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5.2 Arsenal Merc.PvP Guide


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Nice thread, LOL!


For some fun I've been running unranked on a Commando from time to time. I don't even TRY I just walk around slaughtering everyone on the enemy team. Sorc? Dead. Sin? Dead. Sniper (teensy bit harder but, dead), and on and on.


It kind of ruins the idea of having to struggle or have any challenge but what the hell, I am on the Merc/Mando Wagon of Glory now! LOL



Edit: almost forgot, running it all in 204/208 green gear, because why would I need better? LOL

Edited by jenlen
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This misclick can throw off your whole rotation.


Just keybind your faceroll to your rotation and then you can play in your sleep and use the keyboard as a pillow to power lvl your CXP farming to max lvl 😎

Edited by Icykill_
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  • 2 weeks later...
Another tread of ppl whining about merc being op. Every class can be op if you know how to play it. Heal sorc are op, operatives are op , sins are op and a lot more but sure let's whine about mercs being op and attack them while they reflect then post on forums to feel better
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Another tread of ppl whining about merc being op. Every class can be op if you know how to play it. Heal sorc are op, operatives are op , sins are op and a lot more but sure let's whine about mercs being op and attack them while they reflect then post on forums to feel better

There's always one party pooper. :(


Lighten up, this is the one thread that is less about whining more about giggling of the absurd power of merc abilitys. Do you need a snickers? Your not you when your hungry.... get it? "snicker"s? ok ok that was cheesy.

Edited by Seterade
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I don't see absurd powers of mercs. Their powers are as much absurd as snipers 70% slow aoe spam, sorc healers who can outheal dps or tanks who can self heal and are untouchable. There will be always class which is top tier atm. Instead of complaining it's better to learn how to play since most of ppl who do that are the same ones who attack mercs on reflect or try to cc a full resolve enemy
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Mercs and snipers clearly have overpowered defensives atm. There's literally no way around that. In my opinion, their damage is fine, they just need a defensives rework.


When a class is so easy, you get bored due to lack of challenge, it's overpowered.

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As you could see in the roadmap, our beloved mercs will finally receive some treatment in a few months.


Haters gonna hate but this is not about the nerfs that those minority who doesn't play merc is crying for.


We will receive our long needed buffs to escapes and dmg.


According to some dataminers, rocket out will now not boost you backwards but boost you 20 meters up in the air, where you stay for 10 seconds to shoot your enemies from there and win acid in arenas.


IO, being far behind arsenal, will be brought in line with arsenal damage-output and difficulty. Therefor all damage-abilties will be removed and a new ability, "eternal flamethrower" will be granted at level one.


Eternal flamethrower is casted over 99 seconds, has no coowldown and does 6-8k dmg every seconds to all enemies in 20 meters range in front of you (and below you). Targets effected by eternal flamethrower start to burn for 10 seconds, suffering additional 2,000 damage every second. If wearing two blasters, eternal flamethrower can not be interrupted and ignores all damage-reducing effects. Eternal flamethrower can be casted while moving and you become immune to knock-downs and pushbacks during the cast-time.


Also electro net will be reworked since some marauders discovered a bug, where electronets damage would be decreased by undying rage, when standing still.


Now electro net will ignore all damage-resisting abilities including force shroud as intended.

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I was searching the internet for a good 5.2 Arsenal Merc PvP Guide but I couldn't find one. So I just started to play Merc and write my own:


1.) Utilities:


70% Kolto, Energy Shield heal and reduced cooldown of Energy Shield. Thats important. The other utilities can be chosen randomly, they don't really matter that much.


2.) Gear:


You should get some gear at least. The item level doesn't really matter. Setbonus is nice for higher lulz but not necessary. Make sure you don't use tank stats. Maybe put a crystal in your mainhand, that could be helpful.


3.) Rotation:


The Mercs rotation is quite unique since it doesn't require any keybinding. I suggest you to pull electronet, heatseeker missile, tracer missile, railshot and missile blast in your quickbar and now just randomly click the abilities that are not grey'ed out. Do it so that you don't waste a gcd. If something is blinking in gold, thats like a bonus you can click on.

For people who still want to keybind (lol): just bind those abilities on keys that are close to eachother and now smash your hands on the keyboard every 1,5 seconds. Will lead to quite good results.


4.) Training:


Before you start to go ranked on your fresh reroll you should do like one or two regular warzones to get comfortable with this class.

Iam a merc,and after reading your guide i wonder why we need keyboard?Iam doing pretty well only with mouse.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...


I was searching the internet for a good 5.2 Arsenal Merc PvP Guide but I couldn't find one. So I just started to play Merc and write my own:


1.) Utilities:


70% Kolto, Energy Shield heal and reduced cooldown of Energy Shield. Thats important. The other utilities can be chosen randomly, they don't really matter that much.


2.) Gear:


You should get some gear at least. The item level doesn't really matter. Setbonus is nice for higher lulz but not necessary. Make sure you don't use tank stats. Maybe put a crystal in your mainhand, that could be helpful.


3.) Rotation:


The Mercs rotation is quite unique since it doesn't require any keybinding. I suggest you to pull electronet, heatseeker missile, tracer missile, railshot and missile blast in your quickbar and now just randomly click the abilities that are not grey'ed out. Do it so that you don't waste a gcd. If something is blinking in gold, thats like a bonus you can click on.

For people who still want to keybind (lol): just bind those abilities on keys that are close to eachother and now smash your hands on the keyboard every 1,5 seconds. Will lead to quite good results.


4.) Training:


Before you start to go ranked on your fresh reroll you should do like one or two regular warzones to get comfortable with this class.


Glad I came upon this pool of wisdom for merc DPS! I true guide that all mercs ought to read, old and new!

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Guides are always a good thing, they help with the theorycrafting and other purposes, but when it comes to pvp most of the never take into account the human element and focus on builds, rotations, and talents to maximize the theory.


This is great, its what they should do, but it lacks what is to me perhaps the most important element of PVP, the human element, for me this cannot be overstated in PVP. People dont play like NPCs, things can be unpredictable, theory is often not the same as reality. Anticipation, reaction, misdirection... all things that often throw all the theory right out the window.


For example, most guides on a Merc will tell you missile blast or explosive dart are not rotation skills and should not be used, heck even fusion missile in most cases. These are all things i disagree with pending who i am fighting, what they are doing, even how much health they have or if they have used thier breaker/vanish. There have been many fights where the use of these things have been more critical than any rotation.


Im no pro, there are many far far better than me, but my advise is always find a merc or any other class whos game play you like or respect or just find hard to kill and talk to them. Use the guides as the basis of class understanding, learn to use the human element and you're PvP experience will improve greatly.

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