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Odessen Warzone imbalanced (Operative/Scoundrel only)


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Hello folks, I kniw its a bit late to bring up this topic but unfortunately i failed to coma across this issue in the past.... In ny opinion and as I (Operative Main) experience ut a lot now Odessen us slightly imbalanced for operatives uf you are in the purple team AND south is activated in the first round. (Also predation has an influence here) The thing i noticed is that right when xou get outside of the respawn area there are two different designs... Whereas you get a massive wall building on yellow side, tghere is sth comparable to a plattform on the purple side. Now if I do a cliff roll out of the spawn on purple side, i get the opportunity to do a second cliff roll (further distance) of the plattform which i obviously cant on the yelliw side (normal ground roll only). This makes me fast enough to be at south and in LoS before enemies arrive and due to their not being able to leap gives me a guaranteed cap if the teams are balanced (either both predation or no predation mainly)... I kniw its not a HUGE advantage and maybe i see sth in a way that is wrong but this is my impression for now.. Pls feel free to give your thoughts on this and let me know your ideas... Highly appreciate a serious discussion :)


In Love,

Abyss (TRE)

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You can do essentially the same thing with force speed to the speed buff powerup, super hydraulics, sniper roll, mara mad dash, etc.


The only real imbalance on Odessen is the fact that sorcs can maintain control of the node while invulnerable under Force Barrier.


Sniper crouch...

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You can do essentially the same thing with force speed to the speed buff powerup, super hydraulics, sniper roll, mara mad dash, etc.


The only real imbalance on Odessen is the fact that sorcs can maintain control of the node while invulnerable under Force Barrier.


No you cant. Operative Roll is the only ability that benefits from a ledge by such a huge amount... force speed will be actually slieed diwn when usesd at a ledge.

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Meh the enhance roll distance has been a long bug.... the question you ask yourself, with all the bugs in swtor pvp currently do we really need to fix a bug that can only work while airborne?


Personaly in OPG, coming from a stlth class main, at least stlth can do something, considering we cant hold nodes in stlth, and desperation dcd to survive (stlth out) is completely disabled while running around with a giant glowing "shoot me for my powerup" billboard growing out of our head.

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Meh the enhance roll distance has been a long bug.... the question you ask yourself, with all the bugs in swtor pvp currently do we really need to fix a bug that can only work while airborne?


Personaly in OPG, coming from a stlth class main, at least stlth can do something, considering we cant hold nodes in stlth, and desperation dcd to survive (stlth out) is completely disabled while running around with a giant glowing "shoot me for my powerup" billboard growing out of our head.


Physics are a bug? KEK

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You can do essentially the same thing with force speed to the speed buff powerup, super hydraulics, sniper roll, mara mad dash, etc.


The only real imbalance on Odessen is the fact that sorcs can maintain control of the node while invulnerable under Force Barrier.


Snipers can do the same to set off mods.

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Oh you got me completely wrong... as operative main i highly appreciate the roll physics and if bioware removes that from the game, operatives would be way way less fun... what i would suggest is to either maje a massive building in front of both spawns, or a ledge in front of both spawns... but pls keep roll as it is *__*
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