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Easiest to Hardest Story Mode Operations

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I have seen the difficulty order for Hard Mode Operations but I am wondering if there is any difference in order for Story Mode.


The easiest sm ops would probably be Eternity Vault and Gods of the Machine (so far)


The hardest ones I think would be Terror from Beyond and Temple of Sacrifice.


I am wondering how you would order the sm ops in difficulty?

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Right now, I don't really consider Gods of the Machine to be a true Op as it is just one boss. It can better be compared against Toborro's Courtyard and the Monolith (of which, it is the easiest).


My list From easiest to hardest (though honestly, aside from 1-2, and 3-4, all the others are pretty equal in SM. I only have EC at 5 because it is only 4 bosses)


1. EV

2. KP

3. TFB

4. SNV (only cause its 7 bosses)

5. EC

6. DF

7. DP

8. Rav

9. ToS

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Right now, I don't really consider Gods of the Machine to be a true Op as it is just one boss. It can better be compared against Toborro's Courtyard and the Monolith (of which, it is the easiest).


My list From easiest to hardest (though honestly, aside from 1-2, and 3-4, all the others are pretty equal in SM. I only have EC at 5 because it is only 4 bosses)


1. EV

2. KP

3. TFB

4. SNV (only cause its 7 bosses)

5. EC

6. DF

7. DP

8. Rav

9. ToS


I have to disagree. This is my list from easiest to hardest


1. EV

2. KP

3. DF

4. SNV

5. TFV

6. DP

7. EC

8. ToS

9. Rav

10. Tyth (literally because every group ive pugged in sm has trouble killing adds and wipes on them)

11. Toborro's Courtyard

12. Monolith

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I have to disagree. This is my list from easiest to hardest


1. EV

2. KP

3. DF

4. SNV

5. TFV

6. DP

7. EC

8. ToS

9. Rav

10. Tyth (literally because every group ive pugged in sm has trouble killing adds and wipes on them)

11. Toborro's Courtyard

12. Monolith


It's a pretty good order, although I do think some of the fights in DF might be a little bit challenging for pugs. Like Gate Commander Draxus and Brontes. Toborro's Courtyard is pretty easy if you know the mechanics. You need to destroy the isotope containers when he does the radiation leak.

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Toborro one of the hardest? One of the most widely pugged boss back in the day, including HM.


Monolith is one of the hardest for sure though


Maybe its just the groups I been in, but Toborro apparently is hard to pug nowadays. I've tried a few pug shots at it last year and was surprised how badly everyone was wiping, even in SM.

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In my experience pugging it on TEH, lasers are hard!


That cause pugs or hell most people these days have no brains or common sense, and think standing in giant lazzersand red circles buff them, or think there healer will just heal them threw it, most will be like nope i gonna let you die. special if there told the mechanic in first places.


That being said I seen some groups make EV SM so hard it makes it make TFB HM/NIM look like cake walk. i rage quit quiet few sm ops cause of this

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10. Tyth (literally because every group ive pugged in sm has trouble killing adds and wipes on them)

For real? :eek:


How? I mean... The only thing you can do wrong in SM Tyth is walking off the platform yourself.


That cause pugs or hell most people these days have no brains or common sense, and think standing in giant lazzersand red circles buff them, or think there healer will just heal them threw it, most will be like nope i gonna let you die. special if there told the mechanic in first places.

Well, why would people run out of bad? In the entirety of thwe game up to that point their companion just heals everything. So naturally, they don't think it's a problem standing in stuff.

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For real? :eek:


How? I mean... The only thing you can do wrong in SM Tyth is walking off the platform yourself.


Have done a few pug SM Tyth runs.. the amount of people having tunnel vision and completely ignoring adds is higher than a bunch of college kids on 4/20. Or they don't know what an interrupt is.

A guildie did a pug run where the tank decided to tank Tyth right in the middle of the platform the entire fight.




I do my fair share of pug SM Ops, I like to know what the average group/player on my server can do.. but often it makes me wish I didn't. Here is my order:

1. EV

2. KP

3. DP

4. EC

5. SNV (Have done multiple runs where people can't burn Tu'chuk fast enough on Cartel Warlords, or struggles with Styrak)

6. DF (Draxus and friends confuse people, as well as Brontes phases)

7. TFB (People get mixed up with the mechanics on Operator IX and The TFB quite often)

8. Rav (Master/Blaster wipes on just about every pug group I've ever tried it with)

9. ToS. (Underlurker is still a pug killer)

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When it comes to Ops... well, most content really, "I should be ok as long as I can see what I'm doing"


Dread Fortress... what slows me down in the Draxus and Brontes fights is if my game refuses to acknowledge that what I'm supposed to be hitting has actually spawned - tab targeting is very finicky for me and more than once, I've ended up smiting things in the wrong order because I can't hit what I can't see. Luckily for me I usually do guild runs so they're more patient with me than most pugs would be.


Final boss in Terror From Beyond is the absolute worst for me of anything I've actually fought - inside of the hypergate seems to take forever to load and more than once I've spawned below the combat zone and out of range of any way to get back up and get involved... and if I do manage to spawn in the right place, navigating the platforms seems to take three times as long for me as it does for anyone else - hate that fight with a passion on my Sentinel, but on my healer Sage it was much less stressful as I could stay on the starting platform and almost all my heals still reached everyone.


But yeah "As long as I can see what I'm doing".

Never tried Temple of Sacrifice or the Monolith yet... and yet to complete Explosive Conflict or Ravagers... not that anyone cares

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I tried to look on this question from a different angel. Most of the time, when I am in a certain raid, I am the raidlead. So, the question should be: Where are the mechanics so complicated, that I am not able to carry the people through the op or make them playing the mechanics?


Answering this question, Tyth can easily be done and explained. When you think you are a skilled player and your group is wiping at Tyth SM, you should maybe ask yourself, if you couldn't have done more.


So, in this case we have some complex mechanics on certain bosses and operations.

The easiest mechanics can be found in EV SM. The first two bosses are just puppets, the third boss is no boss ("just turn it left") the infernal council is a joke and on Soa, when s.o. dies, he dies on fall damage.

On the same level of easiness, you have KP. All bosses are puppets. Some Add-Groups might be more challenging then some bosses.


After that, I would place S&V. Most of the bosses are puppets. Maybe Olok is a bit confusing, but pressing the wrong buttons doesn't have real consequences. Styrak needs some dps to beat the puppet. However, we 4 mand it back in 4.0, so that shoudln't be a real challenge.


Asation is a bit more difficult. You have 3 puppets (bosses 1, 2 and 4) and two bosses with mechanics. The Operator can be done with a bit of explanation, but Terror might be very tough, when you have bad healers. The challenging part there, is, to defeat the little energy spheres on time or heal through the sphere-enrage. Thats the only difficult mechanic in Asation.


On the next place, I would set Dread Fortress. We have 3 puppets (boss 1, 3 and 4) a little bit of mechanic on Draxus and quite some mechanic on Brontes (lightning fingers).


After that, I would place the ToS. We have just one puppet (boss 1). Some mechanics with carrying a bomb on second boss (that can be very difficult when you are the only person, who is familiar with the mechanic). The rage storm and the cross at Underlurker got nerfed pretty much, also the damage check got nerfed due new gearing and bolster, so this shouldn't be a real challenge. The Commanders also shoudln't be a problem at Storymode. Only Revan might be a problem due to its movement requirements. "Stay near the group" can't be any harder to follow than here.


So, we have left Dread Palace and Ravagers on the last level.

In my opinion, Ravagers isn't that difficult. However, Blaster&Master seems to be like a wall for pugs, because most of them are doing the mechanics wrong. The are first burning Blaster at 56%, than burning Master to hell and then wondering, why the orange circles are burning their asses. This is no dps lack, this is a wrong played mechanic. When you just spread out the damage a bit, this boss isn't a real problem. All other bosses are puppets.


On the other hand, we have Dread Palace, where you haven't any puppets. At Bestia, pug groups can be overrunned by adds. If your tanks aren't aware of Tyrans mechanics, he can also be a bit difficult. Calphayus can be failed on some group members not moving the the portals or not enough damage on crystals. Raputs might also a bit difficult.

The most challenging boss for pugs is the dread council, becaus you need at least 3 people knowing what they do: The one kiting Raptus, one of the healers and the one kiting Calphayus. You have 4 bosses active doing completely different mechanics - that are 5 bosses too much for pugs.


However, all in all, the adjective "difficult" has nothing to do with storymode ops. When you have problems with some bosses, maybe ask more experienced players. If you are the experienced one, it can be helpful to let your group members know this and offer help to the raid leader. Don't expect your group members to be as good as you.

So, there are three important things, which you have to know, when you are taking over a struggling pug sm-raid:

1. There is no damage check in storymode.

2. The mechanics are a joke.

3. HM and NiM-tactis are also working in storymode.

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Colonel Vorgath in EC could have a pretty tough dps check when it comes to the probe droids. They have a short enrage timer, I was in one group where we kept hitting enrage at 10 to 20% Edited by MrNihulus
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Here is a list of the toughest bosses in almost all sm operations in my opinion



1. The Fabricator Droid (for those who do not know puzzle)


1. Firebrand/Stormcaller

2. Colonel Vorgath

3. Kephess


1. Operator IX

2. Terror From Beyond


1. Cartel Warlords

2. Styrak


1. Draxus

2. Brontes


1. Calaphys

2. Raptus

3. The Dread Council


1. Bulo

2. Master and Blaster

3. Cortanni (usually at the Ruugar phase)


1. Storm Squadron

2. Underlurker

3. Revan

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Toborro one of the hardest? One of the most widely pugged boss back in the day, including HM.


Monolith is one of the hardest for sure though


I don't know about it being the hardest but I always felt it was one of the lazier ops.


I mean it's just a bigger version of a storyline boss, a storyline boss that is just a re-skin of a semi-common makeb enemy.


I tell ya as somebody who loves Hutts ROTHC was just full of disappointment and Toborro's courtyard was a prime example.

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SnV (big jump from EC)


ToS (big jump from DF)


Not listing EV for reasons everyone knows. Haven't done TfB, DP and Ravagers. Though I've heard that Ravagers is only slightly easier than ToS, TfB is somewhere between EC and SnV, DP somewhere around DF difficulty.

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1. The Fabricator Droid (for those who do not know puzzle)

There isn't a puzzle in Story Mode anymore though.


I'm surprised to see people ranking EV easier to KP. Mechanics are minimal and I've never seen a wipe that wasn't on a really, really horrible team. EV, I see Soa throw a lot of teams for a loop. I'd rank EV harder just because of him.

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There isn't a puzzle in Story Mode anymore though.


I'm surprised to see people ranking EV easier to KP. Mechanics are minimal and I've never seen a wipe that wasn't on a really, really horrible team. EV, I see Soa throw a lot of teams for a loop. I'd rank EV harder just because of him.

I'd probably rank KP easier than EV too. Too many people still fall of ledges and die going down to SOA.

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Karagga's is easiest. You can imagine my annoyance when the guild I used to be in would wipe on bosses even though most of them were in Tier 3 gear.

EV is easy but the puzzle can throw dummies for the loop.

After that, most of the raids in my personal opinion are more or less equal in difficulty. First boss of Explosive Conflict is easy but the others require paying attention. TFB is relatively easy but after some bullying from a PUG, I haven't done it in over a year. (I was new to raiding at the time.)

Scum and Villainy isn't too hard, but Orlok(sp?) also requires paying attention, and Styrak can give you issues.

Dread Palace, IMO, is easier than Dread Fortress. Anyone with a brain can follow tactics for Calphayus and Raptus. Draxus and Brontes are trouble.

And due to 1) my work schedule preventing me from joining the good guilds I'm in from trying it, and 2) most people demanding you having already cleared it before pugging, I haven't done TOS or RAV. I'm kinda eager to try Tyth though.

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Karagga's is easiest. You can imagine my annoyance when the guild I used to be in would wipe on bosses even though most of them were in Tier 3 gear.

EV is easy but the puzzle can throw dummies for the loop.

After that, most of the raids in my personal opinion are more or less equal in difficulty. First boss of Explosive Conflict is easy but the others require paying attention. TFB is relatively easy but after some bullying from a PUG, I haven't done it in over a year. (I was new to raiding at the time.)

Scum and Villainy isn't too hard, but Orlok(sp?) also requires paying attention, and Styrak can give you issues.

Dread Palace, IMO, is easier than Dread Fortress. Anyone with a brain can follow tactics for Calphayus and Raptus. Draxus and Brontes are trouble.

And due to 1) my work schedule preventing me from joining the good guilds I'm in from trying it, and 2) most people demanding you having already cleared it before pugging, I haven't done TOS or RAV. I'm kinda eager to try Tyth though.

You're right that TFB, S&V, DF and DP were quite equal in difficulty. Some harder bosses, some easier but in general the balanace was kept in check. However, Ravagers & TOS (and Monolith) were whole different story and one of the main reason for decline in Ops participation in 3.0 (and thus consequently the likely reason why BW thought it was no longer worth to invest in it). Both were massively overtuned in Story Mode at release and Bioware was super proud about it. The result? Endless wiping across most SM players (who make up for a huge majority of raiding 'population'), Bioware cancelling the timerun event and admitting that only a fraction ever bothered with TOS. Ravagers was eventually nerfed to an acceptable level and so were most TOS bosses. Underlurker is still overtuned though hence why groups (especially PUGs) continue to go with 5 dpses into TOS. Monolith (1-boss Ops on Ziost) released a few months later was Underlurker 2.0 and thus the playerbase at large quickly abandoned it. Far cry from Toborro's popularity back in 2.0 days which was properly balanced and you could get groups for it even in middle of night due to short time required.


Tyth is well balanced at launch. It's not the easiest of first bosses, but it's thankfully not the repeat of 3.0 nonsense that for some inexplicable reason aimed to overtune SM operations to appease... no one knows who. Certinately not majority casual raiding poopulation and not NiM raiders either because they don't (or rather, shouldn't) care about difficulty of SM Ops.

Edited by Pietrastor
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I pug SM ops a lot, and in my experience, difficulty is more to do with the group itself than the op.

I've seen not-so-good groups make supposedly easy fights painfully hard, and I've seen very good groups smash through supposedly harder fights without breaking a sweat.

That said, I play on Harbinger, and pugging ops on Harb can be a very mixed bag at times.


EV is a funny one, it's really quite easy, but I see groups get tripped up on certain fights all the time. Usually on HM, oddly enough, SM runs tend to be smoother. The Pylons and the Council are the main offenders, closely followed by Soa, though I have seen a couple of wipes due to enrage on the first and second bosses.

Pylons - usually goes pear shaped because clicking a console is too hard, for some reason. As is not pulling every damn cat in the instance. Grrr.

Council - not so much the fight itself, just people not knowing their classes very well and being unable to kill their target, or getting killed by their target in the healers case, thus screwing the whole thing.

Soa - Well, if it isn't people falling to their death, it's the lightning balls, and if it isn't the lightning balls, it's mind traps, and if it isn't mind traps, it's an issue with the pillars at the bottom. In fact, I once saw a tank struggle so badly to position Soa where he needed to be, that we actually ran out of pillars. Between enrage and mindtraps, we'd lost most of the group by that point, but still, that was really sad.


KP, I've never seen many issues with. The odd enrage here and there, or total failure to cope with Sorno's unloads, but otherwise mostly trouble-free.


EC is a bit polarizing, the first and last bosses normally don't cause any problems, but the minefield is a pug graveyard. Fire and Storm can also be a stumbling block, mostly due to lightning kiting issues.


TFB has a couple of potentially tough bosses for first-timers/less experienced people, but is otherwise staightforward. Op IX's colour mechanices almost always confuse someone, though once it's been explained and experienced, it's usually not an issue. Last boss tends to get people with all the platforms and unlimited range, yet having to stand on the same platform as whatever you're dps'ing. Then there's the irregularities, which are always a fun source of wiping.

On a side note, I saw a group wipe on Kephess once, believe it or not. How we got past Op IX and then managed to wipe on Kephess boggles my mind, it really does.


SnV - Styrak is really the only sticking point here, though I have seen a couple of enrage wipes on the first and second bosses, and the Cartel Warlords. Those are fairly uncommon, though I must admit I've only done a handful of SnV runs in recent times.


DF - as others have mentioned, Draxus and Brontes get the better of more than a few pugs. Adds on Draxus, the Corruptors casting Afflication in particular. To be fair though, knowing where and when they appear takes a few goes to memorize. And just mechanics in general on Brontes. Can almost bet your house that at least one person will get killed by the lightning reaches and/or the lightning during the clock phase. The six fingers two hands bit can often be trouble as well, simply because people can't follow instructions and stack on a damn finger like they were told. I've lost count of how many times I've ended up having to kill all 3 fingers on my side, and sometimes even fingers across the other side, because people were running around doing God only knows what.

On another side note, Nefra also causes the occasional headache when one of the tanks doesn't understand what 'stand next to the other tank' means.


DP - a bit like KP for me, in that I've never seen much trouble here. The odd botch of mechanics here and there from time to time, but generally fairly smooth. I can understand how some groups might struggle in places, though, there's a few things that are easy to screw up if you aren't paying attention. I have seen a few deaths in that regard, but not much that has caused a wipe. Well, except maybe for being too slow killing the second phase, left side crystals on Calph.


Rav - Master & Blaster seem to be the only real obstacle here, most groups generally clear the other bosses without too many issues, though mistakes can/do happen on Bulo/Torque/Ruugar. Tanking Master is usually where the trouble lies, either the fire spin not getting kited or the Ion beam not getting eaten without killing the tank. I'm not a big fan of Rav, so I actually don't run it very often.


ToS - probably the most pug-unfriendly op. Between Rapid Fire, aoe circles, running the bombs, potential enrage if they aren't killed close together, and the shield on Unit 1, the walkers are quite capable of causing wipes. Underlurker we all know about, so not much I can say there. I've seen the Commanders trip up a few groups, but that hasn't happened often, normally any group which clears Lurker will handle the Commanders with too much trouble.

I've never seen a group wipe on Revan though, which may or not be strange, I'm not sure. Despite all the wipes I've been part of in ToS, every time I've ever fought Revan, we got through it first go.


Tyth - my experience pugging Tyth so far has been largely trouble free. No wipes yet, but as someone mentioned earlier in the thread, some dps in some groups have tunnel vision for the boss and totally ignore the adds, which isn't ideal, but isn't ragequit-inducing either.

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Council - not so much the fight itself, just people not knowing their classes very well and being unable to kill their target, or getting killed by their target in the healers case, thus screwing the whole thing.


It's been a while since I healed EV, but usually when I do, I field respec to a DPS discipline I know, usually Gunnery/Arsenal or Lightning. That way the boss actually dies. Plus there are utilities you can take to make yourself more durable.


I mean, I guess if I was told "don't respec" I wouldn't but...

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I tried to look on this question from a different angel. Most of the time, when I am in a certain raid, I am the raidlead. So, the question should be: Where are the mechanics so complicated, that I am not able to carry the people through the op or make them playing the mechanics?


Answering this question, Tyth can easily be done and explained. When you think you are a skilled player and your group is wiping at Tyth SM, you should maybe ask yourself, if you couldn't have done more.


So, in this case we have some complex mechanics on certain bosses and operations.

The easiest mechanics can be found in EV SM. The first two bosses are just puppets, the third boss is no boss ("just turn it left") the infernal council is a joke and on Soa, when s.o. dies, he dies on fall damage.

On the same level of easiness, you have KP. All bosses are puppets. Some Add-Groups might be more challenging then some bosses.


After that, I would place S&V. Most of the bosses are puppets. Maybe Olok is a bit confusing, but pressing the wrong buttons doesn't have real consequences. Styrak needs some dps to beat the puppet. However, we 4 mand it back in 4.0, so that shoudln't be a real challenge.


Asation is a bit more difficult. You have 3 puppets (bosses 1, 2 and 4) and two bosses with mechanics. The Operator can be done with a bit of explanation, but Terror might be very tough, when you have bad healers. The challenging part there, is, to defeat the little energy spheres on time or heal through the sphere-enrage. Thats the only difficult mechanic in Asation.


On the next place, I would set Dread Fortress. We have 3 puppets (boss 1, 3 and 4) a little bit of mechanic on Draxus and quite some mechanic on Brontes (lightning fingers).


After that, I would place the ToS. We have just one puppet (boss 1). Some mechanics with carrying a bomb on second boss (that can be very difficult when you are the only person, who is familiar with the mechanic). The rage storm and the cross at Underlurker got nerfed pretty much, also the damage check got nerfed due new gearing and bolster, so this shouldn't be a real challenge. The Commanders also shoudln't be a problem at Storymode. Only Revan might be a problem due to its movement requirements. "Stay near the group" can't be any harder to follow than here.


So, we have left Dread Palace and Ravagers on the last level.

In my opinion, Ravagers isn't that difficult. However, Blaster&Master seems to be like a wall for pugs, because most of them are doing the mechanics wrong. The are first burning Blaster at 56%, than burning Master to hell and then wondering, why the orange circles are burning their asses. This is no dps lack, this is a wrong played mechanic. When you just spread out the damage a bit, this boss isn't a real problem. All other bosses are puppets.


On the other hand, we have Dread Palace, where you haven't any puppets. At Bestia, pug groups can be overrunned by adds. If your tanks aren't aware of Tyrans mechanics, he can also be a bit difficult. Calphayus can be failed on some group members not moving the the portals or not enough damage on crystals. Raputs might also a bit difficult.

The most challenging boss for pugs is the dread council, becaus you need at least 3 people knowing what they do: The one kiting Raptus, one of the healers and the one kiting Calphayus. You have 4 bosses active doing completely different mechanics - that are 5 bosses too much for pugs.


However, all in all, the adjective "difficult" has nothing to do with storymode ops. When you have problems with some bosses, maybe ask more experienced players. If you are the experienced one, it can be helpful to let your group members know this and offer help to the raid leader. Don't expect your group members to be as good as you.

So, there are three important things, which you have to know, when you are taking over a struggling pug sm-raid:

1. There is no damage check in storymode.

2. The mechanics are a joke.

3. HM and NiM-tactis are also working in storymode.


I agree with everything you said, but you forgot one op...EC So I will fill in that blank for you.


In SM EC none of the bosses are what I would consider to be "puppets" based on my interpretation of your meaning; all of the bosses have mechanics that need to be observed or the PuG will wipe. That said, Toth and Zorn are as "puppet" as you can get without them being a puppet boss: take one to 15% to 10%, switch and kill the other, kill the first, burn the extra. SC&FB can kill a PuG, the damage output is not bad, but it still can kill if players are not careful. Vorgath, someone has to know how to navigate the minefield, preferably a tank. On Kephess people will die if they are not careful.

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In my opinion for 5.2.1 easiest to hardest SM ops are (really the only two that are hard are Rav and ToS)


EV/KP (tied for the easiest spot)

Valley of the Machine Gods (where tyth is the only boss and its pretty easy as of right now pending to change)

SnV (it may be longer but the bosses are relatively easy)

TFB (the finally boss makes you a bit disorientated if its your first time but easy)

EC (Man i love the F'ed up game of minesweeper also this requires you to frame split the first two bosses so for newbies it can be difficult)

DF/DP (really these two just blend together as 1 operation which is why i don't have them separated)


Now the above operations are pretty close together for their spots, but these two are more difficult then those.


Temple of Sacrifice (the walkers are challenging a bit, but what fits the spot is the underlurker, if you arent standing in the designated areas your group will take hefty damage)


Ravagers (the hardest SM ops imo, the boss responsible for this is Master and Blaster, it can be a pain in the butt. if you dont run to one section on platform you die, if your not the tank and get to close to master, your nearly dead, if you dont spread out a bit with the bombs, your cruising for a bruising)

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