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Hood/Mask issue


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I agree with this. It makes me sick that this hasn't been re-implemented yet.

There is no reason they can't make it a toggle if they think it will bother people.


If there is one thing in this game that still bothers me its this.


It'd be nice to at least see a dev post to know they actually care and have seen that people want this.

Edited by NoreoX
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Hang on to your old gear is all I can say. Wardrobe has to come at some point, like every other good idea from other games. If they had made the gear good in the first place with a bit of variety then it would have been OK. Sadly the jedi means playing in a potato sack. Gotta be the crappiest gear ever in a game. The designers obviously never played the game cus they would have soon gotten sick of seeing there sacks from behind..... Hoods and capes should toggle off and a Jedi should be able to wear just pants and top..... and way way more variety.


Trouble is all your clothes appear on the cut scenes and this may be the issue.

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but in game cut scenes use whatever you are wearing anyway so that shouldn't be a problem, heck there are still issues with my character pretending to wave a gun or miming holding a lightsaber anyway.


but yes, this SHOULD eventually get fixed so i'm still hoping i can put up my hood over my Kallig mask.

Hopefully the hood gets added just like the hide/show head slot. I missed out on saber marshal robes so i'm hoping the flat hood on my dark acolyte gear can be put up.

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Along with the unified colors, being able to wear a mask under my hood were the most awesome things from the beta weekends that i played as far as my Character's appearence went, I thought they were 2 awesome features.


Now that BioWare has enabled the Unify Colors (YAY!! :DD) it would be great if they also added a separate hood toggle and helmet toggle.

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This is so necessary. It would be awsome hood over any kind of mask (except those will lots of fluff, mostly endgame headgear). But for respirator-esque and masks... please. They look weird without hood, awsome with. Just give us a third toggle: Hide Hood, for clipping and/or personal preferences. But just give us that option. Malgus, Revan, they all have it...
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  • 2 weeks later...

The deliberate design limitations put in place by this game never cease to amaze me.


I fully support any and all options that give paying customers more options in their customisation of characters.


If a customer wishes to have a facemask and a hood for them and companions, let them select this.

If they want to have a hood toggle for them and companions, create the toggle.

If they want to hide the companion head slot or unify companion colours, make it happen.

If they want to select the hue or colours for the colour unify system, why isn't it in place?


Obviously development takes time, but I'd like to know how features like this weren't seen as important, given the number of paying customers who like to customise characters in online games.

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but in game cut scenes use whatever you are wearing anyway so that shouldn't be a problem, heck there are still issues with my character pretending to wave a gun or miming holding a lightsaber anyway.


but yes, this SHOULD eventually get fixed so i'm still hoping i can put up my hood over my Kallig mask.

Hopefully the hood gets added just like the hide/show head slot. I missed out on saber marshal robes so i'm hoping the flat hood on my dark acolyte gear can be put up.


I levelled a shadow for a bit of fun and find myself in most cut scenes executing people with a none existent single light saber as whoever did the animation didn't think someone may have a pole saber.


The Revan style helmets of the imperial Battlemaster/Champ/Recruit/Centurion etc seem to work with a hood up and I've also seen the Traditional Demicot Headgear (sp) work with a hood, but not sure if it works with all hooded stuff.



The black hole JK gear hood stay up when you use masks and helmets but the helm will clip through :(


Maybe this is why the above mask worked, I think the guy I saw with that mask and hood had the Blackhole Inquis robe.

Edited by JohraTon
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  • 4 weeks later...
It is really dumb that this was removed. I had no clipping issues with it. Funny thing is that I made my character with the exact same features and where there was no clipping with mask/hood there is now clipping with just a hood. How does that work?
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Revan with his 'helmet' and many other helmets in game without hood lokks simply ridiculous!


Strange thing that at early start and beta, everything worked fine! Such feature is must-have for SWTOR. It is really much cooler with mask and a hood!

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