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Jedi Consular (sage) vs Sith Warrior


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So this has been bugging me a long time, if the Jedi Sage and Sith Warrior were to throw down, who would come out on top?


Consular seems much stronger in the force, but the SW/JK are supposed to be the bee's knees of their respective factions (which is hammered into your head throughout their stories) so I can't really visualize it at all.


What do you guys think?

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Maybe it's my own personal bias (I've finally been getting around to the Sith Warrior story, and the way everyone constantly talks your character up is getting on my nerves it a way that even JK didn't), but I always figured the Consular and Inquisitor were significantly more powerful than the Knight and the Warrior. Maybe in a direct confrontation, the JK and SW's lightsaber skills and combat abilities level the playing field, but at best you could argue that all four are rough equals (though the fact that Darth Imperius doesn't have the benefits of Force Walk that Darth Nox does makes the Inquisitor's position kind of shaky).
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The counselor would win. Due to game mechanics we cannot use our lightsabers but in a real situation they counselor would be just as proficient as the warrior.


its not like palpatine was a warrior, and he was a master of all lightsaber forms as was Yoda ( who was a counselor ). Vadar was the best warrior but he couldn't beat pally :D


I hope that answers the question.

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Maybe it's my own personal bias (I've finally been getting around to the Sith Warrior story, and the way everyone constantly talks your character up is getting on my nerves it a way that even JK didn't), but I always figured the Consular and Inquisitor were significantly more powerful than the Knight and the Warrior. Maybe in a direct confrontation, the JK and SW's lightsaber skills and combat abilities level the playing field, but at best you could argue that all four are rough equals (though the fact that Darth Imperius doesn't have the benefits of Force Walk that Darth Nox does makes the Inquisitor's position kind of shaky).


I thought the JK was way more annoying, SW I kinda embraced it as one big power trip lol


And Yezzan that is also a good point, I don't know if the Consular would be AS good with the saber but the force advantage definitely makes up for it.


If this is the case though, why wouldn't the consular be the golden boy and sent after the Emperor?

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I got the feeling the Consular, Knight and Warrior start out being all that. I'd even argue the Inquisitor is as well, the difference being, the Consular, Knight and Warrior are already known to be all that, at the beginning of their stories.


The Inquisitor, obviously being seen by Zash, is seen by one, but not all, likely due to the Empire's own prejudices, the Inquisitor being a slave and all.


Zash is likely able to see past the slave aspect because 1) she doesn't seem to be as prejudicial as many in the Empire and 2) she's dying. :p

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So this has been bugging me a long time, if the Jedi Sage and Sith Warrior were to throw down, who would come out on top?


Consular seems much stronger in the force, but the SW/JK are supposed to be the bee's knees of their respective factions (which is hammered into your head throughout their stories) so I can't really visualize it at all.


What do you guys think?


I think the jedi consular is the strongest force user in the game.


He regular uses the force to blast open door's, heal wounds, force push people across the room.


In a 1vs1 dual.

One is a master lightsaber dualist the other can heal himself and force push you indefinitly.


In a army vs army:

One act as agent for the emperor the other had to require entire armies and did so in mere months(if not quicker)


If i would pity my jedi sage vs my sith juggenought.

The sage would wipe the floot with my sith juggenought in all content.

He is smarter, stronger with the force, has done alot more, has many friends.

The only way my sith juggenough could win is if he manage to deliver a killing blow while being offered a chance for redemption.


The sith warrior and jedi knight are the most know frontless heroes.

Not the strongest of the story.


A jedi knight kills the "Emperor" the sith warrior exchange being a slave from barus to a slave to the emperors hand.

The sith warrior needed a dark council member to let them into the council chambers.

In comparision the sith inqisitors simply walk/killed his way inside.


The jedi knight and sith warriors are poster boys.

Good for reqruitment and propaganda.


But sage's are the once who get the job done.

Need friends: You need a sage.

Need someone kept alive: sage's can heal people back from near death.

Need someone dead: Send an agent.

Need someone looking like a awesome but is compleetly irelevent: Get yourself a sith warrior.

Edited by internaty
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I thought the JK was way more annoying, SW I kinda embraced it as one big power trip lol


And Yezzan that is also a good point, I don't know if the Consular would be AS good with the saber but the force advantage definitely makes up for it.


If this is the case though, why wouldn't the consular be the golden boy and sent after the Emperor?


Personally, I liked the Knight better because what the Knight was actually doing was more impressive. The Warrior is basically a hitman (or hitwoman, but I don't think that's a word) for a bunch of more powerful and more important Sith (Baras, sort of Vengean, Vitiate), while the Knight is doing the typical Star Wars save-the-galaxy kind of stuff. I guess it's a matter of taste, and whether your preferred power trip is saving the day or crushing your (bosses') enemies.


Regardless, sort of the point of having Jedi and Sith be four classes instead of just two is that JK and SW are skilled fighters, while JC and SI are stronger in the Force. And while the Force isn't an infallible weapon (even non-Force users can beat the space wizards under the right circumstances - Jadus, Tormen, etc.), I'd say it still gives those classes a distinct advantage. Then again, both the Knight and the Warrior have killed an Emperor's Voice (At least I think so - I haven't actually gotten to Voss yet on my Warrior, but my understanding is that's what you do there), so it's not like they're any strangers to beating down powerful sorcerers and the like.


On the scale of a war, it's kind of irrelevant, because Consular can raise an army, and Warrior can cut through it without much difficulty until it just ends up being on-on-one again. Same for Inquisitor and Knight.

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Well, we have to look at it from what we know of the movies and not the game.


I'll use Yoda and Palpatine


Vader and Obi-wan


Now, Yada and Palpatine were councelor and sorcerer, respectively, and both were masters of all light saber forms. Neither Obi-wan nor Lord Vader could beat Yoda or Palpatine.


Even though, my belief is that the strongest character is Darth Nox, in game, followed by Basen'thor, then the Hero of Tython and then the Emperor's Wrath.

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Well yes but Windu was an guardian and he beat Palpatine so this is my counter proof. If you do not know your movies do not give examples.


So yeah an guardian or an sith warrior can beat an inquisitor or an sage.


Windu didn't beat Palpatine, plus Windu's used Vaapad, which was why he didn't die like the others. Palpatine pretended to be defeated, when he saw Anakin entered, because he wanted Anakin to make a choice. he knew anakin would choose to save him because of the visions he had about Padme's death.


So state your opinion without being rude cause at the end of the day Windu died, while Palpatine went on to rule the galaxy.

Edited by Yezzan
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Please Windu beat Palapatine and the emperor did not trew the fight because he was no yet sure what Anakin will do and Palpatine does now want to die so do not sell to me that BS.


Know your movies. Also as said in this thread both SW and JK beat the voice of the emperor who is an sorcerer. So there is that also.

Edited by adormitul
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Please Windu beat Palapatine and the emperor did not trew the fight because he was no yet sure what Anakin will do and Palpatine does now want to die so do not sell to me that BS.


Know your movies. Also as said in this thread both SW and JK beat the voice of the emperor who is an sorcerer. So there is that also.


Disagree. Letting Windu seem like he won was the plan the moment Anakin showed up. Palpatine was no where near done which is why when Anakin cut off Windu's arm he blasted him with force lightning with ease. This not only killed him but made Anakin an accomplice in the death which solidified his allegiance to the dark side. Also later when Yoda and Sidious went at each other, it was obvious that Palpatine was an expert duelist. This is confirmed in the Book "Darth Plagueis". Windu was strong but he was not at the same level as Yoda and Palpatine.


As to the OP ...


All of the force users start off equal is seems. They are either gifted or the best of their generation or have extreme potential. The Knight/Warrior specializes in the saber skills while the Sage/Inquisitor spent their time studying the deeper aspect of the force. Keep in mind that using the saber also requires the force so all the classes are powerful in the force.


To me they would be equal ... except for Darth Nox. He/she had an inborn ability to force-walk which when trained allowed them to gather more force power. Of course, he/she went too far and in the end ... and this is the main point here ... they had their body rebuilt by the Mother Machine to be able to handle more force power and their minds reconditioned to handle that power mentally. This is a HUGE difference and puts Darth Nox on a higher level more closely related to the emperor than his "peers". Most likely, Nox would be near immortal and if given the same time spent learning the secrets of the force the emperor had, he would closely match that power.


Think of this as 4 cars all pretty much equal in power. Some had bigger wheels some had a better stereo. However, take one of those cars and put in a more powerful engine and better transmission and that car would pull away from the rest. Whether intentional or not, that is what the class story for the Inquisitor did.


However between the Sage and Knight ... I would say the one who made the first mistake would lose. Other than that they would be equal.

Edited by Malkosha
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Please Windu beat Palapatine and the emperor did not trew the fight because he was no yet sure what Anakin will do and Palpatine does now want to die so do not sell to me that BS.


Know your movies. Also as said in this thread both SW and JK beat the voice of the emperor who is an sorcerer. So there is that also.


Throwing a tantrum isn't going to make anyone agree with you. Whether Palpatine allowed Mace to get the upper hand or not is a matter of perspective; not a matter of fact. The fact is Mace Windu died. End of story.


The Jedi Knight Destroyed the Voice of the Emperor, as did the Wrath, not the Emperor, himself.


In both instances the Emperor was weakened:


With the Wrath,lowered his defenses to allow the Wrath to strike him down. Sel Mekor took temporary control but that didn;t work.


With the Jedi Knight, the Emperor had just transferred to a new host, having been killed by the Wrath before. So he was weakened, which is why he was incorporeal after that. Then Revan messed up and revived him on Yavin 4.


No one person could kill the Emperor. So, zip it already. Jeeze.


Moreover, raw power does not mean a guaranteed win.


Palpatine kill Pleguis, not because he was stronger than him, but because Pleguis was drunk.


Obi-wan beat Anakin because Obi-wan had the high ground.


Darth Bane killed Kas'im, and even he acknowledged that Kas'im was stronger. Bane couldn't beat him in combat, so he toppled a portion of temple ruins on him, at the opportune moment.


Paplatine beat Yoda because the simultaneous deaths of hundreds of Jedi bore down on Yoda and affect him. SO he fled.


There is no certainty of who would win, all we can offer is speculation.

Edited by Yezzan
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Oh come one Palpatine killed his drunk master so he would not risk dying at his hands do you really think that Anakin is worth risking his life for?

Do any of you know Palpatine this guy in the end is an coward he values himself more then he values an apprentice. He lost to Windu a guardian because Windu was an better duelist.

Darth Bane did not planed for the archway to fall on the battlemaster it was luck on his part not strategy.

While the emperor was weakened in both cases when he lost to the warrior and the knight he was still an sorcerer with sorcerer skills and they did not worked in the 2 lightsaber orientated classes.

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Oh come one Palpatine killed his drunk master so he would not risk dying at his hands do you really think that Anakin is worth risking his life for?

Do any of you know Palpatine this guy in the end is an coward he values himself more then he values an apprentice. He lost to Windu a guardian because Windu was an better duelist.

Darth Bane did not planed for the archway to fall on the battlemaster it was luck on his part not strategy.

While the emperor was weakened in both cases when he lost to the warrior and the knight he was still an sorcerer with sorcerer skills and they did not worked in the 2 lightsaber orientated classes.


I'm going to assume that English is not your first language, and is what accounts for your difficulty to grasp the concepts expressed here.


Windu wasn't a better duelist, his use of Vaapad was what allowed him to last so long. Re-watch the scene, when Anakin entered the room, Palpatine started this woe is me crap, and crying like a baby, don't let him kill me Anakin. And you believed that? lol


Plagueis had no intentions of killing Palpatine, and neither did Palpatine (of killing Plagueis), until the opportunity presented itself; and so he did what any Sith would do: cease it.


Anakin was created by Palpatine and Plagueis ( or so they believed, when they performed a ritual that tipped the balance of the force in favor of the dark side - - read!). If Palpatine did not turn Anakin to the Dark side, it would have been the end of the Sith. So, he had to take the risk, in that moment, when the Jedi discovered that he was the Sith Lord.


what would he have done? Mace Windu and Anakin would have killed him and that's that. So, everything banked on Anakin becoming Palpatine's apprentice. Why you think he let anakin kill Dooku? With Dooku dead, Palpatine was the only Sith in the Galaxy, having exiled Maul and Ventress and killed Savage.


Anyways, I digress. Believe what you will cause I'm not going to allow you to bring me to your level and beat me with experience.

Edited by Yezzan
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Yeah concede defeat. The sith do duel their apprentice like Darth Bane did with Zanah its tradition and because Windu used Vaapad it does not make it any less true that he beat Palpatine its an skill he has.

And come on now there enough prophecies that did not came true in EU and even in canon. Palpatine knew enough history and would not take the risk for something that is not true.

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Juggernaut wipes his *** with the Sage.


Seriously, the guy's unstoppable. He's this era's Darth Vader, except without being inhibited by a suit and cybernetics (unless you're a cyborg, but I always go Sith Pureblood as a SW).


But for an actual argument, I'd say that being Dark or Light matters in this battle. A DS Juggernaut wouldn't hold back anything, while a LS Sage would most likely not be trying to kill him. In a DS Juggernaut v. LS Sage contest, I give it to the Sith. In a DS v. DS situation, I'd also give it to the Sith because the dude's gonna be taunting the Jedi all throughout the fight, and the biggest difference between the two is that the Sith was brought up learning how to harness his emotions to focus them in battle, while the Jedi hasn't been taught jack about that, so she'll be inexperienced in that department of the Dark Side. In a LS Sith v. DS Jedi, it will probably be a stalemate, but with both of them on the Light Side, I think the Sage would finally win because the Sith isn't studied on how to, you know, NOT use the Dark Side.

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Juggernaut wipes his *** with the Sage.


Seriously, the guy's unstoppable. He's this era's Darth Vader, except without being inhibited by a suit and cybernetics (unless you're a cyborg, but I always go Sith Pureblood as a SW).


But for an actual argument, I'd say that being Dark or Light matters in this battle. A DS Juggernaut wouldn't hold back anything, while a LS Sage would most likely not be trying to kill him. In a DS Juggernaut v. LS Sage contest, I give it to the Sith. In a DS v. DS situation, I'd also give it to the Sith because the dude's gonna be taunting the Jedi all throughout the fight, and the biggest difference between the two is that the Sith was brought up learning how to harness his emotions to focus them in battle, while the Jedi hasn't been taught jack about that, so she'll be inexperienced in that department of the Dark Side. In a LS Sith v. DS Jedi, it will probably be a stalemate, but with both of them on the Light Side, I think the Sage would finally win because the Sith isn't studied on how to, you know, NOT use the Dark Side.


See, one of my issues with the Warrior story is that all eight player characters are unstoppable (Keep in mind that the Consular is his/her era's Yoda, who's not exactly a pushover himself), the Warrior just gets an excessive amount of praise for it for no reason.


I don't see what light side and dark side really have to do with it. They have roughly the same skillset either way (though the LS Consular is a bit weaker than DS Consular due to using the Force shielding in Chapter One). First of all, we've seen no indication that light side Jedi would give up an advantage in a fight just to be nonlethal - they'll try to avoid a conflict in the first place, and they won't kill defeated opponents, but they're not Batman. And the Dark Side can make you powerful, but it can also make you sloppy if you're not careful. Plus, it's heavily implied in the Warrior story that an LS Warrior is using calm, Jedi-ish fighting techniques, and is obviously pretty handy with them, since he/she wipes the floor with all (or most of) the same people a DS Warrior does.


None of this has anything to do with how competent they are in a fight. In my estimation, they're both very tough, and even if one's slightly more powerful than the other, it's close enough that either of them might win depending on the situation and how things play out. The Consular strikes me as someone who is intelligent and strategic (not to mention stronger in the Force overall, which would involve all of the insight and instincts that come with that), and so would probably fight smarter, while the Warrior is an exceptionally strong and skilled duelist who would certainly fight harder. I'd bet on the Consular, but that's biased by my own conceptions of the relative skillsets of my Consular and Warrior.

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See, one of my issues with the Warrior story is that all eight player characters are unstoppable (Keep in mind that the Consular is his/her era's Yoda, who's not exactly a pushover himself), the Warrior just gets an excessive amount of praise for it for no reason.


I don't see what light side and dark side really have to do with it. They have roughly the same skillset either way (though the LS Consular is a bit weaker than DS Consular due to using the Force shielding in Chapter One). First of all, we've seen no indication that light side Jedi would give up an advantage in a fight just to be nonlethal - they'll try to avoid a conflict in the first place, and they won't kill defeated opponents, but they're not Batman. And the Dark Side can make you powerful, but it can also make you sloppy if you're not careful. Plus, it's heavily implied in the Warrior story that an LS Warrior is using calm, Jedi-ish fighting techniques, and is obviously pretty handy with them, since he/she wipes the floor with all (or most of) the same people a DS Warrior does.


None of this has anything to do with how competent they are in a fight. In my estimation, they're both very tough, and even if one's slightly more powerful than the other, it's close enough that either of them might win depending on the situation and how things play out. The Consular strikes me as someone who is intelligent and strategic (not to mention stronger in the Force overall, which would involve all of the insight and instincts that come with that), and so would probably fight smarter, while the Warrior is an exceptionally strong and skilled duelist who would certainly fight harder. I'd bet on the Consular, but that's biased by my own conceptions of the relative skillsets of my Consular and Warrior.


But see, I don't buy the Consular being stronger in the Force because Anakin was stronger in the Force than Yoda, but didn't focus as much on Force abilities. They're all about the same, and their alignment does matter because if Luke had decided to kill Vader, he wouldn't have been ultra zapped by Sidious. Luke was dead to rights there. Why? Because the Light Side made him hesitate. Then again, if Sidious hadn't been so arrogant in his abilities he would have seen Vader coming, but my Sith Warrior is careful and paranoid about EVERYTHING, just like his master taught him, so he's eliminated many of the weaknesses a whole lot of Sith have.


We know canonically that the Light Side is about restraint in all things. The Consular holding back her power on the SW would be her end because the Sith Warrior isn't a mad brute. He uses the dark side, and holds nothing back, but the biggest reason why Sith like him live for so long is because they focus their rage. I will conceded, however, that this is probably all subjective to how we play our individual characters.

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Na in inquisitor, warrior, knight, consular , consular should be the weakest, there is no way a consular would stand up against a jugg or a sin in 1v1, even add on those so called friends or allies in the story, consular will be wiped.


In chapter 1 lets see, when warrior still a apprentice he defeated master yanloch and you lee together by himself, and he defeated master norman karr three times( light karr, dark karr and darker karr XP) and all three jedi masters are no ordinary masters, you lee is the best saber combat, yonloch is a consular himself and norman karr is a master even tricked baras yet they all fall before to the warrior WHEN HE IS STILL AN APPRENTICE!!!


and what consular did in chapter 1?? Healing healing and healing sacrifice own life for the others, and defeated a weak fallen JEDI PADAWAN ............. TOOK U LONG ENOUGH!


Chapter 2, plan zero, warrior became a lord and destroyed most of the republic war leaders, four generals, another two jedi master, especially Xerender's master channelled with force on hoth with force over decades their results--> all died in warrior's hand. Bravo!


Chapter 2 consular story-----> finding allies, politics, allies, politics, kill some dumb imp soldiers, ohh find out the emepor's children.............. in the end.


Chapter 3 warrior------> kill a dark council member baras sister, defeat sel makor when he takes over emperor's voice, kill a battalion of jedi by himself in correllia, another three jedi masters, free the sith entity, and kill baras a dark council member in the end.


Chapter 3 consular.............. finding children, children children, kill some children, killl the first son a jedi master and boom story end.



warrior kill: 8 jedi masters, 2 dark council members, a bunch of jedi, a bunch of pubs.

Consular: a few weak emperor's children, one jedi master.

and i see someone say consular is smashing warrior, are you kidding me???

wake up.

Edited by Alterkai
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Na in inquisitor, warrior, knight, consular , consular should be the weakest, there is no way a consular would stand up against a jugg or a sin in 1v1, even add on those so called friends or allies in the story, consular will be wiped.


In chapter 1 lets see, when warrior still a apprentice he defeated master yanloch and you lee together by himself, and he defeated master norman karr three times( light karr, dark karr and darker karr XP) and all three jedi masters are no ordinary masters, you lee is the best saber combat, yonloch is a consular himself and norman karr is a master even tricked baras yet they all fall before to the warrior WHEN HE IS STILL AN APPRENTICE!!!


and what consular did in chapter 1?? Healing healing and healing sacrifice own life for the others, and defeated a weak fallen JEDI PADAWAN ............. TOOK U LONG ENOUGH!


Chapter 2, plan zero, warrior became a lord and destroyed most of the republic war leaders, four generals, another two jedi master, especially Xerender's master channelled with force on hoth with force over decades their results--> all died in warrior's hand. Bravo!


Chapter 2 consular story-----> finding allies, politics, allies, politics, kill some dumb imp soldiers, ohh find out the emepor's children.............. in the end.


Chapter 3 warrior------> kill a dark council member baras sister, defeat sel makor when he takes over emperor's voice, kill a battalion of jedi by himself in correllia, another three jedi masters, free the sith entity, and kill baras a dark council member in the end.


Chapter 3 consular.............. finding children, children children, kill some children, killl the first son a jedi master and boom story end.



warrior kill: 8 jedi masters, 2 dark council members, a bunch of jedi, a bunch of pubs.

Consular: a few weak emperor's children, one jedi master.

and i see someone say consular is smashing warrior, are you kidding me???

wake up.


and plus, we all know the consular story is the most boring one out of eight

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Na in inquisitor, warrior, knight, consular , consular should be the weakest, there is no way a consular would stand up against a jugg or a sin in 1v1, even add on those so called friends or allies in the story, consular will be wiped.


In chapter 1 lets see, when warrior still a apprentice he defeated master yanloch and you lee together by himself, and he defeated master norman karr three times( light karr, dark karr and darker karr XP) and all three jedi masters are no ordinary masters, you lee is the best saber combat, yonloch is a consular himself and norman karr is a master even tricked baras yet they all fall before to the warrior WHEN HE IS STILL AN APPRENTICE!!!


and what consular did in chapter 1?? Healing healing and healing sacrifice own life for the others, and defeated a weak fallen JEDI PADAWAN ............. TOOK U LONG ENOUGH!


Chapter 2, plan zero, warrior became a lord and destroyed most of the republic war leaders, four generals, another two jedi master, especially Xerender's master channelled with force on hoth with force over decades their results--> all died in warrior's hand. Bravo!


Chapter 2 consular story-----> finding allies, politics, allies, politics, kill some dumb imp soldiers, ohh find out the emepor's children.............. in the end.


Chapter 3 warrior------> kill a dark council member baras sister, defeat sel makor when he takes over emperor's voice, kill a battalion of jedi by himself in correllia, another three jedi masters, free the sith entity, and kill baras a dark council member in the end.


Chapter 3 consular.............. finding children, children children, kill some children, killl the first son a jedi master and boom story end.



warrior kill: 8 jedi masters, 2 dark council members, a bunch of jedi, a bunch of pubs.

Consular: a few weak emperor's children, one jedi master.

and i see someone say consular is smashing warrior, are you kidding me???

wake up.


Alright, if we're going to play this game:


Warrior Chapter 1: A few tough Jedi and Sith.

Consular Chapter 1: Four of the Order's most decorated Masters and a very old, very powerful Sith spirit (the real threat was Terrak Morrhage, not Parkanos Tark) - powerful enough to create an especially virulent mind control plague, at least.


Warrior Chapter 2: Several aging Republic officers noted more for their strategic importance than their combat ability and one Jedi Knight who we're told is pretty tough I guess.

Consular Chapter 2: Pretty much singlehandedly liberates Balmorra, doesn't do much of interest on Quesh, defeats a guy with unkillable respawn armor (and the reason he has this ability and the reason the Consular can beat it is actually explained, unlike the fight with Lord Draahg in the Warrior story). Then beats an Emperor's Child. The Emperor's Children are not "weak," as you put it, since your only reasoning for that seems to be that the Consular beat them. They are imbued with the power of the Emperor, which is admittedly distilled, but still significant.


Warrior Chapter 3 (Which, admittedly, I haven't finished - still need to do Corellia): Two dark councilors and Sel Makor, not to mention some other assorted dangerous opponents. Alright, not too shabby.

Consular Chapter 3: Several more Children of the Emperor, including the First Son, who was at least powerful enough to conceal all of his "siblings" from detection, which would involve some serious input of Force power. I'm willing to call this a toss-up.


See? I can spin things to make my preferred class sound better too! So let's agree that we're all very much awake and we all play our characters differently and have our own favorite classes.


And we all know the real most powerful class is the Smuggler, anyway. :p

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Alright, if we're going to play this game:


Warrior Chapter 1: A few tough Jedi and Sith.

Consular Chapter 1: Four of the Order's most decorated Masters and a very old, very powerful Sith spirit (the real threat was Terrak Morrhage, not Parkanos Tark) - powerful enough to create an especially virulent mind control plague, at least.


Warrior Chapter 2: Several aging Republic officers noted more for their strategic importance than their combat ability and one Jedi Knight who we're told is pretty tough I guess.

Consular Chapter 2: Pretty much singlehandedly liberates Balmorra, doesn't do much of interest on Quesh, defeats a guy with unkillable respawn armor (and the reason he has this ability and the reason the Consular can beat it is actually explained, unlike the fight with Lord Draahg in the Warrior story). Then beats an Emperor's Child. The Emperor's Children are not "weak," as you put it, since your only reasoning for that seems to be that the Consular beat them. They are imbued with the power of the Emperor, which is admittedly distilled, but still significant.


Warrior Chapter 3 (Which, admittedly, I haven't finished - still need to do Corellia): Two dark councilors and Sel Makor, not to mention some other assorted dangerous opponents. Alright, not too shabby.

Consular Chapter 3: Several more Children of the Emperor, including the First Son, who was at least powerful enough to conceal all of his "siblings" from detection, which would involve some serious input of Force power. I'm willing to call this a toss-up.


See? I can spin things to make my preferred class sound better too! So let's agree that we're all very much awake and we all play our characters differently and have our own favorite classes.


And we all know the real most powerful class is the Smuggler, anyway. :p


lol, maybe i am too harsh when i talk about them, but seeing people talking trash to my favourite character first makes me really piss off. i played warrior story 6 times and there are 7 warriors in harbinger on my account (6 level up from 1 to 70, and one is lv70 boost.) and tried all jugg and mara disciplines. And then someone who probably only played jugg for once jumps out and says consular is better and jugg is trash, which makes me really mad.

I guess we all see other classes differently when we have our favourite class..:p

BTW no currently the most op are sniper merc, wiping other classes' faces in ranked and reg.:D:D

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lol, maybe i am too harsh when i talk about them, but seeing people talking trash to my favourite character first makes me really piss off. i played warrior story 6 times and there are 7 warriors in harbinger on my account (6 level up from 1 to 70, and one is lv70 boost.) and tried all jugg and mara disciplines. And then someone who probably only played jugg for once jumps out and says consular is better and jugg is trash, which makes me really mad.

I guess we all see other classes differently when we have our favourite class..:p

BTW no currently the most op are sniper merc, wiping other classes' faces in ranked and reg.:D:D


I'm honestly not a huge fan of Consular or Warrior (I actually agree with you that Consular story is pretty slow, and I feel like the Warrior story spends too much time trying to make you look cool and not enough time on its own plot), but I've been playing both of those stories a lot recently (finished Consular two days ago, and I'm in the middle of Corellia on my Warrior now), so I was just trying to be accurate. My favorites are actually Smuggler, Inquisitor, and Knight, and I definitely don't begrudge anyone else their preferences, since there are things I love about all eight classes.


With the Smuggler thing, I was more making a joke about how lore-wise, the Smuggler has no Force powers and no special equipment or training, and still is able to do most of the same content a Jedi or Trooper can, so clearly the Smuggler is Just That Good.

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