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How do Jedi counter Sitc sorcery?


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I have read the Bane-trilogy and i have played all the character-stories aand one thing that I never understood is how does jedi counter true sorcery? Some things can be countered like the Insanity power when your will is strong enough and but the more advanced things just eludes me.


If a really powerfull sorcerer uses the death field which I think is a spell (even if Bane who is not a sorcerer uses it on one occasion) what kind of Jedi-related force power can negate it if Sidious who was said to be a master of the art and who came from Banes lineage had used it he would have crushed the 4 master in true Kreia-style.


Another spell that Zannah uses is also a very nasty one. She is giving the dark side physical form shaping it into tendrils that destroyes anything they come into contact with, which is the spell she beats Bane with. a spell that could not be harmed with Force lightning.


With all these extremely nasty powers at their disposal (even if sorcerers ar not very common if Bane was right) how do Jedi go about killing these fantasy like fantasy-like OP guys because I have not found anything in the lore that allows Jedi to do so, those force shield every force user learn defends them from lightning an telekinetic blasts not from mind games and tentacles of doom.

If anyone nows how they do it please tell me.

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I have read the Bane-trilogy and i have played all the character-stories aand one thing that I never understood is how does jedi counter true sorcery? Some things can be countered like the Insanity power when your will is strong enough and but the more advanced things just eludes me.


If a really powerfull sorcerer uses the death field which I think is a spell (even if Bane who is not a sorcerer uses it on one occasion) what kind of Jedi-related force power can negate it if Sidious who was said to be a master of the art and who came from Banes lineage had used it he would have crushed the 4 master in true Kreia-style.


Another spell that Zannah uses is also a very nasty one. She is giving the dark side physical form shaping it into tendrils that destroyes anything they come into contact with, which is the spell she beats Bane with. a spell that could not be harmed with Force lightning.


With all these extremely nasty powers at their disposal (even if sorcerers ar not very common if Bane was right) how do Jedi go about killing these fantasy like fantasy-like OP guys because I have not found anything in the lore that allows Jedi to do so, those force shield every force user learn defends them from lightning an telekinetic blasts not from mind games and tentacles of doom.

If anyone nows how they do it please tell me.


The problem with sith is that they are given increasingly more power as most writtens cant write an interesting story.

So they take the short cut and just trow there loveable-can-do-no-wrong hero vs overpower-evilist-person-who-ever-lifed-and-is-better-then-the-other-villians-because-my-ego-is-big.


There are force abilities that can cut of force powers.

A jedi can use the force to sheild themself vs anything.


The difference between jedi and sith is how they use the force.


The jedi use meditation and a calm mind to ask the force to add them.


The sith use there passions to force to force to obey them.


Passion tents to leave you in a tunnel vision.


Part of the reason jedi win wars i because they remain calm in any situation.

Where sith become to focused on there goal they dont see the traps or are so focus on there own power they weaken there own empire.


This is because jedi are in control of themself.

Where sith are slaves of there passions.


The force has no limets.

If you believe it is possible.

There is a high chance it is possible.


Most force users are limeted by what they believe is possible.

Not think but believe.

How many people would believe the can lift a rock?

No mather how much they want to if they dont believe it doesnt happen.


Jedi could use the force to avoid being hit by the death field or simple turn it off.

They could use the force to feed the death field instead of there own life energie.


The jedi dont show off.


If i was to kill a sith sorceror spamming death field i would be using force sprint, force wave, stun, sheild, etc.

Or if a was playing jedi knight.

Force push, force jump, interupt.


Using the force require's concetration.

Keeping your enemy on the defends, tire them out, or use the force to make you tireless are all options.

A jedi can cast lighting as easly as a sith.

But why would they?

Lighting is a tool of the dark side.

It is used to hurt not help.


Had bane or Zannah been jedi they would have had the same level of incluence with the force but not use suchs abilities.


Yoda vs darth sideious show that sideious was nearly beaten by a 900 year old.

Who could counter his "Overpowered" force lighting.

Yoda is a old man who can barely move.

But the force allows him to fight like a 20 year old acrobate.


The jedi beat the sith the same way we do ingame.

With teamwork, cooperation, kindness, love, plot armor, and the force.

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Plot Armour is the usual suspect, along with a healthy dose of Deus Ex Machina.


And they aren't spells. They are *powers*.


Actually both Sith and Jedi talks about the more extreme dark force powers as spells and ritualls rather than just as force powers.

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It's pretty simple...mental discipline. Nomi Sunrider, for example, recognized and dispelled illusions conjured up by Sith sorcery because, like most Sith abilities, they draw energy from fear.


Sith are trained to resist the mental influence of the Jedi mind trick...Jedi, in turn, are trained to resist the mental influences of Sith (when you read about how Zannah conjures nightmares through Sith sorcery, it's pretty self-explanatory why that would be less effective, if it worked at all, against most Jedi...*most*, because we can all name several examples of troubled Jedi or those who came to their training later than most, or those whose will is simply overpowered).


Death field relies on a similar principle---imposing the Sith's will and grabbing the essence of another's life force to feed one's own. A Jedi strong enough with the Force (or quite possibly a group of Jedi working in tandem) can resist this the same way any light-side nexus would resist the dark side's influence.


As for physical manifestations, this is trickier than hours of meditation and training, but all Force-users can shield themselves with the Force (think a low-grade version of Force barrier). Some masters can deflect lightning while unarmed, with intense concentration to repel dark-side energy.


The tendrils Zannah spawned are a circumstantial case. Those took extreme concentration on a world which was for all intents and purposes a bottomless well filled with the dark side. That said, they're also different from a typical spell: The focus is on manifesting the tendrils themselves rather than on trying to overpower/influence an opponent's mind, so they're harder to defend against.


EDIT: Incidentally, I'm surprised and a little confused by Sith Sorcerers in this game using something called "Dark Heal" in lieu of Force drain. It's not that there's a lack of precedent for "Dark Heal"---there's plenty, from Kreia, to Plagueis, to Sidious, but Force drain or "Drain life" would be more of a contrast between Jedi and Sith healers in-game.


Maybe they're worried about making Sorc healers overpowered. :D

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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The tendrils Zannah spawned are a circumstantial case. Those took extreme concentration on a world which was for all intents and purposes a bottomless well filled with the dark side. That said, they're also different from a typical spell: The focus is on manifesting the tendrils themselves rather than on trying to overpower/influence an opponent's mind, so they're harder to defend against.


Maybe they could be dispelled by a more powerful force manifestation? You used Nomi Sunrider as an example, she could also directly use "Force Light", aka a physical manifestation of the light side of the force. If you were to make a manifestation like that, it would be a matter of who can pump more power into their manifestation before they win.


In addition, abilities such as Force Light could be used to cut off a Dark Side user/area from the force. I'd imagine Darth Zannah's tendrils woudn't be any threat if her opponent managed to either cut her off from the force (or from the planet's energies) or even cut off the connection between her and her tendrils (which would be an easier application of Force Severance).


EDIT: Incidentally, I'm surprised and a little confused by Sith Sorcerers in this game using something called "Dark Heal" in lieu of Force drain. It's not that there's a lack of precedent for "Dark Heal"---there's plenty, from Kreia, to Plagueis, to Sidious, but Force drain or "Drain life" would be more of a contrast between Jedi and Sith healers in-game.


Maybe they're worried about making Sorc healers overpowered. :D


They wanted balancing to be easy, so they made all classes perfectly mirrored. Because of that we have idiotic stuff like Sages sitting there throwing pebbles at their enemies, and Sorcerors healing them without any cost (lorewise, a sorcerer's heal should be large but temporary and/or more draining on the user/target/victim, while Sages should give permanent, low cost, low yield heals.

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