to forfeit all right to have an opinion about the matter, or the right to complain about it. Pick one or the other and then come back.

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and people wonder why the world is so F - ed up. Nepotism ? Really? She sounds like she's from Slovenia ( or from some where in Europe). BW is a US company. She doesn't even have 1000 subscribers. SO, where would nepotism come from? If it was Sam or Vaulk, then I'd understand.


Her friend just wanted to give her a gift and make it special, and Kieth was kind enough to indulge him. Jeeze.


Can't even be a good Samaritan anymore cause somebody is going to be pressed about it.



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